Chapter 85:

Name:I've Become a Genius Actor Author:
Chapter 85:

As soon as Director Jang Jaeyi received the call from Chairman Jang, she dashed out of the gym.

Consequently, she ended up going to work in her training clothes, but that wasn't the pressing matter at hand.

[Exclusive] Did Han Yooil Have a Friction with a Fan? Police Investigation Confirmed

Grinding her teeth, Jang Jaeyi ignited the car's engine.

The PR team checked, and it seemed the police officials were clueless.

Apparently, a reporter who had sneaked in thought it was a good item and someone hastily grabbed it.

It's possible they didn't inform JJ Entertainment from the start because it was nothing significant.

This is annoying.

Jang Jaeyis large eyes sharpened.

She disliked being told she resembled her brother. Yet, there were undeniable moments, especially when she was angry.

Who the heck is it?

JJ Entertainment was connected with most media outlets. There were no particularly bad relationships.

However, if they managed to release the article this quietly

It's definitely an entertainment company.

She needed to find out who started the meddling.

The article didnt take long to reach the top ranks on portals.

The online communities were already abuzz.

Did Han Yooil really get investigated by the police? (Article Link)

[(Article Screenshot)

Link in the comments]


Friction with a fan..?

If it led to an investigation, isn't that serious? How are the fans holding up..?


[I had a bad feeling from the start..]

It really seemed like a viral stunt by the company

Kang Hyesung really lives up to the nickname

As expected of the doom-bringer;;

I dont know, what's that?

All the male actors that Kang Hyesung works with end up ruined


This is irritating..

[The bad-feeling sommeliers have arrivedTalking nonsense without knowing what's going on]

For real.. Nothing's been confirmed yet, stop speculating

This is so frustrating..

The community was a mix of worried, amused, and frustrated individuals.

Jang Jaeyi opened the office door. The key staff members had already finished preparing for the meeting.

"But in this case, isnt Mr. Yooil the victim Will it be a problem?"

It wasn't a wrong statement.

The issue was the article.

"The problem is that its already controversial for Mr. Yooil."

They hoped the actor would quietly move past it, but the outcome was the opposite.

Above all, they were worried about Han Yooil.

"Has Mr. Yooil not been reached yet?"

"He's not responding For now, Mr. Woojin is heading to his house."

* * *

Meanwhile, at Han Yooil's studio apartment.

Unaware that everyone was frantically looking for him, Yooil had just entered his second background immersion.

He had a reason for consecutive immersions.New novel chapters are published at

The final shooting of <The Sun and the Moon> was tomorrow, and it was the last scene involving Yooil, the highlight of the drama featuring the fight between Lee Bin and Yoo Kwon.

I practiced the moves at the action school, but

It still wasnt enough.

Focusing on the movements, his emotions kept collapsing.

Fortunately, thanks to Yooil getting the hang of background immersion, its duration had been gradually increasing.

Starting Background Immersion for Scene 19 of Episode 12.

* * *

Yooil slowly opened his eyes.

A chilly wind brushed his face, and the air vibrated with the stench of blood.

Around him, corpses lay in a ghastly display.

Lee Bin Prince Seongwon approached him.

Why make such a choice?

His face seemed genuinely regretful.

Contempt naturally surfaced on Yoo Kwon's face.

You'll never understand.

Being born as a noblemans illegitimate child meant walking a predestined path, trudging along from start to finish.

Were currently contacting all the media outlets that are spreading the articles like wildfire. It wont be long before they disappear from the portal sites. Well file lawsuits against the media outlets that published malicious articles.

Chairman Jangs lips curled up as he said, We have plenty of money and time, so no worries.

However, an unexpected event occurred.

Just a few minutes before the statement prepared by JJ Entertainment was to be released, an anonymous post appeared.

It was a post that could change the course of events.

I am the person involved in the Han Yooil-related articles. I apologize.

[I started being a fan after watching a drama featuring Actor Han Yooil a few months ago]

The post was very long.

To summarize, the writer claimed they accidentally learned Han Yooils home address, entered his home, and now deeply regretted their actions.

Of course, the community started buzzing as if they were waiting for it.

When the agencys statement was also posted, the atmosphere shifted dramatically.

In just a few hours, the controversy surrounding Yooil, which wasnt even a controversy, vanished, leaving only a trace.

* * *

It was suspicious from the start, blah blah < If only it really disappeared

[It was just half a day, but I almost died of anxiety How can someone be turned into a criminal in an instant; Im so done with people here, seriously]

Seriously My heart was racing

I have all the assault accusations saved as PDFs, ready for a lawsuit^^

Really I knew it

Not just the people on the forums

[Breaking and entering;; Is Han Yooil okay mentally?]

Exactly.. during the busiest time, he didn't show any signs of stress Ha

I hope he didn't take it too much to heart It's really upsetting

Why would they do this to someone who was trying to quietly move past it

Humanity, crispy and burnt..

I really hope Han Yooil stays strong..

More than anything

[Im relieved we can peacefully watch The Sun and the Moon I was really scared]

Seriously, can't wait to watch The Sun and the Moon

The final shooting ends today

Heart racing..

Is everything settled now?

Yooil closed the window showing the reactions and looked out of the car window. The familiar filming set was coming into view.

He was on his way to the last shooting of <The Sun and the Moon>.

As soon as he arrived, the makeup team looked at him with eyes full of concern.

Actor is it really the last day?

Im going to miss it

Yooil finished his makeup while taking various selfies with the staff.

After the makeup, there was news waiting for Yooil.

Today, Kang Hyesung is delayed due to personal reasons so we might need to adjust the shooting schedule a bit. We appreciate your understanding.

Yooil nodded in response.

So, the shooting will be delayed a bit.

Yes It seems so

As the youngest staff member stuttered, Yooil gave a gentle smile.

Thats okay. I like waiting. I have to work on my assignments anyway.

Excuse me?

Classes have started.

The staff member, disoriented by the topsy-turvy schedule, thought he heard wrong.

But when Yooil pulled out a laptop from his bag and proved his point, the staff members eyes widened in astonishment.

Youre attending school now?!

Seeing the astonished face of the staff, Yooil gave a sheepish smile.

He had seriously considered taking a leave of absence, but it seemed better to graduate sooner rather than later.

As Yooil sat in his chair with his name on it, writing a report for the general education course <Humanity and History>, someone flopped into the chair next to him.

It was Lee Bohee, who was about to enter shooting soon.

Hello, senior.

Ah, ah. Yes. Yooil Mr. Yooil.

Lee Bohee looked quite flustered.

After glancing around for a while, she suddenly spoke.

Im sorry.

Startled by the unexpected apology, Yooil looked puzzled. Lee Bohee raised her hand as if to scratch her head.

Then realizing that the makeup team had spent a good deal of time on her hair, she clenched her fist in the air.

Damn, I should have just said everything earlier. I didnt because I wasnt sure.

What are you talking about

As Han Yooil looked at her bewilderedly, Lee Bohee bit her lip and continued.

Did you hear about the thing with Kang Hyesung?

Dropping the term oppa, Lee Bohee began with a serious expression.

The doom-bringer.