If she takes hostages outside, she will be safe. But in the secret way, besides these people, their biggest enemy is monsters.

Those monsters don't care if you have hostages. They are all the same ingredients anyway

But it's totally different from other people's concept that they don't fight and keep alert all the time. That's the reason why xiyanliu hates it.

Since her debut, none of the men nuns she met have been played with applause by her. This is the first time that she has been forced to such a level by a man - a man more beautiful than her!

"What are you going to do?" Xiyanliu stared at Weiqing and asked in a poor voice.

Wei Qing keeps a haughty look (for outsiders, he usually looks like this): "Ziyan is worried about your injury. In order to prevent the next battle, let me" protect "you!" He also stressed the word "protect".

"Thank you so much!" Xiyanliu squeezed this sentence out of his teeth. Just watch and protect your fart! I'm afraid I have some moves. You have to fight me first!

"You're welcome!" Wei Qing's face even a little expression is owe to worship, almost didn't say clearly 'know to less trouble for labor'.

Lehu noticed the conversation between the two men and slowed down. He hesitated for a moment, or leaned over, walked beside Wei Qing and asked casually, "what are you doing here?"

When Wei Qing turned his head, his expressionless face turned into a smiling face. He smiled and said, "Ziyan is afraid that this woman is dishonest. Let me look at her."

It's not far away from me. I can hear the clear xiyanliu: At this moment, she realized!

(╯`╯╯╯╯┻╥┻╥┻┻┻┻┻┻┻ι┻ιιιιι! necessary! A group of dog men!

Yes, xiyanliu has discovered the truth of these smelly men!

No wonder no one is pitying for her, no wonder this group of people turn a blind eye to her appearance, so all these guys like men!

(Xia Rongsheng, Mao Damao suddenly has a pain in his knee...)


Xi Yanliu snorts coldly, suddenly turns his face to one side, a group of fools who like men! It's normal for people like this not to appreciate women's tenderness!

Wei Qing glanced at the woman, puzzled by her sudden cold attitude.

But he didn't care too much. The woman was under their control. I don't think she could play any tricks.

"That's it." Xia Rongsheng's words attracted people's attention.

Xu Ziyan looked up and saw that the rock wall that blocked their way was indeed covered with a thick layer of stone, and where one of the stones had been stripped by Xia Rongsheng, there was a very smooth material.

Xu Ziyan walked over and touched it. The material radiated a kind of lustrous light. It felt like jade, but the feeling of greasiness was not right.

Xu Ziyan walked over and touched it. The material radiated a kind of lustrous light. It felt like jade, but the feeling of greasiness was not right.

"Zi Rong, come and have a look." Xu Ziyan didn't find traces of the array on it, but there was Xu Zirong, an expert in the array, who might be able to see the way.

Xu Zilong came forward and reached out to touch the jade colored rock wall gently. His fingertips spread like ripples and soon covered the whole rock wall.

"There is no array." Xu Zirong said softly.

"Let me see." Wei Qing looks at the strange jade cliff, and his expression is very strange. It seems that the treasure that brings you the fluctuation of spiritual power is hidden behind the cliff. But for some reason, Wei Qing feels that he has a kind of inexplicable feeling about the cliff.

All the people stood aside and let Wei Qing come forward. Lehu took the initiative to top his position, and a pair of tigers stared at xiyanliu without blinking.

Xiyanliu: Nima, a group of dog men!

Wei Qing's fingers caressed the rock wall gently, feeling the greasy touch, and his heart suddenly rose a sense of regret.

"Uncle Mengxian..." Wei Qing's expression was astonished, and he could feel a breath of Uncle Mengxian from the stone wall.

"Free?" Xu Ziyan was stunned for a moment, and then he came back. Isn't that the ancestor of Wei that they met in the secret chamber of Shenlong island? This place has something to do with him? "He left it?"

Wei Qing shook his head gently: "I don't know. I just feel uncle Mengxian's breath from the stone wall, but nothing else."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, "anyway, clean up the stone wall first, maybe there will be other clues on it."

Wei Qing nodded in silence. The strange things in the labyrinth and the stone walls with the smell of Uncle Mengxian are all extremely strange. Especially these places are all related to the Wei family, which not only makes his heart very uneasy.

It was confirmed that there were no traps around, so the stone wall was cleaned up very quickly. Several people started to work together. However, the real appearance of the stone wall was revealed by the tea skill.White lustre like streamer in the stone wall upstream, when you chase the past, but can not find the source of the light.

The whole stone wall is closely connected with the surrounding rock wall. If the color difference is not large, no one can see that there is such a huge stone wall here.

"Fengshenyan......" When the whole stone wall came out, Wei Qing's expression became extremely complex. He murmured to himself, except for the three words of fengshenyan, everything else was submerged in the silent low murmur.

"Fengshenyan?" Xu Ziyan looks at him.

"Yes." "It's said that this was once the most precious treasure of the Wei family's ancestors, even comparable to the level of the immortal," Wei Qing said

"Ever?" Xu Zirong's ear tip discovers the loopholes in Wei Qing's words.

"Yes It was once... " Wei Qing gently stroked the cliff, as if remembering something: "in the records of the Wei family, the Fengshen rock seems to have been taken to the fairyland by Uncle Mengxian, how could it..."

"Can you open it?" Xu Zirong doesn't care what the records of the Wei family are. After two years of experience, he knows that many aristocratic families will beautify themselves in some matters. It doesn't matter how the Wei family records it. Now the most important thing is how to open the stone wall, then get the five elements treasure, and finally escape here.

"I think it should be ok..." Wei Qing nodded and raised his hand to cut his palm.

The bright red blood gushed out, and Wei Qing waved on the stone wall, and then the white stone wall was stained with a trace of blood, and then gradually faded, and finally disappeared in the stone wall.

Boom, boom

After several loud noises, the stone wall moved away slowly, revealing a dark passage.

A group of people entered the passageway warily, walked out the door far away, then suddenly opened up, as if entering a huge cave.

Wei Qing released two fire dragons for lighting. However, he did not expect that the fire dragon would scream twice as soon as it ascended into the sky.

Then, after a few muffled sounds, dozens of long bright lights were lit in the cave. The continuous fire light made the whole cave shining perfectly. The people standing at the door saw the scene in the cave, and could not help but take a breath of cool air.

At the top of the cave is a patchwork of bell milk, and at the bottom is a dense stalagmite.

They are standing on a slightly protruding platform, and a huge icicle stands in front of them several tens of feet away.

The icicle is cone-shaped, with dozens of people around it. If you don't look carefully, it's like a large stalagmite. What shocked them was that there was a very handsome man in this huge ice pillar.

The man has a long body, white clothes and black hair. He holds a black heavy sword in his hand. There are even a few drops of bright red blood on the tip of the sword.

From his body, he sent out a very strong wave, which was different from that across the stone wall. At this time, the wave was very clear. Almost everyone felt the strong force of five elements.

"This is Who? " Xia Rongsheng looks at the man in shock. Obviously the other side closed his eyes, or even died, but he felt a great deal of pressure from the other side, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"I don't know..." Wei Qing is also at a loss. He has never read or typed any records about this man in the family records.

"We What to do? " Lehu grabs the head. At first, their purpose is to send out the treasure with strong five element force. Now, it seems that the thing is put on the man.

It's not clear what it is, but if you want to get it, you need to get the man out first.

But the question is - how?

It's not easy to see the huge icicle. It's a huge problem for these people to break the icicle and get men out.

"Let me try first." Wei Qing is the only fire spirit root here. Naturally, he is the first one who should not let go.

He released nine fire dragons in one breath, forming a Kowloon fire array. The huge icicle was surrounded by nine fire dragons. The fire dragons were flying up and down, continuously spewing high-temperature flames.

Such a scene lasted for a long time, but the icicle did not even show signs of melting, let alone melting.

"No way!" Wei Qing takes back the fire dragon and releases nine fire dragons at the same time. It's a great burden for him to stick to one hour.

"Who else can do it?" Xu Ziyan looked around, but other people's faces were helpless.

"It's not easy." Xu Ziyan rubbed his hands and saw that the good things were in the icicle, but he just couldn't get them, which was really annoying.

"I'll do it." Xu Zirong suddenly said, and then regardless of the people's surprised eyes, released three blood beasts at the same time, and then use the blood fog of these blood beasts to cover the huge icicle.

"Blood line?" Xia Rongsheng frowned without trace.Blood magic has always been a very controversial category. Generally speaking, because blood magic is mostly based on blood, it is classified as magic by many people. Now it is made by a disciple of Liuguang sect - Xia Rongsheng's expression is slightly subtle.

The author has something to say: Hey hey New people Although it's a passer-by

Thank you to the following readers:

liuyunlike threw a mine throw time: 2014-12-0711:46:29

14233793 threw a mine throw time: 2014-12-0700:12:07

14233793 threw a mine