"Because of this matter, all of my Su Clan's trading company's stores have been stopped. Think about it, does the Yan Clan deserve my Su Clan to be framed like this?" Although Su Zixuan's words didn't sound good, it was the truth.

It was rumored that although the Su Clan had an exaggerated amount of wealth, it was not much less than an ordinary country. This month's losses were truly a huge amount.

The people of the Yan family were full of resentment, this was the first time they had been humiliated like this. Although their family was a poor family, most of the people in the capital were very well-educated and would never embarrass them like this.

"This Wu Guangcai might have been bribed by you recently. He must have other secrets in your hands, that's why he suddenly retorted and listened to your orders to threaten our Yan Clan." When she heard that, Mrs Dong couldn't help but feel indignant. She couldn't help but immediately refute it.

However, it had to be said that what she said was not far from the truth. Although there was a way to deal with this, it was snatched away from her own family members.

When Yan Hao heard this, he suddenly thought of something. He glanced at Su Zixuan, and a huge uneasiness welled up in his heart.

He had already explained why no one had heard from the people he sent to Jiangdong in the past few days. He had thought that it would be inconvenient for them to travel on the streets, and from the looks of it, they must have been discovered and even killed.

Su Qian Shan had been imprisoned for a long time, but his arrest had also occurred so suddenly. If he didn't have time to plan, then it could only be Su Zixuan.

As he thought of this, Yan Hao gave a hidden look at Su Zixuan, and coincidentally met with Su Zixuan's scornful and mocking gaze.

"Then tell us what kind of weakness it is that our Su Clan can catch it at this time." "Su Zixuan looked at Dong Shi and then looked at the Shardbearer." Does the Shardbearer know what it is? "

She used her innocent expression to look at them, as if she really wanted to know what kind of weakness they had.

Lady Dong looked at her with an expression as if she were looking at an idiot, while the Shardbearer couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. When Yan Yu Qi saw this, he seemed to have thought of something and his face began to turn pale.

In front of the Yan family's father and son, Su Zixuan's terrifying appearance, in the eyes of others, was just like before, always mocking them without arousing suspicion.

When Wu Guangcai thought of the people he saw last night, he could not help but feel sad. No matter who it was, these two families were not good people, but as a fish on the verge of death, he could only see the expression on the chopping block.

Ma Zongming could not figure out what was going on even after hearing all that. He felt a headache coming on. Luckily, the crown prince was not here today, otherwise, he would be helpless.

"Silence!" Wu Guangcai, tell me everything from the beginning to the end. "

Those things were boring to talk about and were clearly described on the paper. But since the established procedure was here, he had to say it again to check the paper in case he lied or changed again.

Wu Guangcai repeated himself, but this time it was no longer as loud as it was before and he didn't feel wronged. He only calmly narrated, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Last year, Yan Hao suddenly told me to increase my efforts to sell the salt, and also said that he would marry the Su Family's daughter soon. When that time came, the Thirteen Salts Company would be in his possession, and he also told me to prepare to contact a few managers to do this together, so I made some excuses.

"When we were taken to the capital, he even sent people over. He said that he could think of a way to save my son's life, so I agreed to let them frame the Su family."

Because Liu Xian, the manager of Yuzhang County, didn't have much to do with this matter, he wasn't brought to the capital. In fact, Su Zixuan had also wiped away everything he had done.

Ma Zi Ming roughly understood Wu Guangcai's words. However, that child had already passed away from a serious illness within a few days of being imprisoned. Now, he probably didn't have any scruples after changing his statement.

No! Yan Hao almost burst out his mouth. He wanted to say that it was clearly not that child, but his son from the outer room. But in the end, he had endured it.

"And the evidence?" Not only did Fu Feihan carefully investigate the items that he had found at the Wu family's residence, even the people that were sent to the capital later on had carefully searched them as well. However, the thing that could be used as evidence of collusion was only the account book that Wu Guangcai had admitted.

However, this account book was completely different from Su Zixuan's handwriting. This piece of evidence became even more confusing.

"That booklet is the transaction with the Yan Clan. However, I was a little cautious and did not dare to state my original name. I also do not know what the Yan Clan is like, nor do I know how they obtained this booklet."

After Wu Guangcai finished speaking, he felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He looked towards a certain direction in the hall, hoping that he would really be able to spare his wife and children.

Su Zixuan, on the other hand, only looked at Yan Hao's flushed face and found it very interesting. At this moment, he finally felt it, too. He couldn't argue no matter how he looked at it.