Chapter 1140 Perfect Foundation

Chapter 1140 Perfect Foundation

1140 Perfect Foundation

Wang Wei saw someone already in that place cultivating - the Purple Insect Emperor. He instantly realized this man was a unique insect race that feasted on people's emotions and that this man had been here for a while.

'Another Emperor appeared during Dugu Jing's absence?' Wang Wei realized this person was the world's second Emperor due to the Balance Mechanism. He ignored the latter and focused on the tree.

'So, I was not the only one with that idea,' Wang Wei thought as he watched the Purple Insect Emperor spending all his focus on nourishing the Law Tree to turn it into a Grand Dao Source Tree. From his knowledge and experience, this man was not the first.

Wang Wei detected signs that countless prior Emperors had tried a similar tactic but failed. Their attempt is why this tree has lasted so long, but for some reason, it had never evolved into what they wished it to.

'Their actions have saved me a lot of time while also showing me what not to do. However, how dare this bastard ruin my treasure.'

He could tell the Purple Insect Emperor was also trying to corrupt this tree with negative emotions that only he could use. Wang Wei pointed at him: "Become its nourishment."

Before he could react, the Purple Insect Emperor turned into a white light that entered the tree. Then, he absorbed all the negative emotions he had previously injected into it, purifying them before turning them into the best nourishment for the tree.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood, so I'll leave your Dao Imprint intact," Wang Wei muttered as he looked at the tree. 'Its roots are firmly planted into the laws of Heaven and Earth while being monitored by Heavenly Dao itself. In that case, the way to evolve this thing might not be to nourish it with the Grand Dao Source but to find a way to plant it directly there.'

Although that might be a little difficult, it should not be impossible, so Wang Wei nodded in satisfaction.

"I'm not a completely heartless person, and I understand the need for balance and preservation," he muttered to himself. "So, I won't completely rob you."

He removed the protections around the tree before placing his hand on the tree and used his [Purpose Manipulation Technique] to have it condense two seeds, which was an abnormality as this tree normally did not create seeds. It was one of those rare spiritual objects that would grow randomly in nature, and someone had to be lucky to find one.

He put the tree inside his own item space, perfectly preserved despite not having laws to place its root-along with one of the two seeds. He planted the second speed on the spot and used Time Dao to accelerate its growth.

Wang Wei used this technique, and it led his eyes to a particular area of this new white space. He immediately knew he had to copy that section of this space into his own space.

'I see. Only transcendent beings can be considered perfect. No, maybe the act of transcending is an act of perfecting the self. That's why it's a taboo.'

Wang Wei knew what to do; he focused his mind and gained access or control to a powerful will. 'Is this what it would feel like to manipulate True Heavenly Dao?' He had to admit that the power was riveting, even though it was not real since it originated from a seed and not the real Central Source Chaos World.

He reined in his mind before starting: his objective was simple - copy the perfect aspect of Grand Dao into his own [Existence]. The process was strenuous and required deep concentration, and Wang Wei realized why Hong'er allowed him to use this technique in the Emperor Realm - his Paragon Soul. He now had full access to its spiritual power.

Furthermore, his Willpower also played a role as he resisted the irresistible urge to fuse with these scribbly lines he saw in Grand Dao's Blueprint. Every instinct of his body told him he was committing blasphemy, so he should stop and instead fuse with this higher existence. However, despite this, he had to resist and focus to finish the job within the allocated time.

'Damn it. If only I had more time,' he cussed once the new space disappeared. He only copied a small portion and wished he had more time. Wang Wei's white space also disappeared, and then, his consciousness saw a crown with three lotus and five jewels of different colors.

'Three Flowers on a Crown.'

He watched as these flowers, which previously had 12 metals each, developed a thirteenth golden petal. In other words, his Grade 1 flowers further evolved so that they could now be classified as Grade 0.

The Spirit Flower lit up, and his powerful, chained soul was rapidly rebuilt. No, just rebuilt as it were before, but better, purer, slightly stronger, and more importantly, with more potential.

The Essence Flower was next, and three glowing lights materialized, followed by the growth of his skin, muscles, bones, organs, blood, and cells - his powerful fleshly body was back and like his soul, with even greater potential for growth and development.

Lastly, the Qi Flower illuminated, and Wang Wei felt he had gained access to all his Dao, followed by a sublimation of his [Dao Body].

'Is this?' His previous experiment in the Science and Technology World allowed him to realize this change: his [concept] contained had increased. Not only that, but it was already filled, and he did not have to do that much work.

The magic circles disappeared, and Wang Wei's naked body stood in this gray fog. His aura had a subtle change: he seemed a little more perfect.