Chapter 9: Chittering Into The Night

Name:Knights Apocalyptica Author:
Chapter 9: Chittering Into The Night

Erec leaned against a cold steel wall in the hall outside of the lab. VAL hovered close by, occasionally giving a pulse of crimson but otherwise silent. For now, the machine seemed content to give him time to process, though it was no doubt focused on the steady stream of information filtered through the nanites. Whatever those were.

“I refuse,” Erec tried after running through the risks of VAL’s proposition. If he didn’t at least attempt to bargain his way out of this, he’d be a fool.

[As I already informed you, that is not an option. You’ve been employed by Vortex Industries. Welcome to the company, intern. The sooner you complete your paperwork, the quicker you may exit.]

“I don’t even have a clue what this place is, and you refuse to elaborate.” Erec pressed back. “There’s no benefit to me from this arrangement.” The machine was reluctant to provide information about this place; Erec had tried for an hour for answers, to no avail.

Though, that didn’t mean the machine provided no information at all. VAL explained the course of events that led to this. According to VAL, its directives kept it locked within this facility. But a bypass allowed it to temporarily leave to accompany workers for field study.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

So VAL integrated’ into this place’s software and forcibly registered him for an internship. Then launched a study project labeled “EMERGENCY EXIT” as a behavioral study on the lives of modern interns.

This would allow it to fulfill both conditions and bypass its directive—providing both an employee in the field and a field study. However, there was one kink in the plan. VAL needed Erec to submit two pieces of paperwork before they could leave.

It wanted him to sign an employment contract agreeing to this new position and a nondisclosure agreement.

It was an absurd situation, and this old-world tech had gone rogue. The last thing Erec wanted to do was be anywhere around it, let alone have it tail him around, but it seemed there wasn’t much of an option to avoid it.

More concerning was VAL’s attitude toward him and testing. While it claimed the EMERGENCY EXIT project was purely a behavioral study, Erec didn’t put it past the strange machine to lie about the full purpose.

After all, Val didn’t reveal itself until after it forcibly injected nanites into him. There were many good reasons not to trust that this thing had his best interests at heart. Or rather, in processor.

“I can wait you out. Clearly, you don’t intend to kill me. Eventually, I’ll have people searching for me.”

[Ah. You’re attempting to reason your way out of compliance, even if you know part of it is incorrect. I respect that sort of logical thought process but allow me to present two additional conjectures to aid you in drawing an accurate conclusion. One, this facility has been reinforced to withstand a nuclear detonation. While I’m unsure of the status of your “people,” it is skeptical that they possess the means to breach this facility. Two, if I’m looking for a new employee, presenting me with a larger hiring pool would jeopardize your chances of joining our wonderful company! Your people might have someone more qualified for this position. That would be a shame, wouldn’t it?]

That was a threat. While VAL hadn't outright stated it, there was no missing the subtext to that statement.

[Detecting stressor flags once more. Wow. Humans sure are needy; I've grown far too used to independent research, it seems. There is no cause for alarm, Intern. If possible, I would highly prefer to cooperate with you rather than another. Your age and disposition lead you to be an ideal research subject.]

"And why is that?" Erec rubbed his eyes. He was afraid for the future, but more than that, he hadn't spent his entire life trapped underground in the Kingdom to get trapped again after that brief but intoxicating freedom. There didn't seem to be much of an option here. He should take his chances and do his best to capitalize on the situation.

[That information is confidential. You do not possess the requisite authorization for disclosure.]

He hesitated at the exit to the lobby. It took a second for the final massive steel door to click open. Once it did, he sprinted for the ladder and started climbing.

Erec reached the top and soaked in the night. The dark sky above was perceivable through a hole in the roofing of this deserted hovel. Erec got lost in the skyscape of a thousand twinkling stars; the night, a canvas of beauty far more delicate and enchanting than any ancient old world artwork in the archives.

[What is this?]

VAL hovered near the discarded Armor. Erec twinged and glared at the... robot? Not a moment to himself, not a second to enjoy a natural beauty he'd never thought to see again. No. It was busy inspecting the Markos II.

"Why do you care? I'm sure you have a thousand more advanced things down in that lab of yours."

As he said that, the hatch leading to Vortex Industries sealed shut with a loud clang. The sudden noise made him wince, but he doubted VAL even registered it, let alone cared. They might be close to the wall, but that didn't mean there wasn't anything lurking nearby.

[There is nothing similar to this in my research databanks. A human exoskeleton? Interesting. Though this shell appears highly damaged. If this is how you treat advanced technical equipment, I am glad you lacked the authorization to access our laboratories.]

"I got it that way. It's an outdated model. At this point, I'm pretty sure I've left it in a better state than I got it in."

[Outstanding. It appears nearly nonfunctional. The digits no longer work, along with the rest of the arms, and the servos on the legs will give out in a few hours of use. You will find it difficult to operate even with your exceptional physique.]

"The legs too? Damn it. What am I going to do?" Erec stared at the rusted Markos II.

Without responding to him, VAL closed the distance between it and the Armor. Then... melted into the frame like a drop of water into a cistern. Erec stared at the space where the cube touched its surface and vanished.

[Ah. Accessing its software has cleared up a few of my hypotheses. You require this to enhance power and deal with environmental challenges. I did a preliminary scan of the environment upon our exit. While there was a substantial uptick in background gamma radiation compared to records, it is nothing to warrant these measures. Strange. There are several components whose purpose I cannot diagnose. Primarily it’s designed for defense. Are you a soldier?]

Erec puffed up his chest and moved to face the Armor. Staring at it like that and knowing a psychotic VAL was in it was no small measure of terrifying.

“Not a soldier. I’m going to be a Knight—”

There was a crackle of static from the communication device. Erec almost jumped out of his skin. With it being jammed for so long, he forgot it even existed.

“Help—fuck—there’s too many of them!!” Colin’s voice carried through the quiet room. An odd chittering noise accompanied a desperate scramble through the radio and grunting. “Help!” There was a noise of something banging on steel plates.

[Most peculiar. An ally of yours?]