134 Episode 132: Side Story Ayumi's Swimming Games Preliminary

"We have to win. Whoever they are, whatever happens."

"Uh, uh, if we have to make a decision here, when are we going to make a decision! Right?


The origin of the original story fits, but that's another dialogue.

Well, I'm glad you got along well enough to react quickly to my story.

Sister Mel's neck feels like 'I think I made a mistake'. When I try this, it really has such an atmosphere as a deep-window lady.

Actually, she's a princess instead of a warrant lady.

We are now coming to a large sports complex in the province.

I'm not here to see you.

The competitive indoor pool here will open today with the participation of our swimming club.

Normally, if I were to go to a tournament, I would think that all my staff would travel by bus or something, but I hate that our school is close because it's a neighboring city, and because it's a public middle school, it's a local gathering.

If it's a national tournament or something, what do you think?

Maybe a school reunion, traveling by public transport, huh?

That's why I came all the way here by train and bus.

Sister Mel calls her escort with her.

The rendezvous time is almost an hour away, but I've been smudging myself here lately that I don't get into a lot of things if I'm too flirty.

Even now, instead of flickering, it almost attracts attention in the state of cancer watching. Sister Mel.

Sleek body shape in the middle of a 160cm platform on blue long silver hair, a face neat enough to keep an eye on and an elegant grin enough to let the beholder wander.

There's no way you won't catch my eye.


"Hey, you t..."

"I'm in time!

"Um, copy..."

"Ca, steal it!!"

"Oh, uh, which one is the gym..."

"Come yesterday, you bastard!

It is hard to get rid of both flies.

"The last one is different..."

Is that it?

Ma, well, time's up, but it's time to go to the rendezvous point. Yeah.

Members were gathering at the rendezvous point with the chills.

This tournament is called the Comprehensive School Sports Competition and is the best tournament for the middle school swimming club, which combines the National Middle School Swimming Competition with the Kanto Middle School Swimming Competition Qualifying Competition.

Naturally, my swimming department is also entering. Not all of them.

I can't qualify to participate without clearing the standard record, so I haven't entered the 100m and 200m, personal medley, and 800m free form of the butterfly.

The advisor teacher who mentors me doesn't seem to like butterflies, and because of that, all of our members don't like them either.

Though I can butterfly once too, I knew it wasn't that fast.

Because of this, the men are either the gift of Dr. Matsuyama's bloodthirsty instruction or they are able to enter all the events.

Hmm, what I'm going to compete in is a free-form 100m and a breaststroke 200m. It is a butterfly (pressed) of the medley relay.

I'm in third grade, so it's practically my last tournament.

Well, if you put it in second place in any of the events, it goes on with the Kanto Games, and even there, it goes on with the National Games in second place or more, but I don't think it's difficult because some private parties are investing in sports.

For once, I've been pretty serious about the club, too, and I like to swim, so I'll try.

My brother won't even come to support me at the Kanto Games.

My brother doesn't want me to leave. The tournament will come as much backup as time permits, but this time I couldn't because of the overlapping college circle accommodation.

"I knew you were here! Ayumi Kashiwagi!!

"... out"

"Hey, what's 'out', 'out'!

Suddenly I was called out from behind, and there was a face I knew I would turn around.

A little girl with long hands and feet in shortcut hair and a winning eye. He's a little taller than me, but his chest is tulpeta, a wall away.

To Hiji-kun! She is an unfortunate woman with an unfortunate heart.

"Oh, shit! What a shame about your chest! You must be similar!!

Was that in your voice? Well, fine.

Because of this, I am still growing. It's four centimeters bigger than last year.

It is not the same as the unfortunate woman who recedes from year to year before her.

"This, little one!

A woman who stomps dangly on the ground with her teeth clenched.

Shit, I don't know.

"Um, Ayumi, are you a friend?

"Why, I'll definitely make you cry! This... heh?

The woman in front of her, who tried to say something more, shifted her gaze over there to Sister Mel's voice and hardened.

"Hey, hey, what, you princess-like guy"

That's Sister Mel. I didn't expect to silence this annoying little woman in an instant. I didn't shut up.

"Mm-hmm. You mean a friend, you know him? Write" Strong Enemy "and read" Doesn't Matter Guy, "Targeted opponent"

"Hey! If you're gonna say that, you're gonna write 'Strong Enemy' and read 'Friend'! What, you're certifying someone else in red!

"Really? Uh, Mr. Ayumi is always looking out for you. Please keep him company. My name is Mersulia. This is Ayumi's sister."

Sister Mel introduces herself as she bows gracefully.

Sister. Yeah. Definitely because I was officially adopted by your father and mother the other day.

And you're practically my sister-in-law. There are others.

"Huh?! Oh, uh, well, I'm Kiki Kiki Shiori."

Kiki Kanejo Shiori, that's a weird name, isn't it?

"Chi, you just bit it! Golden Castle, come on, come on!

I was just making fun of you, but good reactions. This is why I can't stop it.

This noisy woman in front of me, Shiori Kanejo, is involved in me.

One winter tournament, even though it was a prefecture-sponsored sports promotion tournament, but I was in such good shape that I rarely competed at that time, I punched into swimming from a very young age, and I beat this, Kim, who had been expected for a year even in private secondary schools famous for investing in sports.

It's actually not a big deal to me as a swimmer, so I haven't won since, but in game format, they've kind of got a sense of rivalry with me for giving her her her first defeat.

They've lost in all of them, so why should there be a single player more capable than me?

Well, it's a middle school in the same province, so we often face each other in competitions like this, but every time we do this, we stick around.

I enjoy the reactions, though.

"Hey, hey, Kashiki, you've never heard of a sister like that before?

"Mm-hmm. After all the circumstances, I recently became my sister. I exercise my right to remain silent because it falls under state secrets for more information."

"Nah... but it's a state secret! And, anyway, that's good, but, uh, you know, your brother's not here today?

Kim moves her hand with a mojimoji as she looks at me and listens in a whisper.

"Sister Mel, I need pest control. At level five."

"What's a pest! What's a pest! And what's level five?!

"Ugh. You're close, aren't you? It sounds fun and I envy it."

Mm-hmm. Sister Mel doesn't feel too critical.

This chopstick bitch is after my brother.

At the time of the aforementioned tournament, my brother did not come to support me.

At that time, this woman and I both looked at each other, but when we saw her brother, she turned her face bright red and blushed.

Apparently, I fell in love at first sight, but even though I had this and my stuck personality, I couldn't even mognaw and mouth like a borrowed cat, rather than a slime bored with shame.

But then every time I look at him, he asks me about his brother.

... Come to think of it, how could my brother not be proud of this woman poking at me?

Well, I know my brother can't possibly be overwhelmed by such a chopstick cut-off Tulpeta woman.

"You're seriously fighting and selling? I'll buy it!?

"Cora! Golden Castle! How long have you been playing mixed up with other school players!

Kim, who was about to poke at me as I pulled her hand, snaps her neck at the yell from away.

"Ya suck! Kashiwagi, remember!

Thus left the throwaway dialogue and the loser left.

"... I'll definitely make you cry!

Was that it in your voice again?

"Oh, hey, Ayucha, meet me here too."

I need to go that way too because my fellow club called me.

"Well, I'm there for you in the audience. Give me a call when you're done."

"Mm-hmm. Sister Mel, be careful. Whatever you can call me, don't get it right."

I'll push for once.

I'm Sister Mel, who was traveling in different worlds, but even people in this world can't be alarmed. Sometimes they shrug their legs in unexpectedly strong places. And it was written on a lanobe.

"I know. It's okay. And you have balls."


Sister Mel just takes her nose tip out of the bag she had and her balls just ring "Let it go".

"More than that. Please pay attention to Ayumi, too. Never use magic! No physical enhancement, either."

"Ugh, okay"

I was going to use Cosoli.

Games new! I wanted to try something like that.

When I broke up with Sister Mel and took a quick trip to a place where my fellow clubs were gathered, they were all already gathered. I came early in the corner and I was the last because of that chopstick woman.

"Yoshi! Everyone's here. We're moving to the assigned location."

With that said, the advisor teacher walks out, and then loosely follows the facade of the club.

There will be an opening ceremony after this, and then the competition will begin soon.

The tournament lasts four days.

Today on the first day there will be free relay (male and female) and 800m free (female), 1500m free (male) qualifying and 200m breaststroke (male and female), 200m free (male and female) qualifying & final.

Day 2 is the qualifying & final of the 50m freestyle (male and female), the 400m personal medley (male and female), the 200m backstroke (male and female) and the finals of the free relay (male and female) and the 800m freestyle (female) and the 1500m freestyle (male).

Day 3 qualifies for the Medley Relay (male and female) and qualifiers & finals for the 400m freeform (male and female), 200m butterfly (male and female) and 200m personal Medley.

The final day is the final of Medley Relay (male and female) and the qualifying & final of 100m Butterfly (male and female), 100m Freestyle (male and female), 100m Backstroke (male and female), 100m Breaststroke (male and female), then the closing ceremony.

So it's today and the third and final day for me to compete.

The competition finally begins after a boring opening ceremony that has never been repeated on the street.

Free relay at first. And from women.

My part was still better because it was from the sixth set, but I knew very well when I saw that the first set of kids were very nervous.


It was fifth.

Yeah. Proper.

Because our part isn't that strong.

Even for the best, the fourth place in Kanto Games was the best in history.

And when the men's free relay is over, it's finally my 200m breaststroke to compete.

I'm the third pair.

Kim, is that the eighth group?

"Stay until the finals. You make me cry."

Such a golden castle was to disappear early after a tragic defeat by an unnamed newcomer.

"It won't go away! Don't tell me you're not even close!!

Yeah. Not this time either.

To improve without hesitation.

"Oh, you..."

"Speaking of which, if it was the Kanto Games, my brother wouldn't be here for me, maybe."

"?! Hey, ah, you, definitely win! If I lose, I'll see you, not because I don't understand! Oh, so, but, you mean I lose? So, but..."

"We can go to the Kanto Games until second place"

"That's it! Good? 'Cause you can't lose anything but me!

Mr. Tundele?

While Kim's opponent is playing, the players are called to align.

.................. I'm a little nervous.