Chapter 705

Name:Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear Author:
Chapter 705

Bear-San Fights Bellung Part 3

“How do we bring him back to his senses!” (Yuna)

I asked as I avoided Bellung’s attack.

Bellung was not in his right mind. His instincts probably dictated that anyone taking Ronne from him was his enemy. Thoughts of Primme disappeared from his mind as well, so his restraints had been removed.

“Now that Bellung has become like this, he will not stop until he runs out of magic power. The magic power is currently being drained from the residents and transferred to Ryan through me.” (Ronne)

Ronne held her chest and replied in pain.

“So what happened last time?” (Yuna)

“That time Ryan managed to stop Bellung by cutting off the supply of magic power on his end.” (Ronne)

But Ryan was currently sleeping in the basement, so I couldn’t ask him to do that.

“Can’t Ronne stop him?” (Yuna)

If Ryan could, there was a chance that Ronne in the middle of it could stop him, too.

“I’m sorry. I used to be able to, but now I’m being forcibly siphoned of my magic.” (Ronne)

All of this was probably done by the magic circles on Bellung’s body, right?

Bellung’s body had magic circles drawn on it and even magic stones embedded in it.

Those magic circles seemed to be related to how Bellung was able to siphon the local residents’ magic power.

“So, it won’t stop until the magic power of the people in this town is depleted.” (Yuna)

Until the magic power of the residents depletes...

“Does that mean that the residents will continue to be siphoned off of their magic power even after they collapse?” (Yuna)

That would not be good.

I collapsed when I used up all my magic power when defeating the Kraken.

In the Land of Wa, Sakura and Ruimin used their magic power to strengthen the serpent’s seal; at the end, both were on the verge of losing consciousness and collapsing.

If Bellung could continue to rob residents of their magic power even after they lost consciousness...

I didn’t even want to imagine it.

When Bellung held up his hand, a tornado was created and headed for me, engulfing the surrounding area.

I created a tornado as well. The two tornadoes collided, making grass, stones, and other debris fly into the air.

Just as I noticed that the ground was shaking, countless spears shot out from the ground and attacked me.

I avoided them and ran.

I sent him a wind blade, but Bellung also countered with the same attack, nullifying each other out.

Bellung could still detect that an attack was approaching him.

I tried to close in on him after the wind blades were nullified.

My hands were covered with electric current.

This time, the electric current I was using was far stronger than what I use to paralyze people.

If it hit him, he might die.

Even so, I had to stop Bellung here.

Bellung retreated backwards as if to escape.

Perhaps afraid of the unknown magic, electric magic, Bellung did not want me to approach him.

But I, who had bear equipment, chased after Bellung, who was running away. The distance between us was getting shorter and shorter.

Soon enough, we were in melee range.

Bellung’s mithril sword and Bear puppet collided.

“What the heck? That glove...” (Bellung)

Bellung muttered to himself, but I didn’t answer. In Bellung’s mind, he shelved the thought of keeping me alive to further study Primme.

He wanted only to get rid of the obstacle in front of him.

His mithril sword was about to strike me.

I created a bear out of the ground, but the earth bear was cut down.

The mithril sword was glowing.

A magic infused mithril sword!

Bellung used his weapon to destroy my bear magic attacks.

I took out my mithril knife and parried Bellung’s sword, which threw Bellung off balance. I kicked Bellung with the sole of my foot.

As a result, Bellung was blown away and rolled on the ground from my kick.

“Haah, haah.” (Bellung)

There was no time for him to catch his breath.

Bellung had been fighting me too hard, and now he was paying the price for it.

There was no opposition from Ran and Grimos, so the moment I was about to head for the mansion, I was struck by the sensation of something being sucked out of my body.

The strength left my body, and I fell to my knees.

“What?” (Rosa)

Not only me but everyone else fell on their knees as well.

“Is our magic power being siphoned away?” (Rosa)

“How? I thought we already destroyed the devices that take away magic power.” (Ran)

Ran and I have a lot of magic power, so we felt discomfort.

“But I can clearly feel magic power getting drained from my body.” (Rosa)

It was like the feeling after using a large amount of magic.

It was difficult to put into words, but only the sensation of reduced magic power remained.

“Hey, what is going on here? Wasn’t the towers the source that takes away magic power?” (Blitz)

Blitz stood up and asked the knights who were tied up, but they were also suffering.

“I don’t know, man. But there must have been something else here to take away the magic power, since the Lord sometimes did things on his own. We don’t know where that might be either. That means he never trusted us, either.” (Knight)

The man replied in pain.

So all we did was for nothing?

“But why are you all also getting your magic power siphoned off?” (Blitz)

“The only place that is not siphoned of magic is the compound where the mansion is located.” (Knight)

So that’s why magic power was siphoned from residents in the middle of the night.

If the knights stayed in the mansion, they would not have their magic power siphoned off.

“But why would he drain magic from us now?” (Rosa)

“The most likely explanation is Yuna. Maybe they needed the magic power to give it to their Lord or the knights in the mansion.” (Blitz)

That means Yuna-chan was fighting alone.

“Can you guys move?” (Blitz)

I said after standing up, “I can move somehow.”

Grimos replied, “I’m okay too.”

“I can move, but I don’t think I can fight.” (Ran)

Ran checked the magic power in her body.

I also checked my magic power, but it was drained significantly.

“Then I’ll go alone.” (Blitz)

“Don’t be ridiculous, you’re going by yourself?” (Rosa)

“I can’t leave the two who can’t use magic. So, Grimos, you take care of them.” (Blitz)

Grimos nodded, seemingly satisfied with the reason for Blitz’s instructions.

But I was worried about letting Blitz go alone, and I was also concerned about Yuna-chan.

“I’ll go with you.” (Rosa)

“But you are...” (Blitz)

“I have some magic stones I could use, so I can still muster a fight.” (Rosa)

I should be able to use magic stones to restore my magic power for a little while.

“I won’t slow you down. Besides, once we’re on mansion grounds, we won’t be drained of our magic power anymore.” (Rosa)

“...I understand. But just promise me you’ll run away if you see any danger.” (Blitz)

“Okay.” (Rosa)

Just as Blitz and I were about to go to the mansion.


Ran called my name and tossed me a small bag.

I accepted the small bag and looked inside.

“What’s this?” (Rosa)

Inside the small bag were magic stones.

“I’m going to stay here, take it with you.” (Ran)

“Thank you.” (Rosa)

I gratefully accepted it.

“You two, meet up with the Guild Master.” (Blitz)

“Okay.” (Ran)

We split up and started moving towards our goal.

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