Extremely excited, Fengcheng didn't have a good rest this evening.

On the contrary, Mu Qinghuan sleeps heavily.

In the morning, when the sun is drying PP, Fengcheng is walking around in place, and muqinghuan is still sleeping.

"Fourth brother, do you want me to wake up Mr. mu?" Tina disguised her smile and asked seriously.

Fengcheng would like to wake up the woman, but mu Qinghuan is really too tired at this time, and after suffering, Fengcheng has to wave his hand and say, "I'm not in a hurry. Let her sleep for a while."

So, until Feng Teng was crying for milk, Mu Qinghuan rubbed his eyes and yawned slowly to feed his son.

When her son is full, Mu Qinghuan opens her eyes and sees Feng Cheng staring at her with a pair of deep eyes.

"What are you doing?" Stinking rascal, Mu Qinghuan immediately tidied up his clothes.

"Qinghuan, we need to get the certificate today." The city is a little complaining.

“……” Mu Qinghuan just remembered.

"Let's go." Fengcheng squats down and puts on shoes for muqinghuan.

"But I don't have any identification." Mu Qinghuan looks down at him.

"I went to my father-in-law all morning and brought it." Fengcheng pointed to the briefcase, "the documents are in, you are the big living man."

"Do we really need a certificate?" Mu Qinghuan is a little skeptical.

"That's not nonsense?" Feng Cheng looked up, "two children are born, you still refuse to get married, Mu Qinghuan, are you playing rogue?"

"No Mu Qinghuan nununuzui, "I did not find the memory, how do I know, after I married, will not regret it?"

"No way." Feng Cheng patted Mu Qinghuan's forehead, "you used to love me very much and wish I could stick to me every day. Even if I regret getting married, you can't regret it. Do you know?"

"True or false?" If Mu Qinghuan doesn't believe it, she can't be so crazy.

"Qinghuan, where can you find a husband like me?" Fengcheng began to chant sutras, "I can cook, I can make money, I can run a family, and I am handsome..."

Mu Qinghuan quickly nodded, yes, Feng Xiaoer said all right, she did not regret at all, and this marriage, must be quickly married!

"Come on, let's go!" When Mu Qinghuan went down to the ground, she was very careful when she was afraid of falling down, which could be called secondary disability. In fact, she was too empty for fear of hurting herself.

"Slow down." According to the usual, Fengcheng will hold Mu Qinghuan and treat her as a baby. However, her going to the ground is conducive to her recovery. Therefore, he just supports her.

The two people walked out of the hospital door, the car had already stopped waiting.

Fengcheng this just holding Mu Qinghuan get on the car, worried that she hit the car wall.

Along the way, neither of them spoke, as if they were shy as strangers.

After arriving at the Civil Affairs Bureau, Mu Qinghuan and Fengcheng went to board the plane.

"Why, you are so young, you are married two times?" People who deal with files, that is, curiosity.

Sweat drips, Mu Qinghuan smeared, became the second marriage.

"Come on, take a picture. The woman will come closer and smile. Yes, smile..."


The picture of the two is fixed.

With the red book in hand, Mu Qinghuan was a little excited. After that, she was really a good wife. This kind of taste was not bad.

"Wife." Holding on to the red book, Fengcheng heart a loose, finally married, really married.

"Wedding..." Nunu mouth, Mu Qinghuan asked with affectation, "when will you supply me?"

"When I come back..." He must give her a century wedding.

"In fact, I don't want to be so grand, as long as there is such a form. After all, I don't want to get married casually. At least you should let people know that we are married. I am your wife, right?" Mu Qinghuan holds the arm of Fengcheng and nags.

"Qinghuan, I found that after I got married, your words changed a lot." Fengcheng looks disgusted.

“……” Sure enough, after marriage, men will change, but mu Qinghuan is not afraid. Instead, he calmly said, "no way. We are married. You know my nature now, and there is no way to change people. If you want to change, you should divide at least half of my property, then I will become a rich woman."

"Silly girl." Feng Cheng bowed her head and gently kisses her lips. "After marriage, all mine belongs to you. Are you sure you only take half?"

“……” Mu Qinghuan blinked, did not understand.

"I will transfer all my property to your name. Do you want to believe my sincerity?" Hands around her shoulder, Fengcheng will thin lips against her ear, "Qinghuan, moved?"

“……” Eyes slightly moist, Mu Qinghuan don't know why, even blind excited after marriage.

But, she really can't control her emotions.

She remembered that when she saw the city again, everyone blamed her for destroying the city.

But he gave her all his property again.

Why, so nice to her?unworthy.

He is such a fool.

"Fool, you take back your property, and you take it back. I married you not because of your money, not because of anything, but because of..."

Simply because, she likes him and wants to live with him. In her whole life, she doesn't want to miss the man Fengcheng!

"I'll give it to you, and I won't take it back." Pick eyebrows, Fengcheng wayward said, "since all married, don't divide so clearly."

When a man says love in his mouth, is it really love?

Move his property try, check his mobile phone try, can really do magnanimous man, is the true love, hate to take out the heart.

His city is such a man, his love is particularly extreme, paranoid.

If he really loves, he wants to take everything out and give it to the woman he loves, instead of hiding it and leaving a way for himself.

"No, I don't want it even if you give it to me." Cry miserable matchless, Mu Qinghuan and Feng City at the door of the quarrel.

Many people lament that they are divorcing.

"Don't make a scene. You're not afraid to let people see jokes." Feng Cheng encircles her with his arms, and then holds her up. "My husband has decided that you have enough exercise today. Let's go. I'll hold you."

"Fengcheng, I tell you seriously, I don't want a cent of your property, I don't want to accept it!" Take a deep breath, Mu Qinghuan moved the real case, "if you don't listen, I'll tell my mother-in-law and let her treat you!"

"Don't worry, I left my mother a pension, this one for you, including my son's Fengcheng said seriously, "I have said that you and my son are more important than my life."

"Feng Xiaoer, why don't you listen?" Mu Qinghuan is angry.

Fengcheng was cynical and chuckled in her ear, but the tone was extremely overbearing, "Qinghuan, I love you, I am willing to give you everything You, just take it. "

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