“This bastard…!”

I, Kamijou Touka, actually blew a fuse for the first time in a while. As I am a girl, and a high school student to boot, I really shouldn’t openly show my anger, but when I look at the pleasant sleeping face of the man below me, who immediately dampened my excitement, you can’t blame me for holding back the urge of kicking him at least once. This is the second afternoon after we arrived at Sakonji-san’s grandparents’ home. It just passed 4 pm, which finally allowed the humid air around us to subside.

In consideration of our upcoming plans, namely the festival that would soon begin, all the girls had already changed into yukata, styled themselves up, and Onikichi-kun was as excited as always. The only person who was lacking behind in preparations was my subordinate—Shimono Nanaya. He filled the entire futon laid on the ground, showing no signs of waking up.

Let me reiterate this one more time. It’s 4 pm right now. Of course, I know he stayed up late. We came back at around 1 am yesterday. However…he had more than ten hours of sleep. He had at least 14 hours of sleep. It’s fine to sleep in if you’re that tired, but 14 hours? Really? The best possible length of sleep is maybe seven and a half hours. Of course, everybody has their own preferences and rhythm. However, it’s been double that time right now, and he still shows no signs of waking up no matter what I do. I’m starting to think that he might have been put under some hypnosis, which only makes me worry more.

In order to make you understand just how disappointed I am, I have to move back to the start of everything, namely my bath yesterday at 8 pm.



The bath of the Sakonji Family here was as large as a public bath, offering three shower stands, creating immense luxury to use. I sat on one of these, pushing my head under the showerhead, washing my hair that ended up mushy with wax and hair spray throughout the day. Painfully, that is.

“There, there, Chief~ It’s fine~” Nao-chan, who sat next to me, gently rubbed my head.

“I tried so hard to become a gal like Sakonji-san, and yet…”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. You did your best, Chief. You may have looked like a girl, but you couldn’t act like one.”

“Urk…It’s because he said he liked gals!”

“Yeah, yeah, you’re right. I don’t think he actually said that, but it’s totally Nanaya’s fault, yep.”


I buried my face inside her big, big breasts. Their softness eased my pain, directly conveying it onto my face. Ahh, Holy Maria. She proceeded to rinse off my hair with the showerhead, while still rubbing my head. Huh? Was she always so mother-like? She’s my Mom? I love her!

“H-Hey, what are you two doing?”

The door to the bath opened with a loud rattling sound, announcing Sakonji-san’s appearance. A hellish scene was painted. A 28-year old woman had her hair washed by a 15-year old girl, seen by her classmate (16). While giving me a cold gaze, Sakonji-san moved to the shower space in the back, allowing me to see her reddened face. Maybe she got a bit of sunburn during today’s BBQ? I did put on sunscreen, but my skin was always fairly weak, so I felt it myself. I should have covered my shoulders after all.

“That reminds me, those two today at the BBQ, Biwa thinks she’s seen them before somewhere.”

Sakonji-san reached her shower, sitting down on the stool.

“Really? But they said they came here for the first time, right?” Nao-chan responded.

“Hmmm? Well, that’s true. Might have just been Biwa’s misunderstanding. You were on pretty good terms with them, Natsupon. Interested?”

“Nope, not at all.”

I couldn’t help but blurt out a response.

“Wait, really?! I was feeling sad, thinking you liked more mature people like them.”

“Woooo! I made the chief jealous!”

“Sakonji-san said it, you were on pretty good terms with them.”

“I have to be polite towards people I meet for the first time, Chief!”

She sounded like an adult there!

“All they did was look at my boobs, you know.”

“That’s because you keep showing them off all the time!” I retorted.

“Tsk tsk tsk. Chief, there’s a good and a bad way of looking at boobs. They were looking at it in a bad way. I’ve gotten pretty good at discerning between the two.”

What the heck is she saying?! I don’t get it at all! But I have to say, her breasts are a sight to behold. I get how boys would just naturally stare at them. Adding to that, her silky-smooth skin…And Sakonji-san too! Ahh, I’m so jealous! I looked at my own arm and realized that I still had the potential of becoming a gal. No, hold on. Should I actually?

Judging from Nanaya-kun’s reaction today, even if I try to copy Sakonji-san with her twintails gal style, putting up my sleeves, I don’t think I even have the gal potential. Not all effort pays off in the end. If I just put in the wrong vector, I lose precious time, and work inefficiently, showing no results. The very thought that I could become a gal is pointless and unrewarding.

Only the chosen ones can become gals, like Sakonji-san. She has a cheerful personality, getting along with everyone. And look at her physique! She’s got long and slender arms, wide hips, and the right amount of meat on her thighs. Her legs are…well, very long. And because her face is comparatively small, she has the perfect balance of a model. Ahh, the foam is in the way. Show me more of your body, you healthy gal that I admire!

“W-W-Why are you staring at Biwa, Kamijou Touka!”


“How can looking at Biwa count as research! Makes no sense!”

“Research…your femininity.”

“Chief, you misunderstand the idea of that. I’m the perverted character here, so you need to remain pure.” Nao-chan threw in a retort.

Weird. Not too long ago, I was supposed to be the one throwing retorts at Nao-chan. I feel like our roles have been reversed lately. Is this the growth of my adorable junior, I wonder? I see. So it’s not something weird, and I should be happy instead.

“Naopon, what exactly is pure about Kamijou Touka?”

Oh lord, Sakonji-san is going on the offensive again. Why does she hate me this much, I wonder? I wish she’d just be honest with me…I guess talking with girls her age is awfully complicated. If I was back at the company, I could ask the older women and mothers for an assist. I guess I was relying on them a lot back then.

“Ahahaha~ The chief’s a lot purer than you at least, Biwako-chan.”

Woah, she’s a natural airhead! She’s leveling up her abilities! That’s a cute part of her, though!

“K-Kamijou…Touka is always straightforward…cool…admirable…and strong! She’s the exact opposite of prim and proper.”

Gah! M-My mouth…I can taste blood…I feel so much pain…I almost passed out from the blood loss. The exact opposite…So this is how people see me? Makes sense why Nanaya-kun would never give me any chance and look my way.

“Ohh, I see! That makes sense! Totally clear. So that’s how you see the chief, Biwako-chan!”

Even the one ally I thought I had has turned against me!

“B-Biwa doesn’t see her that way at all!”

All right, maybe I’ll just get hired by some evil organization and treated as a boss character!

“You’re such a tsundere, Biwako-chan. It’s adorable.”

“What are you talking about?! Biwa doesn’t understand one bit! S-She’s leaving for her bath now!”

Sakonji-san said, washed off the foam on her body, and walked towards the bath. Immediately after, I heard the splashing sound of water. I wonder, since when did the meaning of tsundere change?

“You’re both tsunderes.” Nao-chan said with a teasing tone, using a volume only I could hear.

Yep, the meaning really changed.

“But Chief, you can’t be a tsundere tomorrow. Boys are weak against yukata during festivals. You need to show your charm to Nanaya!”

“R-Really? …Wait, what does have to do with Nanaya-kun!”

“Yep, yep, you’re right. Has nothing to do with him…Chief, Nanaya is way too dense for his own good, you need to be more aggressive with him. You’re always getting pushed back by him without him realizing.”

“Are you listening to me?!”

“I am! And I’m trying to help you!”

She’s not listening to me at all! She’s fully aware that I like Nanaya-kun, and I can’t find any rebuttal at all! And with that revelation hitting me, I was at the mercy of my adorable junior, and rested my exhausted body in the pleasant bath.


We passed 11 pm, around the time when everybody was asleep. I quietly opened the front door, and observed the starry sky. Be more aggressive, huh…I kept replaying Nao-chan’s words over and over. Summer, festival, fireworks…This is the perfect chance to be assertive.

In fact, I can’t be bothered to figure out if Sakonji-san is the senior Nanaya-kun admired. I traveled back in time for my own sake. Thinking about it, I had absolutely no memories of my second year in high school. I was too busy to have any experience. Or rather, all of my memories in high school are oddly vague. Studying for entrance exams, doing exercise, working in the student council, that’s all I can think of! Not to mention that I satisfied myself by calling this a proper youth, living in fake satisfaction. Like hell I’d accept that.

If I was satisfied, I wouldn’t be filled with regret and desire to redo my past. However, this is my second summer break. I’m still wasting it away. I’m not part of the student council. I’m taking it easy with my studies because I learned it once. And, I managed to close my distance to Nanaya-kun. Whatever the details may be, tomorrow is my big chance. I wouldn’t be Kamijou Touka if I let such a chance slip away. I can’t shy away from the preparations to fully use this chance.

I should head to that secret spot that Sakonji-san’s grandmother told me about. It’d be bad if I couldn’t find the spot when it actually came down to it. Leaving aside my plan of taking Nanaya-kun there, I should figure out the shortest route, and confirm where exactly the location is. I put the smartphone I barely got from my older brother into my bag, and was about to walk away. However, I suddenly heard the sound of the entrance door opening behind me. Crap, did I create too much noise before?

I turned around, only to find—No waaay, it’s Nanaya-kun of all people…? I really have no luck this year, huh. Whatever, I’ll just act like this is a coincidence. Even if this was bad luck, I decided to make the most out of it. Right now, it’s just the two of us. The heavens are probably pushing me right now. How about we create some memories now, Kamijou Touka.


“Tomorrow, I want to watch the fireworks here…together.”

Having had a great time this late at night, I mustered up my determination. Gotta keep on pushing. I’m different this summer. I can’t make out his expression amidst this darkness, but since he didn’t say no or showed a disgusted reaction, I guess I can put my hopes up for once…that we will meet again at this place—tomorrow.

Or so I got my hopes up, and yet what the heck is this?! Why is he sleeping! Get up! We’ll go to the festival now!

“Ahahahaha! Nanacchi’s not getting up at all! He must be having the best dream ever.”

“This isn’t something to laugh about, Onikichi-kun! Wake him up!”

“Chief, I can wake him up with a boob press!”

“What even is a boob press?! And why can I envision what that would mean?!”

Despite us causing such a ruckus, he still showed no signs of waking up. More and more minutes passed, and it was starting to get aggravating.

“Not like we can change anything. Why not just leave him behind?” Sakonji-san said with a sigh.

“B-But…” I started sulking like a child, looking at Sakonji-san.

“The festival grounds aren’t far from here, so he’ll make it on his own, surely. We’ll run into him eventually.”

I understand her logic, and it makes a lot more sense than endlessly waiting for Nanaya-kun to get up, yet I still considered commenting one more time. However, looking at Sakonji-san’s face, I realized I would just be selfish, so I stayed silent. Really, what a sinful man he is. Even Sakonji-san seemed saddened.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. Let’s go.”

I stuck out my tongue towards the sleeping bastard, and left the room. After we told her grandmother that we’d be leaving, we headed for the lake. By getting closer, we showed the signs of no cars allowed, with more and more stalls appearing. I could hear the voices of people in the distance, heightening my excitement. The sounds—of a festival.


Several stalls were lining up around the lake. The sky was colored bright red by the setting sun, and the festival grew noisier. Takoyaki, yakisoba, candied apples, young children running around in excitement. Children meaning the first-years, namely Nao-chan and Onikichi-kun.

“I wanna eat the chocolate bananas now!”

“Woo, woo, chocolate bananas are a banger! Let’s go, here we, here we!”

Well, with Onikichi-kun’s height, it makes sense that he’d get hungry easily. However, where does Nao-chan put all that food? She’s not gaining any weight.

“Huh? All the nutrients are going to my boobs, of course.”

That was one of the top phrases I always wanted to say. However, my stomach is at its limit. I’d like to believe that my mental age doesn’t relate to my hunger…but the innate youth one has probably plays a big part. T-That just means I have my own mature charm…right?

“I’m full already, so I’ll hold off of the chocolate bananas.”

“Huh? Is there any other place you’d like to visit, Chief?”

“A place I’d like to visit…the seven spices!”

““Seven spices?””

Nao-chan and Onikichi-kun both reacted at the same time, looking at me in disbelief.

“Yep, seven spices. All the stalls here sell various foods with various spices, and the goal is to get something from every stall to create a giant bowl. The color mixes together to create a beautiful sight. The taste is the best, and since it’s not too spicy, you can eat as much as you want. It’s especially great if you sprinkle it onto the egg sandwiches sold in convenience stores. It even has a beautifying effect, so I can’t miss out on it here!”

I always keep a stock of it at home in the fridge, but that was before I traveled back in time. Sadly, we have none of that at home right now, so I want to buy a lot right now.

“So mature, Chief. But I don’t really need that~” Nao-chan spoke with absolutely no interest whatsoever.

“I don’t see the appeal, to be honest.”

Even Onikichi-kun spoke with an eerily normal tone, showing evident disgust. Eh, did I say something weird? I guess I did. You wouldn’t see a high school student talk about spices in such detail.

“R-Right, I guess I’ll hold off of it this time.”

“Biwa wouldn’t mind tagging along.”

Sakonji-san munched on the small castella, commenting for the first time in a long time. She seemingly finished eating, as she threw the plastic bag away in a nearby trash bin, and then reiterated again.

“If you want to go that badly, Biwa is fine with that. There’s a lot of places that sell chocolate bananas, so we can go our way while Naopon and Onikichi get done with their shopping.”

“Sakonji-san…are you sure?”

Sakonji-san nodded in silence. To think that the always cold Sakonji-san would act for my sake…

“You’re right! I’d be worried about leaving you alone in this crowd, but you should be fine if you got Biwachosu with you, here we!”

Since Onikichi-kun gave permission, we split up into groups of two and headed to our respective stalls. Leaving aside the question of why I would even need this permission, I really would have been scared to walk around alone, so in that way, it’s good that Onikichi-kun stays with Nao-chan. Of course, I would have preferred to have a certain man with me, but what can you do, huh?!

After looking through the sea of stalls for a moment, I spotted the sign for the ‘seven spices’, so I guided Sakonji-san there. The row in front of it was about as long as you’d wait for a chocolate banana. Seeing no other option, we lined up at the back. However, all the way up to that point, Sakonji-san and I didn’t talk a word, making things awfully awkward. Since communication is crucial during work, it might not be the worst of the worst, but this isn’t a friendship between high school students.

I was trying to think of a topic to talk about. I am well-versed in business, and know a lot about the world, but we’re talking about Sakonji-san. I can’t tell what kind of reaction she would make. As I was hesitating, Sakonji-san suddenly brought up a topic herself. However, not one I would have expected.

“What kind of relationship do you have with Nananosuke anyway?”

“W-W-Who might you be talking about?!”

“You’re pretty close, right?”

She’s looking into us…?! I guess Sakonji-san actually likes Nanaya-kun…So that was the meaning behind the ‘Interested in you’ statement she dropped at the family restaurant. The people in front of us in the row finished their purchase, as we moved forward, and another two people lined up behind us.

“I told you before, but we were just in the same assisting committee during the election. We’re just senior and junior. What about you, Sakonji-san? You seem oddly interested in Nanaya-kun as of late.”

I guess that was a bad choice of question. However, I’d rather have her be honest right now. I can’t just hesitate all the time, going back and forth. It’s exhausting. And maybe Nanaya-kun really is just helping her with something…Or maybe…?

“Well, we are close. Biwa does like Nananosuke quite a lot.”


“Hold on, what kind of face is that?! You look pale! Are you okay?!”

“Y-Yes, I’m sorry. I just spaced out and heard something weird. What was that about Nanaya-kun?”

“Biwa likes him.”


“Seriously, are you okay?! Ah, come on, we have to move up.”

Another group probably finished their payment. Sakonji-san grabbed my hand, pulling me along. I gave in to the push and felt my head becoming empty. All right, let me analyze all the information presented to me. Nanaya-kun suddenly got along with Sakonji-san. However, it’s unclear if she actually asked him for advice. She is interested in him and likes him. The possible contents of what she might ask him for…unclear.

Really? Can you really keep it unclear, Kamijou Touka? Ask for her intentions. Ask yourself what her intentions could be. The easy-going gal Sakonji Biwako-san suddenly got closer to a boy she likes, asking him for help in something. I don’t know if this asking for advice actually happened, but I’ll just assume it’s anything close to that. Now, find the answer, Kamijou Touka!

Heh, what a good question, other me. But, the answer is simple. The person Nanaya-kun admired is Sakonji-san—Unclear! That’s right! It’s still not confirmed! It’s clear that Nanaya-kun wished to travel back in time for another shot with the person he always admired and had feelings for! However, is it confirmed that this person is Sakonji-san?! No! Isn’t that right, other me?!

“Hey, it’s our turn now. Not gonna buy anything?”

“Huh?! Ah, yeah, I will!”

All the while I was thinking, we managed to reach the front of the row. Just how long have I been thinking? I’m a bit scared of myself. I should focus on what’s ahead of me.

“Oh, it’s rare to see a young lady like you here. Let me give you an extra serving of spices as a special service.”

“Kamijou Touka, what does he mean by double?”

“That there are more spices mixed in there. Thank you very much. Then two mid-spicy ones.”

“Coming right up!”

He had a large bowl in front of him, many spices lined up ready to be used. From these, he took a few spices, mixing them together with a pleasant rhythm.

“This is pretty fun to look at.”

“Right? It’s part of the selling process, which is something I always look forward to.”

The spices inside the bowl mixed together beautifully, becoming one, and creating an autumn-flavored color. He put that into a plastic bag with ‘Seven Spices’ written onto it, splitting it into two vinyl bags.

“Here you go, two servings makes 2000 yen.”

“Thank you very much.”

I handed him two 1000 yen bills.

“Thank you for your purchase. This is your share, and this one is for your friend over here.”

“Nah, Biwa didn’t buy any. Both of these belong to that girl.”

“Ah, I actually bought this for you, Sakonji-san, so take it.”


“It’s thanks for lining up with me. Of course, if you’re bad with spices, you can always give it to your grandparents instead.”

“No, Biwa will eat it! T-Thanks!”

“Y-You’re welcome.”

I didn’t think she’d be that happy, to be honest. Maybe she also likes spices? She should have told me earlier, I would have ordered my favorite mix. Right as we made our way to the chocolate banana stall, Sakonji-san’s phone rang.

“Ah, it’s Nananosuke.”


“He’s probably panicking right now. Hilarious. Yes, Nananosuke? Finally up? You really are…What? Can’t hear Biwa because it’s too loud around her? You and your extra wishes, really.”

Sakonji-san excused herself with a hand gesture, and walked away from the crowd. Huh? Why’d they sound like a couple there? Also, why didn’t my phone ring? He woke up, and called Sakonji-san first thing…What’s his deal…Normally you would have to call your superior first whenever you end up late…I’m pathetic. I keep on using the same excuse of being superior and subordinate. That’s why he doesn’t feel any charm from me, or anybody in general. I acted strong, saying that I would change history, but it had nothing to do with me in the end.

It’s not easy to move someone’s feelings towards you. If I only thought about it for a moment, it was such a simple conclusion. I can’t change the feelings he has for this person he admires. After all, those feelings continued for 11 years. They are much stronger than you would think—I know that best, after all.

The surroundings grew darker, the sky losing its color and changing into black. With no clouds in the sky, the fireworks surely would be a beautiful sight. At the same time as I was admiring the sight, Sakonji-san’s call seemingly ended, and she was now talking with two men in the shadows of the stalls…Ah, now that I get a good look, they’re the two men we talked with at the BBQ yesterday. One of them had grabbed Sakonji-san’s arm. It looked a bit forceful, but with Sakonji-san’s smile, I bet she should be fine. She’s used to playing around with other guys. Popular girls are totally different from me.

The world she lives in is different from mine. My world where I’m always alone. I walked on ahead, alone as usual. What am I doing? Why am I—

“Stop that.”

Seriously, what am I doing? I stood in front of the two men, sending them a strong gaze. And then, I took Sakonji-san’s hand.

“Oh, it’s Touka-chan. We’re Hirai and Iijima from yesterday. What’s that scary face for? We just invited Biwako-chan to watch the fireworks together. Why don’t you come with us? There’s a secret spot barely anybody comes to.”

“How do you know about that? I thought you were traveling and staying here for a few days?”

“Err, yeah, we heard it from an old man at the stalls. Right, Iijima?”

“Yep, yep.”

The man let go of Sakonji-san, seeming bewildered.

“Let’s go, Sakonji-san.”

I used that chance to quickly grab Sakonji-san’s hand and pulled her away from the two men.

“K-Kamijou Touka…?”

Sakonji-san seemed bewildered, but I kept on walking.

“If you don’t like something, you have to say it.”


“If you’re scared, then you have to say you are.”


Really, what am I doing? I hid behind my jealousy, deciding not to look at my surroundings. I’m so pathetic. So what if everything’s fine as long as she smiles? That smile was fake, all to hide her anxiety. She may be good at talking with others, but she still is a high school girl. So what if she’s not in the same world as me? It’s still my job to protect a child like her…as the adult that I am! When did I turn into such a pathetic adult?

“Come on, Touka-chan. Why are you so angry? We just want to have a bit of fun.”

The men came chasing after us. So persistent. An adult would understand that Sakonji-san was simply scared. Unlike them, who were two people, she was all alone with two men she just got to know a day prior. Naturally, she would be feeling uneasy, even more so if he suddenly grabbed her arm. Did they think she’d be easy? What awful adults they are.

“If you really just wanted to have fun with no ulterior motive, why didn’t you suggest getting together as a big group? Would it be bad if we had boys with us or something?”

“Ahaha, that’s…”

“Hey, Hirai, I’m getting tired of this. Let’s just kidnap them.”

For a moment, I failed to understand the word I had just heard, only for my blood to immediately freeze. Without thinking twice, I started running with Sakonji-san.

“Tsk! Let’s catch them!”


The glimmer in their eyes suddenly changed, showing what seemed like excitement. While we were running, Sakonji-san spoke up.

“Biwa remembered. They were here during last year’s festival too. There was some chaos because they took a girl with them.”

“So they were from this area from the very beginning.”

They’re probably gunning for women who come to visit this area as tourists, trying to hit on them. Stating that they’re tourists themselves probably is an act to lower the other party’s caution. If you have more common ground with a stranger you’ve just met, you automatically lower your guard. And it seems like that worked out just fine. However, we’re in a state where we don’t know where the nearest police box is. What’s best would be to mix in with other people. Hiding in a place and then calling for help.

Maybe Onikichi-kun…No, he’s with Nao-chan, and I can’t get her involved in this. Even if we called the police, I don’t know how long it would take for them to find us. That only leaves…Nanaya-kun. But, I made him make that promise. On the day of the election, in order to protect Nao-chan, he punched a boy at school. I know that he did this for only righteous reasons, but I still don’t want him to repeat the same mistake. He swore to never use violence again because I asked him to do so.

…But what about this situation? What if he found out what danger we were in? That’s why I can’t involve him in this. While being cautious of the men behind me, I kept on running. I could see the distant stalls that guaranteed our safety, when a large parking lot appeared. Behind that was a path with stairs connected to it. One side of the lake was used as the festival grounds, with the main area below us. If we went the normal route up the stairs, there would be fewer people, but…

“Over here!”

I went up the stairs with Sakonji-san.


By the time we made it out onto the path, Sakonji-san put her hands on her knees, gasping for air. Running amidst this crowd of people with a yukata must be exhausting for sure. I was breathing heavily.

“Sakonji-san, are you okay?”

“Yeah…Ah, those guys are still chasing after us.”

We looked down at the parking lot, confirming the shadows of the two men. They were probably getting annoyed and nervous at the chance of us getting away. Or maybe they’re just really desperate to pick up some girls. Either way, when humans get desperate, they are the most dangerous.

“Sakonji-san, can you still run?”


“I know a place where we can hide, so follow me.”

“Got it!”

We once again moved our legs, pushing beyond our limits. At the festival grounds below, we did have ground to run along, but now we’re on paved asphalt, so I’ll probably feel this in all my muscles tomorrow. Whatever it may be, as long as the girl next to me is safe and sound once tomorrow comes, I don’t mind whatever it costs. Finally, we reached a familiar mountain path. No more stalls were around us, leaving us all alone. The path in front of us changed to the stone stairs.

“We’re going up here?” Sakonji-san asked with an anxious expression.

Coming this far, it seems like we’ve finally lost those two guys chasing us. However, running even further than this would only hurt our endurance in the long run. We’re dealing with two adult men, we should hide before our stamina runs out. I grabbed the girl’s hand, going up the stone stairs.


“Biwa had no idea this place even existed.”

“Oh, really? Your grandmother told me about it.”

Behind the small wayside shrine, Sakonji-san and I sat in wait. We used the stones supporting the shrine as a place to sit, getting as much rest as we could.

“Why here? It’s just an old shine.”

“If we go past here, there’s a small open place where you can perfectly see the lake. It’s a secret spot allowing you to watch the fireworks.” I said and pointed at the thicket ahead of us.

“Grandma knew about that? She’s such a romanticist.”

“I heard it’s a special place for her and her husband.”

“Hmm…Gramps never liked the fireworks…Also, thanks for coming with Biwa to the fireworks.”

I was a bit bewildered at those sudden words.

“…You’re welcome? Where did that come from?”

“Every year, Biwa always came to the festival with Grandma. The festival’s always pretty popular, with lots of people around, right? Grandma looked so exhausted every year, making Biwa realize that she was forcing her. But, Gramps is stubborn, right? That’s why Biwa was happy to have people she could go to the festival with.”

“I see…I’m glad you enjoyed it, at least.”

It really seems like she’s closely observing the people around her. And, she tries to be considerate of them. I’m sure she and Nanaya-kun would get along just fine.

“Once this situation is over, you can watch the fireworks with Nanaya-kun. I’m sure it’ll turn into a great memory. I just hope those guys give up before the fireworks start.”

“Hilarious. Why would Biwa have to watch the fireworks with him? We’re not even dating.”


“W-What? Did Biwa say something weird?”

“I mean, you like Nanaya-kun, right? Ah, is it just that you didn’t start dating officially yet?”

“Hm? Nah, Biwa likes him as a friend, lol.”

“Huh?! That was it?!”

“Hey! Don’t scream like that!” She panicked and covered my mouth.

“I-I’m sorry, it just seems I was under a grave misunderstanding the entire time…But, you’ve been fairly close as of late, right?”



Sakonji-san suddenly blushed.

“Biwa asked him for advice.”

I knew it…So Nao-chan’s evaluation was correct after all. As expected of her, she really knows Nanaya-kun…But, just what could she have asked advice for…

“Could you tell me what that advice was about?”


Well, I guessed as much.

“I’m sorry, I was being insensitive.”

“…Biwa wanted to get closer with…”

“…Hm? Closer with Nanaya-kun? I feel like you’re on pretty good terms already.”

“No! Biwa wanted to get closer with Kamijou Touka…With Touka-chan!”


I doubted what I had just heard. I must have misheard her. I should ask for confirmation.

“You…want to get closer with me?”


She looked at me with dampened eyes. Her face is beet red. What is this…why is she so cute? Wait, this isn’t the time to get excited. This doesn’t make any sense. Why was she always so hostile, then?

“I thought you hated me?”

“U-Um…Whenever Biwa is in front of Touka-chan, she keeps acting like that…”

“Are you some tsundere?!”

“Sorry, okay!”

So wait, she was asking Nanaya-kun for help so that she can get along with me? No, that would explain why he wouldn’t tell me what this advice was about…The pieces are falling together. I’m back as a detective. But, I still can’t accept this. There’s one more thing…

“But back then…”

“Back then?”

“In grade school! You were shoved to the side by an upperclassman, and I offered you my hand, don’t you remember what I said?!”

“Huh?! You remember that?!”

Of course I remember. How could I forget?

“I sure do! Have you forgotten?! I mustered up my courage and asked you to be friends! And yet, you said…”

“..W-What did Biwa say?”

“So you forgot after all! You said that nobody would be friends with such a scary girl like me! As a result of that, I could never deal with you even in high school!”

“A-Ahh…Sorry about that.”

“You’re not going to tell me that you were already a tsundere back then, right?”

“Biwa doesn’t remember…Maybe Touka-chan was just so cool that Biwa freaked out and said it in the heat of the moment.”

“Geez…You won’t get anything even if you praise me now.”

Does she even know how much that weighed on me all this time? It may only be seven or eight years for her, but to me, it’s almost twenty.

“Nananosuke helped Biwa a whole lot, trying his best to make things possible, but Biwa always ruined it. Biwa knew she had to get her grip together for the sake of Nananosuke.” Sakonji-san looked at me. “Touka-chan, thanks for helping Biwa back then. She was happy that you were considerate enough to reach out your hand. You were…really cool. That’s why…Please be friends with Biwa!” She pleaded as she looked into my eyes.

With such a cute girl begging me, there’s only one possible answer I can give her.

“Of course, Sakonji-san.”

For the first time, it felt like I managed to see her true smile. I guess sometimes a misunderstanding can ruin it all.

“Biwa would be happy if you called her Biwako.”

“Then call me Touka. We’re classmates, after all, Biwako.”

“Yup, Touka!”

However, these misunderstandings are what make us human, and through worrying, being hurt, and reconciling, we grow as people.

“Though now that that’s done…to think you asked Grandma about this secret spot…Touka, are you actually…”


Did she figure out that I have feelings for Nanaya-kun?! I mean, I’ve been giving her so many hints, it would be weird if she hadn’t figured it out by then! She’s clever after all…

“…A love-drunk maiden?”

“Safe! Actually no, not safe! Who’s a love-drunk maiden?!”

“Was Biwa wrong?”

“Of course! At least call me a romanticist!”

“Isn’t that basically the same?”

“Also, if your grandmother knows about that spot, which makes her a romanticist, you’ve inherited your blood.”

“Kyahaha! True, true. You’re so clever, Touka.”

Never mind, she’s done for. She gives off the same scent as Nao-chan. If I try to argue with her, I’m bound to lose.

“Biwa really can’t imagine Grandma and Gramps standing there as they watch the fireworks.”

“Really? Because he’s so tongue-tied and stubborn, I’m sure he’d treasure her very much at least one day a year.”

“That sounds like Tanabata, lol. Kinda cute, though.”

“You’re right…To your grandmother, your grandfather must be like Hikoboshi-sama.”

I looked up at the sky. The same stars as yesterday once again brightly illuminated us.

“Hopefully you get to watch the fireworks with that special here in that secret spot.”

“Yeah. But I’d like to see them more than Hikoboshi-sama did Orihime.”

“Even though it’s so romantic?”

“Just drop it already.”

I get the appeal behind it, I really do.

“But…I want to always have the person I like next to me. Rather than some star, I’d like my one and only prince.”

I was trying to be serious here, but since no response came, I looked over at Biwako. He was blushing furiously.

“W-Well, props to you for being able to say that. A prince of all people.”

“Isn’t that what all girls admire? A prince.”

“Yep, in grade school.”

“In grade school?!”

“You’re a high school student, right?”

Actually, I’m an adult in the body of a high school student! What’s so bad about that?!

“Biwa finally understands the reason why you don’t have a boyfriend despite being such a beauty. No way such an old-fashioned mindset would be popular with the boys nowadays.”

Nowadays?! I’ve been thinking that 11 years in the future from now on!

“Listen, Touka, a prince won’t appear in front of you. They don’t exist outside of fairy tales.”

“They do! There are princes!”

“This is Japan. We don’t have any princes. We do have the crown prince, but…”

“Logic harassment! I call logic harassment!”


“Just you wait a few years, there will be all sorts of harassment existing in Japan! You should be careful now, Biwako!”

“Hilarious. No clue what you’re talking about.”

Damn it…I swear, this gal. She’s fighting back with logic. Is there no way for me to—I was lost in thought when I suddenly heard crushing sounds of feet stepping on the ground from the front of the wayward shrine. I covered Biwako’s mouth, and she nodded in silence. The sound grew louder, meaning that the footsteps were approaching. I was feeling hopeful that help may have arrived, but that was shattered soon after.

“Tsk…where did those wenches go?”

I bet on the chance that they might not know of this place despite being locals, but that was all in vain. A single man arrived, and I didn’t need to know which one of these it was. The shrine was wrapped up in darkness, and we should be far enough away from any light to give us away. As long as we don’t make a sound, he might pass us. One second, two seconds passed…as my heart was beating violently.

“Guess they’re not here.” The man grumbled.

Thank god, he didn’t find us—I sighed in relief when my smartphone suddenly vibrated and played a ringtone. Damn it…I didn’t put it on silent. I quickly took it out, accepting the incoming call. It’s from my older brother. What awful timing…! However, if I just hang up now, it might still be salvageable.

‘Touka? When will you be home tomorrow?’

“Onii-chan, I don’t have the time for that right now! I’ll talk to you later, so don’t call me back, okay?!”

I conveyed with a quiet voice and hung up the call. I made sure to put it on silent, and stuffed it back into my yukata. If we’re lucky, the man may have already walked away by the time I got the call. But alas, I really am not lucky.

“Found youuu~”

“Biwako, over here!”

I immediately tapped Biwako on the shoulder, running in the opposite direction of the man. We appeared from the shrine, and ran towards the stone stairs, the man behind us.

“What do we do, Touka?!”

“Down the stairs!”

I said, and aimed for the stone stairs, only to stop in my tracks. From the shadows of the stairs appeared a short-haired man wearing sunglasses.

“Yo, Hirai, took ya long enough.”

We’re sandwiched. I stood in front of Biwako, slowly walking backward. However, the other man closed in on us from the shrine. We lost our other path of escape now.

“Why do you have to act like that, now? We got along so well yesterday, remember?”

“Back then, I didn’t know how disgusting you two truly were.” I insulted the man with all I had.

I just wanted to create an opening for Biwako to escape.

“That’s why I told you not to go for them. Unlike all those stupid women who’re into fooling around, they’re still in high school, and a bit more careful.”

“You’re true, but look at them. They’re top-class, with smooth skin and looks you won’t get from most women. And…shutting up brats who don’t know a thing about the world is pretty exciting in its own right, no?”

“True, true.”

The men stopped playing nice, most presumably because we reached a location with no people around.

“Which one’s your type?”

“You say that, but you’re aiming for the black-haired one, right? You love women who have sadistic tendencies.”

You wouldn’t expect two adults to share such a conversation. I’m getting the heebies just listening. However, this is reality, and there’s nothing crueler. Since they chased us all the way out here, they must be pretty confident. They just casually walked towards us. I could feel how scared Biwako was. She pressed her body against me, shaking in fear. However, losing one’s calm is the worst move you can do. Iijima was blocking our way to the stairs, with Hirai a bit to the right of him. I feel like it would barely be possible to escape to the left. If I can just put Iijima’s attention on me…I grabbed Biwako’s hand, and looked at the two men.

“Biwako…Once I give you the signal, you have to run down the stairs.”


“Don’t hesitate.”


Iijima took a step towards Iijima, taking out the spice mix from the vinyl bag, and threw it at his face.

“…! Ouch?! What is this! Gaah, it burns!”

“Now! Biwako, run!”

We both ran towards the stairs, with Hirai trying to run after us. I used the spice mix like a shotgun and sprayed it at him as well.

“Ugh! My eyes!”

Right as we reached the stairs, I stopped in front of them.

“Run, Biwako!”

“But what about you?!”

“Forget about me!”


“I said go!”

I roared like I was scolding a subordinate of mine. Biwako bit her lip, and ran down the stairs.

“You bitch…”

The first one to recover was Iijima, glaring at me with reddened eyes. Since I gathered enough of their hate, they should probably let Biwako run now. More importantly, I have about half of my spice mix left. I’d love to have at least that to eat later. However, Iijima anticipated that. He used their legs to kick the bag down the stairs, scattering the spices down the stairs. In the meantime, Hirai also recovered, trying to run down the stairs after Biwako. However, Iijima stopped him.

“It’s fine! Leave that blondie alone! We’ll just mess up this bitch here.”

Not a single ounce of humanity is left inside of them. All right, what to do? I was hoping to buy some time, but with no more spice mix left, I’m out of options. I could run away now…No, they would still catch me as soon as I got down the stairs. Also, my legs have reached their limit as well. After sitting down for a rest, they now feel as heavy as stone. Well, I accomplished my goal, so it’s fine. Unlike her, I’m an adult. Whatever may happen, the law is on my side. I should at least start recording with my smartphone…Guess I don’t have the time for that. Those two men moved like zombies, surrounding me. One step, another step, they slowly approached me.

These guys can’t even compare to what I’ve experienced so far. I’ve bumped into countless walls ever since I became an adult. I lowered my head in the face of unreasonability, sacrificed my private life for the sake of my work. I accepted all the shortcomings of my subordinates as my own inexperience and took responsibility. I don’t regret any of that. After all, they repaid me for all of that with their own growth—As long as they reward me with a smile.

Why could I see that smile? That gentle, and pure smile of his? It’s fine. Even if they ravage me here, I will get over it. I might be hurt, but that’s okay. Who do you think I am? I’m the unparalleled and invincible Section Chief Kamijou Touka. If I can protect what I care for, I couldn’t be happier. That’s why—

…I’m scared. I’m so scared…Please save me…Nanaya-kun…


A warm hand touched my shoulder. And then, a large back covered my view. I’ve seen this back before. It was never reliable, always clumsy, and even so…giving his all. It was the back that would always be with me whenever I wished for it. That’s right, just as back then—

“I’m glad you’re safe.”

My one and only prince—