I chased after Philia-san, who was steadily going ahead, wondering what the h**l she was up to.

From that moment on, we engaged in a rather stormy march onward.

『 Ahaha, ice caves are slippery! 』

『 Wa—Hey, I didn’t bring anything like attribute countermeasures for this situation here! 』

『 Awa, awawawa, I can’t proceed as well. 』

Without no time to catch my breath, I was being taken around by Philia-san as we went through various places.

『 Hy~a! In the desert, the heat is just so hot that my HP decreases! 』

『 Cinq and Phie-san, if you don’t hurry, the water magic stone you have will run out! 』

『 Eh Arre? Is that — a mirage!? I-I think I am lost! 』

Nanjo Rin had just started playing the game, so many of these places were her first time coming across them.

And as she should be, it was quite amusing to look at her getting caught up in every possible trap and gimmicks that were laid out in there.

『 Hmm, the surrounding scenery is beautiful no matter where you look at from the Floating Gardens! The sea of ​​clouds that expands forth looks just so amazing! 』

『 Be extremely careful, all the traps in this pitfall here means an instant death sentence. 』

『 Uh, ahh, umm, I’m sorry, I think I just stepped on something strange… 』

Furthermore, her avatar was destroyed not just once or twice even though shields were being used.

Due to which, each time, Cinq started to apologize profusely, but―

『 Ahaha, it’s fine, it’s all fine! Now, shall we go to our next stop? 』

Philia-san simply laughed it off and urged us to continue on with our journey.

Somehow, as time went on, it all became so funny that even I became all smiles in the end as well.

I had a feeling Nanjo Rin must be laughing from the other side of the screen as well.

But as it were, this adventure was certainly tedious.

However, we rather enjoyed getting caught in traps and gimmicks all along the way.

I honestly thought that we played in a rather messed up way.

But certainly, we had a great time participating in the game.

Ah, after all, when I play with you Philia-san, even such trivial things become fun.

A wry smile escapes me.

Before I knew it, three hours had already passed and the time was past 23:00.

『 I feel so tired! 』

『 Even I’m in all sweat. 』

『 But it was fun! 』

『 Right~?! 』

『 Tsu! 』

『 Umm, Philia-san? 』

Just wanting to hear those words, Philia-san rushed over to Cinq this time.

Cinq, who was made to swallow her own words back, appeared surprised.

『 Cinq-kun, we’re friends, aren’t we? Klies-kun, you think so too as well, don’t you? 』

『 Eh? Ah, yes. I do think so.  』

『 Nn, same here. 』

We had been playing together since the other day and had been having a good time so far.

It felt awkward to say that we were friends out loud, but in truth, even if we told ourselves that were so, it wouldn’t be false.

『 I’m sure, if you spend lots of time together and have a good time like we did just now, I think you’ll naturally become friends as well. 』

『 Yes… I guess… Yes, definitely… 』

『 “…” 』

The words seemed like they were directed at me.

『 You just have to be bold and take the first step toward that person. You see, even I learned to be brave through this game.  』

『 “…” 』

At that time, for some reason―

I was reminded of Philia-san and Shiyori’s real-life appearance at the time we first met offline.

Come to think of it, she didn’t really talk that time. She was also silent when we were at the collaboration-store food store. 

And when karaoking, it was terrible, as I had to sing all alone. Even if I did only a little. 

But that itself was probably only possible because of the games she played, which gave her the courage to do these in the end.

— All this seemed to overlap with the Philia-san in front of me right now.

『 That’s why, Cinq-kun, you have to give your best! I will also continue to give my best as well! 』

Those words, as if saying ‘Even I was able to take a step forward successfully,’ sunk not only into Cinq’s heart but also into mine as it went on to pierce us from deep within.


I was dreaming. In my dreams, I was much younger than I was now.

『 What are you doing? Let’s go already. 』

『 … Eh? 』

Taking hold of her little hand, I walked into the crowd. She would always put up with everything I did, not saying anything in return, and always having this friendly smile on her face.

I didn’t like this at all.

『 You know, if you don’t like something, you have to say it aloud properly, okay? 』

『 “…” 』

『 Everyone’s worried. 』

『 “…” 』

Even if I talked to her or urged her to do something, she was the kind of girl who didn’t respond very well to criticism.

I was a child at that time too. So probably, I just pushed my own ideals onto her, not even trying to understand the other person’s feelings.

I think it pierced into my pride. My every interaction was nothing but failure, and I could finally understand that now.  Haaaah—-



I was woken up by the sound of my smartphone suddenly chiming.

Who could it be this early in the morning? I was in a groggy state of mind as I tapped the answer button of the call without even checking who it was.


『 “…!” 』

As it was a sudden phone call, which I took right after I woke up, I ended up speaking louder than I expected.

The other party seemed to gasp in surprise having to listen to the unexpected loud voice from me.

『 … Ah. 』


『 … Ah, it’s morning. 』

“… Shiyori? eh? Oh, UOAH!?”

I checked the time on my watch and saw that it was past my usual waking hours. 

However, the time was not past enough to get me late. But it was also not normal enough, where I could have it slow.

Apparently, I had once more forgotten to set up my alarm.

“Sorry, Thanks, you saved me!”

『 Y-Yes 』

I threw aside my phone, took off my pajamas, picked up my uniform, and got dressed.

Even so, to think this was going to be the first conversation I have with Shiyori over the phone.

I laughed in amazement and got myself ready to head to school.

“Ah, good morning, Shiyori.”

“… Morning”

When I finished with my preparations and headed downstairs, Shiyori was already eating her breakfast in the dining room.

Another portion of coffee and toast were also laid out across from her.

… Was that my share?

“May I?”

“… Nn.”

Thinking on the lines that Shiyori nodded her head slightly and gave confirmation to what I asked her, I got started on my breakfast as the time was also pressing.

A few days went since that day, and before I knew it, going to school with Shiyori had become a normal routine.

Today as well, we walked down the short road to the station together.


When taking a look at us, someone can even tell that we looked like a chick chasing after her parents. We never talked to each other, much less held hands. 

But it was never awkward between us. 

What we exhibited can be verily termed as something very natural between us.

―Perhaps this was what it actually felt like being a real sibling.

I thought about this as I looked at Shiyori behind me who seemed to be in a good mood as we walked to school together.