Chapter 3364 San Wuling approached the emperor

Name:Journey To Become A True God Author:
Chapter 3364 San Wuling approached the emperor

Here, Song Dajun saw Ye Chen, the power that Ye Chen released was so pure and powerful, it might exceed the power of Song Dajun.

"You are really a monster, I will get that technique" Song Dajun said that he wanted to get Ye Chen's technique.

"That is if you are still alive" Ye Chen said that Song Dajun was still alive after this battle.

"clank" the two swords clashed, they were both at the Sword Dao level, this was a high level and the sword battle between the two could barely be seen with the naked eye.

When they started to compete, the area around them immediately became several pieces.

"This is extraordinary, this is the first time anyone can withstand the sword that I have" Song Dajun said to Ye Chen, he told Ye Chen that he was quite able to withstand the attacks that I had. launched to him.

"The attacks you have are not bad, plus the weapons you have are quite strong, very interesting" Ye Chen answered Song Dajun.

"Of course, this is a very great sword, one of the swords that is very strong and very great, a sword that can cut everything, I call it a sword slaughter," Song Dajun said to Ye Chen.

"hahahahaha, I think the name is a bit excessive, from what I see, it's a sword that doesn't have a name" Ye Chen said to Song Dajun.

Ye Chen told that the name used by Song Dajun was quite excessive.

"hahahaha, you're right, the truth is this is a nameless sword" I also don't know why, but this sword has no name and only knows how to destroy everything" Song Dajun said to Ye Chen.

"That's pretty horrible," Ye Chen said to Song Dajun.

"That's enough sad stories, let's start" Song Dajun said to Ye Chen, he invited Ye Chen to start.

"of course, come with me" Ye Chen said to Song Dajun.

Ye Chen told Song Dajun to chase him.

"where are you going to run ?" Song Dajun said to Ye Chen.

"What's wrong, you're scared, you're just a pretty cowardly guy" Ye Chen said to Song Dajun.

Song Dajun seemed annoyed when he heard what he said is said by Ye Chen.

"Damn, you made me annoyed" Song Dajun said to Ye Chen, he told him that Ye Chen had made him so annoyed and angry.

Song Dajun took Ye Chen's bait; he followed Ye Chen.

"Wuling, you are here" They greeted San Wuling

"Why are you in such a hurry?" San Wuling asked them why they seemed to be in such a rush.

"You don't know what happened?" they asked San Wuling, it seemed that San Wuling didn't know.

"Now that the ninth prince has become an emperor, everyone is trying there and looking at it, are you not interested?" they asked San Wuling.

"I'll take a look" What a coincidence, this is what awaited by San Wuling, San Wuling was also looking for this because she found it, San Wuling of course immediately left.

San Wuling followed them, she went to the prince's place ninth.

When San Wuling got there, she had already seen so many women trying to get close to the new emperor, the new emperor immediately tried to get one of the beautiful women in this place.

He had officially become an emperor, of course, he could do everything, now he could probably choose the empress in between all women, a smart and charming woman, someone with that position should to be so strong and so great.

"That's good," San Wuling looked at her, San Wuling was now so confident, with Sun Xuanyin's teachings, San Wuling felt that she could do everything alone, she was no longer afraid and had such strong courage, San Wuling was confident that she could become the best among the best.

"emperor" there were so many women approaching and trying to get attention; they were trying to get the attention of the new king.

"You are all so excited, what makes you like this" the emperor said to everyone.

"You are so great, we are all attracted to you" they say in such a nice and sweet voice, their voice makes men immediately captivated.

San Wuling saw it, she could see that they were also learning about Charm to make the prince submit.

"So weak" San Wuling saw that they were so weak, they couldn't compare to herself.

As expected from Sun Xuanyin's technique, compared to all the women here, you can be said if San Wuling becomes a leader.

"It's very busy there now; what should I do?" San Wuling thought, if she just joined in, of course, she wouldn't stand out.

San Wuling had to do something so eye-catching, something that could easily attract the prince.

"hmm. ." San Wuling thought for a while, after thinking for a while, she decided to attract attention by playing a beautiful song for the emperor.

This was something that Zhao Yanyan taught San Wuling, perhaps San Wuling's abilities were not at the same level as Zhao Yanyan, even so she was still capable enough to attract the attention of the new emperor whose strength was still very low.

"I will do it" San Wuling decided to do this, she prepared the Zither and started looking for a place to play.

Make sure that everyone can hear whats she is going to play, that is the most important thing is required recently.