Chapter 1115 Grand Dao’s Goal

Chapter 1115 Grand Dao's Goal

1115 Grand Dao's Goal

Chen Tong's words allowed Wang Wei to verify many of his theories or speculations about the history of the Chaos Universe and the possible evolution of cultivation. He even learned a few new things. However, he still lacked vital information; luckily, this was a great opportunity with a Paragon before him.

"I once theorized that in the early stages of the Paragon Age, before the Heaven Will System, the Old Era Paragons were a combination of the Immortal and Dao Path, and they had to understand Innate, Primordial, and Grand Dao Source to reach the world's peak. Is that true?"

"Yes, you're right," nodded Chen Tong. "Those Old Era Paragons were scary despite only being capable of borrowing the power of the Grand Dao Source. However, the vast energy inside their bodies was truly astronomical."

"You've met some of them?"

"Yeah. There are many still alive," explained Chen Tong. "They are stubborn and refuse to accept this new "easy" path; they often call us soft and weak - claiming that we have it easy."

"I'm surprised," replied Wang Wei. "I thought they would be extinct - either through natural process or by Grand Dao's elimination."

"No, they are still here. There is a powerful sect called the Origin Dao Sect in a normal source Chaos World called the Ancient Qi World that only cultivates that system. They controlled that entire world and are renowned in Primordial Chaos." Chen Tong suddenly shook his head.

"Bad memory?" asked Wang Wei

"These guys are annoying to deal with, especially the old and ancient ones who have existed since the beginning of the Paragon Age," Cheng Tong explained, not hiding his annoyance as he remembered his experience.

Wang Wei did not need to meet these people to realize their personality: obdurate, inflexible, and clinging to past glory. In other words, the kind of people no one wishes to deal with.

"How does their system work? Do they become Immortal Venerable at Tier 10 or Dao Ancestor? But each choice seemed to cause problems."

"It's more like they become Immortal Venerables and Primarchs."

"They condensed Innate Laws?"

Chen Tong nodded, "Correct. Then, while continuing to gather Immortal Qi, they understand Innate Laws, followed by Primordial Laws, before understanding the Grand Dao Source."

Assuming that Acquired Life appeared in the universe after the Lost Age - specifically, when Fiendgods reigned supreme. There is a chance that they began to imitate their cultivation system and temper their bodies, but there is also the possibility that they believe that the flesh has a limit and that they could never reach the same level as these noble creatures. These early creatures would have focused on developing the intangible and limitless [Soul] or [Spirit]. In other words, there is a high chance that the Spirit Age was before the Essenge Age.

"That, I don't know," replied Chen Tong. "I've heard people say there was such an age, while others say it did not exist. What I do know for sure is that the soul path seems to involve many secrets, and it might even be one of the taboos."

"That's a fair assumption," nodded Wang Wei.

'Assuming there was a [Spirit Age], cultivation started from the inside with the soul, then the body with the [Essence Age], which is still from the inside. Then, it ended with the outside following the [Qi Age]. It might be in my best interest to return to my roots and look inward once I reach the peak of the Paragon Realm.'

Wang Wei's aura suddenly changed, becoming subtler, calmer, and more ethereal and ephemeral. The light of wisdom deep in his eyes deepened, greatly surprising Chen Tong. 'Enlightenment? How envious.' Although Wang Wei's statement about Grand Dao was valuable information, Chen Tong would also like to have an epiphany and become enlightened.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoists."

"I cannot bear the title of fellow Daoist," replied Wang Wei, shaking his head. "However, I do appreciate your kind words." The two chatted for a few more minutes about many topics before Chen Tong disappeared.

'Interesting,' thought Wang Wei. In this brief discussion, he created a character profile for Chen Tong, and the most valuable information on the profile was that the latter was not a Boundless Paragon. He once asked Wu Hong to feel the natural aura of Boundless Paragons, and he met a few, so he could tell after spending so long together. Regardless of this fact, Chen Tong was not an ordinary Paragon.

'He should be what Hong'er called a Half-Boundless Paragon or Failed Boundless Paragon. In other words, someone who was an Eternal Emperor and an Everlasting Empyreans but failed to achieve Boundless.'

Wang Wei looked in the distance as he became lost inside his own mind. Chen Tong's appearance changes a few small things because he cannot detect whether the latter is spying on him. However, there were other upsides to this situation: he might be able to ask for help in case of an emergency.

'He's the very social kind of person, which means it's easier to get information from him through regular discussions,' analyzed Wang Wei. 'However, the issue is whether it would be as easy to get him to help.'

His brow furrowed, 'It should be relatively easy if I used his curiosity and gossipy nature. However, he's still a Paragon and has lived a long life, meaning countless experiences. He will detect something if I go too far or is too obvious.'

Wang Wei never assumed these powerhouses were stupid. After living for so long, even a big will acquire wisdom by the sheer experience it would have lived through.

'So, the best way to deal with someone like him is to be direct and not try to manipulate. Otherwise, he might react violently once he discovers it or even have slight suspicions.'

He finished Chen Tong's character profile before focusing all his attention on the war. The good news is his mood was not as bad as before after that drink.