Chapter 177 177 – First Day

Name:Kill the Sun Author:
Chapter 177 Chapter 177 – First Day

Nick wasn't happy with it, but Kiara had solved the problem with the Lover.

He just didn't know how to feel about it.

Working with the Lover was horrible and would permanently change people into something that they would probably perceive to be disgusting.

And yet, Kiara was willing to work with it.

Additionally, it wasn't difficult to tell that Kiara didn't feel great about that.

But her explanation also made sense.

She was in a unique position to work with the Lover, which made her special and important to Dark Dream.

Sadly, there was no way to change the current dynamic without literally forcing Kiara not to work with the Lover, which was also not something that Nick wanted to do. nOvE.lB-1n

"That only leaves the Dung Heap," Nick said.

Jonathan nodded. "That one isn't troublesome. It's just disgusting."

"Show us," Nick said.

Everyone walked towards the second floor, and they could already smell the Dung Heap when they arrived.

The entire floor smelled like a garbage dump on a midsummer day.

Luckily, all of the present people could deal with that smell.

Jonathan and Kiara could deal with it since they had been around the Dung Heap for a long time already, and the other three came from the Dregs.

The pungent smell of the sewers blanketed the Dregs, and the other three had spent years in the Dregs.

The Dung Heap only smelled slightly worse.

"Oh, by the way, do we have food?" Jonathan asked.

"The delivery of the food for the Dung Heap hasn't been set up yet," Nick said.

"That might be bad," Jonathan said. "Just like the Bleeding Lady, the Dung Heap needs to be worked with regularly. If it doesn't get its food, it starts getting aggressive."

"The Containment Unit is strong enough to keep it contained, but anyone that enters would get attacked."

Nick nodded in understanding.

It was important to remember that the Dung Heap wasn't truly a Possession Specter.

If it wanted, it could probably attack someone.

It might not be the most powerful Specter on its level, but it could probably still overwhelm a Newbie since it was already an Adolescent.

"Maybe it's better we wait until the food delivery has been set up then," Nick said.

"That's probably for the better," Jonathan answered.

The others agreed as well.

"Then, let me set up the schedule for who is going to work with what," Nick said.

The others nodded.

"Kiara, you're going to work with the Lover daily. I will leave the frequency of how much you work with it up to you, but it has to be once a day," Nick said as he looked at Kiara.

"Yes, boss," she answered.

"The Dreamer is being worked with by Jenny, Trevor, and Jonathan. The order in which you work will be left to you, but I want three shifts of eight hours per day."

"Sure thing, boss," Jenny said with a smile.

"I will be delivering the food to the Dung Heap, the corpses to the Screaming Coffing, and I will also be working with the Bleeding Lady."

"From now on, I might only occasionally be in the building since I also have to set up a team of Investigators and search for more Specters myself."

"If there are any urgent matters and I'm not here, you can tell Wyntor, but try not to disturb him with matters that can wait until the next day."

The others nodded again.

"Then, that should be everything for today. Starting tomorrow, that's how we are going to proceed," Nick said.

After a bit more talking, the group split apart, and Nick went to Wyntor to talk about some matters regarding Dark Dream.

Wyntor told Nick that the food thing had actually already been set up, but the deliveries would only start the next day.

Nick told him about how he had set up his employees' shifts, and Wyntor nodded.

But then, he added something.

"Nick, I think you got this," Wyntor said. "You don't need to tell me about the shifts of the Extractors anymore. You have shown that you can manage them."

"I trust your skills."

"Just write it down somewhere and give me the schedule in case I am in need of an Extractor. With more people and more Specters, I also can't keep these things in my head anymore."

Nick smiled when he heard that and nodded.

"Of course."

Some minutes later, Nick left Wyntor's new office and looked through the building again, getting more familiar with it.

Eventually, it was time to leave and train with Reynold.

The next day, Nick went into Dark Dream's new building and saw one of Dark Dream's clerks at the front desk.

The receptionist greeted Nick politely and wished him a good morning.

Nick talked with her for a bit before he checked up on the people and the Specters.

First, Nick went to the second floor.




As soon as Nick arrived, he heard the sound of something heavy hitting one of the walls.

It came from the Dung Heap's Containment Unit.

'Guess it really wants some food,' Nick thought. 'The delivery will come at nine a.m. There shouldn't be an issue.'

Then, Nick checked up on the Screaming Coffin.

'Still digesting the fat man,' Nick thought as he looked at the unmoving Specter.

Nick went out of the Containment Unit and accessed the Zephyx storage of the Screaming Coffin.

He took the Zephyx container with him and put in a new one.

Then, Nick checked on the Dung Heap's Zephyx container.

'Nothing, as expected.'

After that, Nick went to the third floor and checked the Bleeding Lady's Zephyx container.

'65 grams!' Nick thought with surprise. 'All that cutting yesterday was worth it!'

Nick also took that Zephyx container and entered the fifth floor.

The Lover's Containment Unit had six grams of Zephyx, which was what Nick produced yesterday.

Nick also checked if someone was in the Containment Unit, which he could easily do by looking at a sign at the entrance.

'She's not here yet.'

Then, Nick went to the Dreamer's Containment Unit.

The sign said that someone was working with it, which was to be expected.

Nick didn't know who was working with it, but it also didn't really matter.

'About 12 grams of Zephyx,' Nick thought.

Nick changed the containers of that Containment Unit as well and went to the top floor.

There, Nick put the containers in a special location that only he and Wyntor had access to.

After that, Nick wrote down how much Zephyx each Specter had produced and put the sheet of paper in Wyntor's office.

Lastly, Nick went to the third floor and worked with the Bleeding Lady.

There were no issues.

For the next couple of hours, Nick thought about how to create and manage a team of Inspectors.

And finally, the food delivery arrived for the Dung Heap.