Chapter 104: Nakajima Haruma

Chapter 104: Nakajima Haruma

His name was Nakajima Haruma. A normal high school boy you could find anywhere―― a really normal face without anything worth mentioning, and even his hobbies, grades, and fashion sense were normal. Overall, he was just above average.

His relationships with others were favorable. He often interacted with girls. He didn’t stand out in the class, and was what is commonly known as a mob.

And now, that exceedingly normal Nakajima Haruma kept asking himself...

「How the hell did it turn out like this?」

First of all, about the event of the entire class being summoned to another world to survive in a dungeon. When Nakajima Haruma was summoned, he was forced to accept the current situation and had to start thinking about what to do to survive. Though he really didn't want to accept reality just then, he couldn't just avert his eyes from what lay before him.

After a while though, he had gotten used to fighting monsters inside the labyrinth.

The vocation granted to him was『Magic Swordsman』.

『Slash』 :A strengthened slash attack.

『Ignis Sagita』 :Lower ranking attack magic of the fire attribute.

『Hi-Walk』 :Increases mobility.

Martial arts for close combat, magic for long range attack, and a skill to increase his mobility. It was an extremely balanced initial skill set for the amateur high school student to combat demons. The only thing he had to do was to use them to fight.

It doesn't mean that Nakajima Haruma had the courage to stand up against his fears, nor was he a cruel person who could kill without batting his eyes. He just did what he needed to do, that was all there was to it. Scary things are still scary, but there was no need to excessively worry about them, there was always a greater danger hiding around. In short, it was the kind of mentality that only a normal boy like him could attain.

To Nakajima Haruma, the act of him being suddenly thrown into the dungeon, defeating one enemy after another by making full use of his vocation was an extremely normal situation. He had easily adapted to his new environment. Nakajima Haruma employed every single bit of wisdom and courage that he could muster as he advanced even deeper into the labyrinth by himself.

At least, until just recently.

「Are you okay, Haruma-ku~n? Any injuries? 」

「I'm okay, at least Airi isn't injured too.」

「Aa~h, this is no good, there's a scratch on your hand! I'll patch it up in a jiffy, Haruma-kun――『Lesser Heal』! 」

The one who approached him after he had defeated the skeletons was Himeno Airi, the girl he came upon by chance at the first fairy plaza. She came up to him saying such words with a sweet voice and applied healing on the little scratch on his hand.

If even he, a man, was scared of the dungeon, there was no need to say what a girl like Himeno would feel in this situation. Haruma guessed the reason for her crying, and why she ceased crying after seeing him.

There was no reason for him not to cooperate with classmates that he met in the dungeon. Though only a while later, he became aware of the devastating news that only three people could leave the dungeon. Since there were only him and Himeno in a party right now, there was no need to break up for the time being.

Therefore, as if it was the most natural thing... Nakajima Haruma ended up becoming a knight who protected Himeno Airi.

「A'right, its patched up now!」

「T-Thank you, Airi.」

She had unleashed the combo of having upturned moist eyes while clasping her hands together. Even Haruma ended up feeling that she was a little too sly.

Even if her act was no match compared to the likes of Reina A Ayase or Takanashi Kotori, and her appearance deviation value was in fact below the average of the 40 other students, Haruma still found himself troubled by her act.

"Heck, was Himeno Airi ever this kind of person?"

Though he never really interacted with her, all of his classmates including him thought of her as a simple and docile girl who didn’t stand out in any way. She wasn't the kind of person that would butter up a man in such an unnatural way like some sort of galge protagonist.

But, Haruma felt that he had fought to protect Himeno Airi's life to such a point that she fell for him and that feeling was..... Not that bad.

「Ha~.... 」

Naturally, his inclinations as a young man made him feel like that alone wasn't enough. To be honest, Himeno Airi wasn't even his type. If he was to be given a choice, he would choose a girl of his type rather than an ugly one.

And most of all, Nakajima Haruma already had someone he liked.

「I wonder how she's doing right now..... Nagae-san.」

Nagae Yukiko was the one he loved. He had fallen in love with her a year ago.

Though she wasn't conspicuous, or a simple and docile girl like Himeno Airi, Haruma was completely captivated by the charm of that quiet and transient literature girl ever since he went to the same class as her, the year before.

Having wished for more interactions with her, even if just a little, he had held an unjustified resentment against Momokawa, the young man who joined the literature club with an unconcerned face. Haruma abandoned his decision of joining the literature club to follow Nagae at that time. He now however no longer had such resentment against Momokawa, because he knew that Momokawa was a geek who joined the literature club only because he really wanted to become a light novel writer and not for chasing after Nagae Yukiko.

In the end, Haruma became a member of the book committee, and used that position to talk about books with Nagae-san from time to time, and that was already enough for him.

Though many male students in the class were captivated by the group of beauties with Souma Sakura at the top of the list, Haruma understood Nagae Yukiko's charm. Since she was outside of the radar of many male students in the class he wanted to confess his love to her, but―― Nakajima Haruma suddenly realized that it was Himeno Airi who was sleeping beside him right now.

「.... Ha~h...」

Himeno Airi was sleeping right beside him in one corner of the Fairy Plaza. They were just sleeping and doing nothing more.

No matter how relaxed one could feel in the safety area called Fairy Plaza, Himeno Airi had become extremely frightened and said to Haruma,「Please, sleep with me, Haruma-ku~n」 . It was such a situation in which he couldn't refuse her pleas.

When Haruma looked down at Airi who was sleeping calmly, he realized that even her sleeping face was ugly. [ED: DAAAAAIUM! Our boy is SAVAGE]

How many times now had he hoped that it was Nagae Yukiko who was the one sleeping next to him? If the one beside him was Yukiko instead of Airi, Haruma had the feeling that he would be able to go through any kind of danger.

The one he truly loved was Nagae-san. Haruma didn't really care about someone like Himeno Airi, and would definitely not fall for her whether or not she called his name with that sickening sweet voice or even if she called his given name with honorifics. Himeno Airi definitely wouldn't become special to Nakajima Haruma.


Or so he thought, but this male instinct of his reacted differently.

He was more or less sleeping right beside a defenseless female classmate. Though, her attempt to ensnare him with such a blatant trap wouldn't work...

「Gimme a break here, like hell I would fall for such an ugly girl. Like hell I'm gonna push her down...」

Haruma had already decided to give his virginity to the one he loved, but his manhood had raised a revolt after he was thrown into this hell called dungeon survival.

There was a doubtful theory that Haruma had come across before. It was that a man who is constantly on the razor’s edge, having close encounters with death, would act on his instincts to leave behind a child as soon as possible.

That theory was definitely a hoax and yet, the third day after Haruma was sent into the dungeon, his body that had constantly gone into high gear without any spare time to release the pent up desires was currently in an extremely excited state.

Moreover, that excited state kept growing the more he fought his demons. Haruma led a normal life, unlike those yankees with excess vigor.He did not he have something like a hidden destructive impulse or uncontrollable killing intent like some sort of protagonist. But then again, any single man would always have this belligerent instinct sleeping within them.

To protect his life and survive the dungeon, Haruma had to kill the demons with his own hands. It was pure violence brought to light with a justified reason.

If there's a woman sleeping right beside a man in this kind of condition...

Though he should've kept his calm a little and focused more on Airi's words, his mind was shaken by the warmth he felt on his back.

Please end this quickly. The hell I'm talking about? I should just enjoy this moment.

Normally, he would have succumbed to his drowsiness first, but――

「Thank you, Haruma-kun. I am useless in battle but.... I want to be more useful to you from now on.」

Her attack was relentless. No, this was just the beginning.

「E-Eh, wait a minute, A-Airi.」

「Ehehehehe, Haruma-kyu~n.」

Like a snake entangling their prey, Airi slipped her hands towards my abdomen. As her hands passed by my abdomen, tickling my flanks, they went even further down――

「No, w-wait a minute, EEEH......」

I unintentionally let out a pathetic voice as soon as her hands touched that place. My body stiffened as the feeling of pleasure and chills ran along that place, Airi's movements making it boil even hotter.

「Hey, don't you want me? 」

Airi's hands were caressing my d1ck as if toying with it.

「I'll do anything for you, Haruma-kun.」

My brittle reason, weakened by the life of abstinence that I had to live in this place, was slowly, but surely whittled down by her.

「That's why tell me Haruma-kun, tell me what you want me to do.」

At that point, I completely discarded my reason. Why the hell did I have to endure this life of abstinence? Things like love or lover should go to hell in this kind of place. Like hell nothing would happen if a man and a woman were to sleep together in this shitty dungeon.

To hell with morals. A man needs a woman and vice versa. If asking for s3x is wrong, then please send someone to save me from this situation―― I mean, it's only me and Airi in this f4cking Fairy Plaza.


「Uhm, Ye~s? 」

When I turned around, for some reason she looked much prettier than before.

This isn't love. But, something that I need.

「Airi, AIRI! 」

「Ahn, Aaa~ahn」

The girl welcomed the boy who had no way to divert his libido.


「HAaa~h, men were such easy creature after all.」

That was her impression of her own first experience. Though she thought that she was too careless, for making such a move without thinking of the consequences, in the end it wasn't an important matter to her.

Although she used to detest those kinds of girls who fawned over men and regarded them as bitches or normies, she came to understand with this even that the creature called man was like a dog wagging its tail to this........ 『Unimportant matter for the girl.』.

She was regretting her overly optimistic outlook and not taking a proactive approach towards men, of keeping them away instead of using her weapon as a woman to make them wag their tails around her like obedient dogs.

「Fufufufu, really, how foolish you are.」

She referred to both her past self, and Nakajima Haruma, who desperately needed s3x to the point of asking her, an ugly girl, for it.

Nevertheless, that’s just how relationships between men and women work. Airi understood very well the creature called human.

「With this, Haruma-kun is mine. You'll take the responsibility for what you did to me, right? 」

She let out a wicked grin as she brushed Haruma's head who slept naked beside her.

Everything went according to her plan. Now Haruma wouldn't be able to let go of Airi even if, for example, they met another classmate beyond this point. Even if Nagae Yukiko, the girl he loved appeared before them, he wouldn't dare to approach her.

That's just how powerful the mental restriction called a relationship between men and women was. That held true, especially for the Japanese students.

If Haruma didn't have a s3x with Airi no such mental restraints would have applied to him. For this very reason, Airi boldly seduced Haruma. She needed to get a hold of him before he would protect her till the end.

「Now then Haruma-kun, let's do our best in tomorrow’s dungeon capture as well.」

Having achieved one of her goals, Airi then fell asleep right next to Haruma.

「――Want to love? 」

Airi heard the voice in her dream.

「Do you want to be loved by men? Do you want to be waited upon by beautiful men? 」

It was an unnaturally high-pitched and cute voice like the voice of some sort of heroine in a late night anime. Normal girls would feel that voice was rather disturbing to their ears and mind.

「As in, only use those men as my playthings till the end, right? 」

Her field of vision was hazy and vague, she could see a silhouette of a girl standing on the other side of the pink colored mist.

「Uhm, good enough, I'll grant upon you this power then! 」

A pair of bat-like wings and whip-like tail then grew from the girl whose silhouette was even smaller than Airi’ss. The demon-like figure of the female then began to sway as if it were only a mirage.

「Welcome, my new kin, from now on you're a――『Succubus』! 」

Family 『Succubus』

『Dream's Power』 : Let me to suck your lustful energy. Sorry, can I take a sip?

『Overlapping Feeling』 : Let's feel good together. That's why, let's have a lot of s3x.

『Honeyed Words』 : Shall we start by being friends first? Make them fall head over heels with your sugar coated words!

The heat flowing into her body should have been painful enough to make her scream, but, for some reason, she couldn't understand what her body felt like anymore. Was it hot? Or painful? Or did her body actually feel really good? She had no idea what had just happened to her, but one thing she knew for sure.

"Yes, this is how I should be!"