Chapter 693

Name:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author:
Thoughts of Each

*Knight A’s POV*

With information from the Adventurers’ Guild, we were on a monster-hunting mission.

Today, as usual, we were on the road to defeat a monster, but it turned out the monster had already been killed.

“An adventurer party passing by took down the monster.” (Village Chief)

“A party of adventurers?” (Knight)

“Yes. A party of four, one male and three females.” (Village Chief)

There were no more adventurers in the town that could subjugate monsters.

This was because the adventurers who used magic had become useless and left. Consequently, other adventurers also left. In their place, we were the ones who were subjugating the monsters.

So, as villagers said, that adventurer party must have just been passing by coincidently.

We headed for the next village, only to find that the same adventurer party had also dealt with the monsters there.

“An adventurer party passing by subjugated them?” (Knight)

“Yes.” (Village Chief)

Was it really a coincidence?

The captain remained silent as he thought about it.

Then he asked the man, “What kind of adventurers were they?”

“They were adventurers, one man and three women. When they heard that we were in trouble, they immediately went to defeat the monsters. We tried to thank them, but they said they had to leave the village as soon as they could.” (Village Chief)Ne/w novel chapters are published at

It was the same as in the previous village.

No doubt it was the same adventurer party.

They mentioned that a man and one woman were sword wielders, and the other two women were magicians.

“And also...” (Village Chief)

“What’s more?” (Knight)

“The three women seemed to have feelings for the man.” (Village Chief)

That last piece of information was insignificant to me.

But as a man, it was information that made me want to punch him in the face.

If we ever see them anywhere, we should humiliate him in front of the women.

And I would not let them get away with this, for snatching the monsters we were supposed to be hunting down.

After that, we continued on our way to hunt monsters, but we never encountered any.

*Gatekeeper’s POV*

The Guild Master of Adventurers’ Guild asked me to take care of the new adventurers, so we had to keep an eye on the comings and goings of the town to ensure that the new adventurers could come back at any moment.

The worst thing that could happen would be that the new adventurers and the knights would run into each other. While doing our jobs, we monitored the Knights’ movement inside and outside the town to ensure they didn’t run into those adventurers.

As we stood at the entrance to the town, the knights returned to the town.

“What’s with those adventurers!” (Knight Captain)

“What are we going to report to our Lord?” (Knight)

The knights came in, annoyed.

“Just tell him what happened.” (Knight Captain)

“But Captain...” (Knight)

“Besides, since monsters were eliminated near this town, the chances of them coming to this town’s Adventurers’ Guild are high. You guys go to the Adventurers’ Guild after this and check on them.” (Knight Captain)

“Yes.” (Knight)

Apparently, they were unable to defeat the monsters.

That meant that those adventurers succeeded in getting there first.

That was a pleasant surprise.

As I was laughing in my heart, one of the knights approached me.

“Hey, have any adventurers come to this town?” (Knight Captain)

“Don’t you all know very well that adventurers who know about this town would never come here? Even if they did, they would only come to escort the merchants. Even then, they would immediately leave for another place.” (Gatekeeper)

“That’s true.” (Knight Captain)

I was lying.

I was not going to tell them the truth.

“If you doubt me, why don’t you ask the Adventurers’ Guild? If an adventurer came to this town without knowing anything, they would probably go to the Adventurers’ Guild.” (Gatekeeper)

Normally, I would see emotions such as fear, anger, and more in a person’s eyes, which speak louder than words.

But that bear girl was different.

Usually, when you wave a sword around, people become frightened or even hesitant to approach you.

But her eyes were neither frightened nor puzzled.

It was filled with observations.

She was observing me, what kind of attack I was going to make, as well as what kind of habits I had, she seemed to be looking into every minute detail.

The girl dodged my attacks smoothly. At first, I went easy on her, but she was so good that I got mad and attacked her with all my might, but it still didn’t hit her.

What surprised me the most was that she saw through my attack and started parrying it with a small knife.

The girl also said, “If you know the flow of power, it’s easy to counter.”

No, there was no way someone could do such a trick so easily. Moreover, just by looking at their target for a moment,

It was as if I were fighting a veteran adventurer who had fought and survived many life-threatening battles.

A first-rate adventurer must be able to sense danger, immediately spot an opponent’s weaknesses, and win the fight.

A young girl of no more than a few years of age should not be able to do that.

That alone was already an impressive feat, but she could also use magic.

I could understand what Blitz and the others said about them being no match for this young lady.

So I understand how she arrived in this town, along with that girl Noire.

I didn’t know where they came from, but the world was big.

If Yuna had been here earlier, this town could have been saved much earlier too.

*Rosa’s POV*

We returned after finishing our work on subduing monsters. Of course, it was impossible for us to fulfill all the requests, both in terms of the number of people and the time available. Therefore, we only completed the requests that were near the town.

Carla-san told us that the knights tended to defeat monsters from nearby places. Therefore, we anticipated where the knights would confront the monsters and went there ahead of them to kill monsters.

“I haven’t slept in bed in a long time.” (Rosa)

“I need a bath.” (Ran)

As we approached the entrance to the town, the gatekeeper ran up to us.

“Hey, don’t carelessly approach the town. I hope no knights are patrolling outside.” (Gatekeeper)

“Yeah, we’re fine. We checked the perimeter as we approached.” (Blitz)

The Guild Master told us not to be noticed by the knights.

We were wearing hoods so that we would not be recognized as adventurers from a distance.

“We’ll take care of the horses, so get in quickly.” (Gatekeeper)

We thanked him and entered the town. We took a less crowded street and headed for the Adventurers’ Guild.

We entered the guild through the back door.

We were told to enter the Adventurers’ Guild through the back door, as there was a possibility that someone might be monitoring the guild from the front.

Once inside the Adventurers’ Guild, a guild employee silently led us to Carla-san.

“Welcome back.” (Carla)

“We’re back.” (Blitz)

“What can I do for you?” (Carla)

“We’ve taken care of the monsters in the area.” (Blitz)

“Excellent.” (Carla)

We reported on the monsters we’ve slain.

“This many?” (Carla)

“Compared to Yuna-chan, this is nothing.” (Blitz)

“Who is that girl really? She’s not only dressed like a bear, but she’s carrying a bear with her as well.” (Carla)

“We don’t know why she’s dressed like that either. As I recall, she said she had the blessing of the bears or something.” (Rosa)

“She likes bears.” (Ran)

Ran added as well as if that were the only answer she could come up with.

Well, Yuna was dressed like a bear. She also had two bears with her, Yuna-chan’s house in Crimonia was shaped like a bear, and the store Yuna-chan owned was full of bears.

Ran’s conclusion was not strange. After all, that made more sense than being told that bears blessed Yuna.

“Well, we’ve been asked to work with her a few times, and we’ve heard rumors about her.” (Rosa)

I said, and Ran and Blitz continued.

“But I can tell you that Yuna-chan is a very strong and gentle girl, just like she looks. But she can be terrifying when she’s angry, so be careful.” (Blitz)

“...Yeah.” (Ran)

Monsters or people, if they provoked Yuna-chan, she would retaliate in full power.

But she was a kind girl who would lend a hand if someone was in trouble.

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