"I need to find Syna first, then I will personally apologise to Jade."

Sinclair knew that it was not the right moment to chase after Jade because the lady was going through an emotional ride due to her second pregnancy and would not understand a thing, or perhaps she should forgive him?

Sinclair rolled the cuffs of his black shirt upto the elbow tucking it neatly inside the fold, before he could leave the cabin.

"I should ask someone from that floor."

The Lord picked up his cellphone and glanced at Syna's, which was resting near the tea cup.

"This silly little thing, you have caused me much trouble today!"

Indeed Syna gave him a lot of hectic day, Sinclair was on the edge of dying out of worry because the Lord acknowledged it clearly, many enemies were out there, after her life, knowing that the naive bride was his Achilles heel, although once the couple had shared intimacy and Sinclair had already marked her. 

The lord crept out of the cabin, the bleak paint of the walls outside his cabin was clearly resembling his inner battle and troubling mind,  while his hands were still slightly trembling.

His mind was still occupied with various things humming and buzzing in his mind, Sinclair's irregular pace of walking proved the confusion and anxiety within him, the lord nearly leaped towards the elevator and pressed the button to the desired floor.

"Be safe, Syna. Hold on until I arrive."

Unknown of her whereabouts, Sinclair could feel her mixed emotions, a bit insecurity and hope, two contrasts at same moment made him more confused regarding what was going on with her.

The metal walls of the elevator were sucking him, suffocating his heart and compressing the mind, Sinclair wasn't able to think straight let alone coming up with a plan. The machine stopped on the floor and opened its mouth wide open, Sinclair MacLaverty dashed out of the elevator with a worry creased expression worn over face or perhaps it was genuine, who knows.

Sinclair saw a male employee coming towards his direction, his head terribly buried in the blue file while he settled his glasses on the tip of his nose. The Lord felt something loosening or relaxing within his body, for the first time he didn't care about his appearance, rolled cuffs and unkempt hair, or reputation, that the CEO lunged forward and grabbed the man in his mid thirties by forearm. 

"C- CEO Sinclair? I- I was coming to you with this…"

The startled man didn't know what to say, he stuttered while forming his words, on the top seeing Sinclair's troublesome face having two horizontal lines greeting his forehead, a fright attack hit the poor soul.

"Cut the crap, I'm not checking the file yet. Have you seen Miss Jade's secretary, her name is Chloe, the girl with some strangely funny vanilla dye?"

Sinclair pointed out towards his own blonde hair to which the employee shifted his eyes.

"Err, yes, sir, she is still in the reception with Adriana and other ladies."

The man did his job well, might get him some bonus or promotion for saving the CEO's beloved mate.

Sinclair rushed towards the main hall and confronted Chloe, who was shamelessly laughing with Adriana.

"Where the hell you left, Syna? Drop the drama and exaggeration, just tell me where you left her?"

Sinclair's sharp tongue and stern words made the ladies go numb in their positions along with an inwardly rage, how could they bear the mighty and most loved CEO of the Sydney, worrying  about some mere secretary.

"Err, CEO Sinclair, I left Miss Syna around the record room, after that I don't know where she went. Oh my goodness! Did she step into that room which has a broken lock?"

Chloe gasped at once, the sly fox knew how to form reasonable words that would bring her out of the mess she had deliberately created, all by herself to take revenge on Syna. If the lady had applied to some acting agency, she would have surpassed every single female contestant in faking emotions and giving real life expressions. 

Sinclair turned around immediately to rush towards the elevator, the knight needed to run as fast as he could to rescue his bride. Although, the CEO was fully aware of the culprit and mastermind behind the scene, Sinclair acknowledged that Chloe and Adriana were merely a pawn in the whole game.


Sinclair shouted as soon as he stepped into the corridor which mainly had the record of the files and previous documents, hoping that Syna would hear his voice and respond to his call.

"Miss Syna, can you hear us?" 

Chloe and Adriana had followed Sinclair to the floor, the ladies started to yell out loud, pretending to help Sinclair in finding Syna.

"Miss Syna, please respond where are you?"

Adriana shouted with an evil grin, yet the lady was satisfied with what Chloe had done to Syna.

"Oh my goodness! Did Miss Syna faint in any of these rooms?"

Chloe covered her mouth with both hands, while she tried to show her worry and conscience for Syna.

'Someone please hand over her an oscar!'

Adriana muttered to herself, rolling her eyes at her over reacting, indeed the bitches had joined hands but unknowingly they had stepped closer to a terrible death.

'You slut, you are just lucky today that CEO Sinclair sensed your absence!'

Chloe clenched her fists and scorned over the thought, unbeknownst that the CEO she had adored since years, along with every lady in the conglomerate was already taken and marked by Syna Rhys.

"But if thee simply folds thy arms in a clasp; I shall break all thy chains tonight; and make thee a man ready for a furies judgement; do not look in this soul to see a girl thee held before…"

"That girl fell many moons ago; a woman and now a ghost I walk alone; I cared once but now I be scorned; enter my room with care wary explorer; for I can change your pleasures to sheer frights; cries of pain; cries of red tears; I be a nimbus echoing thy most silent fears!"