Chapter 103: Paradox

Name:Kaleidoscope of Death Author:
Chapter 103: Paradox

Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu

Zhu Ruyuan had come. Not only did she come, shed heard everything theyd talked about.

Zhou Hanshan was so terrified he couldnt stop shaking. Like an overwhelmed little mouse, the way he held his breath was as if a vicious predator could appear crouched at his side at any moment.

She heard Zhou Hanshan stammered. She heard everything.

Gu Longming patted his shoulder in not-at-all-perfunctory comfort: Dont think too hard about it. She wants you dead whether she heard you or not after all, so what does it matter if she heard you?

Zhou Hanshan expressed that truly, he wasnt comforted.

Without Lin Qiushi and Gu Longming, he would likely have already died many times over. Whether it was the teaching building windows suddenly breaking or the giant chandelier in the library suddenly falling, they were all telling him that he was being pursued by something. One wrong step and he could lose his life.

What in the world should I do? he mumbled, looking at Lin Qiushi. He seemed utterly drained of all his strength.

Well get this all resolved, Lin Qiushi said. Think back carefully. When you made the wish, did she do anything of note?

If Zhou Hanshan wasnt lying, then the students wishing ritual might have had a major problem. They started it, but couldnt end it, allowing Zhu Ruyuan to do as she liked to them.

Anything of note? Zhou Hanshan said. Anything of note

He thought on this a while, but in the end still shook his head.

She didnt do anything of note. After a pause, he asked in an uncertain tone of voice, her body changed to feel like a sculptureis that something of note?

Her body felt like a sculpture? Gu Longming said. She didnt look any different?

No, Zhou Hanshan answered with certainty. She didnt change

If even her appearance changed to look like a statue, then the people around her would surely have noticed.

This reminded Lin Qiushi of something. He said, who was the first to make a wish?

Me. Zhou Hanshan raised a hand.

She didnt make a wish? Lin Qiushi asked.

She? Sheyou mean Zhou Hanshan? Zhou Hanshan thought back. No, she did make a wish.

He looked a bit chilled.

Thats rightshe was the first to make a wish!! How could I forget such an important thing!

Only, after finding out Zhu Ruyuan wasnt human, hed wordlessly assumed that Zhu Ruyuan making a wish was irrelevant. After Lin Qiushis reminder, Zhou Hanshan realized with a start that the very first person to make a wish had been her.

What did she wish for? Lin Qiushi asked.

SheShe Zhou Hanshan said. I dont know. She said her wish was to win the award, but now I dont quite believe that. I think she lied to me.

Since finding out Zhu Ruyuans true identity, hed lost all trust in Zhu Ruyuan.

Neither Lin Qiushi nor Gu Longming replied. They were both thinking back on what Zhou Hanshan said.

Perhaps Zhu Ruyuans wish wasnt to win the award like she said at all, but for everyone around her to die. If so, her wish did come true person-by-personjudging by the current situation, Zhou Hanshan was the only lucky survivor left in the school.

Gu Longming shot Lin Qiushi a look, keeping nothing hidden. That was why Lin Qiushi understood him in an instant.

Lets go for a smoke, Lin Qiushi invited.

Okay, Gu Longming nodded.

Zhou Hanshan hung his head without a bit of energy left on his face. Gu Longming told him to sleep for a while longer, and by the time he woke they could go to dinner.

Zhou Hanshan answered with a vague sound. He clearly would have a difficult time getting to sleep.

The two went out into the hallway. Gu Longming lit a cigarette and offered Lin Qiushi one as well.

Lin Qiushi turned down his offer.

How do you see it? Gu Longming asked. You must have a theory already, right?

Lin Qiushi leaned against a railing, both arms folded.

Do you think NPCs are people?

Gu Longming tilted his head.

NoIf were going by the standard of my first doors, then those NPCs are definitely not people.

Like the Landlady in the courtyard from the last door they enteredthough she looked human, she was scarier than the actual ghouls, so it was hard to think of her as a person. But Zhou Hanshan was different. Though he was born inside the doors, he could laugh and cry; he felt alive just like a human. If it werent for their creepy circumstances, Gu Longming could have even believed that he was a person from outside the door pretending to be an NPC.

So could you do it? Lin Qiushi asked the most important question. If Zhou Hanshan is the key figure here?

After chatting with Zhou Hanshan just now, theyd both clearly grasped the crux of the issueZhu Ruyuans wish had not yet come true.

So here was the problem. What if Zhu Ruyuans wish was Zhou Hanshans death? In order to grant Zhu Ruyuans wish, were they supposed to stand by and watch Zhou Hanshan die, or even help Zhu Ruyuan out a bit? Both Lin Qiushi and Gu Longming had immediately figured out this problem, and so had come out to the hallway in sync, lighting a cigarette.

I cant do it. Gu Longming was very straight-forward. Hes too much like a person. I cant treat him like an NPC.

Lin Qiushi didnt answer.

And you? Gu Longming asked. Could you do it?

A little aggravated, he shook some ash off his hand.

We dont actually have to do a damn thing. Hes such a coward, and Zhu Ruyuan keeps wanting him dead. If we just kick him out, he probably wont live to see morning.

Lin Qiushi recalled the way Zhou Hanshan trembled and cried, and could only sigh deeply. It was the first time hed encountered such a situation. This was practically a test of character.

The only fortunate thing was, Lin Qiushi thought, that he and Gu Longming were the logical sort. Had Zhou Hanshan been met with anybody else, it was highly likely that theyd have kicked him out already. To the people from outside after all, he was just an NPC. It was far more important to find the door and get out of here as soon as possible.

What do we do? Gu Longming had already finished smoking a cigarette.

Lin Qiushi looked down at the yard beneath them, and exhaled.

We cant kill him. At least, we cant initiate killing him.

There were well over twenty dolls in the box, all sculpted finely and sanded down to each and every detail. Theyd even been brushed down with a clear protective coating.

Why is there only this kind? Lin Qiushi asked.

I dont know Zhou Hanshan was bewildered too. Zhu Ruyuan was the one who passed the dolls out to us. I dont know how many types there are.

Lin Qiushi didnt speak, but turned and went for the storage room. The lock was open on the storage room too, though the sculpture covered in the white cloth was still standing untouched inside. It seemed that everybody else, prior to confirming the sculptures powers, didnt want to move it just willy-nilly either. After all, everything inside the door carried large amounts of risk.

But compared to last time, the sculpture had clearly grown once more in size. Lin Qiushi removed the cloth and saw that her appearance was even more intricate, minute down to the strands of hair. Her expression too looked particularly lively, like she could take off in limber motion at any moment.

Zhou Hanshan was immediately frightened at the sight of this sculpture. He said, the sculpture looks more and more like Zhu Ruyuan

Lin Qiushi didnt answer.

Zhou Hanshan continued, its like they came out of the same mold.

Very carefully, he caressed the statuebut his expression immediately changed, and he stumbled back a few steps.

Oh fuck, fuck!

What? Lin Qiushi looked over.

Its warm, the sculptures warm Zhou Hanshan explained in a panic. The statue has body heat!

Startled, Lin Qiushi pressed his own palm to the statue, but found that matters were worse than Zhou Hanshan described. Not only did the statue have body heat, it even felt like skin to the touch.

The statue that was supposed to be hard and cold to the touch was now warm and soft. She stood in place like a human disguised as a statue, like she was going to move at any moment now.

Gu Longming also came over and gave it a touch. He too got a scare.

ThisThis isnt gonna fucking turn into a human at the end, is it?

Zhou Hanshan seemed to be having a hard time dealing with this, bending over and beginning to sob.

Im so scared, Zhu Ruyuan, why are you doing this to me? I havent wronged you, why are you treating me like this

Just as Zhou Hanshan said this, two things came flying through the door, striking both Lin Qiushi and Gu Longming. They froze for a moment before realizing what had been thrown at themtwo broken wooden figures, exactly like the ones from the box outside. The only thing different about them was that these two dolls were both missing their heads.

Fuck! Gu Longming, struck by the doll, couldnt help but swear. What are we supposed to do about this! Weve touched so now I gotta be responsible? Is this a fucking maiden from the old society or what?!

Lin Qiushi, Thats a real vivid and graphic analogy youve got there.

Maidens of the old society, you had to marry if you so much as looked at them. Lin Qiushi had thought, coming over here, that as long as they didnt touch the dolls they would be fine. He hadnt anticipated the ghosts here would be so simple and crude about it, and now he didnt really know what to say.

Lin Qiushi picked up the doll that belonged to him and confirmed that it was indeed headless. Undoubtedly, if they didnt hurry up and find the door and key, then this doll represented Lin Qiushis end.

Zhou Hanshan didnt know what else he could say. Crouched on the ground, he seemed to have lost all the energy in his body, expression exhausted and pitiful. He even reached out and held the sculpture beside him in his arms.

Zhu Ruyuan, what in the world do you want? Do you want my life? If you really want it, just take it. Zhou Hanshan spoke dully. Terror seemed to have robbed him of his will to live. With his head set on the sculpture, he mumbled to himself, I wont run anymore. Can I come and stay with you?

After he said this, Lin Qiushi saw the sculpture move. The sculpture slowly, slowly lowered its head. Though its movements were slow to the point of seeming like a hallucination, Lin Qiushi was certain that the sculpture was actually moving. She lowered her head and watched her lover with gentle eyes. From those white plaster pupils, a film of red liquid seeped out, trickling down along her cheeks and dripping onto the floor.

The sculpture was crying. It was just that she didnt have any tears. What fell from her eyes was fresh blood.

Zhou Hanshan too saw the blood in the sculptures eyes. Freezing for a moment, he uttered, Ruyuan, is that you? Are you crying?

The sculpture naturally couldnt answer him.

Do you want me to die? Zhou Hanshan said. If you want me dead, will you nod?

At this, a violent gust of wind came through the window. It whipped the curtains into a frenzy and sounded like a human howling.

By the time the wind stopped, the sculpture had stopped crying. Shed frozen in a particular position, but her gaze had fallen on Gu Longming.

Gu Longming, uncomfortably, is she looking at me?

Head crooking, Lin Qiushi observed the sculpture. For some reason he felt that there was some other meaning in the sculptures eyes. He circled behind the sculpture to follow its gaze, and found indeed that the statues attention had fallen on Gu Longming. Onlythe place it fell was strangeShe seemed to be staring at Gu Longmings pocket.

Lin Qiushi, Gu Longming, whats in your pocket?

Gu Longming, ah? Whats in my pocket?

He patted inside and fished out the doll that had struck them earlier.

Just this. Why?

Put the doll off to the side, Lin Qiushi said.

Though Gu Longming was utterly baffled, he still very carefully set the doll down on the floor beside his feet.

Lin Qiushi watched the sculptures eyes, and discovered that her gaze was truly moving. It gradually shifted from Gu Longming to the floor beside him.

Gu Longming noticed as well, with a jolt to his heart.

What does that mean? What does it mean that its watching the doll? Did she throw them at us? Is she purposely provoking us or what

Lin Qiushi shook his head and gave his own explanation: Shes likely giving us a hint.

A hint? Gu Longming stroked his chin. Is she hinting that we should copy the dolls?

Lin Qiushi didnt answer because truth be told, he hadnt thought through why the sculpture was staring at the wooden doll either.

The three stood in the room, and in the midst of Zhou Hanshans quiet sobbing, a faint idea surfaced in Lin Qiushis mind. He called out, Zhou Hanshan.

Zhou Hanshan glanced at Lin Qiushi through teary eyes.

You said that to make a wish, you need a doll, right? Lin Qiushi asked.

Yes, Zhou Hanshan said. What are you saying

Lin Qiushi looked at the sculpture. Say, do you think shes telling us that we should make another wish?

Zhou Hanshan froze.

If our wish is for all this to end, Lin Qiushi said, will it be able to come true?

This wish, just like Zhou Hanshans wish, was a paradox impossible to fulfill.