Chapter 4 - The Truth (Part 3)

[POV Kuromine]

"It's been a long time since I wore this jersey."

"Yes, it's been a long time. I think it's been since the first day Kuromine-kun came to this house."

After taking a bath. While talking to Hoshimiya, who was changing into pajamas, I looked down at the jersey I was wearing. It was Hoshimiya's father's shirt.

I'm not sure if it's because I've known Hoshimiya for so long or not, but this makes me feel a little nostalgic.

"Is it already one o'clock?"

I muttered, looking at the flower clock on the table.

After confronting the stalker, I naturally decided to call the police and have them come... ....

Then came the hard part. They dug up all sorts of things and asked the same questions over and over again. ...... When they asked me to call my guardian, I knew I was in big trouble.

My guardians are my grandparents, but they live far away from here in the country and keep their distance from me.

Well, it was late now, so I asked them to call the police.

And it was already too late when I found myself in the middle of the night.

I expected Hoshimiya's parents to come home quickly, but for some reason it was Mondo-san who came instead. Mondo-san was on an assignment in the neighboring prefecture, and he showed up sweating profusely. I guess he was really worried about her.

And maybe it was just my imagination, but I thought Hoshimiya looked like he was in pain with his head down when we talked about his parents.

I was released from the police station and sent home, and I was asked to stay at Hoshimiya's house for a while.


There was an indescribable silence in the room.

I sat on the floor in front of Hoshimiya, who was sitting on the bed, and sobbed.

No, I wasn't the only one who was upset.

Hoshimiya looked uncomfortable as well, turning her face away from me and curling her hair with her index finger.

Her cheeks were slightly rosy, probably because she had just finished bathing.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my right hand.


"Kuromine-kun! What's wrong?"

"No, my right hand suddenly hurt!"

"Let me see!"

Hoshimiya got off the bed in a panic and came under me.

She sat down and gently lifted my right hand with both hands and began to examine it.

"...... How?"

"It's flushed, isn't it?"

"Yes. ...... That's it?"

"Sorry. I don't even know what I'm looking at."

"Well, I don't think it matters. I practice regularly. ......"

"Practice ......"

"You never know what might happen in life, right? I practice so I can always protect Yono."

"......Yeah, you really love Harukaze-san, right? ............Haha."

I felt like she was forcing herself to smile.


We both looked closely at my right hand.

No doubt, our faces were close together. Hoshimiya's face was right in front of mine.


"...... What?"

"I apologize."


Before I could ask what his apology was for, Hoshimiya had already hugged me.

"Just ...... for now. Just ...... for now."

"Hoshimiya, what are you... doing?"

"I'll hold back. Kuromine-kun and Harukaze-san are in love with each other, and I know there's no room for me... ...... Besides, I also know that Kuromine-kun really likes Harukaze-san. ....."


"Because I want Kuromine-kun to be happy as soon as possible ...... so I want you to go see Harukaze-san."

"......I understand."

I listened to Hoshimiya's words.

"But you know, I can't forget about Kuromine-kun. While Kuromine-kun was away ..... I slept on Kuromine-kun's futon ......."

I can't say anything ....... but I know how she feels.

"No matter how much distance I put between us, I can't forget Kuromine-kun. ......And then I was attacked by a stalker and ....... I couldn't take it anymore....... I couldn't take it anymore............."


"Kuromine-kun, I like you ....... I love you, I love you very much......."

Hoshimiya held me tightly and repeated the words "I love you" in a whisper.

"There's a reason why ...... I'm not date with Yono."

"It was for my sake, wasn't it?"


"Then what?"

"Because I like Hoshimiya."


I wasn't sure if she understood what I was saying, but Hoshimiya looked up and met my eyes.

"I want Hoshimiya to be happier than everyone else."

"Well, that's..."

"I want to be by your side."

"By my side. ............."

Hoshimiya's cheeks turned red and she repeated my words as if chewing them.

"I want to live in this house with ....... Hoshimiya from now on."

I was so nervous that my words were choked.

Still, it seemed as if Hoshimiya could understand my thoughts and feelings. .......

"S-So, is this ...... a confession?"


I nodded silently. I couldn't say it out loud.

"You mean you want to go out with me?"


"Does that mean you want ...... to be my lover?"


"By 'lover' you mean a special relationship...!"

"What's wrong with you? You keep saying the same thing."

"Th... That's..."

Hoshimiya turned her eyes away from me and mumbled shyly.

I wonder if her cheerful side was triggered here.

"Will Harukaze-san ...... be okay?"

"It's not about Yono now. It's about us. I'm afraid to leave Hoshimiya alone. I don't know what to do."

"I have an unlucky constitution. ...... Well, that's probably true."

It's not every day that you're attacked by robbers and stalkers within a month ...... and then hit by a series of misfortunes.

It reminds me of the old saying: "If it happens twice, it will happen a third time.

"I want to stay with Hoshimiya ...... I just want to protect Hoshinomiya, that's all."

"Well, you want to protect ...... me?"

"Yes. ......."

"But, you know ...... Kuromine-kun is useless without me, right? He's sloppy and ....... I'm the one who wakes up Kuromine-kun every morning and cooks him dinner..."

"Yeah, I can't do it without Hoshimiya."

"I-I-I ........ m-understand......."

To Hoshimiya, whose face was so red that he could hallucinate, I said,

"I like you Hoshimiya. Please go out with me. ......"

"Is it okay if it's I'am? What about Harukaze-san..."

I shook my head from side to side, trying not to let Hoshimiya, who was blaming himself, finish her sentence.

"I told you before, but Yono has nothing to do with this. I'll say it again ...... please date me."

"K-Kuromine-kun, ......"

"I want to hear your answer, ......"

"............Y-Yes, then, um ...... yes. I'm looking forward to working with you. ......!"

Hoshimiya replied with a voice so small that it seemed to fade away.