Chapter 35: Within the Bone Pagoda

Name:Kaleidoscope of Death Author:
Chapter 35: Within the Bone Pagoda

Upon seeing the deadpan expression on Lin Qiushis face, Ruan Nanzhu pouted, You dont want to kiss me?

Lin Qiushi helplessly reproached, Zhu Meng, stop joking around

Ruan Nanzhu boldly stepped towards him, But Im not joking. Im quite serious, in fact.

Lin Qiushi warily stared at his face, trying to ascertain whether he was fooling around; however, there was no laughter in the others dark eyes, only a clear reflection of himself. Having no other choice, Lin Qiushi bowed his head and gently swept away the stray hairs on Ruan Nanzhus face, softly brushing his lips against the others face and imprinting a warm kiss onto the others forehead. It was a simple peck, one without any deeper emotion or desire; it was as though he was merely complying with a younger sisters unreasonable demand.

There, I kissed you. Are we good now? Lin Qiushi asked afterwards.

Ruan Nanzhu fell silent after being kissed on the forehead. He then exhaled quietly, slightly shaking his head. Without saying a word, he lifted his arm and slowly beckoned Lin Qiushi towards him, hinting that the other should come even closer to hear what he had to say.

Thinking Ruan Nanzhu was going to tell him what he and Meng Yu discussed, Lin Qiushi obediently lowered his head once again, putting his ear near the others lips. But who couldve imagined that Ruan Nanzhu would suddenly wind his hand around Lin Qiushis nape, firmly gripping the back of his head, and drag the others face towards his own, forcing their lips together.

A dumbstruck Lin Qiushi: ???

Having finally tasted the exquisite sweetness he had long been craving, Ruan Nanzhu grinned in satisfaction. Licking his lips, he chuckled, This is a kiss. Now, were good.

Lin Qiushi: You

Ruan Nanzhu: Yeah, what about me? His mischievous eyes curved into crescents, full of mirth. Oh, perhaps you want to do it again?

Lin Qiushi rubbed his aching temples, Forget it. He finally realized that Ruan Nanzhu was teasing him, deliberately causing trouble. This person was obviously so normal in the real world, but why did he get the feeling that the others entire being always did a full 180 the moment he entered the door world? No longer bothering to find out what two talked about, Lin Qiushi gave up on thinking altogether and dejectedly stuffed his mouth with a steamed bun.

In the end, what Ruan Nanzhu and Meng Yu discussed was a matter left unsolved, but Lin Qiushi had zero intentions of finding out; their secret talk could remain a mystery for all he cared.

Seeing that the exhausted Lin Qiushi had feebly retreated and wanted nothing more to do with this matter, Cheng Qianli bravely stepped up to the plate and cheekily inquired about the twos talk. But who wouldve thought that Ruan Nanzhu would simply squint at the boy, then aloofly reply, What? You want me to kiss you too? Do I look like someone interested in children?

A shy Cheng Qianli: I mean, if youre willing

An indifferent Ruan Nanzhu: To think you really are the brother of Pikachu, Mister Pick-a-Shoe for me to spank you with.1

Cheng Qianli instantly withered, now sunken and depressed.

As they chatted amongst themselves, the tour guide arrived. She stood in an open space not too far from them, waving the small flag in her hands as before, and called out, Gather around, everyone! Gather around!

The crowd slowly shuffled forward, eventually grouping in a circle around the tour guide. Once everyone gathered around her, she counted the number of people, then announced, There are twelve people here! Since everyone is present, we can set off!

As soon as the word twelve fell from her mouth, a murmur of confusion and apprehension rang from the crowd. Those who didnt understand the meaning behind her words at first, soon widened their eyes in realization.

How could there only be twelve of us? Someone stammered in fear. Does that mean one of us isnt human?

NPCs generally dont lie, which means there is a monster hidden among us. But who could it be Their panicked clamors grew louder and louder; cynicism and suspicion spread amongst the members, like a plague, insidiously haunting the depths of their mind and stealthily embedding a poisonous sense of dread deep inside their souls.

Thirteen people left. Usually, everyone would split themselves into groups of two or three given the odd number. However, that was before; now, teams of two were looking for new partners, with each individual wanting to surround themselves with no less than two other people.

Lin Qiushi and the others had always been travelling as a group of four, so this new arrangement honestly didnt affect them.

Is there really a monster among us? Xu Jin shuddered. As of this moment, her complexion was deathly pale, and her eyes darted around like those of a frightened rabbit. A loud gulp could be heard from her as she swallowed her spit, hard. Her eyes carefully strayed over to Ruan Nanzhu figure, cagily watching the other

Whats up Ruan Nanzhu noticed Xu Jins watchful gaze. He casually strode over to Xu Jin; his lips were smiling, but his eyes clearly werent. You think Im the monster, huh?

Xu Jin: N-N-No! Not at all!

Ruan Nanzhu turned back to look at Lin Qiushi, Linlin, shes calling me a monster wah!

Lin Qiushi: Ah, here we go again. My dude, is this really necessary? Just who are you putting on a show for?

Xu Jin hurriedly explained, Please dont misunderstand me! I didnt exactly say that you are the monster; its just that youre the most beautiful out of all of us

Ruan Nanzhu rubbed his chin, Oho, I see. So thats what you meant.

Xu Jin quickly nodded.

Ruan Nanzhu: Linlin, who do you think is the fairest of them all?

Presently, Lin Qiushis heart was suffering a turmoil of emotions, from misery to denial. As a straight male, he really wasnt willing to admit that the cross-dressing Ruan Nanzhu, who was, in reality, the very incarnation of the God of masculinity, was the prettiest out of everyone. But regardless how hard it was to admit it, this was the cold truth. As a girl, Ruan Nanzhus stunning appearance truly was peerless.

Ruan Nanzhu pitifully peered up at Lin Qiushi, his large, lovely eyes filling up with expectation. The sight was too much; Lin Qiushi seriously couldnt take it anymore! Caving under the others pressuring hopeful gaze, Lin Qiushi nonchalantly nodded.

Thank you, big sister Xu Jin. Utterly pleased, Ruan Nanzhu let out a dazzling smile.

Xu Jins face scrunched up in bitterness, and she painfully offered a lopsided grimace in return. It was so obvious that she thought Ruan Nanzhu was the most likely suspect. Otherwise, how could someone even have the heart to fall in love in a world of horrors. And to even wantonly play around and cheat while in a relationship with a good man

But, naturally, she didnt dare voice her opinions. She could only hold these thoughts to herself and complain in her mind.

Today, they were going to revisit the place surrounded by pagodas.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

After hours of journeying on foot, the group finally reached their destination. Because they had already toured the place two days ago, they were more prepared and their mental states were much calmer once they arrived. Rather than hastily rushing into the tower for shelter, everyone began scouring the area for any clues.

Although he knew there was an extra person on the team who shouldnt belong, Ruan Nanzhu was extremely relaxed, as though he was in the comfort of his own home. He leisurely circled the tallest tower, and suddenly fishing out a sharp tool, he proceeded to go at the brick wall.

Startled by his unexpected actions, Lin Qiushi yelled in a half-whisper, What are you doing?

Ruan Nanzhu: I just want to see if theres anything inside the tower.

Lin Qiushi: See if theres anything?

Ruan Nanzhu faced the other, Didnt you say you heard scratching noises coming from inside the walls the other day?

Lin Qiushi: What if I was just hallucinating

Ruan Nanzhu coolly replied, It doesnt matter. I put more trust into your sense of hearing than I do into you.

Lin Qiushi:

With his head lowered, Ruan Nanzhu wholly focused on the wall before him, meticulously picking at it. Beside him, Xu Jin nervously tugged on Lin Qiushis clothes, I want to go to the bathroom. Can you come with me?

Lin Qiushi froze, Me?

Xu Jin nodded.

Not knowing what to make of this situation, Lin Qiushi faltered, I-I I dont think thats very appropriate. How about letting Zhu Meng accompany you

He barely finished saying this, when Xu Jin started shaking her head frantically. She shot a furtive glance at Zhu Meng, before lowering her voice into a hushed whisper, Big brother Linlin, I have something to tell you.

Seeing her anxious expression, Lin Qiushi hesitated slightly, Is it something you cant say here?

Xu Jins voice was almost inaudible, fraught with agitation, Dont you thinkdont you think Zhu Meng is a bit strangekind of, different from ussay, like not human?

Lin Qiushi:

Sadly, Cheng Qianli couldnt argue against such a sound argument. No longer hesitating, he promptly opened Xu Jins bag to look at the contents inside. Xu Jins backpack was a milky white color, seemingly made out of sheepskin. It was quite an ordinary, basic-looking bag. She carried it on her back wherever she went, and occasionally packed some food and daily necessities.

But upon opening Xu Jins knapsack, he discovered it was completely empty. He was at a loss for words for a moment, Theres nothing

Ruan Nanzhu: Let me take a look. He took the bag from the other and thoroughly searched it, turning it inside out and checking every compartment, before coming across an old, folded piece of paper in one of the pockets.

Whats this? When Cheng Qianli caught sight of the paper, he was stunned. Isnt this

Isnt this part of the diary we found at the top of the tower? Lin Qiushi finished the others sentence. Nanzhu, remember when you were flipping through the diary, and you noticed that a page had been torn off?

Right, right, right! Thinking about the same instance, Cheng Qianli added, I remember that too! Ruan Nanzhu immediately took the notebook and kept it hidden.

As he listened to the twos conversation, Ruan Nanzhu unfolded the slip of paper.

The paper was actually an old, sepia-toned photograph. On it was a pair of twins holding each others hands. They were both wearing long, flowing dresses, and their lips were split into a broad smile, revealing their pearly whites. At first glance, there was nothing particularly off about this photograph. But with a second glance, Lin Qiushi noticed something disturbingly unsettling about the lively twins in the portrait.

The two sisters in this photo had the same exact appearance as Xu Jin.

A chilling sense of dread seeped into Lin Qiushis heart, and cold sweat dripped down his spine. SheJust when did she tear off this page?

Who knows. Cheng Qianlis voice was insipid, and his eyes, vacant. One thing I know for sure is that she definitely didnt come up with us to the top that time.

As of this very moment, Lin Qiushi recalled a memory that happened during the incident at the top of the pagoda. He remembered the moment he was stuck in the illusion, specifically when Xu Jin dazedly walked over to the drum then struck it.

Suddenly, several odd discrepancies that he hadnt noticed before flooded into his mind. As a rookie who had supposedly just entered the door world, Xu Jin performed extremely well. Although she always cried that she was afraid, she never made any mistakes. If not all, Li Qiushi would sometimes forget that such a person existed among them

Soshe isnt human? Cheng Qianli swallowed hard.

Ruan Nanzhu: That seems to be the case.

What if she finds out that we know she isnt human? Lin Qiushi glanced at the picture.

Ruan Nanzhu folded the picture once again and put it back in her bag. Its a bit more complicated that that. There are too many unknown factors and circumstances about this situation. Well talk about it in detail later. He looked up at the bone pagoda before his eyes, and said, Its getting late. For now, lets go on ahead and check inside.

Okay. Lin Qiushi nodded in agreement.

When they came close to the tower, they spotted Meng Yu standing near the entrance. He was all alone, and as usual, he was smiling brightly. At the sight of them, he came over and cheerfully greeted, There you are.

You were waiting for us? Do you want to go in together? asked Ruan Nanzhu.

Meng Yu: Thats right. The key should be inside here. I let the others go on ahead first because I felt a bit uneasy; I just cant completely trust them, you know. He hardly cared about how cold-hearted and condescending he sounded to others ears. Then again, with his imposing aura and domineering disposition, his condescending speech didnt sound harsh or out-of-place; rather it seemed quite acceptable for a confident man like him, as if his manner of speaking was only natural.

At his words, Ruan Nanzhu tutted, Then we wont go. Mister Li Dongyuan, please bring out the key for us.

An ugly expression swept across Meng Yus face, How do you know my name

Ruan Nanzhu: Who doesnt know it? Ruan Nanzhu haughtily raised his chin, his expression was cold and full of ridicule. Everyone knows that White Deer2 has received a large request with hefty compensation this time. And Im afraid the only person in White Deer who is capable enough to take on such a grand request is you, Mister Dongyuan.

After hearing Ruan Nanzhu, Li Dongyuans eyes blazed with intense interest. He curiously looked Ruan Nanzhu up and down, before musing, To think Ive never noticed a lady like you. Interesting, very interesting. I must have a nice, long chat with you once we leave this place. He chuckled in amusement, After all, such an interesting young woman is hard to come by.

While listening in on their conversation, Lin Qiushi wryly thought to himself, Oh yes, it truly is interesting, very interestinga shameless girl who is even thicker than himself down there is indeed hard to come by, ah.

With that, Li Dongyuan swiveled on his heels and boldly entered the pagoda by himself.

Seeing the other recklessly enter the pagoda, Lin Qiushi exclaimed, Will he be okay going in there alone?

Ruan Nanzhu appeared quite uninterested. He indifferently replied, Itd be great if he comes out safely. But even if he doesnt come out, its not a big loss for us. All we have to do right now is wait.

And so, while the three idled outside the tower, they began discussing the matter concerning Xu Jin.

None of them knew when Xu Jin would return, or what kind of expression they should wear when facing her. Lin Qiushi tactfully warned Ruan Nanzhu not to harass Xu Jin so much, but Ruan Nanzhu bluntly refused, righteously arguing that once Xu Jin revealed her identity, he definitely wouldnt be able to mess with her anymore, so if he stopped teasing her now, he wouldnt really be gaining anything and would only be left unentertained. From an economic standpoint, there was practically no profit or benefits in it for him, so why should he invest in something so boring and disadvantageous?

Lin Qiushi: Is it really that fun to pick on such a shy girl?

Ruan Nanzhu: Not really. If I had to be honest, picking on you is so much more fun.

Lin Qiushi:

The sun was beginning to set, and Li Dongyuan had yet to return.

Normally, Lin Qiushi would be stressing out by now, but after looking at the unperturbed Ruan Nanzhu, his heart strangely calmed down.

When there were only five minutes left on the clock before the tour guides arrival, an unusual sound rang from within the bone pagoda.

Crack, crunchIt was the sound of bones fracturing, rupturing spontaneously. Soon, the bone pagoda began to crumble apart, bones flying everywhere and chaotically scattering the ground.

At the entrance of the tower stood a black silhouette. Lin Qiushi focused in on the shadowed figure, only to see it was just Li Dongyuan.

But the thing that caught his eyes wasnt Li Dongyuans handsome appearance, but rather, the beautiful bronze key he held in his hand.

Now that they had they key, Lin Qiushi was relieved; his body and mind significantly eased up.

Li Dongyuan walked over to them with the key, then reached out and handed the key over, For you. I look forward to seeing you later, Miss Zhu.

With a bright smile, Ruan Nanzhu accepted the key, grasping it in the palm of his hand, A pleasure working with you.

Likewise. The pleasure is all mine, responded Li Dongyuan.

Lin Qiushi didnt expect the other to give up the key so easily, so he was caught off guard. On the other hand, Cheng Qianli wasnt the least bit surprised; it was as though witnessing interactions like this was common for him.

As soon as the clock struck the last minute, the tour guide promptly arrived before the crowd. She waved the small flag in her hand and announced their departure, urging everyone to make haste. All the while, the skies grew ominously darker.

At long last, Lin Qiushi caught sight of Xu Jin who had run away in tears just moments ago. Cheng Qianli passed her belongings to her, and she naturally took her bag, utterly unaware that the contents of her bag were searched through.

Did you guys go really go inside that tower? Xu Jin asked in a low voice. Did you find the younger sisters bones?

No. Ruan Nanzhu replied. We didnt find anything.

Oh. Xu Jin sounded somewhat at a loss, rather frustrated and disappointed. Her mouth hung open, and she looked like she had something to say, but in the end, she forcibly swallowed her words down, once again deciding not to speak.

If this were any other time, Cheng Qianli would undoubtedly tell her to speak her mind and say what she wants to say. But after learning Xu Jin wasnt human, he felt that he should keep his distance from her, for fear that he would accidentally run his mouth off and ask questions that shouldnt be asked, probe into something that should be left alone.

The journey back was filled with gloomy silence. Not a single person spoke until they reached their residences.

As usual, the tour guide briefly mentioned their plans for the next day, then left. Everyone gathered in the dining hall to eat. As they filled their stomachs with a bland dinner, Lin Qiushi noticed Xu Jins eyes constantly straying to Ruan Nanzhus pocket, obsessively glancing at it ever so often.

There was only one important thing inside Ruan Nanzhus pocket. It was the bone flute, made out of the older sisters leg.

And Xu Jin seemed awfully interested in it.

1This is a pun on words that is completely lost in translation. And yes, RNZ actually said Pikachu. So, the original says (W kn n sh pkqi de xingd p zi yang). Literally, it means, I see that youre Pikachus little bro, p zi yang. The literal translation of p zi yang is skin is itching and that means youre asking for a spanking/beating. I honestly couldnt come up with any decent word plays, so I just said pick-a-shoe (Pikachu) for me to spank you with. But I thought that was kind of bad lol. If anyone has a better pun, feel free to share it in the comments; I would love to hear your ideas.

2, literally means White Deer. Thats the name of the group Li Dongyuan leads. In many cultures, a white stag tends to symbolize spiritual renewal, salvation, longevity, etc. According to a Chinese legend, Chinese emperor Hsuan-Tsung, (712-756 A.D.) saw a white deer over 1000 years old, which he believed to be a prosperous signthats how the white deer came to symbolize longevity and a long future ahead of the people. Theres also a famous Chinese literature classic titled White Deer Plains () that revolved about peoples hardships and their spiritual pursuits. Whether the author chose the name randomly or deliberately, I think its quite fitting given the plot of KoD.