Chapter 166.2 - Ruined City's Boss 1

Chapter 166.2 - Ruined City's Boss 1

It's okay, it won't become a hindrance during the battle.

Mei-chan, who thought nothing about the design of the wall and only focused on the upcoming battle, was truly a splendid warrior. I mean, when I met her in this dungeon for the first time, she was such a crybaby who bawled non-stop saying that this dungeon's design looked like a temple of an evil god. And who knew that such a crybaby would transform into one of the most fearsome warriors I've ever met.

Sure enough, it doesn't look like this bad-taste of the design has anything in particular but oh?

When I was looking around the hall restlessly, I heard quiet footsteps approaching this place. The boss finally made their appearance, huh.

The boss, seems like a high-zombie's boss, huh.

The bosss figure with red-muscle fibers wrapped by an almost transparent white husk was definitely the figure of a high-zombie. The only problem was its size, the boss was a three metres giant.

Its figure was macho, or should I say that its upper half swelled up unnaturally. Its muscular body and log-like arms alone were enough to tell me that this fella was power-type.

For some reason, this fella had the same design as the boss in a zombie shooting game.

What do you think, Mei-chan?

It looks strong but not that overwhelming, perhaps.

If she felt that way, it meant that this boss was truly a power-type, the muscle brain.

I mean, Mei-chan had the experience of fighting against the living armor boss who had both power and technique, not to mention her fighting against four-heavenly king gogmas and their boss, four-armed gogma.

In fact, speaking of strong bosses, I guess it was only natural for her who formed a party with Souma-kun's harem to meet those powerful bosses due to their powerful line-up. But I think the setting had already been corrected now since she was partying with me, thus we got a slightly weaker high-zombie boss.

If we fought this fella I think we might be able to beat this guy fairly easily.


And then, the fu*king boss raised a high-pitched, transvestite-like warcry despite being a muscle daruma. Just when I thought it was some sort of a signal for the start of the battle,



A familiar warcry resounded in the entire hall.

T-This ba*tard, don't tell me

Red lines suddenly appeared from the ominous-looking relief and the eerily distorted pillar, forming a crooked magic circle from which the high-zombies were coming out.

These zombies seemed like they were summoned from the entire area with that magic circle, rather than that, their number had already exceeded a dozen.

Dammit, this fella is the type of boss who can summon small fries to assist them.

Kotato-kun, get behind me.

Mei-chan sent me a slightly worried look.

Though my tactic managed to trim down the first wave of the high-zombies, the summoning circle on the wall and pillar kept sending new waves of high-zombies one after another.

There were several patterns of the summoning system of these small fries.

One is the one that could only summon fixed numbers. One where it was constantly summoning undead at regular intervals. The one that summoned at irregular intervals existed too. The worst of all was the one that summoned more in accordance with the other party's strength.

In short, even if for example, you could exterminate an army of small fry at once, the last type of magic circle could send an even bigger scale of an army. In that situation, the solution was either sparing some of the enemies or just dealing damage enough to keep the enemies barely alive to deceive the perception of the summoning magic, preventing them from sending more and more enemies but this wasn't a game and there was no walkthrough for this boss battle, thus I had no choice but to analyze the situation in real-time.

Maybe this summoning circle has some sort of deficit that I can use to crack it down.

Welp, the second wave was coming. Half of them got buried inside the acid bog. It meant, their numbers were at least twice as much as the first wave.

The skeleton squad which I equipped with sword and Rem the 3rd had already ambushed them from behind, but their subjugation speed had clearly become slower compared to when they exterminated the first wave.

Finishing off the high zombies who fell into the acid bog was a simple matter but the skeletons were barely hanging in there. We barely managed to cut down most of them when I assisted them with my feelers.

I was already hard-pressed even with just two high zombies.

Good grief, and here I thought that our number overwhelmed them, only to let me taste their number overwhelming our side.

Dammit, and it keeps spawning those high-zombies.

Their speed didn't seem to be that much different from before. Though the time we needed to subjugate them had increased, I might as well be making an assumption that there wouldn't be any other variation depending on how we subjugate the second wave.

When the summoning speed of the high-zombie exceeded the time we needed to exterminate them, that would spell our defeat. Currently, we needed less than three minutes to crush the second wave. Cr*p, the situation was even messier than my expectation!


When I took a glance at the boss battle in the main hall, it was right at the moment when Mei-chan released a big slash towards the boss.

The halberd's blade sliced through the boss's shoulder diagonally from above its shoulder. That gashing and the bloody wound should've caused considerable damage towards the boss, and yet numerous small tentacles wriggled around the wound instead of blood.


The boss which now turned into a grotesque being with tentacles wriggling out from its body kept fighting while raising a warcry.

Dammit, it can transform on top of having high recovery ability! Stop adding those ridiculous gimmicks!

Even Mei-chan was frowning as she was facing that lively boss who kept brandishing its strong arm and tentacles.

It seemed the tentacles appeared due to the slashing wound, and from the looks of it, the same thing had already been repeated a few times. I mean, those tentacles were growing from the boss's flank and feet.

Meaning that it would recover no matter how much we cut it. To make the matter worse, those tentacles were also acting as some sort of bump against the incoming attack. Any half-hearted damage would only strengthen the boss.

Dammit, those tentacles will only prolong the boss battle

To win this boss battle, we had to find a way to defeat the boss with its ridiculous regeneration speed in one single attack while I kept the high-zombies army at bay.

Eh, was this a checkmate for us?