Chapter 3374 Yanyan, you look angry

Name:Journey To Become A True God Author:
Chapter 3374 Yanyan, you look angry

"With his condition not yet fully recovered, I'm sure that kid will definitely be able to finish off Ye Chen." Song Dajun was sure that his brash student could beat Ye Chen, only he was at a level comparable to Song Dajun.

People can ask Song Dajun for help.

If others knew Song Dajun's condition, he would probably be laughed at.

"Song Dajun doesn't like the current conditions. Because he doesn't like the current conditions, he decides to stay in this place and not dare to go out.

He would leave all the problems to Ling Qan.

This was the only hope that Song Dajun had. Song Dajun hoped that Ling Qan would not disappoint him.

He had made Ye Chen weak and showed Ye Chen's skills, Ling Qan should be able to defeat Ye Chen so easily. Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

This was Ling Qan's chance to shine and gain a worthy place.



Zhao Yanyan took Ye Chen to a safe place; by doing this, Ye Chen should be safe from enemy attacks.

"I've checked your condition. Your condition is not bad; you're just tired from using too much strength," Zhao Yanyan said to Ye Chen. She told Ye Chen that she was too tired.

"So, it looks like I'm pushing myself too much," Ye Chen said to Zhao Yanyan.

"Husband, don't force yourself." Zhao Yanyan was angry with Ye Chen. Lately, Ye Chen had been pushing himself quite a bit.

Plus, the enemy that Ye Chen fought against, why did he have such terrifying strength, which was much more terrifying than Fei Luya?

"I told you, that person used a forbidden technique, if he hadn't used it, I wouldn't have been injured like this," said Ye Chen.

"Is that so?" asked Zhao Yanyan, Zhao Yanyan didn't understand why this technique was so powerful.

"to use such a powerful and terrible technique, I am sure that person will pay a worthy price" Ye Chen said to Zhao Yanyan.

"He shouldn't appear in the battle later, right?" Zhao Yanyan asked Ye Chen.

"I don't know about that matter myself either." Ye Chen said that if he didn't know about Song Dajun, maybe he could recover himself.

It happens by using the resources that are there, but whether the person is able to get it or not.

Ye Chen wouldn't think too much about this, after all they had already lost two ancestors in the battle, plus Ye Chen injured one, this was clearly a loss for them.

Even though Ye Chen was slightly injured, this was a price worth paying for Ye Chen.

Zhao Yanyan frowned when she saw this, it seemed that Zhao Yanyan knew what Ye Chen was thinking.

"Then," Zhao Yanyan pushed Ye Chen, and she started to kiss Ye Chen, who was in front of her.

"Chuu . ." Ye Chen and Zhao Yanyan shared a passionate kiss.

Zhao Yanyan didn't hold back anymore, she used every skill she had to make Ye Chen feel good.

Because Zhao Yanyan's skills were at such a good level, Ye Chen felt comfortable, Ye Chen also wanted Zhao Yanyan to feel comfortable.

"so comfortable, then we will continue" Zhao Yanyan said to Ye Chen.

Zhao Yanyan started touching Ye Chen, she enjoyed every inch of Ye Chen's body.

Zhao Yanyan liked Ye Chen so much that she was the first to like Ye Chen, and her liking was the greatest among all the people there.

Zhao Yanyan couldn't wait to enjoy Ye Chen, she wanted to be with Ye Chen, to be hugged and treated so well by Ye Chen.

It felt like it would be really fun to do that with Ye Chen.

"Yanyan, husband, what are you doing?" when the two became more intimate, a voice interrupted Ye Chen and Zhao Yanyan.

Zhao Yanyan froze, she immediately saw who came in.

"Sister Lei Qiaolin, why did you come in, do you want to join us?" Zhao Yanyan asked the woman in front of them.

The person who came was Lei Qiaolin.

"No, I came to tell you something. It seems like Sun Xuanyin is unable to deal with the problems inside the palace. Also, the old empress added some powerful people to be guards, so she asked you to go over there and deal with them all because we can't go in"

said Lei Qiaolin.

"So that's how it is, I understand." Zhao Yanyan understood that if Sun Xuanyin didn't solve this problem, then the Empress must be very great because she was able to hire stronger people.

"No, is it possible that the woman comes from a big power? I haven't investigated that woman yet?" Zhao Yanyan thought for a while. She didn't know the empress's identity or which power was controlling her.

If this were the case, San Wuling would not rise, and it was likely that the woman would take her place; after all, there was no blood relationship between the woman and the ninth prince.

"What's wrong?, are you planning something?" Ye Chen said to Zhao Yanyan.

"Nothing. You stay here. I will handle this problem." Zhao Yanyan got up, She had to help.

Sun Xuanyin would have difficulty because that woman had someone at Zhao Yanyan's level.

Ye Chen hadn't recovered yet and couldn't fight with strength, so she didn't want to trouble Ye Chen.

"Sister, I'll go, you can protect him."

"Sorry husband, we will continue when this problem is resolved."

Zhao Yanyan said that she apologized to Ye Chen.