Chapter 1192 Final Preparations Before Retreating (I)

Chapter 1192 Final Preparations Before Retreating (I)

1192 Final Preparations Before Retreating (I)

Once everyone processed what had just happened, Wang Wei decided to continue with his banquet. "Many of you are about to ascend, and if you had paid attention, you would know the current situation of the upper world is not peaceful." Most people nodded since they knew of this, but a few people were confused as they had never heard of such a thing.

Despite the different reactions, these cultivators wondered why the Emperor brought up this topic. However, a few people immediately guessed what he was about to do, and they were speechless.

"I'm a kind soul, so I've decided to sell some information about the current state of the upper dimension to help you acclimate." He snapped his finger to manifest a screen with writings.

[Basic Information: This information is only the most basic of the current situation of the upper dimension. Although basic, such information is still well-kept under wrap and will require a steep price to acquire. Prices=???] [Advance Edition: Deeper knowledge of the situation, including the interpersonal information of the factions involved; there are also some suggestions on the best way to act after ascending to ensure safety and survival. Price=????] [Ultimate Edition: This edition contains some world history to help you understand the conflict better. Don't underestimate this small change since the parties involved have destroyed and rewritten history. More importantly, this edition contains countless deductions and analyses on all parties involved. Warning: These deductions are not 100% accurate since Paragon Level Entities are involved, and my information source is also limited. Price=???] Everyone looked at this screen, baffled beyond words.

"Don't look at me like this," Wang Wei shrugged. "You saw how expensive this banquet was. I need to recuperate the cost somehow."

Yu Yan was mortified beyond words. She asked her husband through divine sense: "We raised him correctly, right? He never lacked anything, right? So, why?"

"We can't blame ourselves since that's probably something he picked up in his previous life," Wang Tian reassured her. "Plus, we should see it as good business acumen and learn from him."

"How on Earth could we learn from him?"

"How about I sell signed swords," Wang Tian replied after thinking for a few seconds.

"Who would buy that?"

"Many people - especially if I had a bit of my Sword Will and understanding into the signature."

Yu Yan looked at him. "I never knew you had this side of you."

"What can I say? Wei'er has rubbed off me quite well." They laughed before focusing on the present.

"One more thing," Wang Wei added. "For those people who think that they don't need this information since their lineage in the upper dimension will just clue them in. Well, you're in for a great shock. Most of these factions were forced to close their borders and sealed themselves. You'll be lucky if you can contact them - let alone them responding."

"I understand. Thank you, Your Majesty, for entertaining me."

Wang Wei nodded. "Everyone can leave except for Sage Duan Ru and Xi Shangyan." The participants swiftly glanced at these two before rapidly departing. Today's event had too many consequences, and they needed time to digest and plan their future.

"Your majesty, thank you for everything," Sage Duan Ru bowed.

"No need since you deserve it," Wang Wei replied before getting into the topic. He isolated sounds from their conversation before asking: "You're planning to reincarnate and start cultivating?"

"That is correct."

"Have you thought of an alternate method of proving the Dao?"

"Are you talking about merit?"

"No. I mean to stay a mortal and continue understanding Mortal Arts and Crafts until you're on par with an Eternal Emperor."

"Is that possible?"

"You would need to reincarnate a few times, but once you succeed, Heavenly Dao will lower a Heaven Will for you, and you'll become a unique Emperor that has created a new path."

"I never thought of that," Duan Ru replied with shining eyes. "This path seems perfect for me." Duan Ru never believed mortals were inferior to cultivators, so he never used his success and power to acquire an Ark and cultivate in this generation. He wanted to have great accomplishments in this life as a mortal and start the next as a cultivator.

"Are you sure? This path won't be easy." Wang Wei was relieved he would not need to convince him, but he also wanted to remind him that this was not a simple feat to accomplish.

"I understand, and I'm willing."

"Good. I'll give you a blessing so that you're born with the memories of your past life and a curse so that you're always born as a mortal. We don't want to ruin everything due to temptation or someone forcing you to cultivate."

"I understand, and I'm thankful," Duan Ru bowed. Wang Wei released a black-and-white light into his body. "Do you want to see your family before reincarnating?"

"No need." Duan Ru had expected he would not return home and had settled his affairs. Wang Wei nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a portal from Samsara manifested and swallowed Sage Duan Ru.