──To a world   where Haa-chan and me   can always be together.

Like a spring mist, a vast landscape spreads out in the surroundings.

Whether this is a dream or a memory from the past, Haruki doesn’t know yet. The only thing he knows for sure is that there is a girl in front of him.

However, the moment he held hands with the girl, the surrounding mist gradually dissipated.

After a while, Haruki realized that he and the girl were in the middle of a park. It’s the park near his school, Haruki remembers that he used to play there often.

After all, is this scene a memory from the past? Is this girl in front of him Sayaka?

However, it doesn’t exist in his memory──Haruki doesn’t remember making Sayaka cry like this when they were kids.

──Come   this way.

The girl slowly tugs at Haruki’s hand and begins to walk.

Outside the park, there was no mist like before, and the familiar scenery of a residential area lined up. However, everything was dyed in an indescribable iridescent color, shining dazzlingly.

The force with which the girl pulled his hand was not very coercive. Instead of forcibly pulling Haruki, it was more like she was just holding his hand and leading the way. Therefore, Haruki could free himself from her grasp whenever he wanted.

However, he did not let go of the girl’s hand. Although the girl was not shedding tears, she still seems to be crying slightly, letting out a small sob occasionally. Saying nothing, Haruki gave in to the girl’s innocent earnestness.

Eventually, the girl stops at a place where the strangely colored cityscape ends.

──Do you remember   here?

At the girl’s question, Haruki shook his head.

The displayed location was once again covered in a thick white mist. When asked if he remembered, he couldn’t answer.

──Let’s go   Haa-chan.

The girl showed a slight smile and again pulled Haruki’s hand.

In the thick mist, the two small shadows, as if being sucked in, slowly disappeared……