Chapter 1202 Ascension (Finale)

Chapter 1202 Ascension (Finale)

1202 Ascension (Finale)

Wang Wei, who was completely naked, opened his eyes from his chamber. His body had tattoos from his face to his toes. With a thought, the tattoos became alive and rushed into his head or Sea of Consciousness.

"All preparations are done," he muttered before dressing and standing up. He gazed at his cultivation room, knowing this would be the last time. 'Should I leave this room for the sect?' As a place he'd used to cultivate since he proved the Dao, this place was precious due to his aura and Dao Rhyme.

'Forget it. I already left them enough.' He had already drastically increased the sect's foundation - including leaving a blood pool from his blood essence to nourish future body cultivators. They did not need any more.

'However, I should also leave a rule to prevent these future Heavenly Emperors from taking away the room. Additionally, this room will become even more valuable as more Emperors use it.' Once he's gone, he won't be able to control some of these people's greed.

Wang Wei pointed at the room to leave his power. He also condensed a talisman that would allow the Dao Opening Sect to secretly use this room when no one is occupying the court.

"Let's also leave it in a written record," Wang Wei muttered. He already created the test to determine whether someone can inherit his position, and his trial is even more challenging than True Heavenly Dao's. He had set specific precedents for his successors, and now, he was adding the rules of leaving the room untouched.

Wang Wei left his room and started walking through the court. A feeling of nostalgia hit quite hard all of a sudden. As he walked to the residents of the Immortals and former Emperors, he could not lament one of his few failures during his reign. Few people chose to live in the court despite his best efforts.

After Xu Shi moved in, the situation improved, but it never reached the level Wang Wei wished for. It seemed those people were determined not to sleep next to a tiger. for new novels

'Maybe Mom and Dad will have a higher success rate,' he thought before gazing at Old Man Tianji in one of the court's rooms. He was now in a state of semi-consciousness that there were not as many Emperors or Gods to share the burden of World Source. He also needed to keep himself from being eroded by Heavenly Dao.

'With him as a sample, I can extrapolate much information about Supreme Unity's current state,' Wang Wei thought before walking to the garden. This place was his favorite, and he took particular care of it by gathering the most beautiful flowers in the Endless Void and perfectly arranging them.

'Still as soothing as I remember,' he commented. Wang Wei spent a few hours in the garden, knowing it would be his last. Finally, he teleported him to say goodbye.

"I'm worried about him," Wang Wei heard his mother saying.

"There is no need. Our son is someone blessed and loved by fate. Although he will suffer a little, he will be fine eventually."

"That's not my main concern. I fear he'll lose himself and his humanity without us tethering him."

"That is indeed concerning. However, he'll have our daughter-in-law and the ancestors to keep him grounded."

"You're probably right, but I can't help but overthink."

Wang Wei smiled and waited a while before making his presence known. He hugged his family after entering, and his mother immediately started tearing up. "I promised myself I wouldn't cry, but look at me."

"Like I said, the blink of an eye," Wang Wei stated.

However, everything changed when the Sword Dao River and the Darkness World were created. The Absolute Cut Emperor gathered the sword intent, sword wills, and sword skills of all sword cultivators since the dawn of time and placed them in one place - the Sword Dao River. His actions boosted the strength and popularity of Sword Dao to an even higher peak while also making the Ultimate Sword Path the orthodox way by replacing the Extreme Sword Path.

Meanwhile, everyone else benefited from the Willpower and Dao Heart tempering from the Darkness World. The exciting thing about this creation was that it could absorb the darkness from somebody's mind and body, making them a better person, which would help them in their cultivation.

These creations made the reign of these two widely successful, and future Emperors followed in their footsteps.

The third generation was a fierce competition between Su Ya and Di Jiaying, and Su Ya was the final winner, becoming the Soul Desire Empress. Her legacy was controversial. She created the Six Desire Seven Emotions Pillars, another tool to help cultivate the Dao Heart by regulating emotions. This invention could be said to be even better than Xin'er at dealing with the affairs of the heart.

However, it did not only help regulate emotions but also lost in them. So, many lives - including Emperors - lost themselves due to the Lust Pillar, which allowed them to experience the wildest sexual fantasies imaginable.

The fourth Emperor was Di Jiaying. She washed her karma from the rewards in the Heaven Chosens List and fought in the next generation. Her reign was terrible by all historical accounts. She was a tyrant, so she did not share resources and took almost everything herself. Besides a few lineages that she respected or feared due to their predecessors, she screwed everybody. Even in her banquet, she forced people to attend and charged a fee. The exciting thing is that the Di Clan never stops supporting her despite how many enemies she has made.

There were many revolts in her reign, but she suppressed all of them. Many people asked the Dao Opening Sect to sanction or something, but since she did not touch their benefit, the sect remained neutral.

The fifth generation only had a note in history because that person was the first non-True Eternal Emperor, and that reign was peaceful and uneventful.

The sixth generation crowned the Heavenly Tree Emperor from the Heavenly Tree Village. His legacy was 3800 World Trees; all fused with a World Community to ensure the spatial integrity of these worlds and the entire lower dimension.

The seventh-generation Emperor originated from the Wu Clan or the Origin Rune Palace. He was the first Emperor and Eternal of the Totem Path. His legacy was pushing Totem Marking as a new profession.

The tenth-generation Emperor was the Nightmare Empress, Dong Lifen. Before proving the Dao, she single-handedly conquered a Heaven Will, socking the world. Although it was a newly ascended Heaven Will World, it was still a shock. Her legacy was the creation of two new species - the Dream and Nightmare Race - with Heavenly Dao's blessing. Additionally, she created the Nightmare World, which absorbed the evil and negativity of the lower dimension before fusing them with her own Dream World.

Her actions, inspired by the effect of the Darkness World, essentially purified the lower dimension from evil, negativity, and Yin Energy. During her reign, people were the happiest and the most morally upright, and cultivation was truly enjoyable due to a clear mind.

The eleventh generation made history because they were the first Emperors to fail the Supreme Emperor's trial and could not sit on that throne despite being a fairly powerful pseudo-eternal.

The twelfth generation saw the birth of the first Emperor and Eternal, not from a top lineage. The Iron First Emperor, whose identity was eventually revealed as one of the Supreme Emperor's Generals, Tie Gang, proved the Dao and created the Iron Fist Dynasty.

His legacy was the Vibration World, a dimension not ruled by laws but by countless strings in which each vibration corresponds to a Dao or some aspect of reality. The Iron Fist Emperor asked the world to help create some of these strings.

Once it was created, some people felt cheated since he left the Vibration World as a foundation for his dynasty. However, these voices were a minority since the Iron Fist Emperor did not hide the fact that this was a private creation he asked for help with.

The Heavenly Emperor Era was long and gave birth to countless brilliant talents, including the Ultimate Puppet Empress, the Spear Domination Emperor, the Time-Skipping Emperor, and the resurgence of the Crimson Blood Emperor and the Pill Sage Empress.

And those were merely the brilliant ones from the Myriad Emperor World, which gave birth to the most unique Emperors. However, a few other worlds also gave birth to Emperors with great legacies.