Chapter 22: Eggs Stained with Blood

Name:Kaleidoscope of Death Author:
Chapter 22: Eggs Stained with Blood

Since arriving here, theyve eaten several meals cooked by the mother of those triplets.

Although each meal prepared for them had its own distinct taste, one thing for sure was that almost all of the ingredients used in every dish were extremely vegan-friendly; that was to say, none of these dishes contained a single trace of red meat. If they were lucky enough to have an egg on their plate, then it would be considered the ideal balanced diet for weight loss; in fact, even one egg would practically be better than any of the meatless meals hereXu Xiaocheng had even complained about this countless times, utterly dissatisfied with the lack of meat in their food.

However, todays meal was clearly different, for what was floating in that clear, steaming broth were bright-red meatballs. The color of those meatballs was strikingly attractive, occasionally revealing an enticing deep crimson shade. The rich aroma hit everyones nostrils, arousing their senses. If they hadnt just witnessed a horrifyingly gruesome murder scene, everyone surely wouldve succumbed to the temptation before them and dug into the meal by now.

Eat up, prompted the woman. Hm? Why arent any of you eating? I made this just for you. Her hair was disheveled, and her face carried an eerie smile. She stood beside the table and slightly stressed, Go on, eat. Its very delicious.

Not a single person raised their chopsticks; everyone was as frozen as a statue.

Although the meatballs looked undeniably tantalizing, everyone was obviously thinking the same dreadful thingjust what kind of meat was used to make those meatballs?

Hm? How strange? Why wont any of you eat this? Utterly baffled, the woman continued pestering them with questions. Carefully tucking her hair behind her ear and hunching her back forward, she took the initiative to pick up some chopsticks and soon reached for a meatball. Its very delicious.

She raised her chopsticks to her mouth and gobbled the meatball whole. Bits of the juicy, blood-red meatball were stuck between her bright white teeth; the way she chewed loudly as the grease dripped down her lips made it seem as though the meatballs were unimaginably exquisite.

Watching this nauseating scene stimulated Xu Xiaocheng, once again leaving her with her hands tightly covering her mouth in an attempt to suppress her desire to hurl. The others complexions werent looking any better than hers, but the woman didnt seem to notice this. She caught another meatball with her chopsticks and proceeded to stuff it into her mouth, her face colored with pure satisfaction as she ravenously swallowed it down.

Crunch. Crunch. With every meatball devoured, the hostess face grew more content. Issued from the depths of her mouth was a dull sound similar to that of fragile bones being chewed on. Xu Xiaocheng finally couldnt endure hearing that disturbing noise. Shoving her chair back, she jumped to her feet and darted for the restroom.

One by one, the others also left the table, wanting to stay as far away from this lady and her steaming pot of meatballs.

Finally perceiving their terror, yet seemingly unable to understand the reason for their expressions of fear, the woman mumbled to herself, Is the food I cooked not tasty? But everyone likes it, all of them like to eat it!

The room was filled with a deafening silence. No one breathed a word. As of this moment, everyone missed that bland, dry bread from before; at the very least, something that plain shouldnt have any problems with it, and they certainly wouldnt feel as averse to eating it.

While some were still seated around the dining table, the two remaining sisters appeared. Hand in hand, they stood motionlessly at the doorway, silently watching their mother gorge herself.

Being the closest to them, Lin Qiushi furtively examined them from the corner of his eyes. After observing for a while, he found that it was exactly as Ruan Nanzhu told him, one of the sisters had glittering powder on her shoulder, while the other had some on her hair. Lin Qiushi recalled what Ruan Nanzhu mentioned, that the one with powder on her shoulder was Xiao Shi and the one with powder on her hair was Xiao Tu, which meant that the young girl who was murdered could be none other than the eldest of the triplets, Xiao Yi.

As before, the two identical sisters disappeared as unpredictably as theyd appeared. After standing at the doorway for a while, they soon vanished into thin air.

Their lunch was unpleasant to the point that everyone believed dinner couldnt be any worse. But who in the world couldve imagined that the hostess would bring out a large, steaming pot of bone broth for dinner.

The soup was filled with bones, meat, and stewed radishes, and once again, the rich aroma assaulted everyones noses.

They had already skipped several meals, and seeing this pot of bone broth made their expressions turn even uglier, their complexions even paler, than when they first laid eyes on the previous stew.

Zhang Xinghuo couldnt help but curse under his breath, Every single day, there was no fucking meat when I had wanted to eat some before. And now, theres a shit ton to go around. Just look at how much fucking meat we got today.

You actually have the guts to eat this meat? Tang Yaoyao was also feeling on edge. God knows what its made of.

The woman saw that no one picked up their chopsticks, but she no longer tried persuading them to eat. Rather, as if no one else was around her, she simply picked up the ladle, scooped out a fair amount, and slurped the broth. Although no one even got the chance to sample the soup, they strangely felt that it was delicious.

Ah, so tasty. The woman sighed in satisfaction, before shaking her head in regret. Its such a pity that none of you are eating.

And thus, the starving individuals who hadnt eaten for a whole day were left watching the woman gulp down an entire pot of soup filled with meat and bones.

After waiting for the woman to finish eating, everyone gathered together and wordlessly nibbled on the dry, unpalatable bread.

You know, that soup actually looks pretty tasty. As far as Zeng Ruguo was concerned, the meal looked quite appetizing. He was somewhat reluctant to part with the food that was set on the table for them. Can we really not eat this? Not even a small taste?

No one knows what the hell this soup is made from. Tang Yaoyao snapped, utterly exasperated. Is it that hard for you to man up and bear with it for a few days, huh? Can you not be patient? Just wait until we return to our original world, then you can do whatever the hell you want. You want to eat till your stomach bursts, you want to drink to your hearts content, you want to jump into a bath filled with meatball stew? Go ahead, no one will stop you then.

Also, what about that little girls dead body? Where did her mother take her corpse? Xu Xiaocheng questioned in a low voice. She then wrinkled her nose and pretended to stare at the pot of soup on the table without any interest, as it had nothing to do with her. If the bodys found, do you think we can eat this?

Lin Qiushis face revealed a mix of helplessness and awe. He thought to himself, this girl truly has the heart of a lion. Even if he himself found the body, he definitely wouldnt want to taste a drop of the soup. No matter how fragrant the soup was, or how many times one breathed in its scent, no one knew for sure what raw ingredients were used inside it.

If its found? Tang Yaoyao pondered, At first, I thought there was a problem with the triplets, but now, I feel like the problem actually lies with the mother of the triplets.

How about we search for the corpse first? Ruan Nanzhu suddenly proposed, Besides, the place isnt that big.

No one knew what happened to that girls body after the ground had been cleaned of the little childs dismembered corpse. Fortunately, the area wasnt too big, so it would be rather easy to find.

Fine, lets search for it. Tang Yaoyao agreed to Ruan Nanzhus idea. Since were here and we havent examined this room yet, lets just quickly check the place out and try to find any clues.

Thereafter, the group began turning the place upside-down, scouring the entire area for any indications of the corpse.

The place wasnt big enough to lose ones way, for there were only three rooms and two halls. The kitchen was the primary focus of their investigation. Intending to forage around for more clues, Lin Qiushi walked inside the kitchen, when he soon spotted some ingredients. Nearly all of the ingredients before his eyes were plain, organic, and apparently, awfully stale and rotten. No wonder they werent able to enjoy, much less swallow any of the food. Seeing this, it wasnt surprising that everything served to them tasted horrible.

Right beside the kitchen was the washroom. There was nothing particularly special about the bathroom, except for that huge, eye-catching bathtub.

Unrecognizable black spots stained the bathtub, which looked as though it hadnt been used in ages. Lin Qiushi shuffled forward to get a closer look. After studying the marks carefully, he couldnt help but think those black stains resembled blood; nonetheless, he couldnt be one hundred percent certain that his hunch was indeed correct.

They meticulously searched through the entire vicinity, looking high and low, rummaging through every nook and cranny, practically overturning everything. Not a single spot was left untouched by them, yet they still couldnt find the bag that the little girls corpse was stuffed into.

Just where on earth is it? Tang Yaoyao huffed, obviously frustrated. Are there any other places to check?

Ruan Nanzhu fell deep in thought, musing on a possible location. All of a sudden, he straightened his back and headed for the kitchen.

Why are you going into the kitchen again? asked Tang Yaoyao, Weve already looked at everything there

Who wouldve imagined that a second barely passed since Ruan Nanzhu walked into the kitchen, when his clear voice resounded in everyones ears. Found it.

Without any delay, Lin Qiushi followed the other into the kitchen and found Ruan Nanzhu standing by the door of the refrigerator. As of this moment, the refrigerators door was wide open, revealing something inside.New novel chapters are published on

A heavy, black bag.

It was the same bag that the woman used yesterday to carry her young daughters body parts. And now, that very body bag was stuffed into the fridge.

To think it was actually inside the fridge. Tang Yaoyao felt sick to her stomach. I dont even want to eat whatever she cooks anymore.

Ruan Nanzhu promptly reached out and dragged the black bag out of the refrigerator.

Upon seeing his actions, Lin Qiushi inquired, What are you doing?

Checking it. Unperturbed, Ruan Nanzhu lowered his head. Wouldnt you all like to eat some meat?

Zeng Ruguo, who had previously stated he wanted to eat meat, let out an embarrassed chuckle. Its not like I really have to eat

Ruan Nanzhu treated the other like air, completely ignoring him, and unfastened the rope on the bag, exposing the messy contents for all to see. Inside was scattered flesh piling on top of one another, pieces of a mangled dead body that could never be whole again, mutilated to the extent that it was practically impossible to identify each part. Without a doubt, it was the tragic corpse of the little girl

That aside, how are you such a light sleeper? questioned Ruan Nanzhu. You always wake up so easily. And the sound also wasnt even all that loud.

I have very good hearing. Lin Qiushi proclaimed.

So it seems. Ruan Nanzhu hummed. You are the first to wake up every time.

Lin Qiushi heaved a sigh and swept one last glance at the hole in the wall. Luckily I woke up. Otherwise, hed probably have a hole in his head by now.

However, as soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, he heard that same scratching noise again. Though, this time, the sound seemed a bit farther away from its initial position, as if the perpetrator was now drilling a hole through another persons wall.

Goddamn it, that bastard still hasnt given up. Lin Qiushi cursed lowly. What should we do? Should we notify them?

Ruan Nanzhu gazed silently at Lin Qiushi. You just wait for me in here. Ill go outside and check it out.

Lin Qiushi immediately rejected his idea. No, well go together. Two people are better than one. If something bad happens, the least we can do is help each other out.

Quirking an eyebrow in amusement, Ruan Nanzhu smirked, Are you not afraid?

Lin Qiushi: I mean, whats there to be afraid of? Youre with me, arent you?

Having heard what was said, Ruan Nanzhus smile grew deeper than the night. He leaned forward and huskily murmured, Do you know how unbelievably irresistible you are when you trust others so wholeheartedly like this? If you keep tempting me, I wont be able to hold myself back.

Dumbstruck, Lin Qiushi reflexively blurted, Hah?

Ruan Nanzhu shrugged it off, Nothing. Nevermind it.

The two strode over to the doorway and opened the door slowly, unexpectedly generating an ear-splitting creaking sound. The loud noise ensuing from the iron door being pulled open echoed through the pitch-black corridor, whereupon the faint scratching sounds on the wall stopped. Ruan Nanzhu stepped out of the room first, and Lin Qiushi immediately followed after him. The corridor was void of any light, completely submerged in murky shadows. In order to light their way, Lin Qiushi whipped out his cellphone and turned on its built-in flashlight, before taking the lead and shining the light on the path before them. Fortunately, the corridor wasnt endless, so it didnt matter if they stood at the very end of the corridor, for theyd still get a panoramic view of the entire corridor; that was to say, this corridor was convenient in the sense that everything, from one end of the hallway to the other, was clearly visible and would not be able to escape from ones line of sight.

Lin Qiushi remembered that the source of the sound came from the right side, and so he took two steps to the right.

Wait a second. Ruan Nanzhu suddenly grabbed Lin Qiushis arm, pulling him back. Somebodys there.

Lin Qiushi looked in the direction Ruan Nanzhu indicated, and sure enough, he discovered a figure crouching in the corner. He squinted his eyes as he scrutinized the silhouette, before sucking in a cool breath. Surprise was written all over his face, and he softly exclaimed, Isnt that one of the triplets?

Without a doubt. Ruan Nanzhu stood at guard. Darling, what are you doing over there?

The figure shrinking in the corner stood up ever so slowly. The lovely skirt she wore flowed down past her thighs, and her hair was immaculately tied into two cute braids, but her face remained impassive, and her eyes were as dead as ever. Having been spotted, she gently skipped over to Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu and stood directly in front of them.

I cant sleep. A hint of childishness and youth streaked the little girls sweet voice. She approached Lin Qiushi and lifted her head, gazing straight up at him. I cant sleep.

Go back to your room. Lin Qiushi said, Its very late, and its not safe outside.

Upon hearing his words, the little girl glanced back at the door to her room. In the end, she said nothing. She simply turned on her heels and headed towards the direction of her room.

Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu watched on as she disappeared into the darkness, once again.

Was it her? Lin Qiushi was filled with skepticism. Why would she do that

Ruan Nanzhu pursed his lips. She has no powder on her body. The implication behind his words was as clear as day. The triplet theyd encountered tonight was neither Xiao Shi nor Xiao Tu, but Xiao Yi, the dead little girl who had been cut up into several pieces.

Lin Qiushi: Perhaps one of the other girls took a bath and changed her clothes?

Ruan Nanzhu chuckled darkly. Oh, I sure hope so.

Because this incident kept haunting the back of his mind, Lin Qiushi didnt get any sleep for the latter half of the night.

On the other hand, that Ruan Nanzhu sure had some large guts. He gathered Lin Qiushi into his embrace, sweetly snuggling against him, and slept so soundly; absolutely nothing could disturb this individual from getting his beauty sleep. Even when morning arrived and it was time for them to get out of bed, he lingered in his spot, reluctant to part from the comfort of the bed.

Im down. I need a sweet kiss from my dear Qiushi to help me get up, whined Ruan Nanzhu, rolling around the bed.

Lin Qiushi stared down at Ruan Nanzhu and exposed a pained expression from seeing Ruan Nanzhu acting petty and asking to be pampered. With a heart experiencing great internal struggles, he begged, Big brother, could you please stop asking to be spoiled with that kind of appearance?

Ruan Nanzhu: Why, ah? You dont like your cute Mengmeng? His delicate smile emphasized how pitiful he was, making peoples hearts clench, and his lovely countenance shone with slight misery, arousing deep sympathy from others. But he still had a trick up his sleeve. His large doe eyes began to fill with glistening tearsthats right, those brimming tears were the ultimate blow which caused all of those whod witnessed such a sight to collapse to their knees. Honestly, someone should just praise him, cause this level of acting truly deserved an Oscar!

Lin Qiushi: Mengmeng. Get up.

Ruan Nanzhu:

After dawdling around in bed for a long time, the two individuals sauntered over to the washroom and took all the time in the world to brush and wash. As they were washing up, this guy Ruan Nanzhu suddenly decided that he didnt have enough fun, and so he decided to continue teasing Lin Qiushi. Once again putting his award-winning acting skills to the test, he provocatively leaned his entire body against Lin Qiushis and shyly crooned, Big brother Linlin, you were such a beast last night.

Before Lin Qiushi could utter a word, Zeng Ruguo, who was brushing his teeth beside them, happened to overheard their not-so-subtle conversation. In an instant, his jaw dropped open and his eyes rapidly shifted between the two. After letting out an awkward cough, he suggestively remarked, Young people sure are very healthy and energetic.

Ticked off, Lin Qiushi spat out between his gritted teeth, And how exactly was I a beast?

Ruan Nanzhu playfully slapped Lin Qiushis arm and covered his face in fake embarrassment. Oh, how hateful! How could you insist on having someone else tell it to you loud and clear? Dont tell me you want the whole world to know about us?

Lin Qiushi gnashed his teeth so hard that he nearly snapped the toothbrush in his mouth in half.

Unlike the day before, when they were served meatball stew, they were given tasteless, odorless bread for breakfast today. But after yesterdays upsetting events, everyone thought that this plain, dry bread was oddly satisfyingat least there wouldnt be anything strange in this bread.

I have something to tell you all. During the meal, Tang Yaoyao began to speak. I went to check the fridge before I ate, andthe body disappeared.

Its gone? Xu Xiaochengs eyes turned as wide as saucers. What do you mean by it disappeared? Dont tell me were going to be served meat for lunch again

When the subject of meat was mentioned, everyones stomach began to churn.

I cant say for sure. It may just be a misunderstanding on my part. Tang Yaoyao tried to reassure the rest of the group. Besides, didnt someone already examine the body yesterday? Its not like there was a piece or two missing, right?

Who knows. Ruan Nanzhu responded. Unless you yourself think you can find a missing piece or two from that mess of flesh?

In the midst of their discussion, the two identical sisters stepped out of their bedroom.

Having remembered something at that moment, Lin Qiushi stood up and pretended to want to grab the remote control for the television, walking past the two little girls along the way. Taking advantage of the second he passed the twins by, he snatched the opportunity to examine the girls bodies.

However, he was left in utter disbelief at the inconceivable sight before him. These two girlsone had bright powder on her shoulder, and the other had glittering powder in her hairso who was the one Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu ran into in the corridor, just who could it be? Was the one digging a hole into the wall truly the sister who had died, Xiao Yi?

Thinking back on that bagged pile of pulpy flesh and organs of a mutilated corpse that was just sitting inside the refrigerator, a cold lump settled in the pit of Lin Qiushis stomach; his Adams apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed hard.

Ruan Nanzhu shot a questioning glance at Lin Qiushi, who only shook his head slightly in response, silently giving Ruan Nanzhu the answer to their dreadful suspicions. However, Ruan Nanzhu wasnt surprised to see his reaction. He merely smiled calmly and announced, Todays dry bread tastes quite scrumptious.

Doesnt this dry bread taste the same as always? Tang Yaoyao nastily grumbled back.

Of course not. Ruan Nanzhu disagreed with the wag of his finger. The last supper before death is always much more delicious than any of the ordinary meals one has been served.