My first summer break arrived after I, Kamijou Touka, leaped back in time to become a high school student once more. I tried my best to go on the offensive and win over the boy I held one-sided feelings for, Shimono Nanaya-kun, enjoying my second life in high school. This summer break may very well be the key to leading me to victory. Even in the streaming service I watched before traveling back in time, in the romance and drama shows to be exact, the season of summer always brought accelerated development.

However, despite already having reached August this year, there haven’t been any events I spent with Nanaya-kun except maybe the day at the waterpark. And since then, five full days have passed. On top of that, we happened to run into the hyper beauty and charismatic girl Sakonji-san, who I’m very bad at dealing with, which caused quite the uproar. Even if we may have traveled back in time, history doesn’t change that easily. Her hostility towards me is still as real as it was eleven years ago.

It seemed like Nanaya-kun and her knew each other, but…I doubt they’re that close. He shouldn’t be that good at dealing with such an aggressive and frank type of person. I know that very well. How many years do you think I’ve watched him? That being said, I won’t have many more chances to meet Nanaya-kun this summer break. Maybe I could try to invite him out somewhere? I looked into fireworks shows in August, but I can’t find any excuse to actually invite him. For this reason, I really wanted to solidify our plans at the beginning of summer break, but all because of that whole swimsuit ordeal, I lost my temper and mind.

…But, he did say I looked beautiful when I actually wore my swimsuit in front of him. Because the blood rushed to my head, and I instinctively jumped into the water to cool off, I don’t have many memories of what happened after that, but I clearly remember him praising me. I’ve already added that in my mental playlist.


“W-What’s that creepy laugh about, Touka?”

My older brother Yuito came down to the living room, looking at me grinning to myself in confusion and bewilderment.

“Hey! Don’t just barge in here!”

“This is the living room, and I live here.” He said and took out an iced coffee from the fridge in the kitchen.

“You want one as well?”

“Sure. why not.”

“Gotcha.” He showed me a wink.

I really don’t feel happy receiving such a wink from my family, but I can’t deny that it was beautifully executed…I shall learn from that.

“That reminds me, how is that new business I gave you advice for coming along?” I accepted a cup of coffee from him, opening it.

“Going great. Just because I edited the website a bit, the number of views and visitors has gone up a lot. I had no idea you had knowledge about this business stuff. Where did you learn that from?”

“W-Well, I just looked into it. Ah, you’ll probably get more visitors from mobile phones and smartphones, so you should probably edit the website so it’s more accessible for them.”

“Oh yeah, smartphones are becoming more normal lately, huh? I’ve been looking at one myself. You’re a lot more skilled at this than me, despite being in high school.”

Well, technically I’m older than you right now.

“By the way, I get my reward for the advice, right?”

“Of course. In the long run, a bit of investment doesn’t hurt.”

“Yay~!” I jumped up from the sofa in joy.

“That’s what a high school girl’s supposed to be. By the way, do you like people who are younger than you?”

“Bffft! Huh?! What are you talking about?!”

“I mean, I’ve never seen you interact with many of your classmates, but you’ve been awfully close with some juniors of yours, no?”

“Ah, now that you mentioned it. Well, just on a whim, I happened to get close with them.”

“I see. Any cute girls in there?”

“What? Onii-chan, are you gunning for her? A university student shouldn’t aim for a high school girl, you know.”

“I don’t think age matters much when it comes to love.”

At least deny it! Why are you just blatantly accepting what I said?! And smiling like that won’t help you either!

“I won’t give Nao-chan to you, Onii-chan.”

“So you like her, huh~”

Well yeah? Usually, all the girls younger than me at the company feared me, and nobody ever invited me to go to a trendy cafe and upload pictures online? If I had such a cute girl respecting me, of course I would…Yeah, I would…

“I would eat her up.”

“R-Right…I guess his dream wasn’t too far from reality after all…”


“Ah, don’t mind me. More importantly, the weather is great, so why don’t you head out? No progress will happen if you just stay at home. You’re worried about something, right?”

“S-Shut up. Don’t act like you understand everything.”

Sometimes, he can be awfully perceptive. If I give him the smallest bit of information, he can immediately guess what I’m feeling. But, he’s not wrong. Just staying at home all day won’t do me any good. I should go outside and take a stroll as a change of pace. Maybe I’ll come up with something good, then.

I gulped up the rest of my iced coffee and prepared to head out. This is the kind of relaxed summer break I never got to enjoy as an employee. It’s time to set out and look for new discoveries on this adventure.


I discovered something. Beneath the scorching heat of the burning sun, I discovered it. Something unbelievable I never would have imagined. I saw Shimono Nanaya-kun entering a family restaurant located near the national highway. I moved up to the parking space in front of it, hiding in the shadow of a car. The next thing I spotted was beautiful blonde hair, easily visible even through the glass. What stood out the most was that this blonde hair had been tied up in two even twintails. Since my eyesight is 20/20, if this wasn’t a hallucination caused by the summer heat, Nanaya-kun met Sakonji-san in that family restaurant—Just the two of them.

Urgh…! C-Calm down, Kamijou Touka. It’s still too early to reach a conclusion. I should observe and follow the events unfolding in front of me to reach the truth. That’s right, I’m a detective. I will resolve whatever case may block my way. I may look like a child, but my brain is that of an adult, which I will use to uncover their relationship! First, I should probably head inside the restaurant so I can hear their conversation. However, I’m just wearing a short-sleeved loose shirt and hot pants, making me look like a rural girl misplaced in the big city. This isn’t sufficient enough for a disguise at all, I just wish I had a cap with me or something.

Should I still go…? Ignore the risk of being spotted and tag along? While I’m hesitating like this, the two have already started talking. Whatever! Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say! I don’t have much more time! Advance forward! I tried my best to quietly enter the restaurant. I told the employee that I was alone (which I was very much used to) and took a seat near the two. I ordered a hot coffee and listened in on the conversation between those two. From this angle, they shouldn’t be able to hear me. So now, bring it on! Will it be a demon or a snake I’ll hear here…

“Biwa’s really gotten interested in Nananosuke, you know~”

It’s the Yamato no Orochi! Did she just say what I think she did?! Also, who is Nananosuke?! When did they get so friendly?! So hot! Why did I order hot coffee on a summer day?! Is my brain fried from the heat?!


Ohhhhh, hold on! Time out! Huh? What? Huuuuuh? What did he just say? Hold on…what did he call Sakonji-senpai? Biwako-senpai? ‘Biwako’ ‘Senpai’? Why? Whyyy?! He never calls me Touka-senpai, so why?! Not even Touka, or at least Kamijou-senpai! Why is he acting so close with a woman I didn’t know he was acquainted with?! You damn cheating bastard! I can’t believe you! We may not be dating, but I call this cheating! Also, damn hot! Why is this coffee so hot?! Who ordered this?! Curse you, Nanaya!

“Hey…Nananosuke…Could we go someplace where it’s just the two of us?”

“J-Just the two of us…?”




I hereby declare the closing down of the Kamijou Touka Private Detective Agency.


No, I can’t close down anything yet. I have still to resolve this mystery I am met with. Until I find out the truth, I can’t give up and cast aside my honor as a detective. That being the case, I went after the two once they left the family restaurant. I put on my navy blue cap (which I bought at the small merchandise corner in the family restaurant) and followed the two as they walked through the arcade street of the town.

Judging from things looked, aren’t they a bit too close? Amidst this summer heat, I’m worried they might get a heat stroke.

They walked left and right through the town, finally entering a karaoke box. I see…this will definitely allow them to be alone. They finished the payment at the reception, and I followed them shortly after. While writing down my name, I checked the way they went. Up to the fifth floor, huh. The room I got was room number 307. I poured some ice tea from the drink bar and headed to my room. I took off my cap and sighed. All right, time to analyze the situation. It’s detective time.

When did Sakonji-san and Nanaya-kun get this close? Since she said she’s gotten interested in him, they must have had a few times they ran into each other. That would make perfect sense, because the more you interact with someone, the more you come to like them, and vice versa. It’s a common method when trying to win over a customer who initially declined. Back at the water park, they didn’t seem this close, at least. Rather, they seemed on awfully bad terms instead. So that means they must have interacted with each other quite a lot over the past five days…Quite a lot…

A-Also! Something like this didn’t happen in the past timeline! During my initial high school days, I was always following Nanaya-kun. This subsided after I graduated, but when we were both students, the famous Sakonji-san never interacted with him at all. If she did, I would have known. That is something I can declare with full confidence.

Even if history changed here and there because of the butterfly effect, why would Sakonji-san approach him this aggressively? Both their types couldn’t be further from each other, even. So did Nanaya-kun seek out contact with her? Using this second chance he was given…No, hold on. She shouldn’t be his type, so…

…Wait. Is that true? Really? Do I actually know what kind of woman he likes? To be perfectly honest, I think those are just the assumptions I built through observing him. I’ve never directly heard it from his own words.

“Huh? Gals? Nah, I can’t really deal with them~”

He never said anything like that. Wait…hold on…I remember! Back then! When we took a rest at the food corner! He said he wanted to dye his hair! I’ve never seen Nanaya-kun with dyed hair in my memory. So then…why did he suddenly bring that up? It’s because of a gal. He wants to get a matching look with a gal, that’s why he wants to dye his hair in a flashy way.

What a revelation, truly. My view was going dark, and a flash of light popped up in my mind. That’s right, this is the same whenever a detective has gained a crucial hint! But…I didn’t want to experience this! Yet, my head did it again to really rub it into my face.

“Ahh, how could this happen…All the pieces had already fallen together.”

Nanaya-kun always talked about this person he admired back in high school. And that it was a senior from the same school as him. It all makes sense—it’s Sakonji Biwako-san. And I always wondered why he time-traveled together with me. I wished to redo my youth, which is why I am here. Why did I never realize? I’m a failure as a detective. I didn’t want to solve this mystery…I thought Nanaya-kun came with me as a bonus while granting my wish.

But that’s not it. He also wished for something. Wishing to return to his high school days and get closer to the person he admired. And this wish was granted, so he’s now working hard to get closer to the person!

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! The mystery has been resooolved! There is always but one truuuth! Waaaah! Wooooo! Waaah waaah waaah waaah waaah! Not to mention…No, we’re not done yet! These approaches are actually working! Sakonji-san has been showing interest in him! They even came to a karaoke box as just the two of them! There’s only one thing you would do here!

No, calm down. Calm down, Detective. They would be singing, of course. We’re talking about Nanaya-kun, he’s not that aggressive and playboy of a guy. However, he’s with Sakonji-san…She seems carnivorous as a gal. Not to mention that she’s quite the beauty. Nanaya-kun might be a chicken who never puts his hand on a girl no matter how much she appeals to him, but with such a cute girl like her…

T-Then again, there’s no proof that my conclusion is correct. At least not as of right now. They might not be in that kind of relationship yet? Maybe? Ahhh, this is driving me crazy! I want to go up to the fifth floor and check up on them right away! No other choice but to take a peek inside! It’s necessary to grasp proof as the detective that I am! All right, let’s go…I gulped and got up. I took a sip from my drink, and sat back down again.

“I’m scared.”

I’m scared of finding out that my deduction is true. I-I should probably sing a song here and freshen up. Get my feelings under control, yep. I have a lot of time available here, there’s no need to rush things. Rushing won’t always bring results. Not like I know how an investigation actually works. I grabbed the microphone and tablet next to the monitor, tapping the ranking button.

Ohhh, so many nostalgic songs in the recent ranking. The number one spot is actually my favorite romantic hype song. All right, after letting out all my pent-up feelings, I shall continue with my investigation. The intro of the song started playing, and I stood up with excitement filling my body.


“Deeense prince who maaakes my heart raaace~!”

Now, how many points is that?!

‘89 points! Masterfully done! But let’s focus a bit more on the longer notes!’

“Gaaah! Hitting me right where it hurts! God damn program! Can’t I at least beat the high score of 91 points once?!”

Ring-ring. Ring-ring.


Suddenly, a ringing sound filled the room, and I picked up the phone the room was equipped with.


“We apologize for interrupting your fun, but there are approximately ten minutes left. Would you like an extension?’


My thoughts stopped for a moment, and I looked at the clock—Six hours had passed.

‘Dear customer?’

“Ah, it’s fine! No, I don’t need an extension!”

I smashed the phone onto the holder, and left the room. I rushed up the stairs, aiming for the fifth floor.

“What the hell am I doing?! Waaaah!”

After singing one song, I was overwhelmed with nostalgia, and I realized that my voice could go higher than usual, so I decided to sing another song. By the time I realized that it was because I am my younger self after the time leap, I already got into the third song. But that’s when my memory draws a blank. I was just having fun doing karaoke. That’s right…I simply changed into an office lady who vented out her stress by singing karaoke for hours…all on my own!1

At this rate, my day will end without having accomplished anything! While gasping for air, I reached the fifth floor. However, right as I made it up the stairs, I saw Nanaya-kun and Sakonji-san walking inside the elevator.

“I…I was too late…”

In the end, as for what they did here…I have no idea. What kind of relationship do they have? I don’t know. And without knowing anything, I sank to my knees. Kamijou Touka hereby announces her retirement as a detective.


“And this is what happened. What do you think, Nao-chan?”

The following day, I invited my adorable junior Nao-chan out to a cafe that focussed especially on cream dishes. We sat at the table together and ate the creamy chiffon cake. All the people around us were university girls or mature women. It was always my dream to eat sweets in such a place. Nao-chan even told me about this place. She really is like an actual high school girl in her prime.

“Mmm, this chiffon cake is delicious, Chief! It’s not too sweet, so I can eat as much as I want!”

“You’re right, this is such a bliss.”

Ah, she’s so cute. This is the kind of friendship between girls I always admired. I’m so happy~

“Wait, that’s not important right now. About what I just told you, how do you feel about that?!”

“That Biwako-senpai and Nanaya are getting along well?”

“That’s right! I-It’s not like I particularly care what kind of relationship they have, but I figured you’d like to know since you’re childhood friends with him!”

“Yeah, not happening, Chief. Nanaya and Biwako-senpai would never end up like that.”

“But I saw them! They were talking in a family restaurant, and then went to karaoke!”

“Maybe she was just asking him for advice about something? Nanaya’s too nice for his own good, after all~ You just sorta end up asking him for advice. But, that’s where their relationship ends—at simply being friends. Man, I feel bad for that guy~”

“A-Advice…But even so, they ended up close enough that she would ask him for advice…”

Even if they aren’t dating just yet, there was plenty of a chance things might end up that way in the near future.

“Ahaha, you really like Nanaya, huh~”

“W-What are you saying! That’s not the case at all! I was just surprised because those two aren’t a good match in the slightest.”

“Now now, calm down. Wanna fondle my boobs?”

“Aren’t you a bit too nonchalant about that?!”

With Nao-chan pressing her huge chest towards me, I found myself blushing. What a destructive volume, I dare say.

“Haha, your reactions are the exact same as Nanaya’s~! Well, it is a miracle to see that they are close enough to give each other advice, that’s for sure~”

“Right, right?”

“But, Nanaya likes you, Chief, so there’s no need to worry.”

“Huh?” I calmly placed the fork in my hand on my plate.

“I keep telling him that you’ve got the hots for the guy, so he should go on the offensive, but he doesn’t believe me at all~ You two are such a pain sometimes.”



“You’re naive…”

“Huh?! Why am I getting insulted?!”

Just when I was thinking what she would say…For crying out loud.

“Since you’re a first-year, you should be 16, right? Or maybe still 15?”

“I haven’t had my birthday yet, so I’m still 15.”

“That’s right. I see, I see. You barely graduated from middle school, after all.”

“Why does it sound like you’re looking down on me?! And what’s with that gentle yet irritating tone?! You’re like my Mom, Chief!”

Thinking about it, she was barely alive for half my entire lifespan so far. Of course, she’d be innocent and inexperienced when it comes to love and everything around it. But, mistaking Nanaya-kun’s actions as affection for me, that’s actually a bit adorable, I have to say.

“It’s fine, you’ll experience an adult’s love for yourself some time, and understand what I’m going through right now.”

“I really don’t like that sassy attitude from you!”

“Nao-chan…So, do you have someone you like?”

“I-I don’t…”

“So far?”

“Hmmm…I don’t think so? I may have liked a boy from the cram school I attended when I was in grade school, but I’m not so sure. I don’t even remember his name.”


“What do you mean ‘See?’?! But you’re right, I can’t argue here at all…”

“Humans always put on a mask when they live their lives. It’s hard to see through them, especially when love is involved.”

“This entire conversation turned so complicated all of a sudden! I’m pretty sure I can easily tell what you are feeling, though!”

“Yeah, you’re right. You may have just seen through me.”

“You don’t believe me at all?! If you keep living like that, you’ll never win!”

I picked up my fork, and returned to eating my cake.

“Either way, you never had feelings for Nanaya-kun?”

“Nope~ He’s not my type.”

“But you’re childhood friends.”

“Chief…Reality doesn’t work the same way as anime or manga. Just because we’re childhood friends doesn’t mean we’re destined to fall in love with each other.”

“But…Co*an-kun and Haj*me-chan got it on with their childhood friends2.”

“Were you even listening to me?! Also, why is it all related to detective material!?”

“I just had to resign as a detective, so this really hurts…”

“What is this about?! You were a detective?! Now I’m curious!”

“Hm, I guess that’s how childhood friends really are.”

“I had this hunch for a while now, but you’re actually pretty pure and innocent, chief.”

“N-Not at all? But…I don’t dislike romantic things.”

“I get it, I really get it. I’m starting to feel like Nanaya with all the stuff I have to retort on. Oh yeah, if you’re that worried, I’ll give you this, Chief.”

Nao-chan opened up her bag, taking out a perfume branded with gardenia scent. Another word for it was the kuchinashi flower. Since it’s summer, it fits perfectly with the season.

“What’s with that?”

“I got it from a cousin of mine. She told me to put on perfume in order to really start winning over all the boys now that I’m in high school. But I’ve never used perfume myself, so I’ll give it to you.”

“Can I really take something as expensive as this?”

“Yup! It fits you a lot more, considering how mature you are. And it’s my way of thanking you for helping me during the election. Well, I received it myself, so it’s not anything big.”

“I see. Thank you, Nao-chan.”

Nao-chan happily ate more of her cake, and then looked at me.

“Anyway, there’s no way Biwako-senpai and Nanaya are getting it on, so don’t worry.” She smiled.

With how adorable my junior was, I had to squint my eyes because it was too dazzling for me.

Four days after that, we ended up staying at Sakonji-san’s family’s house…because Sakonji-san and Nanaya-kun decided on it. Nao-chan, this is the exact opposite of what you told me!

1Sounds like the plot to Netflix’s Aggretsuko

2The first one is obvious, but the second one is Hajime-chan from ‘The Kindaichi Case Files’.