Chapter 63: The Seventh Door

Name:Kaleidoscope of Death Author:
Chapter 63: The Seventh Door

Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu

As the day to enter the door grew closer and closer, Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu also just about got done with their prepwork.

This was the first time Lin Qiushi would be entering a door with someone from the internet. Ruan Nanzhu told him there were always risks with internet gigs, so they must hide their true identities well once inside. Being discovered would be quite troublesomebut this, to Lin Qiushi, felt suspiciously like an excuse to get him to crossdress.

Once Ruan Nanzhu put on womens clothes with him however, the sense of imbalance in Lin Qiushis heart eased by quite a lot.

Cheng Qianli seemed to know what Lin Qiushi thought about this, and cautioned solemnly for him to keep heart, and not to let Ruan Nanzhus scary ways rot his mind too.

Lin Qiushi looked at Cheng Qianli, but didnt speak.

Cheng Qianli, why are you ignoring me

Lin Qiushi typed on his phone: Im getting into character as the mute girl.

Cheng Qianli, Lin Qiushi, youre totally screwed.

Sometimes being too well-adjusted wasnt a good thing after all.

Finally, after a few days of wandering about the mansion in a dress, Lin Qiushi saw the day to enter come. He was eating at the dining table when a mysterious sensation suddenly manifested. He was very familiar with it. Lin Qiushi set down his chopsticks, turned, and pushed open a random door in the room. He wasnt surprised at all that the space beyond had turned into the twelve metal doors.

Five of the doors were sealed off, and six others couldnt be opened. The only one that could be opened belonged to the doors owner.

Lin Qiushi took a deep breath, grabbed the handle, and tugged.

The door opened obligingly, and the scene before Lin Qiushi morphed, becoming a long walkway. It seemed to be stairs out of a basement. The air was musty, and the stairs seemed long and endless. Lin Qiushi slowly ascended, and after many turns, finally saw people waiting in a lobby.

As he removed the bracelet from his wrist, he studied the surroundings to confirm that he was indeed in the sanatorium named in the hint. Even though it was a sanatorium, it carried the disinfectant scent of a hospital. There were abandoned sickbeds everywhere. Passing one, Lin Qiushi actually saw brown stains of dried blood.

Eight people had already gathered, nine including him. Some gazes passed over him, but some took interest and began looking him up and down. Their gazes held a distinct intention, but Lin Qiushi stayed impassive and pretended he didnt see any of it.

Someone walked in front of him, extending a hand with a smile. Hello, Im Jiang Yingrui. Can we get to know each other?

Lin Qiushi typed on his phone: sorry, I cant speak. Im Lin Qiuqiu.

Jiang Yingrui said, oh, please excuse me. Which door is this for you?

Lin Qiushi: sixth.

Jiang Yingrui seemed very interested in Lin Qiushi, and wasnt dissuaded at all by Lin Qiushis cold attitude. In the end Lin Qiushi had to bluntly write: excuse me, but Id like to be alone for a bit.

Jiang Yingrui read these words and smiled. Fine then.

At least he didnt bellyache about it, just turned and left. It seemed hed wanted to team up with Lin Qiushi, but Lin Qiushis rejection was clear.

The lobby they were in was on the first floor of the sanatorium. Outside was an overgrown courtyard, and above were the patients wards.

There were six stories total, demarcated clearly by function. It seemed though that nobody here was in a good state of mindat least, Lin Qiushi saw plenty of messy scribbles and graffiti covering the walls.

As Lin Qiushi was looking around, he felt a light touch on his shoulder. Lin Qiushi turned and was met with a strangers face.

Though the face was strange, the clothes were familiar. She opened her mouth and said, hello, Im Ruan Baijie.

Lin Qiushi understood. Hello, Im Lin Qiuqiu.

Ruan Nanzhu smiled. Its a pleasure to meet you.

Ruan Nanzhus appearance this time was as beautiful as usual: long black hair, a long white skirt. Despite being far taller than the average woman, her unique elegance was still incredibly eye-catching. Her smile was slight, and though Lin Qiushi knew this was a man, he still felt his heart skip a beat.

Ruan Nanzhus hand rested on his shoulder. Lets form a team?

Lin Qiushi nodded.

There were eyes on them, and Lin Qiushi could clearly sense some bad intentions.

Though hed not encountered this kind of thing, the world inside the door was lawless; people didnt have to be responsible for their actions inside. With the threat of death on top of that, people often did some despicable thingsthis was something Ruan Nanzhu had lectured Lin Qiushi on.

After hearing that Lin Qiushi had been struck, and asked if they werent at risk then.

Ruan Nanzhu had answered, youre overthinking it.

Lin Qiushi had wondered at the time what hed overthought. Today he finally understood.

Because some moron walked up to them and started saying all sorts of vulgar things. The actual words themselves Lin Qiushi wouldnt get into, but when the guy was done talking, Ruan Nanzhu was starting to look a bit angry.

Seeing this, the guy only got more excited, and made to grab Lin Qiushis hair. Lin Qiushi was just pondering the best way to daintily and delicately beat the guy to Sunday when he saw Ruan Nanzhu catch the man by the armand twist, hard.

Lin Qiushi heard the crunch of bones breaking and a squeal like a pig at slaughter.

Looks of interest turned to looks of fright. And Ruan Nanzhu sure didnt forget to throw himself at Lin Qiushi, looking all hapless and sniffling, Qiuqiu, Qiuqiu, hes so scary.

Lin Qiushi, Isnt the scary one you?

Now, no one dared to come talk to them. In fact everybody began to tacitly avoid them, and Lin Qiushi didnt know whether or laugh or cry.

It was then that Lin Qiushi spotted their target. A young man in a black t-shirt, jeans, and a black cap. He looked about seventeen or eighteen with a handsome face. As soon as he walked in, his eyes fell on the two of them.

After a moments hesitation, he made his way over to Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu.

Hello, Im Feng Yongle, the young man introduced himself. It was the same pseudonym hed given online. Can I team up with you two?

Hearing this, people tossed pitying glances at the young man, like they expected him to immediately lose an arm as well.

But Ruan Nanzhu only smiled sweetly. Sure.

Feng Yongle sighed in relief, but noticed the odd gazes on him. He was confused. What happened?

Ruan Nanzhu pointed at the man in the corner who looked on the verge of passing out from pain, and said, that guy harassed us earlier. I chased him off.

Feng Yongle looked at that man, then back at Ruan Nanzhu. He fell silent, as if wondering how Ruan Nanzhu and Lin Qiushi, with their slight figures, could have chased someone off. Lin Qiushi could tell his thoughts from his gaze but it wasnt like Lin Qiushi could explain. He could only copy Ruan Nanzhus gee I dont know what happened, Im just an innocent little kitten expressionsomething Lin Qiushi thought hed become quite practiced at as well.

Fortunately Feng Yongle didnt pursue the matter.

People gradually gathered. There was the same number of people as Lin Qiushs previous sixth doorfourteen. There was only one newbie this time though, curled up and trembling in a corner watching his surroundings..

Soon after everybody arrived, a woman wearing a nurses uniform appeared before them. She looked stark and awful, green around the gills, and swept the crowd with cold eyes. Please follow me to the fourth floor.

The group followed her to the fourth floor.

Your treatment will begin in seven days. The nurses tone was also cold. In these seven days, we hope you will familiarize yourselves with the facilitys accommodations. At this, a strange smile tugged at the corners of her lips. You will like it here.

It was because a nurse and head nurse had died inside. The story went, after the head nurse became pregnant with a doctors child and failed an abortion, she chose to commit suicide by jumping from Room 502. After that, Room 502 became haunted.

Legends had it that every night, the weeping of an infant and the howling of a woman in pain came from this room. Then, after a nurse committed suicide in 502, the room was sealed off and never used again.

That was why here, 502 was a very special number.

During room assignments this afternoon, Lin Qiushi had cheered about being put on floor four. Who would have thought that after taking a spin around, their room number plaque was going to be switched?

Realistically, most people wouldnt notice something like the door plaque. Lin Qiushi remembered a man and a woman were staying in this room, and glanced at Ruan Nanzhu for his opinion.

Ill tell them, Ruan Nanzhu said.

The 502 plaque suddenly appearing was clearly a death condition; there was no harm in warning other people from the group.

So Ruan Nanzhu knocked on the door before them.


The woman answered, and looked wary at the people gathered outside.

Theres something wrong with your room number. Ruan Nanzhu didnt beat around the bush.

The woman poked her head out, and after seeing the altered number, her expression drastically changed. When did

We dont know, Ruan Nanzhu said. We saw it on our way back. You wanna switch to another room? There were plenty of spares after alland more to come, once the number of people lessened.

Yes. The woman took Ruan Nanzhus good will and nodded her head in gratitude. Thanks for the warning.

Dont worry about it, Ruan Nanzhu replied.

After delivering the warning, they returned to their own room.

The sky was nearly dark now, and they were about half an hour from the nurses 8PM warning.

After washing up, Lin Qiushi started playing Candy Crush[1] on the bed. Ruan Nanzhu sat in the bunk above in thought.

Perhaps finding the atmosphere awkward, Feng Yongle spoke, I didnt think youd be two women.

Ruan Nanzhu, what else would we be?

Feng Yongle, I thought you were guys.

Ruan Nanzhu, who said women are less capable?

Lin Qiushi, sitting on the bed, quietly thought to himself, and who knew this womens rights activist before him was actually a seasoned drag queen

8PM approached, but Lin Qiushi heard footsteps running after something in the hallway outside. The sound was crisp and tainted with panic. Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu shared a glance before Ruan Nanzhu said, Ill go.

But Lin Qiushi got up before Ruan Nanzhu. He approached and carefully opened the door, wanting to see whod been running.

Past the open door though, Lin Qiushi only saw an empty hallway. Something tightened in his chest, and he made to close itbut felt the door catch on something.

Lin Qiushi looked down and saw that a red high heel had suddenly appeared in the doorway, wedged starkly in the corner of the frame.

Lin Qiushi,

Ruan Nanzhu approached Lin Qiushi, and also saw the shoe. He glanced around, not touching it with his hands. Instead he spun back inside and brought out a dirty plunger from the bathroom. With a single swing he knocked that shoe right outside.

Lin Qiushi was astonished by Ruan Nanzhus actions.

Feng Yongle was too. He watched slack-jawed as Ruan Nanzhu carelessly tossed the plunger aside and calmly went to wash his hands in the bathroom.

Returning, he discovered the two people were still staring at him. Ruan Nanzhu spoke back oddly, why are you looking at me like that?

Lin Qiushi fished out his phone and typed: because youre pretty.

Ruan Nanzhu smiled and gave Lin Qiushi a kiss. Qiuqius the cute one. Cmere, give jiejie a kiss.

Lin Qiushi was embarrassed: thats improper for a man and woman.

Ruan Nanzhus expression went odd after reading Lin Qiushis text. Hed known since the start that every time he put on the skirt Lin Qiushi got a bit confused

And Lin Qiushi regretted the text immediately after typing ithe aggressively remembered that the cute Miss Baijie before his eyes wasnt some lady, but a brusque and brutal man.

Lin Qiushi, Sigh, the eyes were too good at lying.

The sound of someone walking in heels outside came again. Lin Qiushi didnt open the door this time, though that sound seemed to pace right around their room.

The sky was completely dark now. The whole sanatorium was wrapped in blackness.

Everything was quiet, and so, that running sound became even more jarring. Accompanying the percussion of the heels on the ground, Lin Qiushis sharp hearing also caught the soft sniffles of a child, though the sound was faint and probably inaudible to Ruan Nanzhu and Feng Yongle.

So Lin Qiushi curled up in bed, and pretended he could hear none of it.

Sleep. Ruan Nanzhu bid him goodnight from the bunk above. If you cant, youre more than welcome to come up here.

Lin Qiushi didnt reply. It was too annoying to type now, so he didnt bother continuing the conversation.

Quickly, Ruan Nanzhus breathing evened out. Based on what Lin Qiushi knew of him, he must be deeply asleep already.

Lin Qiushi glanced at Feng Yongle beside himself, and saw the boy staring blankly at the ceiling. He felt odd solaceat least it wasnt just him who couldnt sleep.

Feng Yongle seemed to notice Lin Qiushis gaze. He turned around smiling and whispered, cant sleep?

Lin Qiushi nodded.

Feng Yongle watched Lin Qiushi, eyes filled with a kind of gentleness that was hard to describe. It scared Lin Qiushi into immediately shutting his eyes. Somehow, he felt that if he didnt feign sleep immediately, Feng Yongle would say something very terrifying.

Authors Note:

Ruan Nanzhu: If you look into my eyes you can be sure of my feelings for you.

Lin Qiushi: Ive looked into your eyes and can be sure that youre not human

Ruan Nanzhu: ????

The Waverly Hills Sanatorium is what Briarcliff Manor from American Horror Story Season 2 is based off of.

Translators Note:

Its not literally Candy Crush, just a Candy Crush-like game.

Names in this chapter

Chng Qinl / Cheng(2) Qian(1) Li(3) / Ln Ququ / Lin(2) Qiu(1) Qiu(1) / Jing Yngru / Jiang(1) Ying(1) Rui(4) / Run Biji / Ruan(3) Bai(2) Jie(2) / Fng Yngl / Feng(1) Yong(3) Le(4) / Xu Zhyn / Xue(1) Zhi(1) Yun(2) /