Chapter 43: Adorning A Dream

Name:Kaleidoscope of Death Author:
Chapter 43: Adorning A Dream

The mistress atelier was located at the upper levels of the castle, the seventh floor.

Xiao Su had subsequently vanished after visiting the seventh floor. Yet, according to the male companion who was with her, they never entered the mistress art studio; they merely studied the paintings nearby.

After ascending the winding staircase to the seventh floor, Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi were, once again, presented with the ghostly sight of a long, tenebrous passageway. The dim corridor of this floor extended boundlessly, to where the eye could barely reach. The floors were overlaid with thick carpet, covering the whole area from the stairs and cutting off right before the door to the studio at the end of the hall.

The atelier was essentially different from the rest of the rooms in this corridor. A large black cloth enshrouded the entire doorway; it appeared that the master of that studio didnt wish for the faintest of light to pierce through any crevices in the door.

Where could she be right now? Tan Zaozao was afraid and hesitant. Rubbing the protruding goosebumps on her arms, she fretfully whispered, Itd be awkward as hell if shes in the middle of painting when we barge inside the studio.

Well, lets hope she isnt inside the studio then. Ruan Nanzhu said. Stay here. Ill knock on the door first.

Ruan Nanzhu wasnt joking when he said hed knock first. In three large strides, he easily bridged the distanced between him and the atelier, before coming to a full stop in front of the door. Then, he raised hand, and knocked politely.

Upon seeing Ruan Nanzhu boldly knock on the door, Tan Zaozaos eyes grew as wide as saucers. She gasped in shock, Holy shitjust how big are his guts?!

Lin Qiushi, who was used to this by now, didnt show much of a reaction. He calmly stated, Hes always had big guts.

Ruan Nanzhus repeated knocks were met with hushed silence. He rapped his knuckles against the door one last time, ensuring no one was on the other side.

Lets go in now, spoke Ruan Nanzhu.

Its locked though. Tan Zaozao pointed out. How are we supposed to get inside?

Ruan Nanzhu fished out a hairpin from his pocket and stooped over, ever so naturally getting down to business.

Tan Zaozao: To think she almost forgot about Ruan Nanzhus godly skills.

Crouched down, he fiddled with the keyhole for a while. Before long, the lock issued a furtive click as it was opened by Ruan Nanzhu. He then gently gripped the doorknob in one hand and slowly twisted it open, soon revealing the rooms interior. He peeked inside the studio from the doorway, before turning about and beckoning over to Lin Qiushi, Youll come in with me. Tan Zaozao, youll keep watch by the door, and alert us of anything suspicious.

Tan Zaozao nodded obediently.

Lin Qiushi took a step forward, and entered the atelier with Ruan Nanzhu.

The studio wasnt at all big, and the lighting was beyond poor. The windows were screened by heavy black curtains, completely blocking any stream of natural light from meandering inside. They could only rely on crepuscular glow cast by the faded, flickering lights overhead, but that wasnt nearly enough to dispel the obscuring darkness; as a matter of fact, they had to strain their vision quite a bit to observe the situation of the room.

At the center of the atelier was a draped canvas set atop an easel. The pungent fumes of acrid paint invaded the entire room, suffocating them.

As usual, Ruan Nanzhu didnt waste any time. He promptly walked over to the fixed easel and lifted the tarp at once.

The removal of the drop cloth unveiled the existence of an unfinished painting. Lin Qiushi stood aghast at the sight of the artwork before his eyes, This is

The Last Supper1, finished Ruan Nanzhu.

At first glance, the painting certainly bore resemblance to The Last Supper. The art piece vividly depicted the sublime, dramatic scene of a group of individuals sharing a final meal on a grand dining table. Yet, upon a closer look, one would discover that the people attending this classic dinner were not Christ and his twelve apostles. No, rather, it was themthats right, every single one of them who had entered this door world were captured in this painting.

Ruan Nanzhu. Lin Qiushi. Tan Zaozao. Everyone. They were all gathered together at this large dinner table, either eating their worldly meals with their heads bowed or softly conversing with their neighbors.

This painting wouldve been fairly acceptable and far less shocking had it been a faithful representation of them, but, of course, that wasnt the case. Almost all of the figures illustrated in this art piece had no faces; they were left utterly bare of features. Lin Qiushi only managed to distinguish the characters in the painting because of the familiar clothes they were wearing.

Her face has been drawn in. Ruan Nanzhu pointed towards a young woman at the corner of the painting. She must be Xiao Su.

Lin Qiushi followed Ruan Nanzhus extended finger and studied the spot he indicated. At the edge of the dining table sat a young woman whose face was pictured clearly. The expression on her face was not one of pleasure or serenity, but of indescribable horror and agitation, so vivid and lifelike. It was as if all the misery trapped within canvas had come to life with this one drip of colour from the painters palette. The tormenting breath of despair caressed Lin Qiushis being, insidiously embedding itself in the depths of his heart; he could distinctly feel these wretched emotions, as if he was a part of the painting itself.

Aside from this painting, there was nothing particularly noteworthy in this studio. After scouring the entire area in vain, Ruan Nanzhu didnt dare loiter here any longer. Without delay, he took Lin Qiushi out of the room and locked the door behind them.

Seeing them exit the studio, Tan Zaozao anxiously inquired about the situation inside, asking them what they saw.

A painting. Lin Qiushi revealed. A painting of us having supper.

He described the picture he saw. After hearing the circumstances, Tan Zaozao gulped loudly and fearfully stammered, T-that girl, Xiao Sushe really became a part of the painting, didnt she?

Mhm, supposed Ruan Nanzhu. That seems to be the case. I want to check out the sixth floor.

Lin Qiushi supported his action, Lets go.

The particular room they had in mind was the very place the steward strictly warned them ofthe exhibition room of unfinished arts

As its name suggested, this warehouse was where incomplete paintings were being stored. Ruan Nanzhu instantly located the room on the sixth floor, effortlessly unlocked the door and entered with Lin Qiushi.

The dreary ambience of this unfinished exhibition room was slightly more tolerable than that of the atelier. At least the windows were not curtained off by drapes of the blackest ebony, and the room itself was relatively spacious.

Various abstract works of art were scattered about the interior of this room, decking the walls and grounds. Lin Qiushi casually scanned his surroundings, only to discover that several of these pieces remained unfinished, while a vast majority of these canvases were left bleached of colour and devoid of subject, utterly blank.

Ruan Nanzhus sense of observation was as sharp as ever. His eyes swiftly swept across the hundreds of paintings, and he quickly found what he had been looking for. He softly called out to Lin Qiushi, who was still looking around, Qiushi.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Having walked over to the others side, Lin Qiushi finally saw what it was that caught Ruan Nanzhus attention. The thin hairs on the nape of his neck bristled as he regarded the painting at the end of Ruan Nanzhus pointed finger. His voice surrendered to silence for a long, stifling moment, before he finally let out a hoarse croak, This ismy bedroom.

Yes. Ruan Nanzhu confirmed. It is your bedroom.

The layout was exactly the same, from the minor details within his room to the very scenery outside of his window. This painting before Lin Qiushis eyes was clearly his bedroom. The door to his chamber was drawn wide open, and the floors were visibly sopping with foul waterit was a replica of that hellish nightmare that had transpired the night before. However, an important piece of the painting was missing. Near the open door was a blank space, as if it was specifically reserved for a certain someonefor Lin Qiushi.

If you didnt realize the Tan Zaozao that night was a complete fake, Ruan Nanzhu gazed at the haunting painting, his voice, was frighteningly calm, You surely would have filled this spot on the canvas.

Lin Qiushi: Yeah.

Ruan Nanzhu commented, Nonetheless, this painting is quite fascinating. I wonder if we can take it out with us. Although he said so, he didnt have the slightest intentions to touch the painting with his bare hands. He then swiveled around on his heels. Lets go. Theres nothing else to see.

Lin Qiushi asked, You memorized the paintings?

Ruan Nanzhu replied, To some extent.

In actuality, Ruan Nanzhu had only took note of the rough idea represented in the artworks. As Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi left the room, he explained, Its pointless to commit such things to memory. These paintings are displayed at every corner of this castle, and they cannot be avoided.

Lin Qiushi sighed.

As long as youre cautious from now on, there shouldnt be any issues. Ruan Nanzhu reassured. After all, this is a lower-tiered door, so the conditions for death arent as harsh, relatively speaking.

Tan Zaozao grumbled in objection, arguing that the conditions were beyond harsh. It wasnt even a matter of question; needless to say, she wouldve already been six feet under had she been in Lin Qiushis position last night. Just who in the world could possibly think clearly and composedly when confronted by such a harrowing situation?

Ruan Nanzhu glanced at her from his peripheral vision, and, showing a rare instance of kindness, he gently consoled her, Do not worry. If you become a painting

With sparkling eyes, Tan Zaozaos eagerly finished, You guys will save me?

Ruan Nanzhu: We will certainly remember you and your final moments in our hearts, and continue living our lives to the fullest for you, so that you can pass away peacefully and without any worries.

Tan Zaozao: Wow, thanks for the lack of comfort.

They spent more time exploring the two places than expected. When they finally descended from the upper floor to the lower, it was almost time for dinner.

In a timely fashion, everyone arrived at the grand dining hall and seated themselves at the table, preparing to eat. As they dug into their meal, Lin Qiushi found that someone was missing; only seven people were sitting at the table.

What happened to the other person? Lin Qiushi asked the crowd.

He said he wasnt feeling too well, replied someone. So, hes resting in his room.

Lin Qiushi wondered, Does he not want to come down to eat dinner?

The other person paused, I dont knowIll check on him later.

Once again, they searched through all the floors of this castle, yet, as before, they couldnt spot a shadow of Ruan Nanzhus figure. Although they were somewhat relieved, a haunting feeling of dread kept eating at their insides, burrowing itself deeper into their heavy hearts.

Because they couldnt find Ruan Nanzhu anywhere, they were both in a glum mood and had no appetite for lunch.

Tan Zaozao dourly expressed that she wished to go back to the room to rest for a while, before continuing to search in the afternoon. Seeing that her mental state was far from good, Lin Qiushi nodded in understanding.

Yet, just when the two of them entered the bedroom, they spotted Ruan Nanzhu nestled peacefully in his bed, trying to catch up on the sleep he had missed out on. His appearance was so carefree and relaxed, as if there was nothing was out of the ordinary.

Ruan Nanzhu!! Tan Zaozao sobbed, her strained voice raising into a faint scream. Where were you?! Do you know how much trouble we went through to find you?!

Ruan Nanzhu lazily opened his eyes and yawned, I had something to do.

Something to do?! Why didnt you at least let us know Tan Zaozao angrily cried, Have you any idea how worried we were for you? We looked all over for you this morning!

Ruan Nanzuh: I didnt expect to be gone for such a long time.

Tan Zaozao: Oh, really now? So, where the hell have you been then?

Ruan Nanzhu: Inside a painting.

As soon as he uttered those words, Tan Zaozao was rendered speechless. A long moment of silence passed, before she opened her mouth and tentatively inquired, Inside a painting? Is it the painting Im thinking of?

Ruan Nanzhu nodded.

Lin Qiushi was stunned, How were you even able to go inisnt the frame gone

No. Ruan Nanzhu corrected. There is one thing weve miscalculated. Although Xiao Su is gone, the frame is still there. Likewise, Yang Jie mightve disappeared, but the frame hasnt. To put it another way, if a painting is inlaid into an old frame, a new frame will always appear.

Lin Qiushi:

Ruan Nanzhu continued, The person who has been killing us off has been using a new frame each time. His lips curled up, Fortunately, this matter has been solved now.

Lin Qiushi: What are you talking about

Ruan Nanzhu: Its just as I said. If not all, I managed to obtain a new hint.

Unable to process the sudden flood of information, Lin Qiushi and Tan Zaozao simply blanked out. Both of them had looks of utter confusion on their faces; it was obvious that their brains had crashed.

Seeing their darling dazed looks, Ruan Nanzhus expression softened considerably. He tenderly comforted, Dont worry. I know it is a lot to process; take all the time you need to think about it.

Lin Qiushi: Is this his way of showing tolerance for our IQ?

No, this is the undoubtedly the compassion and pity of an endeared father. Tan Zaozao delicately pressed her hand to heart, having sadly understood the meaning behind the kind look in Ruan Nanzhus eyes.

Judging from their foolish expressions, Ruan Nanzhu figured the two were still confused. With a sigh, he heaved himself up into a sitting position, and briefly narrated the situation last night.

Right after Lin Qiushi fell asleep that night, Ruan Nanzhu was started awake. Upon waking up, he felt that something was amiss in the room. He quietly climbed out of bed and made his way towards the bedside, when he unexpectedly discovered another frame near his window.

The frame was hidden quite meticulously under the darkness of the night. If it werent for Ruan Nanzhus keen eyesight, he surely wouldve overlooked it.

His intuition warned him that something was terribly off about the frame, so without delay, Ruan Nanzhu rushed out of the room, wanting to retrieve it from outside. But just when he intended to descend the stairs, he came across a woman dressed in black, quietly standing at the head of the stairs and hollowly staring at him.

Anyone else in that situation wouldve been frightened out of their wits, but Ruan Nanzhu was used to such cheap tricks. Not only was he composed, but he boldly stared back up at the woman for several minutes, until the woman finally turned around and left on her own accord.

Holy fuck! A string of vulgarities spilled from Tan Zaozaos mouth when she heard this. She gasped, Were you not afraid at all? To think you actually just stared back at her like that.

Ruan Nanzhu: What is there to be afraid of? As you can tell, in the end, the one who retreated first was her, no?

Tan Zaozao: I have no words.

Ruan Nanzhu continued, She appeared several times after that. I had originally wanted to leave to fetch the picture frame, but I kept getting the feeling that something was awry. He mused, I believe she mustve been trying to lure me elsewhere.

Lin Qiushi quietly listened to him.

I thought on it for a while, and realized that she always appeared at the head of the stairs. Yet, not once had she even made a move to attack me. Perhaps, she simply did not want me to go up the stairs? Ruan Nanzhu surmised. The only place she never appeared was the doorway, however, so I suppose she wanted me to leave for outside.

If you had left, you wouldve entered the world of the painting. Tan Zaozao said. Isnt that right?

Precisely so, replied Ruan Nanzhu, Thanks to the information Lin Qiushi provided us, I soon realized the scenery outside was, in fact, a mirror image.

It was pitch-black outside, and the shrubbery had been obscured by shadows. It wouldve been nearly impossible for ordinary folks to find any abnormalities. However, because Lin Qiushi had already set a precedent for him, Ruan Nanzhu carefully observed the surrounding area, easily verifying that the outside view had, indeed, been inverted.

Ultimately, I did not leave. I simply waited in the room for a while. Ruan Nanzhu spread his palms wide and shrugged, Who couldve known I would be waiting for that long.

You scared me half to death! Now that she received a justified explanation from Ruan Nanzhu, she was feeling much better. She then sighed in relief, You have no idea what was running through our minds at the time. Qiushi and I thought you had turned into a painting.

Lin Qiushi bobbed his head in agreement.

Well, here I am now, completely fine. Ruan Nanzhus eyes curved into crescents, as he smiled warmly.

Although Ruan Nanzhu half-heartedly described his experience, Lin Qiushi was well-aware of the treacherous dangers the other had narrowly evaded. Ruan Nanzhu was, truly, just a few breaths away from leaving this world.

That aside, what did you mean when you said you got a new note. Lin Qiushi was rather interested in this matter.

Oh. Ruan Nanzhu fished out a slip of paper from his pocket and handed it to the other.

Upon receiving the note, Lin Qiushi saw a short, relativistic poem written on it:

You stand on a bridge admiring the sight;

Youre beheld by a viewer from a height.

The bright moon bedecks your window agleam,

As you adorn someone elses dream.3

Lin Qiushi was surprised to say the least, This isanother clue for this door?

Yes. Ruan Nanzhu said. I took this clue from someone.

Who? wondered Tan Zaozao.

Ruan Nanzhu smirked, That newcomer who tried to team up with me on the first day.

Authors Comment:

Lin Qiushi, after having not seen Zhu Meng for over five days: I miss her

Ruan Nanzhu: Lin? Qiu?? Shi???

Lin Qiushi mumbles: Im just kidding

Translators Comment:

For those who might be confused with what Ruan Nanzhu said, he meant that there are several black frames, not just one. They originally thought that only one frame (the one they buried) was used to trap all victims, but that was not the case. Regardless, if you ever do get confused with any part of the plot, just wait patiently; itll probably be clarified later on.

1One of the worlds most famous frescos, created by the Renaissance polymath, Leonardo da Vinci (14521519). LINK

2Around size 5 in the US.

3This is a well-known modern poem written by the Chinese poet, Bian Zhilin (19102000), called (Duanzhang), which translates to Fragment (or A Broken Chapter). Surprisingly, there doesnt seem to be an official English translation of this poem Explanation of poem and poet (Chinese): LINK|| A translation and interpretation of the poem (English): LINK