Chapter 679

Name:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author:
Chapter 679

Harem Party Rosa’s Viewpoint

I am Rosa, a magician and adventurer.

Together, I am in the party with Blitz as our leader, Ran, another magician, and Grimos, a swordsman.

We work in various places and visit multiple places.

However, we were currently lost in the middle of nowhere.

“Where are we?” (Rosa)

“We’re lost.” (Ran)

“I’m sorry!” (Grimos)

Ran explained the situation to me, and for some reason, Grimos apologized.

“It’s not your fault, Grimos.” (Blitz)

“It’s my fault for suggesting to Blitz that we should go to another port town.” (Ran)

“No, I’m sure everyone had no objection to that.” (Blitz)

We were not lost in the royal capital, or in a town, or in a forest, but we lost our bearings in the world itself.


(T/N: Flashback.)

Our party often went to different places instead of settling in an area. After finishing our work in Mileela, we came to Crimonia through a tunnel with a stone statue of a bear, aiming for a new town. Then, after that incident, we traveled freely to the royal capital and various other places while earning money as we went.

Some time ago, we received commissions in the desert town. At that time, we met Yuna-chan, with whom we had defeated bandits in the town of Mileela.

At that time, we were happy and surprised to meet someone we knew so far away from home.

Her bears could move across the desert as well.

After reuniting with Yuna-chan and parting ways, we continued to visit various places, crossing deserts and moving from one town to another. Then we arrived at a large port town by the sea.

Unlike the town of Mileela, this port town was lively and crowded.

However, if the Kraken were to appear, it was quite possible that many of the people here would lose their jobs, be stranded on the roads, and go out of business.

Looking out at the sea, we started to miss the town of Mileela.

Since we travelled quite a distance, we decided to head back, so we asked people at the port about the route to Mileela, but the people here didn’t seem to know about Mileela at all.

It would have been nice if we could have taken a ship back to Mileela from here, but it did not seem like we could take the easy route back.

But the townsfolk did say that there were ships that went to other port towns.

“Those other port towns might know about the town of Mileela, so let’s go there.” (Blitz)

At Blitz’s suggestion, we boarded a merchant ship as an escort for the ship. We might as well earn money and get a free ride by escorting the ship.

We heard that there were pirates on the sea, but the chances of being attacked were slim. We thought it would be an easy job, but unfortunately, we were attacked by pirates.

For some reason, the ship we were escorting allowed the pirate ship to approach freely, and we had to fight the pirate ship to defend our ship.

To minimize damage to our ship while we were fighting, we decided to move the fight to the pirate ship by jumping to their ship.

Blitz and Grimos fought in the front, while Ran and I supported them from the rear lines with magic. The pirates flinched from our unexpected counterattack. To be fair, pirates were weak in terms of individual strength. The only advantage they had over us was their superior numbers.

However, being on a rocking ship was troublesome.

Running on a ship caused people to lose their balance. The same would happen when they wielded weapons because of the unstable ground they were on.

Ran and I were fine because we were just shooting magic from behind, but Blitz and Grimos were having a little trouble when they got on the ship.

We worked in tandem to ensure we took pirates out individually, reducing their number.

Just when we thought we could defend the merchant ship if we kept going, the merchant ship suddenly started to move away from the pirate ship, leaving us behind on the pirate ship.

By the time we realized it, it was already too late to jump over to the merchant ship.

We screamed, but the merchant ship left us and moved away from the pirate ship.

In a nutshell, they pushed the pirates toward us and ran away to save their skin.

Because with me...

“Let’s talk about the future some other time. It hasn’t been decided yet that we can’t go back.” (Blitz)

Blitz, who had no sense of the air, said something brainless.

I casually looked at the other side of the street and saw a girl dressed as a cute bear walking.

“Oh, I’m hallucinating Yuna-chan walking over there.” (Rosa)

It seemed I was mentally disturbed enough to hallucinate.

Yuna was a strange girl I met in the town of Mileela. She was dressed as a cute bear, but she was a strong girl.

I have seen many countries and cities, but I have never seen a girl dressed like that.

So I think I’m hallucinating.

“I am also seeing Yuna walking around.” (Ran)

Ran said while looking in the same direction.

It appeared that Ran was also tired and was hallucinating like me.

I wanted to see Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear. I would like to fluff them up. I would like to hug them.

That girl was holding an animal, a bear.

It felt like a bear was holding a bear.

“To me, it looks like Yuna herself.” (Grimos)

It appeared that even Grimos had finally started hallucinating.

There was no way Yuna-chan would end up in a place like this. After all, it was a place which we didn’t even know where it was located.

“We’re probably just tired. Let’s go rest at the inn.” (Rosa)

“No, that’s really Yuna, isn’t it?” (Blitz)

Even Blitz said something like that.

“Hey, you guys, look properly.” (Rosa)

I looked again at the person who resembled Yuna-chan.

She was dressed like a bear. Her costume with that slightly bulging belly... That cute-looking girl.

Before I realized, I was already running.

As I got closer, I could tell.

There was no doubt.

It was Yuna-chan.

“Oh, Yuna-chan~~~~~~!” (Rosa)

I hugged Yuna-chan.

“Rosa-san?” (Yuna)

“Wow, it’s Yuna-chan. It’s the real Yuna-chan.” (Rosa)

Yuna-chan looked at me with a surprised face.

It was definitely the Yuna-chan I knew.

Yuna-chan was puzzled, but she followed my lead and Ran, who noticed me hugging Yuna-chan, also hugged her.

“It’s really Yuna!” (Ran)

“Why are you two here?” (Yuna)

That should be my line.

Why was Yuna-chan here?

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