Chapter 117: Are You Angry?

Name:Kaleidoscope of Death Author:
Chapter 117: Are You Angry?

Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu

So what about my stethoscope?

Xiao Ji didnt seem scared at all of Lin Qiushis suspicions, asking his question sharply in return.

You used the stethoscope this morning, right? Lin Qiushi asked.

Xiao Ji didnt answer yes or no; keenly, hed detected that Lin Qiushis question was a trap, so he didnt speak.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

However, Xiao Mei sat beside him spoke up calmly: Yes, he used the stethoscope to open a chest this morning. Someone else saw it too.

She pointed at a person in the crowd.

The person Xiao Mei was pointing to nodded, indicating that Xiao Mei wasnt lying.

When I passed by the living room today I saw Xiao Ji opening a chest. He also used the stethoscope.

Ah, so that means your stethoscope is currently operational? Lin Qiushi said. If there are no problems, may I have a look at it?

With a scoff, Xiao Ji took the stethoscope from his neck and tossed it to Lin Qiushi.

Id like to see what youre trying to sell here.

Lin Qiushi took the stethoscope.

Xiao Mei, you havent eaten, right?

Xiao Mei nodded, and spoke with indifference: Yes. Xiao Ji heard a Hakobito yesterday, so I didnt eat anything.

This wasnt a strange turn of events, in fact was quite normal. The number of Hakobito had gradually increased, after all. It would be odder if, from the start until now, Xiao Ji had never encountered a Hakobito.

Mh, if it can hear the Hakobitos movements, that means this stethoscope definitely works, Lin Qiushi said. Lets give it a try then.

He put on the stethoscope and picked a random person beside him, pressing the stethoscope to his own chest[1]. As expected, the stethoscope that shouldve allowed him to hear something did not pick up any sounds; the end that went into the ears was completely silent.

I cant hear anything, Lin Qiushi said. You all can try it too.

He tossed the stethoscope to somebody else.

Another person picked up the stethoscope, and after carefully listening, confirmed that there was nothing audible inside.

Xiao Jis expression went cold. He said, you want me condemned based on just that?

Lin Qiushi shrugged.

Your stethoscopes broken, so how did you hear sounds from inside the chests?

Xiao Ji lifted his chin.

And here I thought youd have some way to prove Im guilty. Well sorry, but Ive already tried it before. This stethoscope is special. It cant hear human heartbeats at all.

Lin Qiushis lips curved up.

Oh? You sure?

Xiao Ji, props inside the door are different from stuff outside to begin with. Yu Linlin, youre not thinking of besmirching me with this in order to take my stethoscope from me, are you?!

He banged on the table violently, seemingly on the verge of a fit over being so wrongly accused.

Lin Qiushi asked, youre sure that this stethoscope cant hear heartbeats, and that its just a special item?

What? You saying you know my item better than me?

Xiao Ji was locked in on this answer. After all, the stethoscopes always been on him. He could say whatever he wanted about it and nobody could do a thing.

But Lin Qiushi took the stethoscope back in hand with a sigh.

What a shame. If you hadnt said that, I really dont know what I wouldve done.

And as he spoke, he began taking apart the stethoscope.

The earpieces on the stethoscope had metal rings that could be twisted off, with special sound-amplifying discs installed inside. However, when Lin Qiushi twisted one of the rings apart and removed the disc, everybody looking at the stethoscope grew shockedbecause the space behind the disc had been stuffed with a wad of solid cotton, firmly blockading the path of sound transmission. Of course it hadnt been able to hear a thing.

When Xiao Ji first saw the cotton, he froze. Then, expression drastically changing, he roared, who said you could take my stethoscope apart

He lunged in front of Lin Qiushi, trying to take the stethoscope back, but Sun Yuanzhou, already standing ready beside him, held him back.

Xiao Ji saw that he could no longer get his hands on the stethoscope and began to cuss. It wasnt difficult to see that the intensity of his reaction was weird.

Faced with Xiao Jis threats and insults, Lin Qiushi remained impassive. He calmly removed the cotton and put the stethoscope back together. This time, with the stethoscopes amplifier placed on his chest, a heartbeat could be clearly and readily heard.

Lin Qiushi laughed, this is what you used to distinguish whether a chest contained a box person? Very impressive.

Xiao Mei joined him with a sneer. Since the death of her lover, an irreversible change had taken place in her body that had completely expelled the awkwardness and timidity of a newbie and made her incomparably cold.

When he saw such an interaction between Lin Qiushi and Xiao Mei, Xiao Ji finally cottoned on, shooting Xiao Mei a vicious glare.

You betrayed me? he spat. Fucking bitchyou stuffed my stethoscope with cotton?!

Xiao Meis arms wrapped around her chest as she watched Xiao Ji coolly.

And what if I did?

Why the fuck did you sell me out?? Xiao Ji asked. Im the one who helped you kill Wei Xiude

At this, Xiao Mei began to laugh, loud and hard enough for tears to fall. She wiped the corners of her eyes and said, are you that simple? You helped me? Werent you just helping yourself? Besides

Her voice grew brutal, and her tone was like it wanted to tear a piece skin off Xiao Jis body itself.

The Hako Onna killed my lover, and youre working with her?! You deserve to die!!

Xiao Ji was panting, so angry that his eyes went red.

In order to prevent him from getting away, someone else fetched ropes and tied him down. Lin Qiushi put the stethoscope back together and set it on the table.

Anything else youd like to say? he asked.

Xiao Ji gritted his teeth, and sneered.

Hah, so what if it was me? Kill me if you can.

Back then, Lin Qiushi had really thought Ruan Nanzhu was done for. It wasnt until he heard Ruan Nanzhus farewell"Yu Linlin, I love you"that Lin Qiushi came to knowledge. Hed understood in a split instant.

If Ruan Nanzhu really thought he was going to die, then when he gave his last confession, he wouldve at least called out Lin Qiushis real name, not Yu Linlin.

Lin Qiushi, once he understood everything, had steadied his crumbling emotional state. He also took all his fury for Ruan Nanzhu and buried it deep within himself.

On the other end, the interrogation had yielded resultsXiao Ji told them where the fire extinguisher was hidden. As for what method Xiao Mei used, Lin Qiushi didnt ask. He wasnt kind enough to forgive somebody who almost got Ruan Nanzhu killed; not taking care of Xiao Ji himself had been his last act of tolerance.

Xiao Ji confessed to everything. He said that immediately after he got here, hed made a deal with the Hako Onna. Hed gotten a lot luckier than the dead Tian Guxue; the moment he entered the door hed received the item set on the table and also the hidden rulebook.

Of course, to prevent other people from suspecting him, hed hidden the item in one of the chests in the living room. Then, after reading the rulebook, hed put the rulebook away in a corner of the dining room.

After that, Xiao Ji opened three chests in a row before everybodys eyes. Hed opened up the item and one of the Hako Onnas powers to boot.

As for Tian Guxue, she was entirely a smokescreen that the Hako Onna cooked up. Back when Ruan Nanzhu was having suspicions about Tian Guxue, hed felt something was off, because Tian Guxue hadnt seem anywhere clever enough to be a competent partner. Sure enough, right behind her had been the better player Xiao Ji, whod been so much better that nobody even suspected him.

But when the unexpected happened to Ruan Nanzhu, it prompted Lin Qiushi to start thinking about all this. He contacted Xiao Mei in private and got her to tamper with Xiao Jis stethoscope. Then hed gotten quite luckyXiao Ji immediately exposed himself and allowed Lin Qiushi to confirm that he was the mole.

Everything had gone smoothly, aside from the person whod lied to him.

Ruan Nanzhuhe must have already guessed there was a second mole. Hed even predicted that the second mole would target him, and in order to leave Lin Qiushi out of danger, hed hidden everything and directed two of Hako Onnas powers onto himself. The reality was that everything Ruan Nanzhu did bore risk; even if hed been eighty percent sure the bracelet could weather damage from the Hako Onna, there was still that twenty percent uncertainty. That was why he decided to leave behind the key and item, shutting himself up alone in Tian Guxues room.

Lin Qiushi understood all the logic, but he still couldnt control his anger. The moment he thought about Ruan Nanzhu dying alone in that room without even a body to recover, he found it so damn difficult to bear.

Are you two alright? When the two came back out, the peculiar atmosphere between them was worrying, so Liang Miye asked a quiet word or two.

Were fine, Lin Qiushi answered coolly. What could possibly be wrong?

Liang Miye, Y'all sure dont look fine. And this was the first time shes seen such an ingratiating expression on Ruan Nanzhus face.

Baby are you hungry?


Baby are you thirsty?



Dont call me baby.


Shut up.

The above was their dialogue, and everyone around them listening in began to look queer; Sun Yuanzhou forced down a laugh and cleared his throat a couple of times before saying you two sure are cute together, but this was no time to flirt. Lets talk about the matter of the Hako Onna first.

How to get the items, how to kill the Hako Onna and get out of herethese were the most important matters at hand.

We have at most six days, Ruan Nanzhu said. After six days, the Hako Onna can probably activate 'Im Behind You again. If were not out by thenwell, we might never get out.

The item we have right now that can kill the Hako Onna is the wooden stake. Once we figure out the Hako Onnas location we can hit her with it, and for her to use a power, she has to cry. Sun Yuanzhou too had straightened out his thoughts. As long as we wait

Thats right, Ruan Nanzhu said. But the stake can only be used once, and if we use it in the wrong place, well have lost a critical opportunity. The wooden stake had to be used prior to opening a chest. He continued, I havent used the gasoline we put through the door either. This is also a key item.

Mh, we just dont know if theres any notable difference between the Hako Onnas chest and the Hakobitos, Lin Qiushi said. If the stethoscope can tell the difference between those two, thats for the best. If it cant, then things will be a bit more difficult.

By the current look of things, when the Hako Onna cried, they could only confirm which room she was in, not which specific chest.

So there was still risk in it for them.

Finding more items would be safer, Ruan Nanzhu said, but time isnt waiting for us.

Everybody began to ponder the matter.

Today, the Hako Onna seemed to have realized that things werent looking good, and so didnt use a power or cry aloud. Lin Qiushi could only confirm the Hako Onna was on the first floor, but didnt know a more concrete location.

If the Hako Onna didnt cry, then they could make no progress. They could only wait.

While they waited, Ruan Nanzhu brazenly kept trying to make conversation with Lin Qiushi. At first, Lin Qiushi answered on and off, but after he grew annoyed he didnt even bother replying, just kept his head down and played with his phone.

A resentful expression appeared on Ruan Nanzhus face; he wanted to be the thing held in Lin Qiushis hand.

Liang Miye spectated their interactions and held back laughter from the sidelines. Obsidian Leader Ruan Nanzhu was so austere and cold outside the doorwho knew hed be like this inside? Of course, she didnt dare laugh out loud, because if she irritated Ruan Nanzhu and got him truly angryShe wasnt about to get the same treatment as Lin Qiushi.

Lin Qiushi was clearly still angry, and it wasnt just any small upset.

Seeing him like this, Ruan Nanzhu was troubled. He thought that if he couldnt even get Lin Qiushi to come around with an advantage as huge as Zhu Meng inside the door, then itd be even harder outside the door.

And so going to sleep at night, Ruan Nanzhu crept his way into Lin Qiushis bed.

Linlin, Im scared. The person before him stared with big, dark, beautiful eyes, watching Lin Qiushi all innocently. Will you sleep with me please?

Lin Qiushi was impassive: Youre scared?

Ruan Nanzhu, yeah.

Thats great. Im scared too.

With that he got up, leaving Ruan Nanzhu on the bed, and switched over to Ruan Nanzhus bed.

Ruan Nanzhu, Oh crap, oh crap, his dearest Linlin was actually angry, and of the type that couldnt even be sweet-talked.

Authors Note:

Ruan Nanzhu: Are you angry?

Lin Qiushi: No.

Ruan Nanzhu: Are you angry?

Lin Qiushi: No.

Ruan Nanzhu: Are y

Lin Qiushi: Ask me again and I will kill you.

Ruan Nanzhu: _(:)_

The Daily Life of Popuruan and Pipilin[2] hahahaha

Translators Note:

Thats definitely what the Chinese said so Im wondering if theres a typo. LQS grabbed someone in the group, but put the stethoscope to his own chest and listened to the stethoscope himself.The Daily Life of Popuko and Pipimi is the Chinese title of Pop Team Epic