Chapter 3126 Liu Kang lost face in front of the entire city army

Name:Journey To Become A True God Author:
Chapter 3126 Liu Kang lost face in front of the entire city army

Some time passed, and after some time, Liu Kang came with his troops.

He and his army of tree monsters lined up neatly.

At first glance, Liu Kang's army is strong, the monster army has a strong killing aura.

Ordinary people would be immediately afraid when facing such a monster.

The troops in the city looked towards Liu Kang, they all seemed to be afraid of the killing aura emitting from the tree monster.

"Don't be afraid, we have a strong defense here" the city lord said to everyone.

He tells them not to be afraid, Liu Kang just wants to use that to lower their morale.

In terms of troop numbers, Liu Kang's troops were only a few thousand, while the troops in the city were more than 20x Liu Kang's troops, in terms of strength alone Liu Kang was far behind.

Realizing that his troops were outnumbered, Liu Kang used their powerful killing aura, they were bloodthirsty monsters, their killing aura was enough to make cultivators afraid and lose their will to fight.

The method used by Liu Kang is the most effective to use, with this, he can win the battle easily.

"I'm giving you time to surrender right now, if you don't surrender within 5 minutes, I will destroy you" Liu Kang said to the city guards who were already in their positions.

The city guards watched and listened to what Liu Kang said.

They pointed arrows towards Liu Kang, they seemed to refuse to give up.

"Time is running out, don't let you die" Liu Kang said to everyone.

Liu Kang kept trying to make everyone afraid, as long as they were willing to attack, Liu Kang would make them part of his army, and his army would become bigger after he succeeded in taking over the city.

Liu Kang is quite smart, he knows what to do to make others afraid.

"we will not be afraid of you" They refused to be afraid of Liu Kang.

"So it's your decision, then don't blame me for being cruel to you" Liu Kang gave off a terrifying aura, which made everyone shiver.

Even the city lord, the most influential person, felt pressured by Liu Kang's power.

"terrifying, he really is a monster" Everyone thinks that Liu Kang is a monster, he is a very terrible monster.

"hahahaha, how about it? You must be afraid of the power I have, look, this is the power I have," Liu Kang said to everyone.

Everyone was silent after listening to Liu Kang's words, they had to admit that Liu Kang did have ability, this man's ability could not be underestimated, his strength made the sky dark and also made the ground shake.

Even though he had no troops, he still charged towards the city.

"Shoot," the city lord told everyone to shoot Liu Kang.

All the archers got ready, and they fired shots toward Liu Kang, when the shots were fired, all the summoned plants caught fire.

"Very good, they used fire to fight the plants" Long Luxie was excited when she saw what happened.

"no" Ye Chen said to Long Luxie.

"What's wrong?" Long Luxie asked Ye Chen why Ye Chen said not like that.

"I think that's too bad, they might be in trouble," Ye Chen said to Long Luxie.

"Why, aren't their steps right?" asked Long Luxie.

"Indeed, that is correct, but the plant will release poison when burned," Ye Chen said to Long Luxie.

Ye Chen could tell that Long Luxie had grown a dangerous, poisonous plant that could spread if burned.

"Then the whole city will be affected?" Long Luxie said.

"Of course, the whole city will be affected by that," Ye Chen said to Long Luxie.

"Then I will use the power of the wind to blow away the smoke," Long Luxie said to Ye Chen.

Long Luxie wanted to help, she would use the wind power she had.

"no. . , if you do, then it will grow bigger and bigger," Ye Chen said to Long Luxie.

The force of the wind will only magnify the fire, which is not a good choice.

"You are right" after thinking for a while, Long Luxie agreed with Ye Chen's words.

If she did that, the fire would get bigger and more violent.

"First let's put out the fire" Ye Chen said to Long Luxie.

"I can't use water power," Long Luxie said to Ye Chen, Long Luxie couldn't use water power, she only had wind inheritance.

"Don't worry, I can do a little, even though it's not a skill I have," Ye Chen said to Long Luxie.

Ye Chen could make rain. That was an essential ability learned by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen focused and started calling for rain, the heavy rain came and started to extinguish the fire, the fire started to go out and wouldn't burn anymore.