Chapter 3 - Turning Point (Part 2)

The morning classes are always noisy. There are no desperate people like me.

In the corner of the classroom, a male student was lying on him desk, giving off a negative aura.

Yes, that student is me.

"......This is difficult."

I couldn't believe that Hoshimiya told me she didn't like me, told me to leave, and found my p*rn book.

Well, if there really wasn't a stalker, I wouldn't have to live in that apartment like Hoshimiya said. In theory, that's how it should be.

In other words, my depression was nothing but my own feelings.

"You mean you want to live with Hoshimiya?"

While I was muttering this, I heard the presence of someone right next to me.

"Riku-chan. You look sluggish."


I looked up to see Yono's face. As usual, she had a sweet and bright smile on her face.

Ah, my heart filled with negativity is being healed!

"What's wrong?"

"I was kicked out of ...... Hoshimiya's house."

"I have to apologize to Ayana-chan right away!"

"Please don't think it's my fault. ......No, it's probably my fault ......."

I asked Yono about what happened with Hoshimiya on Saturday. Yono nodded her head, but──

"Riku-chan. That's a pretty important story."

"That's right. If this stalker doesn't exist..."

"You still have that P*rn book, right? Let me check it out."

"That book? I don't care anymore."

"Good! It's too early for Riku-chan! If you really care about something like that, I'll..."

"No, it's okay."

Yono, her cheeks flushed red, said something strange in a shy manner, so I kept my cool and responded casually.

To be honest, I wanted to do something like that with Yono. I wanted to do it, but not now.

"You look like you're not motivated to do anything."

"Yes, that's right."

Being told that she didn't like me probably affected me a lot.

When she said that, I replied with an unpleasant sentence, "I don't care if you hate me, I just want to protect Hoshimiya," but in reality, I had serious damage in my heart.

I turned my head to the middle of the class, wondering what Hoshimiya was doing.

She was still happily chatting with Kana.

She didn't care about me at all.

"Does she really hate me?"

"About the stalker, if Ayana-chan says it's just her imagination, it's probably true."


"And there's no need for Riku-chan to go out of her way for someone who says she hates you."

"But you know, Hoshimiya saved my life... ...."

"But the person who saved your life said she's done with you, right?"

That's right. I was too persistent.

"Anyway, I'm a little ...... angry."


"I'm very grateful to her, Ayana-chan, for helping Riku-chan. ...... But I don't agree with what happened this time."


"I think Ayana-chan likes Riku-chan too. I don't believe her when she says she doesn't like you."

"I guess so. Maybe Hoshimiya is just worried about me and Yono and said she doesn't like me to keep me away from her..."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I don't know...."

"Riku-chan is still trying even though she knows she's hurt. I know it hurts you ....... so that's why I want to protect Riku-chan."


"I don't want Riku-chan to be bullied or hurt anymore. I know that Ayana-chan is the reason why Riku-chan is here now. But you know, Ayana-chan is hurting Riku-chan right now ........ and I can't forgive her for that."

A hint of anger seeped into Yono's expression. I'm not sure how much she cares for me.

"Yono, I..."

"You don't have to work so hard anymore, Riku-chan. You've already reached the turning point."

"Reached a turning point.... .....?"

"Your relationship with Ayana-chan is over. So ....... can we start all over again?"

"Start over again?"

"Yes. I know you and I have been together for a long time as childhood friends, right? Just like back then - no, this time I want to be by your side as a lover...."


Although she was a little embarrassed when she said it, Yono's wish was immediately conveyed to me.

I accidentally choked on my own words.

While I was wondering what to say in reply, the bell rang.

The students in the class began to return to their seats.

Yono was no exception, but she turned to me one last time and said.

"I know you better than anyone, and I like you more than anyone.

Saying this in a small voice that only I could hear, Yono quickly returned to his seat.


I've wanted her to say those words for a long time. If she had told me that when I confessed my feelings to her, I would have been so happy that my heart would have stopped.

"............I haven't worked hard at all, have I?"

Yono said that I worked hard.

............But that's not true.

I've always been supported by Yono.

After Yono left me, I was supported by Hoshimiya.

In other words, I just spent my days being healed by Yono and Hoshimiya.

I didn't repay them in any way.

"But, turning point, huh? ......Yono might be right."

In the beginning, Hoshimiya and I would never be related.

We didn't even have a chance to talk ...... even though we were in the same class.

"We just went back to our usual routine..."

No, it's not the usual routine. Because I was able to live an ideal life by being able to date Yono.


[Hoshimiya's POV]

The lunch break arrived, and I spent time with Kana as usual. Although I was worried about the lump that remained in my heart, I tried to remain calm as we chatted casually, and then I saw Kuromine-kun and Harukaze-san leave the classroom together. The bread I was about to put in my mouth stopped in mid-sentence.

"Ayana, are you okay? Your friend left with another woman."

"It's not like ...... we're dating, is it?"

"Huh? But it hasn't been a month, right? I mean, don't you like Kuromine?"

"Not anymore!"

I ate the bread as fast as I could and stuffed it into my mouth. It was no longer a tasty meal.

"But Ayana..."

"I'm fine ......!"

I wanted to cry.


[Kuromine's POV]

After school. Normally Hoshimiya would take me home, but ......

"Kana, let's go home."

"Are you sure about Kuromine?"

"Not anymore."

It seemed that our relationship was completely cut off. The two of them were not the same person.

"Riku-chan. Let's go home!"


Yono, with a natural smile on her face, gently invited me to go home with her.

Thinking back, this was a "normal" thing.

Before I confessed my feelings to Yono, her inviting me home like this was my daily routine.

In other words, my normal routine had returned.


I felt something staring at me and looked around the classroom. Several boys looked at me.

"That b*tch Kuromine, just when I thought he switched from Harukaze to Hoshimiya, he goes back to Harukaze again!"

"Where are the two most popular girls in the school again?"

...... This is bad. I can't make excuses, and I think I'm in trouble.

I took Yono and ran away from school.

I walked across town on my way home.

"It's been a long time since I've been home with Riku-chan."

"......I guess so."

Yono, who was walking next to me, said in a cheerful and happy tone.

Even from her smiling face, she said, "I'm so happy!" and I could feel her innocent emotions.

"You know, Riku-chan ...... I want to hold hands with you."

"Even though we're not dating yet?"

"Then let's... hold hands as childhood friends! Just like when we were kids!"

I wasn't sure how much I wanted to be a part of this. We were high school kids now, and it was rude to hold hands here.

I would have liked to join hands with Yono, but we were walking home from school.

There were a few students around us on the way out of school. And Yono in particular stood out because of his cuteness.

"I don't mind standing out, okay?"

"......Yono, you know. Do you realize that you're popular?"

"Yes, I realize."

"Right, you don't... Eh?!"

I stopped walking and looked at Yono's face.

Yono stopped as well and made a slightly guilty face.

"Well, you know ...... I've been recognized several times..."

"Uh ....... how many times?"

"Since I entered high school, ...... has been about ten times, I think."

"That's a lot. .....!"

It was an incredible amount of times for a popular girl to confess many times.

In addition, Yono said, "Since entering high school ......."

If we count the middle school period, it would be a frightening number!

But what surprised me was that I was never recognized.

The number is an impressive zero...!!!

"But you never went out with anyone, did you?"

"Yes. I had to say no because I wasn't sure how I felt romantically. I was told by my friends that I should try dating someone to give it a try, but I couldn't ...... feel that way ......."

"I understand. ......."

"Of course. I don't know what I was expecting. But even though I didn't realize the first love in me, I still love you."

Yono said this with a clear and radiant face. It made me feel a thrill.

"Riku-chan seems to get a lot of recognition too, doesn't he?"

"Oh, ah ...... well, you know. I can't remember how many times I've been recognized."

Of course I don't remember, because I was never recognized!

"I know that. But you still didn't date anyone and confessed to me instead. I'm so happy."


I felt guilty when I saw Yono smiling at me with a happy face. My chest hurt.

Why did I become such a useless person? I feel like everything I've done lately is just a lie.

"Riku-chan, this is ....... I'm waiting for you............."

Yono, whose cheeks were flushed, collapsed shyly.

Her mood seemed as if she was expecting something sweet and sour.

I knew this intuitively. She was waiting for me to confess.

Yono said she was waiting for my answer.

Now all I have to do is confess to her and I'll be able to have the life I've always dreamed of.

My goal is close, right in my hands.

I followed my feelings and opened my mouth.

"I want you to wait a little longer."

"Uh, yeah. ......Okay."


I wanted to say, "I like you, please go out with me."

Well, let it be. I have some unfinished business anyway.

I think it's that unfinished business that's holding me back.

I'll go and finish it quickly tonight.


I know that Hoshimiya won't be at the grocery store tonight.

I learned Hoshimiya's shifts when I lived with her.

"Oh, Riku-chan. If you're looking for Ayana-chan, she's not here."

I, who had business with the shop owner, came to the department store a little after 10 p.m. After confirming that there were no customers in the store, I talked to the owner who was at the cash register.

"I didn't come here to see Hoshimiya, I came to see the owner."

"Wait, Riku-chan. It's true that I'm pretty, but it's not good for you to tease me."




"You offered me a job here before, didn't you? I'm sorry, but I have to decline."

"Oh my - what a shame. But I'm glad you said so."

This is my unfinished business. The owner probably said it without thinking, but I wanted to give her an official answer.

"Hey, Riku-chan, don't you want to work with Ayana-chan?"

"......I thought Hoshimiya might not want to work with me."

"I see. ......"

The owner seemed to sense that something was going on between me and Hoshimiya and didn't pursue the matter.

However, she began to talk quietly about Hoshimiya.

"Last Saturday and Sunday, you know ...... Ayana-chan, she looked very lonely."

"Lonely? What do you mean?"

"Yes, that's right. She looked lonely, and then she looked like she was going to cry. ...... Yes, even the customers are worried about her.


"This is ...... the face of a regretful person. It's a regret that will stay with him for the rest of his life."

"......I understand."

"I don't know what happened between you two, but ...... I hope you have no regrets, Riku-chan."


"Oh, it's Riku-kun, isn't it? It's rare to see you in a place like this."

After hearing the news from the owner, I rode my bike leisurely through the city at night on my way home. I saw Mondo-san walking in front of me, so I stopped my bike and turned to face him.

"Mondo-san ....... Are you sure you're allowed to be out this late?"

"That's not something you, a minor, would say. I'm on my way home from a drinking party. Riku-kun, don't you have to go back to Ayana-chan's house?"


"I knew there must be something going on."


She looked right through me.

"Riku-kun's house, is it near here?"

"Yes. About three hours away."

"That's not close at all, you know? Would you like to stay with me then?"

"No, thank you. I'm afraid you'll eat me."

"No, no, I won't touch a minor. ......But are you sure you're okay?"

"......Yes. Alright then."

I got back on my bike and started pedaling again.

I was just about to pass Kadono-san.

"When I went to Ayana-chan's house on Saturday afternoon...."


I immediately braked, stopped the bike, and listened to Mondo-san's words.

"When I pressed the intercom, Ayana-chan opened her door with incredible force. She looked very happy. But then, when she saw my face, she made a disappointed face, as if sad."

"......What's wrong with that?"

"Ayana-chan, I think she was expecting someone else to come."


"But I don't know who it is. So, brat, hurry home. The people who love you will be sad if anything happens to you."

Closing the conversation with serious words, Mondo-san turned his back on me and walked away.

What the heck? But he looks rather mature.

I could only stand there and stare at his back as he disappeared into the darkness.