Chapter 647 - Give Something To Chu Yuechan

Name:Journey To Become A True God Author:

Chapter 647 - Give Something To Chu Yuechan

Chapter 647: give something to Chu Yuechan

As the days passed, Ye Chen spent the days he had in the room making jewelry.

When Ye Chen made a piece of jewelry, no one dared to bother Ye Chen, all women knew that Ye Chen was doing something very important.

15 days so quickly passed in the fairy gate, finally Ye Chen could finish everything so perfectly.

Especially the necklace that he had specially made for Zhao Yanyan, Ye Chen really wholeheartedly used the soul he had to make this beautiful necklace.

"It’s finally over." Ye Chen finally felt relieved when he saw that the thing he had made was completely finished.

Now finally Ye Chen could rest after finishing all the jewels for the ladies.

Ye Chen decided to go to sleep to recover from the fatigue experienced for 15 days inside the fairy gate.

Ye Chen began to sleep very soundly, he had forgotten everything, what was in Ye Chen’s mind only rested for a moment.




"Master, hurry up and wake up." When Ye Chen was dreaming quite beautifully, suddenly he heard a very sweet voice in his ear.

When Ye Chen opened his eyes, he found that Chu Yuechan’s beautiful face was right in front of his eyes.

Chu Yuechan was currently looking down at Ye Chen, Chu Yuechan’s position was currently holding Ye Chen’s head, so it wasn’t strange that Chu Yuechan was currently looking down.

from now on Chu Yuechan would continue to use these earrings every day, she would make these earrings the most valuable items she had.

Ye Chen immediately came out of the fairy gate, he began to see the time in the outside world, when Ye Chen looked at the time in the outside world, he found that it was already 6 in the afternoon, soon night would soon arrive.

Seeing this, Ye Chen started going to clean himself who was soiled from taking too long to make jewelry.

After taking a bath, Ye Chen immediately looked for a suitable outfit for himself, Ye Chen had a little trouble finding a suitable outfit for him to wear.

When Ye Chen opened his wardrobe, he found that all the suits he had were missing somewhere.

"Huh, Where my suit ?" Ye Chen was a little confused when he saw that all the suits he had were missing.

Ye Chen saw a note right where his suit was.

In this note it is written that all of coats his are being washed.

"Damn, if I knew this I would definitely buy a new suit." If only Ye Chen had time, he might be able to buy a new suit for himself.

Time is too late for Ye Chen, if he bought a suit now, he would be late for Zhao Yanyan birthday.

"Ah, what should I do?" Ye Chen was confused about what to do at a time like this.

"Knock.. , knock.. . .,, knock.. . ., "When Ye Chen was confused about looking for a coat to wear at the party, from outside he heard someone knocking on the door.

Ye Chen immediately opened the door and saw who was outside, when Ye Chen opened the door, he found that the person outside was Li Qingzu who was currently wearing a dress that looked very beautiful to Li Qingzu.

"That, Ye Chen, I brought a suit for you to wear tonight." Li Qingzu came here to hand over the coat that Ye Chen would wear tonight.

Ye Chen immediately accepted the white coat that Li Qingzu gave him, he felt very helped by what Li Qingzu did for him.

"Li Qingzu, you are very kind, I thank you" because Ye Chen was too happy to hug Li Qingzu’s body in front of him.

Li Qingzu was very dumbfounded by what Ye Chen was doing, she did not expect that Ye Chen would suddenly hug her like this.

Li Qingzu didn’t know what to do for now, she was confused whether to push Ye Chen or not in such a situation.

If she pushed Ye Chen into a situation like this, then it was the same as Li Qingzu disrespecting Ye Chen as the person she was serving, because of this, Li Qingzu had no choice but to let Ye Chen hug her for a while.