Chapter 27: The Real World

Name:Kaleidoscope of Death Author:
Chapter 27: The Real World

After sleeping a whole day and night away, Lin Qiushi finally woke up. His fever had long subsided, and although his body was still lacking strength, he was now able to walk on his own. The doctor examined him one last time and stated that Lin Qiushi needed to stay for another day to replenish the lost electrolytes and fluids in his body, and that he would be discharged from the hospital the day after.

Cheng Qianli had been accompanying him this entire time. Upon hearing the doctors words, Cheng Qianli reassured the other, saying that his precious cat was being fed well and that he shouldnt to rush back home but, instead, focus on recuperating.

Lin Qiushi thanked him.

Now at ease, he rested in the hospital bed, and for the first time in his life, he felt that a hospital could be so pleasant and cordial. After suffering several days in the door world, he had finally returned to the real world. While he was trapped within the world of the door, he felt as though he had been separated from reality for a long time, as if reality was merely a distant, intangible dream that he would never be able to reach. But, in actuality, not even ten minutes had passed in the real world.

On the third day, Cheng Qianli handled all of the hospital discharge procedures for Lin Qiushi, then drove Lin Qiushi back to his place.

Once he and Cheng Qianli arrived at his residence, Lin Qiushi fished out his keys and opened the door. He hadnt even stepped through the doorway yet, when he heard his dearest Chestnut mewling cutely, as if it wanted to be spoiled. He raised his head in eagerness, only to spot Ruan Nanzhu nonchalantly sitting on his sofa, reading a book. And as of this moment, Chestnut, who was always so cold and unfriendly to him, ignoring him at times and attacking him at other times, was meowing oh-so-sweetly and rubbing her head against Ruan Nanzhus ankle. If not all, Chestnut even rolled on its back, revealing its soft, fluffy belly, and gazed up at Ruan Nanzhu with shining eyes, begging to be cuddled.

Lin Qiushi used to experience his endearing cats adorable treatment. Back then, his cat would always try to seek his affection like that. But Chestnut began to avoid him recently; it was as if Chestnut hated him to the core. It wouldnt let Lin Qiushi get close to it, and it wouldnt let him pet it or even snuggle it; even kissing it was impossible!

With eyes filled with envy, Lin Qiushi stared fervently at this scene, burning this image into his mind. Perhaps it was because he clearly felt the others piecing glare of jealousy directed at him, but Ruan Nanzhu, who had been reading the book the entire time, finally raised his head and glanced at the other, Is everything fine?

En. Lin Qiushi meekly made his way over to Ruan Nanzhu, reservedly taking a seat beside him, and pretended to just casually pick up the cat, as if this wasnt his true intention in the first place. But who couldve imagined that Chestnut would twist its fluffy bottom in annoyance and escape from his grasp.

Lin Qiushi shed tears of sorrow: Chestnut, dont you love Dad?

Ruan Nanzhu had no words to say. He simply bent over at his waist and easily lifted Chestnut, holding the cat in his arms. Chestnut purred happily and began nuzzling its head against Ruan Nanzhus chest.nove(l)bi(n.)com

Touch it. Ruan Nanzhu adjusted Chestnut and exposed its fur to Lin Qiushi.

Overcome with emotions, Lin Qiushi cautiously reached out and touched his cat. My Chestnut, whatever happened to you? Dont you recognize Dad?

Like a pitiful father who had just lost his daughter, Lin Qiushis heart was deeply grieved. Utterly heartbroken, he watched as the cat he painstakingly raised, cared for and treasured all his life stuck to another man. It was only natural he felt a twinge of bitter envy.

Cats are quite sensitive to these things. Ruan Nanzhu explained. It should get better after a few more doors.

At the mention of the doors, Lin Qiushi grew somber. He leaned his back against the sofa then asked, If you dont mind my asking, why exactly did you kill the hostess in the end? Didnt you say that we should not come into contact with any blood?

I had originally believed the key was hidden inside the cake. Ruan Nanzhu said, But it wasnt, meaning it was definitely hidden someplace else. Do you still remember how the childrens fairy tale ended?

Lin Qiushi frowned as he recollected the ending of the tale. Upon realizing what Ruan Nanzhu was getting at, he immediately sat up, In the end, the three sisters were resurrected, and the sorcerer was killed. That was it, wasnt it?

Correct. Ruan Nanzhu nodded. So, I suspected that

And if that wasnt the case? If you had actually made a mistake? What then? Lin Qiushi certainly didnt expect that Ruan Nanzhu simply decided to act on some mere suspicions; he just couldnt believe that someone who could murder another with such resolution, only did so because of some speculations.

If it wasnt Unperturbed, Ruan Nanzhu lightly touched his chin. Well, we would eventually find it regardless. There were still many places we could search through, and the key was bound to be located in one of those areas.

Lin Qiushi revealed an expression of sheer admiration. Where in the world would anybody dare to take up a knife and decide to cut someone up? As a matter of fact, any ordinary person caught in such a situation wouldnt even want to get close to any blood, for fear of being stained. Then again, Ruan Nanzhu wasnt an ordinary person. Only someone on his wavelength would be able to come up with such brazen theories like this on the spot. But coming up with the idea that the key was located inside the sorcerers body was one thing, and immediately acting on it was another. But that was exactly what he did; without an ounce of hesitation, he dismembered the witch the very instant this thought crossed his mind.

Did you manage to obtain any hints for the next door? Just then, Lin Qiushi recalled something, and he wondered, And are we required to pass through all twelve doors?

En, grunted Ruan Nanzhu. Lets grab something to eat first. We can discuss this slowly at a later time.

Thereupon, the three individuals left his apartment and went to find something to eat.

Because Lin Qiushi was still recovering from his recent illness, he was only supposed to eat light foods. But having eaten dry, tasteless bread for a whole seven days inside the door world, he was feeling more than just gluttonous; he was starving for real, palatable food so much that he felt like he would die if he didnt eat right now. And so, he took Ruan Nanzhu and Cheng Qianli downstairs to a small street food restaurant that was well-known for its authentic traditional cuisine, and ordered a few spicy dishes.

While other regions had their own authentic traditional dishes, this particular traditional cuisine was unique to this area. Everything was heavy, flavorful, and extra fiery. The burning spiciness of the dishes, coupled with a cold beer, could only be described a blazing paradise.

Sweat dripped down Lin Qiushis entire body as he heartily wolfed down the food before him.

Your next door should appear in ten days, more or less. Contrary to expectations, Ruan Nanzhu didnt hold the same enthusiasm as Lin Qiushi while he ate. It seemed that he could not tolerate spicy foods well. After a few bites, his nose turned bright red and his eyes, which had long lost their normal indifference, glistened with unfallen tears. You can rest well during these next ten days.

What about the hint for the door? What is it? Lin Qiushi was more concerned about this matter.

But to Lin Qiushis surprise, Ruan Nanzhu refused to answer, I cant tell you.

Why? Lin Qiushi was rather confounded.

Because that door may not exactly be your door. It may be someone elses door, and there is also a possibility you might not enter that door when the time comes. Ruan Nanzhu continued, The prompt for another door will only be given to the very first person who opened the previous door. Whoever opens the door the fastest will not only have the hint in their hands but also the initiative. However, that hint may not necessarily be used for their own self.

Lin Qiushis jaws dropped in shock. Wouldnt that mean Ill be entering my next door without any hints?

Ruan Nanzhu sighed, The situations more complex than that. Allow me to put it this way. You can basically freeload off of Cheng Qianlis door with your next door.

Utterly bemused, Lin Qiushi cocked his head to one side and raised his brow.

Frustrated that this conversation wasnt progressing, Cheng Qianli finally opened his mouth to explain, A door can only have one theme. However, if both you and I enter the same door, then that door belongs to both you and me, which means that the doors theme also applies to the both of us. Of course, there are still more rules to these doors to consider. One example would be, imagine that I open my fourth door now, but youve only opened your second door. If you follow me into the world of my fourth door and manage to come out safely, then your first three doors will have automatically opened for you even if you havent entered them.

To think there was such a godly cheat. Lin Qiushis eyes grew wide. Doesnt that mean if we find someone who has opened twelve doors

As if something as good as that could actually happen. Rolling his eyes, Cheng Qianli took a bite of his food, then vaguely replied, Let me just tell you, you absolutely shouldnt try to skip doors like this too often. Otherwise, youre reap the consequences and die an extremely miserable death. Youre still a rookie right now, and there are still many things you dont know, but I cant fully explain everything to you.

Lin Qiushi: Why not?

Cheng Qianli: Because even if I explained it to you, youll only continue to ask why and why not.

Lin Qiushi:

Judging from the twos expressions, it was obvious that they abhorred rookies who were more interrogative and questioning than the entire collection of One Hundred Thousand Whys. And so, finding no point in giving the two more reasons to look down on him or direct sneers of disgust and condemnation at him, Lin Qiushi decided to shut up and eat the rest of his meal in silence.

Sure enough, Cheng Qianli gave a long sigh and had to admit that his big brother Ruan truly had good eyes for people. Just look at the rookie he brought back with him; he knew how to act, never asked more questions than he should have, and never probed into anything he shouldnt have. Thinking back on the newcomers the other members brought back with them, the problem wasnt necessarily that they asked way too many questions. Its just that their ceaseless demand for answers eventually led them to their disastrous downfall. As soon as they received all of the answers and explanations they asked for, these rookies would enter their next door confidently, only to die tragically. It was as if all of their previous well-intentioned words and advice went through one ear and out the other!

Lin Qiushi: Speaking of which, youre only on your fourth door, but how are you so knowledgeable?

Cheng Qianli: Although Im only on my fourth door, my older brother has already passed his eighth. He then grumbled something under his breath; it was obvious he was complaining, because it certainly did not sound like any nice compliments.

As Lin Qiushi chewed on his food, he mulled over what the two had told him. After giving it some thought, curiosity won him over in the end, and he couldnt help but feel the need to ask more questions.

Ruan Nanzhu, who noticed that he was just itching to say something more but was still hesitating, held up a finger. This is the last one.

Why would I meet you in my first door then? Lin Qiushi wondered. I thought you didnt know anyone in the first world?

Those were two questions. Ruan Nanzhu said. Whats more, who said that I didnt know anybody in that world?

Lin Qiushi blinked in disbelief. Huh? Who did you know?

Ruan Nanzhu: Do you remember the two individuals who died on the first night?

Lin Qiushi: I remember.

One of them was my client. Ruan Nanzhu coughed in embarrassment. Back then, I made a mistake about who I was supposed to be protecting.

Lin Qiushi:

Ruan Nanzhu: Ill help you move your stuff tomorrow.

Lin Qiushi wanted to interrupt, but Ruan Nanzhu held up his hand in a stop gesture, then pointed at Chestnut. Chestnut might just let you pet it in the villa.

Its been nearly a whole month since Lin Qiushis adorable, precious little baby broke his dads heart with its cold attitude. That I suppose Ill try?

Ruan Nanzhu: He honestly expected Lin Qiushi to continue struggling and resisting.

That night, Ruan Nanzhu did not return to his own residence; he instead spent the night at Lin Qiushis place.

Lin Qiushi felt guilty letting Ruan Nanzhu sleep on the couch, so he gave up half of his bed, allowing the other to choose to sleep either on the right side or the left side. Once everything was settled, he covered himself with his blanket and decided to have a chat with him.

Unlike in the world of the door, the Ruan Nanzhu in the real world did not talk very much; one could even say that he was practically a cold, indifferent ice sculpture. But as luck would have it, when facing Lin Qiushi, Ruan Nanzhus attitude was rather mild, and he answered any questions the other had.

Lin Qiushi was more than touched by this. But although his heart was moved, his mind was conflicted, experiencing cognitive dissonance. So many emotions whizzed though his head and amongst them was one wishful thought constantly plaguing the back of his mind, telling him that the one in the door world was not the manly Ruan Nanzhu before him, but actually Ruan Nanzhus older sister, or perhaps even his younger sister

Fortunately, he was quite tired today, so he did not dwell on this thought any longer. With his mind and heart no longer feeling conflicted, he just let himself fall unconscious into the land of dreams.

The next morning, Lin Qiushi found himself waking up in Ruan Nanzhus embrace.

The two mens posture could be said to be extremely natural, harmonious, in fact. Snuggled up against Ruan Nanzhus chest, Lin Qiushi was sticking tightly to the others body like a koala. The situation was rather awkward and embarrassing, but the most embarrassing part about it was that Lin Qiushis lower-half had actually reacted!

He just wanted to quietly crawl out of the others arms without disturbing the other, but Ruan Nanzhu, who was still sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and gazed at him silently.

Lin Qiushi let out a nervous chuckle, G-good morning?

Ruan Nanzhu: Yeah.

Lin Qiushi: Umm, I-Ill get up first. He removed the hand that was wrapped around Ruan Nanzhus waist and, with feigned calmness, he casually shifted his body away from Ruan Nanzhu in an attempt to hide his lower half.

Ruan Nanzhu didnt utter a word, until Lin Qiushi finally sat up. All of a sudden, he remarked, Youre blushing.

Lin Qiushi:

Ruan Nanzhu: It doesnt matter.

Lin Qiushi:

Ruan Nanzhu: Were both men. I completely understand.

By now, Lin Qiushis ears were hot and he was barely able to hold his composure together. With a pained expression saying that he just wanted to kill himself out of embarrassment, he begged Ruan Nanzhu to just stop talking. However, Ruan Nanzhu mercilessly exposed everything, causing the other person to want to dig a hole for himself. With a deadpan expression, he shamelessly revealed, Im hard, too.

Blushing madly, Lin Qiushi hastily fled to the bathroom in sheer mortification. He discovered that although the personalities and temperaments were quite different, the Ruan Nanzhu outside of the door world was just as difficult and problematic to deal with, albeit a different type of problematic.

Cutting a sorry figure after escaping that humiliating situation, Lin Qiushi planned to head over to the kitchen to fix some breakfast. Ruan Nanzhu, who was lying down on the bed, stopped him and said that he wanted to eat noodles.

What kind? Lin Qiushi asked him.

Ruan Nanzhu replied, Just like the ones you made in the door world.

Alright. Lin Qiushi then put on his apron and headed to the kitchen to cook.

Ruan Nanzhu continued to relax on the bed and busy himself with who-knows-what. Before long, there was a knock at the door.

Ruan Nanzhu shouted at Lin Qiushi, Someone knocked on the door.

You go ahead and open it. Lin Qiushi yelled back. At the moment, he was frying some eggs, so he couldnt move from his spot. It might be a package.

En. Ruan Nanzhu got up from the bed and opened the door, only to see a young woman standing in front of him. The young lady had gone slack-jawed at the sight of him. She then shook herself out of her daze and stuttered, H-hello, Im looking for Lin Qiushi.

Ruan Nanzhu turned around and called out, Qiushi, its for you.

Because he had stayed overnight yesterday, Ruan Nanzhu was currently wearing Lin Qiushis pajamas. Lin Qiushis clothes were a bit too small and tight on him, so he couldnt button up his shirt. With the unbuttoned shirt clinging to his attractive body, his defined six-packs and lean muscles, which were normally hidden underneath his dress suit, were left bare, captivating all souls who laid eyes on such a magnificent sight.

When Lin Qiushi walked over to the entrance, he caught sight of his colleague, Cao Ying, constantly shifting on her feet at the doorway, red-faced and at an utter loss.

What did you do? Lin Qiushi suspiciously narrowed his eyes at Ruan Nanzhu.

Perplexed, Ruan Nanzhu raised one eyebrow in question, What else would I do? He paused. Rather than asking me what I did to her, you should worry more about what Ill do to you.

Lin Qiushi:

Cough! Cough! Cough! At the twos little conversation, Cao Ying choked on her saliva and began coughing violently.

The tip of Lin Qiushis ears instantly turned red, but he still managed to keep his cool. Is something the matter? Cao Ying? He had already handed over his resignation letter long ago, and the following procedures were also completed without a hitch.

You forgot to take something with you. Cao Ying pulled out a notebook from the purse she was carrying and presented it to him.

Oh, thank you. Lin Qiushi took the notebook from her. The notebook was like a detailed record, documenting all aspects of his work. It was somewhat important to him, but he didnt know how he was supposed to get it back after resigning.

Also If I may be so bold to ask, this gentleman beside you is Cao Yings line of sight eagerly moved towards Ruan Nanzhu.

My friend. Lin Qiushi answered.

Oh. Peering up at the other, Cao Ying flushed red. Ive never seen you before

Would you Lin Qiushi was about to invite her to eat breakfast with them, when Ruan Nanzhu interrupted him and impassively announced that he was hungry. He then unconcernedly slammed the door on her face.

Lin Qiushi frowned. He looked up at Ruan Nanzhu to reprimand him for his rude behavior, but upon seeing the frightening expression on Ruan Nanzhus face, he was taken aback. Slightly intimidated by the starved look in the others eyes, he retreated a step, then tentatively called out, Ruan Nanzhu?

Ruan Nanzhu: Whats the matter?

Lin Qiushi: Whats up with that expression?

The corners of Ruan Nanzhus lips curled up as he let out a chuckle. This expression means that I am hungry, and I want to eat something. His eyes slowly ate up Lin Qiushis figure, blatantly looking him up and down. Lin Qiushi was about to retort, but then he saw the other turn on his heels and head to the kitchen. A while later, the sound of noodles being slurped was heard from inside.

Lin Qiushi: Surely, he mustve been thinking too much!!!

Authors Comment:

Ruan Nanzhu: I want to eat noodles. Specifically. Your. Noodle.

Lin Qiushi: ??????

Translators Comment:

The rules of the doors may not make a lot of sense right now, but they will make more sense later. Remember, this isnt even the third door yetthere are still over 10 doors left to go (and many more rules, characters, settings, etc. to introduce). In any case, the rules of the doors will continue to be clarified as the story progresses, and the author will also include a long authors note in one of the later chapters, fully explaining most of the rules.