Yamabuse Beautician School didn’t just consist of the main building, there was also a fresh building, a separate building, and a lecture hall. This lecture hall wasn’t used for classes, however, and instead was a building freely for use by the students, and Ayaka-san described it as something like a cafe area. The outside of that looked like a church.

Biwako-senpai and I were guided to this lecture hall and treated to some coffee and milk by Ayaka-san as we sat at a table for four. All the other students around us were enjoying their free time talking with each other.

“This lecture hall usually fills the most right when day and night classes are about to switch. Sorry that it’s so noisy right now.” Ayaka-san apologized.

From her looks, she was the spitting image of the chief. She had a gaze as sharp as an eagle’s, her eyes beautiful like the chief’s.

“No, don’t be. But I have to say, everyone looks so stylish here.”

“My, isn’t that the same for you?”

“Err, well, I don’t disagree with Biwako-senpai’s looks, but…I’m still wearing my uniform, right?”

“The idea of looking stylish consists of the attention and care for the other person, as well as your creativity to emphasize and express yourself. Putting that together, you call it an aesthetic sense.”


I have no idea what she just said. I’ve lived my life furthest from the idea of looking stylish or possessing an aesthetic sense, so everything she’s saying sounds like gibberish to me.

“Nananosuke’s way too oblivious to this stuff. Biwa would bet good money he’s clueless.”

“Oh shush. I get it, all right?”

How can she always hit me where it hurts?

“You’ve got a proper aesthetic sense, Shimono-chan. You’re always conscious of other people watching you. You regularly cut your nails, and keep your hair in check. There are no wrinkles in your hair, and your shoes are clean, too. Your posture is flawless, too. You’ll be prepared just fine once you become an adult.”

Ah, now I get it. The chief mentioned this to me before when she was wasted. Those who work with customers always have to be conscious of how the other person sees them. If there are wrinkles in my suit, dirt on my shoes, it could leave the other person worried about my credibility. That’s why it’s always most important to show my best to the customers. It’s the most basic idea to acquire the trust of the customer. Maybe that piece of information is something she learned from her mother?

“Talking about aesthetic sense, you still look quite young and beautiful, Ayaka-san. At first, I thought you were another student at this school.”

“Wha…don’t be ridiculous, Shimono-chan! I’m an old lady, you shouldn’t be saying that to me, geez!”

Even her reactions are the exact same as the chief’s!

“See, just like Touka, right?” Biwako-senpai whispered into my ear.


“Hey, Sakonji-chan, are you badmouthing me?”

“Not at all. Just said that you and Touka are just like each other.”

“That…isn’t an insult, yeah. And it makes me happy. But you should be saying that Touka is like me, and not the other way around.”

Even her logical construction is the same as how the chief operates!

“Also, aren’t we getting in the way of your work, Ayaka-san?”

“It’s okay, I was responsible for the day classes, so I’m free now. I do have a bit of work left, but it’s not something I need to rush.”

Ayaka-san’s a teacher at this beautician school…or rather, you would call her a professor, I guess. She had always been working as a beautician, so after a few years of work, she was employed here. Must be an absolute dream to have a beautiful professor like her.

“I’m sorry to take up your precious time like this.”

“Don’t be.”

“Heeey, Biwa’s the one who got an appointment in the first place. Why are you acting like you’re the one who thought of it?”

“What’s it matter? We both worry about the chief. Two bodies, one soul, oiii!”

“That is true, oiii!”

Biwako-senpai and I fist-bumped each other. I’m slowly getting used to the whole gal thing.

“But talking about that, how did you even manage to get an appointment with Ayaka-san this easily?”

“‘Cause I know her contact info?”

“Aaand why is that?”

Ayaka-san pushed back some hair behind her ears and took a sip of her coffee. Even that gesture looked exactly like the chief…

“Sakonji-chan often comes to our home to play. They’re on good terms.”

“Yeee~ Touka and Biwa are close in a different way than Nananosuke!”

“I went there before, myself.”

“How many times?”


“Huh? What was that? Come again? Only once?”

“So you did hear me!”

“Biwa went 15 times!”

“You’re telling me?! Gross!”

“Yes, yes, the howling of the loser!”

“God, you’re so annoying! I’ve known her much longer than you!”

“Now, now, now. Nananosuke, Nana-chan, Nanaya-chan, Biwa told you about her first meeting with Touka, right?”

“…What are you implying with that?”

“Don’t sweat the small details. Anyway, when did Biwa first meet Touka?”

“…In elementary school.”

“And when did you two meet?”

“…High school.”

“High school. Not middle school, yeah?”

“So what, you didn’t talk with her for years, right?!”

“That doesn’t matter. All Biwa cares about is the starting point.”


As Biwako-senpai and I fought a harsh battle, we heard a snicker from across the table.

“Hehe. I’m sorry, but you two are just adorable. It seems you both care about my daughter, so thank you.” Ayaka-san showed a gentle smile.

Both Biwako-senpai and I ended up bashful, unable to return anything.

“By the way, Shimono-chan.”


“Why are you calling Touka ‘Chief’?”


Scary!! Even her serious and stern gaze resembles the chief’s! Her way of questioning me feels so familiar! This ain’t good. She is the chief’s mother, but also Yuito-san’s. A simple slip-up made me feel like she saw right through me. It feels like I’m facing Yuito-san himself.

“This guy calls Touka that way. Weird, right!” Biwako-senpai answered in my stead.

“It is quite an uncommon nickname. It’s what you’d usually call your superior at work.”

“A-Ahaha.” I averted my eyes and threw in an awkward laugh to fill the silence.

Maybe I really should start calling her differently? But, it’s gotten to the point I do it subconsciously. I don’t think I’ll be able to pull it off that smoothly. Ayaka-san must have felt that I wasn’t comfortable, as she immediately brought up the main reason we even approached her.

“So, you mentioned that Touka had been acting off as of late?”

“Yep, yep! Like she’s going full-on clumsy offensive?”

“Hey, Biwako-senpai, you shouldn’t talk badly about her daughter.”

Even if you’re on good terms, there’s a limit on how frank you can be.

“It’s fine, Shimono-chan, I know how clumsy Touka can be.”

“No, no, the chief…Excuse me, Touka-san is always on top of her game, but sometimes she just blanks out, that’s all!”

“So you’re calling her clumsy too? Lol.”

“Ah, I’m sorry! Anyway…has Touka-san been acting the same way at home?”

“Good question. Just as you said, she’s the same clumsy self, but I feel like she’s been a bit down as of late. Though, this is the same as always. She’s always disheartened with the smallest things. She’s not that strong, right?”

Ayaka-san spoke like it was a generally-accepted fact, but Biwako-senpai and I waved her hands in disagreement.

““No no no no.””

“There’s no way that the chief could be weak when it comes to mental state.”

“That’s right, she’s a mental demon, which is why we’re here to ask for your help. It’s seriously bad this time around.”

However, Ayaka-san’s expression was as serious as before.

“She’s always been a crybaby, easily scared, and a clingy child.”

There’s no way that’s the case! That scary superior of mine is a clingy child? Part of me wants to believe in that, but…so what? A spoiled chief would then be like this?


Touka and I are living together. As always, she made breakfast for me, seeing me off to work at the front entrance.

“Don’t wanna!”

“Hm? What’s wrong, Touka?”

“I don’t wanna let you go to work! Stay with me all day!”

“Come on, don’t be selfish.”

“I’ll be lonely without you, Nanaya-kun!”

“Really, what a clingy girl you are. Come here.”

I opened my arms toward Touka, who jogged towards me while wearing her apron, jumping into my arms.

“Ehehe, you smell so nice~”

“You like huggies, right?”

“Yep! I love them so much!”

“Ahaha. With so much Touka power charged, I can do my best at work. We’ll continue after I come home, yeah?”

“Okay…Make sure to love me lots once you’re back, okay?”


Like this?! Seriously?! That’s the type of spoiled child she would be, no?! Isn’t that right, Biwako-senpai?! I looked at my side, seeing the charismatic girl I had always admired…who was drooling. So we were thinking about the same thing, huh? As the two members of the Kamijou Touka Fanclub were lost in their fantasies, two female students from the beautician school approached Ayaka-san, offering her human heads.

“H-Human heads?!”

Being pulled back to reality wasn’t enough of a shock, as my body froze up in the face of such a sight. Did I time travel to the Warring States period now?!

“Hehe, you’re a funny one, Shimono-chan. I can see why Touka would take a liking to you. Look, those are just mannequin heads. Put a wig on it, and it helps with hairstyling practice.”

Now that she mentioned it, I could see the facial features having been drawn on the heads with paint. Several rods stuck out of the heads, which were probably meant for the wigs to be held in place.

“Well, we are using genuine hair, though. It’s always getting thorough treatment with shampoo and other articles.”

“I-Is that so. That scared me.”

“Lol, you get scared way too easily, Nananosuke.”

“Huh? You’re one to talk, getting terrified inside a haunted house.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Hm? Didn’t you say you were scared back then? And then you were about to faint, huh?”

“Huh? You virgin bastard, let’s step outside for a second.”

“Huh? Fine by me, you blondie virgin gal.”

As sparks flew between the two of us, the two female students now looked at us.

“Ah, it’s Sakonji Biwako-chan from Amakusa!”

“You’re right! She’s so adorbs!”

“Sup, sup! Name’s Biwa!”

Dangit, she’s famous enough to be known by students even here? Guess I started a fight with the wrong person. No way I can fight her.

“Biwako-chan, I’m doing a hair show soon, so won’t you model for me?”

“I bet you’d get a lot of people just ‘cause Biwako-chan’s there!”

“Oh, you think so? That makes Biwa happy, but she’s not so sure~”

If you are, then do it. Give them an answer right away. Don’t put them in suspense like that. But as the girls were getting excited, Ayaka-san broke between them.

“Come on you two, leave the scouting for later, they’ve got business with me.”

“Ah, right. Ayaka-chan, I finished the assignment, could you check this?” One of the girls said, offering Ayaka-san the head.

She observed it from several angles and responded.

“Yep, looks good. You pass.”

“Look at mine, too, Ayaka-chan!”

“Yes, yes…it’s a bit weak around the nape. Overall, it’s good enough, though.”

““Thanks, Ayaka-chan.””

The two girls got their heads back, gave their thanks to Ayaka-san, and walked away. There was too much beautician vocabulary mixed in there so I’m a bit lost about what most of that meant, but it looked like Ayaka-san was checking over their assignments…I guess? Since they walked away while waving their hands at Biwako-senpai, I’d assume that their talk about hiring her for a hair show wasn’t quite done yet. By the way, they never looked at me once. Not like I care, though.

“Sorry about that,” Ayaka-san said as she looked at us.

“It’s fine, really. By the way, the students here treat you more like a friend than a teacher, isn’t that right?”

“So does Biwa. What’s the big deal about that?”

“You don’t know what showing respect means, so I’m not surprised. You’re not a sample worth mentioning…Ouch.” She kicked my shin below the table.

When I looked at her, she stuck out her tongue at me. Ayaka-san watched this unfold with a gentle expression and returned a question.

“Did you think it was weird?”

“Well, they were pretty frank, so yes.”

Especially when talking about her, who is the chief’s mother, and her stern appearance. I figured she’d be strict when it comes to this kind of stuff. At the very least, she didn’t strike me as the type of teacher who treats her students like friends. That being said, the world of beauticians is like an entirely different universe than what I’m used to, and a lot more artistic than my own. It might be much more normal in their world.

“Yeah, in the eyes of society, that kind of treatment towards a superior might not be too welcome.”

“Oh, really?”

“Did you think this would be normal for beauticians?”


“Not necessarily. It only looks like a dazzling world on the outside, but working as one can be pretty plain and boring. Especially when it comes to dealing with your superiors and customers.”

But then, why…

“Then why am I not reprimanding them while they’re students, is it?” Ayaka-san said.

“Y-Yes, I was just thinking that. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. You’re correct, Shimono-chan. The goal of a beautician school like this isn’t just to give the students a national certificate, but also to support their work. Even small chicks are seen as proper members of society, and it’s our duty to send them off. The place they end up working at usually has a connection to their school, so preparing them is the bare minimum of what we have to do.”

“And if only delinquent graduates appear from one school, it’ll ruin the school’s public image, lowering their evaluation.”

“Exactly. I’m happy you grasped that so quickly, Shimono-chan.”

“Ah, well…”

I’m happy she praises me like this, but I’m still an adult on the inside. It feels as if I used a cheat.

“That is exactly why I treat every student equally and let them treat me this casually. Everyone already knows me during my self-introduction.”

“The entire student body?!”

“That’s right. No matter how polite and uptight they may be.”

I don’t get it. Even though she and the chief are practically one and the same, she now is talking about the exact opposite.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can follow.”

“Hehe, as expected. Sorry to be so stubborn about this. Mind if I tell you an old story? That should make it a lot clearer.”

“Yes, please do.”

“Biwa also wants to hear.”

“Thanks. Before I started working here, I was working at a beauty parlor, right?”


She worked as a beautician until her late twenties, famous as one of the top stylists.

“Back then, my juniors and coworkers called me Demon Kamijou-san.”

That sounds just like the chief. Well, the future chief.

“I was planning on continuing my work even after Touka was born, taking my work at the beauty parlor exceptionally seriously. The same went for teaching the generation beneath mine. Of course, I wasn’t doing anything unreasonable, I just wanted them to grow up to be excellent beauticians.”

I understand where she’s coming from. The chief operated the same way. Strict teaching, but nothing unreasonable or that would constitute harassment. Well, I do remember her being awfully unreasonable ever since we traveled back to this time, though!

“One year, we got two new trainees.” Ayaka-san ran her finger along the outside of the cup in front of her as she continued. “They were polar opposites. One was very earnest and polite, even staying overtime to practice using shampoo and dying colors..”

Sounds like the chief.

“The other was that flashy type of girl. Always speaking very directly with both customers and employees. And rather than practice, she always prioritized her private life.”

That sounds more like Nao or Biwako-senpai.

“At first, I both gave them the same strict instructions. Especially about their tone. I mentioned that I wasn’t doing anything unreasonable, but I’m not perfect. I’ve still got much to learn, and since that lousy girl never listened, I just prioritized the diligent girl. I’d always stick with her, leaving the other one to other employees.”

“Isn’t that a normal thing to do? Biwa would do the same thing.”

You’re one to talk, being the exact same type to get neglected. Well, she’s not wrong. I don’t think anybody would blame her.

“You’re a kind girl, Sakonji-chan. Thanks for trying to cheer me up. I also thought I was in the right. And after another year like that, I collapsed during my shift.”

“Huh?! Were you okay?!” I asked in shock, to which Ayaka-san smiled.

“Yes, I just overworked myself. I ended up taking a week off from work which I spent hospitalized because I collapsed while cutting hair at my temple.” She said and showed a scar right at her temple. “When I was hospitalized, I got a visitor.”

“The diligent girl?”

“No, the flashy one.”

“…That’s unexpected.”

“Tell me about it. I thought she hated me, and yet when she visited, she just bluntly said ‘I had no idea even someone like the iron Kamijou-san could collapse! Don’t force yourself!’ That was so funny to me, I burst out laughing. And when she said ‘I’ve never seen you laugh like that!’, I held my stomach in pain.”

I remember it myself when I first saw the chief laughing. It’s surprising, but also a relief at the same time.

“That’s when I talked with her about all sorts of things. I asked her if she didn’t hate me.”

“Phew, that’s a straight shot, Ayaka-chan.” Biwako-senpai said with a smirk.

“Just felt like I needed to, back then.”

I have to admire that she could ask that question just because she’s having a laughing attack!

“And what did she say?”

“She said ‘I wouldn’t hate you for scolding my mistakes at work. Nor do I think you’re scary,’ see. Of course, I gave her another comment that she should work on fixing her mistakes if she’s aware of them. In the end, she came to visit me every single day, asking if I needed anything, how work was today, and all that. I mentioned that she always prioritized her own private affairs, and her top priority that week happened to be me.”

She was probably someone who always lived her life earnestly. That’s why she came to visit Ayaka-san out of her own desire, and not because someone told her or so that Ayaka-san would see her in a better light.

“And at the same time, the girl I always looked after at work never came to visit. The day before I got discharged from the hospital, I asked the girl who always visited me if she knew something. She told me that the diligent girl quit work. I asked for the reason, but she didn’t know either. After I left the hospital, I went straight to that girl’s home. She usually had a perfect look with styled hair, and yet now her hair was ruffled up and she still wore her sleepwear. When I asked her why she quit, she glared at me and said—It’s because I don’t want to work with you.” Her finger rubbing the cup stopped. “She continued as her hands quivered, saying ‘When you were hospitalized, I was relieved. Working with you felt like I was suffocating’, and her face truly looked as if she was suffering. She continued, saying ‘I actually don’t want to get up early. I want to have a more chill job. I’m not that diligent, I felt depressed thinking about the day you’d come back to work, and that’s why I quit’…And after she said that, she closed the door in front of my eyes.” She continued with a saddened tone. “When I restarted my work, the manager told me…She apparently quit work because she hated herself.”

“She hated herself for being relieved when you weren’t at work…huh?”

Feeling relief at the absence of a superior…I kinda get that. When the chief was in a bad mood, I’d take walks outside, and I guess it’s not that uncommon of a thought. Not something one should blame themselves for. But even so, when she caught herself thinking that, she most likely felt like a thread inside her finally snapped.

“In the end, she’s a diligent girl. Far too diligent and delicate for her own good. I didn’t even realize that, just relying on her diligence. I made it only worse for her…That’s why I quit there, too.”

“And that’s how you ended up here?”

“You’re right. They say that there’s no greater loss than what diligent people experience, right? But that shouldn’t be the case. The flashy girl that never got my attention should’ve suffered a lot more…The problem is the diligent girl never knew how to take a break. The harder she worked, the greater the frustration when failing. And then she blames herself. Society is using those diligent girls to use their efforts to their own convenience, creating this messed-up system. I’m a messed-up adult messed up by that system…and a failure of a superior.”

That must’ve been one hell of a trigger for Ayaka-san. Because of that, she most likely would’ve been crushed by societal standards and her own diligence.

“That’s why you’re trying to make sure the students under you don’t take themselves too seriously, is it?” I said.

“Of course, that kind of method won’t cut it after they graduate and start working. Even so, I want them to experience all possible exchanges so that they can find a possible escape route, as well as offer one. Life isn’t just about work. So if you end up suffering because of it, what’s there to gain? If you’re too diligent, you don’t even realize that. You can’t take proper care of yourself. That’s why I want to become someone who can show others it’s fine for them to care about themselves, and let children experience what it means to not be diligent for once. It’s my apology to that diligent girl.”


“Yep, yep! Biwa agrees!”

Does she even understand anything of what Ayaka-san just said? Then again, she can be clever when she wants to be. What about me? I think I get it, but I can only assume. Because if I did understand it, I could make sense of what the chief is going through right now. The chief is diligent, as well as sensitive. That is something I didn’t realize. Or, I probably realized but assumed her to be a strong person, so I relied on that fact. Even though I thought I understood her the best.

“So that’s what you meant by the chief…Excuse me, by Touka-san having a fragile mind, right?”

“She’s quite the coward, to say the least. She’s strict towards everybody else, but even more so towards herself. And when she’s depressed, she doesn’t know how to run away. She resembles me way too much.”

“That just means you’re just as sensitive, no?”

“My, Shimono-chan, are you hitting on me?”

“N-Not at all! I’m terribly sorry!”

As expected of the chief’s mother, she snaps back quickly.

“So the reason Touka’s acting off like that is that something got to her. Got any idea, Nananosuke?”

“If I did, I wouldn’t be here.”

Since we weren’t reliable, Ayaka-san spoke up.

“I think it’s related to love.”

“Love? Touka?” Biwako-senpai tilted her head like she couldn’t believe it.

“Isn’t that right, Shimono-chan?”

“U-Um, I don’t really…”

Love…so what if the chief actually wanted to confess to me on the day of the cultural festival…? But, she herself blew it off, so that doesn’t make much sense. Maybe the reason she didn’t confess is related to why she didn’t come up to the rooftop in the first place, and that’s what’s got her down?

“You don’t know, then?” Ayaka-san’s eyes met mine.

“Yes…I don’t.”

“Of course, you don’t. If love was that simple, we wouldn’t ever see people worrying about it. No matter how old you get, how much you grow up, that is one thing we can’t conquer easily.”

“So that’s just the premise.”

“Naturally. I’m her mother, I can see it on her face.”

There couldn’t be an argument more convincing.

“But…that makes it even harder for Biwa to do something.”

“Sakonji-chan, there’s no need to look for something. She’s gotten herself into this predicament, so she just has to resolve it herself. If you really want to do something for her, why don’t you invite her there?” She said and took out a flier from her bag.

I read the words written on there.

“A Christmas party?”

“Exactly. It’s a party the students here hold every year. They rent out an entire hall, so it’s a big thing.”

“Doesn’t sound like the chief’s kind of event.”

“That’s exactly why. As I just told you, she’s far too diligent for her own good, so she needs to learn to let loose. Remove the shackles and let her go wild. Of course, not so wild as to get her drunk.”

“That sounds fun! Biwa’s fine, but will Touka come?”

“I doubt she will if I tell her, but I’m sure she’d say yes if you invited her, Sakonji-chan.”

“You think so?”

“I sure do. Because Touka really cares for you.”

“Wha, eh, seriously? Hehe…”

You’re so easy, you gal. But, I have no doubt that the chief would come at Biwako-senpai’s invitation.

“Is it fine for us to invite other people, Ayaka-san?”

I bet the chief would be even happier if Nao and the others came, too.

“Of course. Normally you’d need a ticket, but I’ll tell the organizers ahead of time.”

“Thank you very much.”

“What are you thanking me for? I’m the one asking you for help. Thanks for caring so much about my daughter.” Ayaka-san showed a gentle smile.

Her smile felt almost nostalgic, and it reminded me of someone. As I thought, I really want her to smile as much as possible.