[NT: Sayaka sometimes speaks in the third person.]

In a nice deep sleep and not realizing that it’s already morning, Haruki was curled up inside a warm blanket. It was past time to wake up.

But luckily, he didn’t fall asleep──thanks to his childhood friend who at some point infiltrated his room and even got into his bed.

「Hamu hamu.」

「Hmm……Eh, hey, uwaa!?」

A warmth feeling ran through his ear.

When Haruki realized that it wasn’t a dream but something real, he jumped.

When he opened his eyes and looked around him, on her bed was a girl in a school uniform, Mishiro Sayaka, lying on her bed with her back curled up like a kitten, looking up at Haruki.

「Hey, Sayaka! What are you doing!」

「Good morning, Haa-chan.」

Instead of answering Haruki’s question, Sayaka greets him with a smile.

Noticing that her thin lips were slightly moist, Haruki’s entire body grew hot.

「Good morning my ass……Did you just bite my ear?」

「Was I biting?」

「Why do you look like you don’t know?……It’s not normal for you to bite my ear to wake me up. No, even apart from waking up it’s not okay.」

「Haa-chan, I thought of waking you up. You fell asleep, didn’t you?」

「Well, I appreciate that, but there was no need to bite me, right?」

「I bit you because it looked nice. Haa-chan, you were making a satisfied face.」

「There’s no way for me to make such a ridiculous face……」

「Then, I’ll do it to you again.」


At the speed of light, she bit his left ear.

「Haa-hyan? Are yo felig good?」

「Hey, don’t talk while you chew!」

「Ok. Hamu hamu.」

「No, it’s not even okay if you chew silently!」

Somehow, he managed to drive away the biting demon. The pounding in his chest showed no sign of abating.

On the other hand, Sayaka politely said ‘Gochiso-sama’, clasping her two hands together and showing a bright smile.

「Hey, it felt good, didn’t it?」

「……No comment.」

「So, one more time?」

「No, it’s enough! It felt good! Truly, incredibly, quite!」

After receiving an exaggerated confirmation, Sayaka finally closed her lips and nodded in satisfaction.

──The two are what is known as childhood friends, and have been in this relationship since they were in kindergarten.

Both of them just became high school students this spring, and speaking only in terms of appearance, it can be said that they have grown up as age-appropriate high school students.

In particular, Sayaka is a beautiful girl like no other, with a slender yet well-defined body, beautiful features, and long, shiny black hair, she has an immaculately neat and clean appearance. Such was the beauty of her that if there were 10 people, all of them would say that she is a beautiful girl.

But when it comes to Sayaka when she’s with Haruki, it’s hard to say that she’s perfect as her inner child comes out.

「Hey, Sayaka. No matter how nice it looks, it is not good to bite people’s ears without permission. Understand?」

「Yes. It’s something Haa-chan is saying.」

「So, can you promise not to do it starting tomorrow?」

「Yes. I will bite you elsewhere.」

「That doesn’t solve anything……」

「Where do you prefer it? Eyes? Shoulders? Hips?」

「Why pure places that look stiff…」

「Do you prefer it in a soft place?……Like the mouth?」

「That would be a kiss!」

Involuntarily, Haruki’s voice cracked. Sayaka said ‘What a strange voice’, joking like a child.」

Every day that there is school, Sayaka visits Haruki’s house. To go to school together.

Haruki is usually awake when Sayaka arrives, but sometimes he falls asleep. Then Sayaka goes up to his room and tries to wake him up in different ways.

She would be fine if she just called out to him by shaking his body, but Sayaka would often come up with different ideas unnecessarily.

In the past, she used to get into his bed without permission, sleep next to her, and even hug him.

Of course, at those times Haruki would jump completely, so the effect was outstanding.

「Hey, Haa-chan. Why today?」


「Why, did you fall asleep? Did you stay up late?」

When asked that, Haruki himself couldn’t find a definitive cause.

Only the feeling of having had a strange dream stuck in a corner of his head.

「Is not that. I just had a bad dream.」


「Yes, it was a strange dream. It seemed to be incredibly clear, but the important part was barely visible……If I remember correctly, there was a girl crying in front of me.」

「Onna no Ko?」 [NT: It can mean girl, young woman, little girl. In this case it would be the last one.]

The smile disappeared from Sayaka’s face.

Crawling across the bed with a leopard-like posture marking its target, she closes the distance between herself and Haruki.

「Who? Who was that, girl?」

「Hey, Sayaka, you’re too close……」

「Answer me, Haa-chan. Who did you dream about?」

「With whom? Probably, I think with Sayaka.」

Haruki answers as he pushes away the approaching body.

「Really? Was it really Sayaka?」

「Because I named you Haa-chan. Is there anyone besides Sayaka who calls you that?」

「……There are not. After all, Sayaka is the only one. That can call Haa-chan Haa-chan. It is decided by the constitution.」


「Yes. In Article 14.」 [NT: Article 14 of Chapter 3 of the Constitution of Japan establishes equality before the law, prohibition of nobility and honors. It also provides equal rights.]

「I rather think that is a point where equality is stipulated.」

「From Haa-chan, by Haa-chan, and for Haa-chan.」

「That sounds very egocentric……」

「Never, I will allow it. The only one who can stand by Haa-chan’s side is Sayaka.」

It was a statement without an ounce of equality.

Haruki was lost for an answer, but for the moment he decided to go with a ‘Yes, you’re right’.

「This was not the time to take our time. Even though you went to the trouble of waking me up, at this rate, it will be late for both of us.」

「Sayaka votes that it’s okay if the two of us are together.」

「Thank you for your pure and sincere vote……But we can’t do that, right? If we are late, we will be scolded.」

「I do not want to go to school. Because I have to separate from Haa-chan.」

With a ‘Boo’, Sayaka pouted her lips.

Although she says that they have to separate, they are just in different classes, but even so, she seems to be very dissatisfied.

「Don’t be conceited. Look, I’ll change my clothes. Sayaka, wait outside.」

「I won’t wait. I’ll stay with Haa-chan.」

Sayaka clings to Haruki’s arms and unreservedly presses her voluptuous breasts against him.

The feeling of softness wrapping around his triceps is nice, and the throbbing that should have subsided quickly returned.

「No, that way I will never be able to change my clothes again.」

「But Haa-chan, you are smiling.」

「Well, if you do this anyone…….I mean, I can’t go to school in my pajamas.」

「No, I want to go with Haa-chan.」

「Then, for now, can you release me and let me change?」

「I don’t want to, we’ll separate if we go to school.」

「You are in a difficult age……」


With a ‘Funi’ the sensation intensified even more.

「No, you don’t have to stick your chest anymore. For now, separate yourself from──」

Haruki was about to finish that sentence, but he was speechless.

Something now, a strange feeling……

When he lowered his gaze feeling an indescribable sense of discomfort, Sayaka’s slender fingertips were about to lift the hem of his pajamas.

「Haa-chan, nugi nugi.」

「H-hey! I’ll do it myself!」

He quickly holds the hand of her childhood friend.

Sayaka again expressed her discontent with a ‘Boo’, and since she didn’t leave the room in the end either, Haruki gave up and decided to change his clothes like that.

「Haa-chan’s shirt and pants.」

「Um, Sayaka. I’m grateful that you prepare them for me, but I can do it myself……」

「Ah, Sayaka will tie your tie for you.」

「R-really is not necessary! It’s already hot today, so I’m going in Cool Biz!」 [NT: Cool Biz is a measure taken by the Japanese government in order to counteract environmental changes by promoting informality in dress during summer.]

It was the season in mid-May after Golden Week.

At this delicate time of the year, which cannot be called spring or summer, the change of dress began little by little, with more and more students making the transition from blazers to chukan fuku. [NT: Chukan Fuku is like going without your coat or blazer, leaving only your shirt.]

However, this year the temperature was higher than usual and most of the students were dressed in summer clothes. Haruki had also changed into a short-sleeved shirt a while back, but as of today he stopped wearing the school-designated tie. The ties are unisex, but the girls have a red ribbon tie as an option, with Sayaka in particular preferring to wear the ribbon tie. The bow tie was tied tightly around her chest even today, when she changed from chukan fuku to summer clothes.

They both attend a public high school that is about a 7-minute walk from their homes. On the way to school, Sayaka always walks holding Haruki’s arm. It’s the same no matter how hot or rainy it is, or even when other students are watching.

「Together with Haa-chan, together with Haa-chan.」

「If you cling to me like this, it’s hard to walk……」

He chastised her in embarrassment but didn’t force her to let go.

It was certainly difficult to walk due to her strong grip, but he couldn’t resist the softness of Sayaka’s arms. He tightened the muscles in his face to keep from making a ridiculous expression.

It wasn’t an unpleasant situation for Haruki, but there were times when he had difficulties when they got to school.

That is also another of the difficulties caused by Sayaka’s excessive affection for Haruki.

「Look Sayaka, your classroom is still two more classrooms away, isn’t it? If you don’t go fast, you will be marked tardy.」

「I don’t want to. I prefer to be with Haa-chan.」

As expected, Sayaka started throwing a tantrum. There are no signs of her heading to her own classroom.

It was a scene that was repeated every morning. As they reach the front of Haruki’s classroom, Sayaka stubbornly refuses to part with him.

Other students passed by their side laughing slyly at the two.

Sayaka didn’t seem to mind at all, and it was already like ‘reached this point’ to Haruki. At this moment, it was more important to persuade Sayaka than the looks around them.

「Sayaka, you are in a different class. It can’t be helped that we can’t be together, right?」

「Haa-chan, you only say that. Yesterday, the day before yesterday and the day before that.」

「It’s something that nothing can be done about. You understand?」

「Muu……Then, will you have lunch with me?」

「Well, of course.」

「For real?」

「I mean, we eat together every day, right?」

「Today, I want to eat in the cafeteria.」

「Yes, yes, whether it’s to the cafeteria or the store, I’ll go with you wherever.」

As if telling her to be calm, Haruki pats Sayaka’s head.

His conceited childhood friend relaxed her cheeks with a ‘fuhee’ and finally let go of Haruki’s arm.

「So, it’s a promise, yes? Absolutely, absolutely, it’s a promise.」

After repeating it to him as a reminder, Sayaka slowly walked towards her classroom.

Although he was relieved that he was able to send her to her classroom somehow, his chest ached a little as he watched her walk away like a sad puppy.

At the same time, he was happy that she didn’t want to part with him to such an extent.

「There’s no doubt that she’s cute, but……」

When he involuntarily let out his voice, he felt that the people around him were giving him sly smiles again.

──No, like I care.

After making sure Sayaka entered her classroom correctly, Haruki entered his as well. Without making eye contact with anyone, he hurried over to his seat.

「Hello Kunieda-kun. Good day.」

As soon as Haruki took seat, an old-fashioned greeting came softly from the seat next to him.

Haruki, who is rarely greeted by his classmates, turns around without thinking, but when he discovers that the girl sitting there is Senzaki Yuuki, he rolled his eyes even more.

「Senzaki-san? Why……?」

「Aah, no wonder you ask. As of today, this is my seat.」

The intellectual-looking girl who looks good in a tie is already wearing her summer clothes, and from the tips of her fingers to the backs of her hands and the upper part of her slender arms, her skin is as white as snow.

「Senzaki-san’s seat……Why all of a sudden?」

「I asked to change it. I have also received the approval of Professor Aiura.」

From her mature smile not typical of a high school student, he could feel the gentle, yet reckless inner strength of her.

With beauty and style on par with Sayaka, Senzaki Yuuki is known as the weirdest girl in his class. That’s because of her old-fashioned way of talking which you wouldn’t expect from a high school girl, and her line that she always draws in the interaction with her classmates.

Soon after entering the school, Yuuki, with the fair skin and shiny black hair of hers, immediately caught the attention of the other students and both men and women approached her.

However, Yuuki didn’t take anyone enthusiastically. She didn’t mean to be rude, but most of the conversations were ended because of Yuuki’s simple answers.

Haruki is a member of the health committee just like Yuuki, but even so, they barely exchanged words. Yuuki never starts a conversation with someone on her own.

Such a girl took the trouble to change her seat to Haruki’s side and even she greets him. Haruki’s surprise was understandable, and the other students around them seemed to be very astonished, inadvertently the attention focused on them.

「It seems strange to you, doesn’t it? That I spoke to Kunieda-kun.」

Yuuki’s voice and smile seemed to see right through him.

Haruki flinched and clearly looked away as he searched for an excuse.

「I was wondering why you spoke to me, or rather, why you changed seats.」

「Why do you think so Kunieda-kun?」

「……Did you find it difficult to see the blackboard?」

「I see, it’s a standard answer. But I have good eyesight in both eyes, so that reasoning is wrong. What a pity.」

When Haruki says it as a clever joke, Yuuki gave a small purring laugh.

「I came here because I have been interested in you for a long time.」


At the unexpected words, Haruki’s voice changed in pitch.

Suddenly, Yuuki’s smiling expression turned glamorous and Haruki’s heart began to beat faster.

──Interested she says, maybe Senzaki-san is……No, but I have Sayaka……

「Aah, well, you two, to be exact.」

「You two?」

「Yes. You and the girl you were with before. Sayaka-kun, I think she was.」

With an ‘I see’, Haruki dropped his shoulders.

──No, in the first place, there’s no way she’d fall in love with me so suddenly. I am ashamed of myself for having misunderstood it……

「I think Kunieda-kun and Sayaka-kun get along very well. I see you two every day, but you really were flirting today. It was as if you were showing off.」

「No, it’s not like that at all. It’s the same as always, from the beginning it’s been like that.」

「It may be so for you guys. But the subjective understanding of the parties involved is irrelevant. What I feel, I’m sure the other students feel the same way……The facts are shaped more by the interpretation of the irrelevant majority than by the conscience of the parties involved.」

Haruki was astuned by the sudden eloquence.

He somehow understands what she means, but he doesn’t think there’s a reason for her to say that much.

「Well, how can I say it, truth and facts are sometimes different……」

「If you don’t accept it, there is no meaning, such a thing as the truth. This world has always been ruled by false facts created by the majority. It’s too solid a system to override, which is a very unfortunate thing.」

Once again, Haruki was astuned.

She is someone who says strange things. No matter how beautiful she is, Haruki might understand why she can’t get along with others……

「Eeto……For the time being, I would prefer if you didn’t say anything about Sayaka. Although it’s not that I don’t understand your interest either.」

「Fufu, you sound like an admirable guy, Kunieda-kun.」

「If you put it like that, Senzaki-san too, your way of speaking is like that of a great detective.」

「I would be grateful if you called me that. I don’t feel like I’m speaking that smartly, but I guess this will also become a fact.」

「I understand, I understand. For now, let’s mark this conversation as over……」

「Aah, almost forgot to mention the main thing. Looks like at lunchtime, there’s going to be a committee meeting.


「What, did you forget? ──Kunieda-kun and me are members of the health committee, right? Looks like we’ll meet in the infirmary after fourth period.」