Chapter 1130 The Golden Pawn

Chapter 1130 The Golden Pawn

1130 The Golden Pawn

Wang Wei looked in the distance. 'Maybe I can use the Abyss Gap to my advantage.' His plan was simple: use one of those corrupted individuals to become the enemy of the lower dimension. He would create a terrifying and cruel enemy with the goal of forcefully conquering and corrupting the lower dimension. Then, he would swoop in as the savior, making it easier for him to conquer the remaining three-quarters of the Endless Void.

'The pros of this plan is I can accelerate the spread of the Heavenly Emperor Era,' thought Wang Wei. 'It should also prevent these world communities from banding together to stop my expansion.'

It should not be possible for a group or an alliance on the scale of the Commerce Hub to appear again - unless there is a major foreign threat. Sadly, the current major "threat" of the lower dimension is Wang Wei himself, with his propensity for war and conquest. So, if he doesn't want another major war, it might be in his best interest to create an enemy that could divert these people's attention.

'The plan is simple and cliche, but it should work,' Wang Wei deduced. 'Now, what are the cons?' It did not take him long to think of a major one:

'True Heavenly Dao would not be pleased with me if I allowed the power of the Abyss Gap to expand in any way. It might even accelerate its rejection of me if I choose this path.'

Wang Wei squinted his eyes. 'In that case, I need someone else for this job unrelated to the Abyss Gap.' The more he thought about this plan, the more satisfied he was - especially since it would allow him to attend the final Karmic Position: Human Emperor.

'Although I will not be walking the same path as Ying Zheng, having all three positions might do me some good.' Although he guessed these positions meant nothing until he acquired them in the upper dimension, the ones in the lower dimensions might be keys for the ones in the upper dimension, which should be worth something.

'Additionally, I can use this opportunity to create an official backstory for the Hell Court. Yes, the first-generation Hell Lord was a survivor of this war who hated me with a passion, so he dedicated his life to ending everything I've accomplished.' His plan would kill many birds with one stone, so he proceeded with it.

Wang Wei immediately enacted his plan with a devious smile. The first step was to refine the former continent/headquarters of the Commerce Hub. Whoever Wang Wei chose must pose a genuine threat to the lower dimension; otherwise, he could not have come in at the last minute to become the hero. So, he needed to provide them with strength or power, but it could not directly be linked to him.

With these conditions, he chose the next best thing: the continent. He updated this to make it easier for his chosen pawn to use its power; he did not want them to only temporarily use it like the talismans Chu Luo. Instead, Wang Wei created an armor that is directly linked to the continent so the pawn can use its power at all times.

'He already has his eyes on the Lower Realm. If he can conquer this world community, his strength and cultivation speed will reach another level.'

Wang Wei's eyes lit up. This man was already ambitious, meaning he wouldn't have to do much to convince or influence him to set his sights on the entire Endless Void. He will set his fangs on everyone else as long as he has the power.

'Once he begins his conquest, he will do whatever is necessary to reduce casualties because he needs a large population to inject his parasites. So, once I defeat him, I won't have to worry about the overall population of the Endless Void due to a massive war. He's truly the perfect candidate.'

Wang Wei smiled before putting things into motion. He created a secret realm in one of the Great Thousand Worlds that the Golden God was invading to leave the continent and the armor. Afterward, he took a little stroll into the Golden God's Heavenly Abode.

'Gold hair, gold eyes, fair skin, and golden armor. If not for certain features, I would have thought this man was white,' commented Wang Wei before taking a little stroll into this man's mind to get his Emperor Scripture. He did not have a true mind-reading ability like Yan Liling, so he had to be careful not to be discovered. However, the vast difference in their spiritual powers and understanding of the soul made the process relatively easy. The only trouble was all the faith did give the Golden God extraordinary senses, so Wang Wei still needed to be careful.

'[True Golden Path]? This man truly has the highest ego. Let's just call you [Incense Parasite Scripture].' After getting what he wanted, he secretly raided the Golden God's library since he had collected all the techniques of this world before leaving.

After returning home, Wang Wei did not immediately enter cultivation to focus on entering the Taboo Realm. He paid attention to his pawn to ensure nothing unexpected occurred in the early stages. So, while observing, he also read and understood the new technique he received.

Things proceeded smoothly at first. Someone discovered the armor and gifted it to the Golden God, and after trying it on, he discovered the unimaginable power it granted him. The Golden God immediately felt he had a sense of purpose and acted without reservation.

With his absolute strength close to current Wang Wei, he suppressed all worlds in his community with a wave of his palm before forcefully ensnaring them with the faith parasite. Then, trillions upon trillions of sentient beings across billions of worlds began to worship this man.

He smiled brilliantly, but this was not the end. In less than a minute, he did the same thing for the next ten world communities closest to him, including capturing the Emperors of those realms.

"Damn this idiot," Wang Wei muttered when he realized this bastard was not going to stop. So, he had to influence him to be careful and be more low-key in case he's detected in advance and someone schemes against him.

'Power truly corrupts,' Wang Wei sighed.