Chapter 50: Crack

Chapter 50: Crack

“Answer the question Momokawa! What the hell were you doing just now!”

“N-no wait... just wait ok! Watch the sword...”

Her sharp blade pointed at me, Kenzaki-san seems extremely agitated. She is so mad, I can’t begin to describe her as only angry. She has an air around her that’s telling me that any form of excuse or small talk will cause my neck to drop by her wrath. No, in her current state, if I zip up now, she might just do it unconsciously.

Having fallen into an abrupt and unfair state of crisis, I can’t say I’m calm either.

“Sto-stop... Kenzaki-san, if you kill me, you’ll also...”

“Bastard! After excuses you start threatening now!”

“Uaaah, I’m sorry! B-but, I’m telling the truth. If you accidentally stab me, you will get the same wound. So the sword, please pull it back...”

It’ll be too late after the deed is done. I made sure to clearly explain to everyone how my Pain Return works. But holy shit man, humans are such valiant creatures, braving any danger if they get a little too mad. No, I guess it’s because Pain Return doesn’t have any sort of solid form, so I can’t expect them to intrinsically get that hitting me is a bad idea.

“Shut it Momokawa, don’t underestimate me— Hmph!”


Kenzaki-san drew back her sword, but as soon as she did, a fist landed in my gut. It wasn’t anything like a frail girl-punch, but heavy like an iron ball. It was a devestating punch.

Naturally, my abdominal muscles being as weak as they are, I couldn’t bear the attack at all. Strength drained from my knees, and I collapsed onto the ground right there.

“Uh, Ugh... ow, ow... hi,c... ow...”

I cried with a pathetic voice. The sting in my stomach hurts so bad, I felt it’d be better to simply die than suffer through this. The pain was too much, I had no capacity to feel shame or dishonor.

This pain and humiliation is the same one I felt when I was lynched my those Goma. It should be the 2nd time, but you never get used to this kinda shit.

“Tch... It’s the curse. How annoying”

I breathe deeply to control the pain, and look upwards. There, stood Kenzaki-san with a face warped much more than can be described as merely annoyed.

She definitely got a taste of the same pain as me. But the hell’s with this difference in reaction. How does this woman keep standing so normally after getting gut-punched this hard... No, this too must be a result of our diffrence in vocations. A Dualwielder like Kenzaki-san is adapted to battle, and must have a high degree of pain resistance. Though it could also be a result of her long years of hellish sword training.

“Hah, haa... haah... K-Kenzaki-san, why are you... doing this...”

I can’t hold out if she attacks again. The intense pain slightly subsided, so I try to speak up. Presently, I have no methods to end this other than trying peaceful dialog. No matter how unfair she’s being, if I return with, “You punched me! Fucking bitch!”, that’s like asking for assisted suicide.

Ah man, being weak sure sucks.

“Why he says... Bastard, you tell me if you understand what you just did”

The hell do you want from me, don’t ask if you already know.

“You dog. You sure got guts doing that while us girls are sleeping right there, huh Momokawa!”

Well fuck you too, I went out of my way, all the way into this corner, out of courtesy alright. You’re talking as if I raped someone in their sleep.

“Souma never did something like this, not even once... This is why men are such”

“Haah...haah... Kenzaki-san, you’ve got it wrong... I just, really needed this for my curse, and...”

“Stop making excuses! Have some shame!”

Grabbing my collar, she forcefully makes me stand... not even. Kenzaki-san being the tallest among us below Mei-chan, my small body lifts easily into the air. I couldn’t touch soil even if I stretched on my tip-toes.

My neck is, a bit constrained too. It hurts.

“I’m sor... wait, stop... don’t hurt me...”

Begging as if I’m about to be killed, I ready myself for another punch.

“You really think I’m letting you off after you—”

“What in the-, Asuna, what’s going on here? What’s all this shouting for”

Right then, a voice came from the direction of the fountain. This intonation and tone, it’s Class Rep.

Maybe because she was called by name, Kenzaki-san let go of me. Ouch. I fell instantly and landed on my butt.

I’m saved— isn’t something I can gullibly assume. Maybe her appearance doesn’t mean she’s coming to mediate, but actually that the situation just leveled up into a group lynching.

“Oh, Ryouko, sorry for waking you up”

“You woke me up too, Asuna”

“Hmm, what’s up~, what happened guys?”

Following Class Rep, Souma-san and Natsukawa-san also called out.

“There was an incident. Listen guys, this bastard—”

“... Kotarou-kun?”

Mei-chan had also, woken up. With this much noise, I’d find it weird if she hadn’t.

Mei-chan was rubbing at her sleepy eyes. But the instant she saw me, those eyes changed. It was the Berserker’s eyes. Those that she makes to slaughter monsters.


Mei-chan appeared in front of me in a flash. Her speed being super-class, I mostly didn’t even see her run.

“Ah, Mei-chan...”

But when I saw her large body standing to defend me, Ah fuck, how pathetic. My tears won’t stop. Finally, now at least, my life isn’t in danger. I was relieved from the very depths of my heart.

“J-just what, is going on here”

Me, Kenzaki-san and, coming to the rescue at sonic speed, Mei-chan. With this much of a dangerous scent drifting about, Class Rep quickly caught on. The other three rushed over. Since Takanashi-san isn’t here, she must be out like a log.

“Momokawa, talk. Don’t make a girl speak about such repulsive things”

Holy crap. I just saw a little bit of that red aura drifting from Mei-chan’s slightly trembling shoulders.

“Cause he was saying he’s gonna curse me or something. I gave him a good one in the gut. I was going pretty easy on him too, but he started crying like a pansy. What a weak excuse of a man”

“...You’re dead”

Mei-chan tightens her fist, and the aura begins to swirl. I get reminded of that Armor Bear getting ending up with a hole in its chest. Yeah, she damn well has enough power to kill someone with her bare hands.

“No don’t! Mei-chan!”

I made a full spurt tackle, grabbing onto Mei-chan’s waist as if I was an American Football player. But, like that 100 year old sacred tree in the shrine near my house, she doesn’t even budge. But, soft. And a tight waist. She’s seriously slimmed down huh— wait no, this ain’t no time to be impressed.

“Kyaa!? Kotarou-kun!?”

An unbelievably cute voice leaks from the bloodthirsty Berserker. I’m literally the only one being desperate here. Does Kenzaki-san even realize she was standing on the fine line between life and death?

“Mei-chan, I’m glad you’re doing this for me, I really am. But this time, I did something super careless so don’t!”

The girls’ eyes towards me clinging to Mei-chan was severely painful. So I quickly took my arms off her waist, and in the same movement, prostrated myself. It’s the ever famous bowing down in a dogeza.

“I’m deeply apologize, it was all my fault. Please find it in yourselves to forgive me”

There is some shame. But I’m not particularly resenting them. Mei-chan got angry for me and, though it might be inappropriate considering the situation, I was really happy. That even I had at least one ally. I can’t be more thankful for her trust towards me.

“Asuna, and Sakura too. Look, Momokawa-kun is even lowering his head, let’s forgive him”

“Yes, I’m fine with that. I can’t think blaming him any further would be productive”

“There won’t be a next time, Momokawa”

And having attained clemency, I finally stand up. Ah, legs are a bit shaky. Must be damage from sacrificing my pride. I wonder how Mei-chan is seeing me right now. I, who was so quick to dogeza. I’m scared to look.

Calm down, just relax, me. I honestly feel like crying right now, but there’s something I just have to finish saying.

“...Uhm, excuse me but, the curse I was trying to do, I have permission to do it right?”

If I can’t make Vile Mud Doll, there would’ve been no point in going through all that pain for a little bit of semen.

“Momokawa! You little—”

“Wait Asuna. Momokawa-kun, that curse of yours, do you absolutely need it?”

“Vile Mud Doll is a curse that creates a golem. If I have this, it can become a shield at sudden unprecedented moments. When we fought the Armor Bear, it was because that golem took a hit for me that I didn’t die”

“And to make that, you uhm... you have to use that?”

“Without it, its power drops drastically. It’s like, how alchemists use it for making a homunculus, heard of that?”

“... I see, if it’s like that, then I guess you’d need it”

“Oi, Ryouko, what’re you talking about. What’s all this about that homun-whatever-you-said”

“I’ll tell you about it later, so please keep quiet”

As I’d expect from Class Rep’s extensive knowledge. Plus she has good judgement too. It’s super helpful.

“Anyway, you’re free to make that Mud Doll of yours this time... You already have, that ingredients right?”

It’s sorta cute how Class Rep is having a hard time asking. Honestly thought she’d gotten used to this business with Tendou-kun... is she perhaps, inexperienced? My condolences, Class Rep.[1]

“I just need to chant it out and that’s it”

“Uh-huh, alright then... As for the next time, let’s think about that at another occasion”

“Oi Ryuoko, this guy didn’t get it through his head at all. As I thought, he needs some—”

“Asuna, I know you’re very strict about these things, but you need to relax a bit too. The rules weren’t set, so there won’t be any penalty either”

“If it was our dojo, it wouldn’t have ended with a beating”

“Sakura said it remember. We’ll all be deciding on the rules from now on. And making them too strict would, that in itself create friction... Anyway, let’s just go back to sleep for today. We’re leaving in the morning right?”

Though reluctant, they probably didn’t want any more stress either, so apart from Mei-chan, the young ladies silently headed back to their place of sleep.

“Uhm, Class Rep, thanks”

“... If it’s thanks, tell it to Futaba-san”

With a somewhat tired smile, Class Rep withdraws in quick steps.

“You too Mei-chan, can’t thank you enough. You really saved me”

“Why... did you stop me”

“Of course I would, we can’t start something with those girls over this little thing”

“But Kotarou-kun you... it was, so awful, you, you even had to dogeza and...”

Why’s Mei-chan making a face like she’ll cry? I’m the one who lowered his head in shame, right?

“No problem, since they calmed down after I lowered my head, it’s great result-wise”

“But, but then...”

“It’s really no problem. You believed in me Mei-chan, so I’m fine”

“... I’m so sorry, Kotarou-kun”

Ultimately, full drops of tears indeed fell from both her eyes.

I’m stumped. How does one go about consoling a girl in these cases, I really have no clue...

[1] Yup this sentence has a lot of nuance and innuendo lol. You probably get it, but I’ll selfishly explain anyway. He thought she had sex with Tendou Ryuichi already. inexperienced = virgin. condolences becase Ryouko clearly likes him but he won’t notice, much less do the deed with her.