69 Episode 64 I'm worried that Chloe's remarks are subtle

I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, leaving the processing of the corpses of the augers and the emergency call to Draknir to soldiers on the camp, and running the ice board to the mine where Chloé and other adventurers and knights headed. Was. With a speed limit that can be reached, the speed was comparable to a real-world car. There were horses on the camp to carry supplies, but I couldn't get on me. The ice board will definitely be a useful personal high-speed means of transportation.

Thanks to this, I can drive on the road that takes an hour in a little less than enough time. Capture a mine with a large Goblin settlement in front.


The mine is crescent-shaped, and the entrance is just a gap. He found it and turned his nose, but found a large number of silhouettes close to humans wriggling near the entrance. At first I thought they were goblins, but as I approached, I saw their faces as lizards.

"I see it for the first time, is that a lizardman?"

Apparently my expectation was not wrong. Certainly, Lizardman's solo defeat is equivalent to rank C. In a group battle, it is a monster with more abilities. Indeed, if you squeeze between Ale and Ogre, even the best adventurers and knights will have a hard time. Ogres are as intelligent as goblins, but their power and endurance are phenomenal. If you are suddenly exposed to the attack power, you are in danger as a well-defended human. In a sense, an auger who wields violence without thinking is a very terrible opponent in "Rights" where there are many uncertainties.

Is it at the entrance to prevent ingress and egress from inside and outside? The intelligent behavior that is different from the goblin is characteristic of the lizardman. If you keep going straight, you will inevitably crash with those groups.

"I don't think we'll be fighting obediently."

Lizardman notices me approaching. He screams, "Geeky", and waits for me with his weapon and shield in his hand. Several of them are equipped with bows and arrows, with arrows on strings.

Usually, a shield of ice is formed on the entire surface to strengthen the defense, but this time we will take another means. Make an ice “railroad crossing” in the direction of my travel. When almost all of my thoughts were assigned to speed and attitude control, I jumped at the "railroad crossing" at a stretch.

"Aikyun Furyutsuttsu !!"

At high speed, it jumps up like running in the air on an ice board. The arrow that the Lizardman fired passed below me. The lizardmen hurriedly ran in the sky and pointed the arrowhead at me, but they had no choice but to overlook the speed. Going straight in the air at an angle of 45 degrees, I successfully invaded the central space from the entrance of the mine.

Two groups were fighting there, already on the battlefield. Knights and adventurers are mixed, and a group of humans. And the Lizardmen and the beasts that surround it. Somehow, the feeling of “saddle” is even more conveyed when viewed from above.

Moreover, the monster was not just Lizardman. Looking at the strongest signs, it was the moment when the goblin, as well as even the auger, seemed to survive, coming out of the cave on the back of a giant bipedal lizard. Based on the "quality" of the sign, this is probably the top goblin. Is the lizard below that of Lizardman? From behind, a giant goblin that is not on a large lizard continues to appear. Certainly, goblin top-ranking individuals have an estimated B rank. If you deal with it in large numbers, it will be difficult. Indeed, it's a nightmare if an auger strikes from behind, not only with Lizardman, but also with that.

With the appearance of multiple top individuals, it was found that the humans were upset. Because adding Lizardman, the number of top individuals is much larger than expected.

In the meantime, a high-order goblin on a large lizard ran like a rush. The target is the Knights who are closest to the cave where it appeared. A full body armor with a weapon that is much larger than other humans. Is that Regulus, the leader of the Knights of the Phantom Dragon? Indeed, should he not miss the gap created by the upset and raise the general?

"That's why the wholesaler has stopped publishing."

I freeze the soles of my feet and cut off the fixed ice board, transforming it from a flat elliptical shape to a round shape with one end on a cylinder-a shell. Simultaneously, embody the familiar ice hammer, hold it with both hands and shake it.

I'm the type that can put all my power into a surprise.

"Well done!"

Oooooooooooooooohhhhhh ! !

A crashing sound between ice blocks is emitted. The ice shell with my image added in addition to the impact from the hammer, flies at a speed as if fired from a cannon.

ー ー ー ー Go Gaaaaaa! !

The giant goblin reached the Order of the Knights in a matter of seconds with a direct hit from an ice shell and was blown off the lizard as if it had been flipped. When the lizard noticed that the Lord had been blown away, it reversed its direction of travel and ran to the goblin, rolling around the ground.

For the time being, did the opponent's nose falter? The general demons of the monsters were blown away without notice, and this time a great uproar struck the enemy. The other giant goblins that tried to follow the knight dragon (which we call it for convenience), as well as the lizardman surrounding the adventurers, stopped moving.

And I noticed.

"I never thought about landing."

I didn't have any wings or anything, so I wasn't immediately dropped by gravity because I was using the power of a spirit on the ice board. But now, after transforming it into a shell, I have no buoyancy ice at my fingertips. And by the time we create a new one and use the power of the spirits, my body is slammed into the ground.

Let me make excuses. I didn't have much time. It takes time to implement a new ice shell and mallet. In a situation of one second and two seconds, one had to transform the existing ice.

It's already a little left on the ground while thinking about things. it's no use. There is no choice but to prevent the shock at the reaction ice barrier that was charged. I was determined and prepared for the impact of a collision with images in the crystal.


But it was much lighter than the painful impact that I had imagined. And the firm feeling came with "Gori", but it is enough to endure.

Huh? Do you feel screams other than me?

I didn't know what had happened for a moment, but it was a full-faced armor that jumped into my confused sight.

“………, there ’s no gap”

How, I was received by the knight of the whole armor in the posture of "Hugging a princess". Hey, who's the best guy to hold a bastard princess? If I was a beautiful woman, it would have been a sight to be a picture. Even in this situation, my stupid thinking was normal driving.

Armor Knight-Perhaps "He" is Regulus, the leader of the Phantom Dragon Knights.


Despite being rude, I stared at his face. I can't hear the expression hidden by the armor. "Eyes" peeking through the gap shimmers slightly when my eyes meet. Despite desperately holding back, the signs that come in are “relief” and “confused”.

"Come, I want you to go through it a little. I'm sorry! "

Chloe breaks through the knights and rushes here. It was good, apparently safe. Although there was no noticeable scar, I was worried that the clothes on the chest were torn.

"Well, Chloe. Apparently the crystal I handed seems to have been useful." Mr. Kanna, I'll do what I can't do with myself.

Does this guy like Ji-Jo? Well, let's refrain from meta remarks.

"Grandmaster, take me down a little."

He hit his shoulder and his arm, nodding silently, and dropped me. After this little parachute-less petit skydiving, don't be relieved to feel stable with two feet on the ground.

"By the way, Mr. Kanna, why is this place like this?" "Oh, there's a little bit of something to deliver."

I look around. When the ice board was transformed into shells, it was actually wrapping the "delivery" around it. I couldn't stop it because I couldn't beat it with the shell fixed on a shell, but I released it in the air thanks to it. I think the fall trajectory was close to me because it was with me.

"... is the delivery you say" Kore "?"

A voice was heard from behind as if he had extracted a hundred percent purity from the bottom of hell. If you look there, you're in full armor just like the leader, but for some reason you're a strange man. He stood like a cane with his deliverable "Long".

"Oh, maybe the screams I just made ..."

Perhaps, the "long thing" that had fallen at a reasonable rate hit him unfortunately.

"Ya Mengo ♪" "... Koros"

Oops, wasn't the mischief trying to soften the place the opposite effect? He shook the tip of the sword in his right hand.

"Um, it's Regulus?"

Do you want to pass it in "this way" now? Situationally, there is no time for extra prying.

"It's something you delivered from a lady of Riedial. Everything is a" battle tool "made for you."

Regulus hurriedly squeezed into the knight of the armor, and received a "long" to tear it off. There was too much momentum to blow the armor knight. I'm a little pity.

"Thank you. If you have this, the situation should be a little better."

His voice, which holds the longest, was full of energy. Granny, apparently your surprises aren't going to be wasted.

My "work" is over when the luggage has been delivered. After that, there is no point in being here if you can get the signature of the receptionist. But, as expected, I'm not cold enough to ignore this situation and go home. Or rather, even if you want to return, the lizardman is blocking the area near the entrance to the mine. Even if you make a jumping hill and jump over it, it is unlikely that you will get a straight runway in this space with a lot of lizardmen.

"Now, here's the aftercare for the white cat Canna, aftercare. I'll be helping you." "Mr. Kanna will fight with me too !?" "That's done! Ryukenden, if Kanna is there, he's no more than a hundred, or even a thousand people! It's almost as if he's on an Ofuna!"

A little Chloe. You're lifting too much! ? I'm a high school boy who can only handle ice, right?

"Yes. I'm encouraging if you are.

Eh, do you ride until you? You'll know a lot about it!

"Hatsu, what can you do with the addition of a young adventurer? Such a low-lying person, rather like a leader!"

It's very annoying that this whole body armor is giving the most reasonable opinion. Shall I pack ice in my armor?

"... Dyne, you're the one who can't help you."

"Hey! Is that the leader?" "... Would you like me to follow the" training "carefully when you return?"

I remember seeing this act just recently.

"... I can't swallow the situation a lot, but I don't have time to relax too much."

Ossan, who was carrying a rattling spear that appeared sometime before, said. I forgot, but we are now being surrounded by demons. Moreover, there are a number of high-order goblin individuals in front. Right now, the monsters have been swayed by the blow-off of the Great Goblin, a large dragon, and his movement has just stopped.

The blown-out giant goblin--the general goblin was up and running about to ride on a large lizard. A closer look revealed that the abdomen of the armor had collapsed greatly. At the time the shell did not penetrate, it was expected, but apparently it did not go through the heavy armor he was wearing.

When the general goblins began to move, the lizardmen who had been embarrassed were moving all at once. Apparently it looks like a repartition.

"Well, what's going on, Regulus. I can't give me any more offensive power. I do "

"He" shredded the cloth that covered the long thing. What appeared is a long and thin stick-like thing. At first I thought it was a "club", but the tip on one side was forked.

"Slightly away"

He muttered a little, he pulled out a giant sword that had pierced him beside him, and "joined" his handle to the tip of a long thing-the forked part. Then, the giant sword was transformed into a giant "contradiction" from that moment.

Apparently what I brought was the "pattern" of the contradictions.

As I said, when nearby people, including me, left, Regulus flashed to try the "contradictions" I had. A gale that screamed at the air alone led to him.

This is certainly "safe".

"... I will cut the first line. I want to ask you for help." "Do you need help?

It was none other than "he". I'll gladly help you. The man in armor--the deputy, tried to speak, but eventually died. I couldn't say anything about Regulus's "weight".

"Chloe, I'm going to support the Grandmaster. Would you like to leave the bad but approaching lizardman?" "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. "

Chloe nodded vigorously as his ears and tail snapped.

"Dine. You ask for the command of another person. The general goblin only needs to be able to stop. I asked the adventurer of the spear keeper." "I see ... I understand. Good luck." I don't know, but watch out, Chloe's daughter. "

The knights and the adventurer left it and left us. Immediately from the back, the shout of Dyne and others sounded, and the knights and adventurers began to move.

"We are working against General General Goblin to destroy the Lizardman. Are you ready or both?"

I met both arms, and Chloe pulled the sword out of the sheath.

"It's always good." "I'm the same."

Regulus nodded to our consent.

"OK!" "Oh!"

Now, the second round has begun.