Chapter 1155 Old Generation Grudge

Chapter 1155 Old Generation Grudge

1155 Old Generation Grudge

"Wang Chang? What are you doing here?"

"Hehe, didn't expect this, did you?" Wang Chang chuckled and sneered. "Fate is an interesting thing, isn't it?"

Nine Suns frowned, "What do you want?" He suddenly noticed something. "Are you working with my unfilial son?"

"You can say that."

"So, you're here for revenge?" He sneered. "I can't believe the Dao Opening Sect was willing to sacrifice one of their Immortal Ancestors for you. I didn't think they would value a loser like yourself." The only way for Wang Chang to be here was for another immortal to bring him, but no sect should be willing to sacrifice an Immortal Venerable for a little Quasi-Emperor - especially not one who previously lost its battle.

Wang Chang ignored him and focused on Yang Guowei. "Release him, and it's probably best that you don't stay here for this." Although his grandson warned him the possibility of Yang Guowei's betrayal was small, Wang Chang did not want to take chances. After all, no matter the circumstances, he was about to kill Yang Guowei's father.

"Sir, can you do me a favor?"

Wang Chang frowned: "I'm listening."

"Can you preserve his soul?"

"So, you want to save him after all."

"Not all," Yang Guowei swiftly answered. "He did something to my mother, and the information is protected in his soul. I hoped to preserve it and ask his majesty to help me remove it."

"Is that so? I can do my best but won't make any promises." Wang Chang did not know how this battle would turn out, so it was not wise to promise to protect his enemy's soul. Fighting without the intention to kill could be detrimental to him in this fight, so he can only act based on the situation.

Wang Chang calmly watched the sun condense in his path, and he did not bat an eye when that thing exploded. He survived the terrifying heat with only a few black burning spots on his skin that swiftly disappeared. Yang Cheng immediately tried to burn the space around him to teleport away and distance himself from his attacker.

However, Wang Chang took a step into the void to propel himself forward. His speed reached countless times that of infinity, appearing before his opponent as if he had teleported.


Yang Chen crossed his arm to block. He even condensed a flame armor around his arms for defensive purposes, but that did not change much. The force behind that punch sent him crashing through a few mountains before stopping. Wang Chang should have taken advantage of this opportunity, but he stopped instead.

He looked at his fist for a moment before grinning. He's been wanting to do this for too long. To be exact, he's been waiting for millions of years. Wang Chang still remembered his fight. After suffering a devastating blow from Yang Chen's illusion and breaking his Dao Heart, he felt a terrifying sense of sorrow, followed by immense weakness.

With such a terrible Dao Heart, it was impossible for him to summon even 1% of his strength. Then, as he watched Yang Chen slaughter the few remaining people with himself behind the next one at any time, Wang Chang made the cowardly decision to run away and abandon the battle. Although he knew this was the sensible thing to do, Wang Chang always had some regret about his actions.

As such, he's always wanted the opportunity to repay Yang Chen for forcing him to make such a cowardly move by punching him extremely hard - preferably in the face.

Wang Chang suddenly laughed maniacally; his voice echoed in this sealed world as if he was an almighty god showing his presence to the world and a bunch of mortals. Wang Chang felt good - no, he felt great. He abandoned the Dao Path, using the special inner world his grandson had prepared for him to nourish his bloodline so that he could beat Yang Chen with his bare hand.

With such ample time, Yang Chen had long healed the slight cracking of his bones after that attack. However, his fury was evitable by his red eyes and fluctuating aura. The idea that someone whom he once considered a loser and coward was now on par with him was infuriating beyond words. He was the winner and Wang Chang the loser, but if he didn't do something, the situation might have been reversed.

"Aren't you happy too early?" Yang Chen said with a grave voice as he looked at Wang Chang, that was acting a little deranged.

"You couldn't possibly understand," Wang Chang replied, feeling the small crack remaining on his Dao Heart healed by a small margin. 'As expected, I will be utterly healed even if I lose this battle. My obsession is not victory but making up for the regrets of that fight. However, I should ensure victory to ensure a perfect recovery.''

Wang Chang activated all his powers and abilities, and his body released a strange energy or aura in the process.

"Primordial Law?" Yang Chan asked in shock, and he was correct. Wang Chang used the malleable [Void Law] from his bloodline to condense his own [Overlord Law] to fit his original Dao. Today, he will show it up in this battle.

"Come. Let's end the karma between us."