Chapter 952 Decision (1)

Name:Legacy of the Dark Sage Author:
Chapter 952 Decision (1)

In truth, Kyran wanted to say that he had an inkling the King, mentioned in the Lament of the King, and the Dark Sage might be the same person. However, because there were far too many missing points in the tablet copies he was studying, it was hard to support his theory.

Ames knitted her brows as she looked at Kyran.

"How did you come up with that? Did the tablet mention anything that connected the two of them?"

Kyran shook his head, "I can't say for sure. As you said, the copies are missing something fundamental. That's why there are entries that did not make sense to me. The only reason I said they might be connected is that there was a part in one of the tablets that explained an item in the King's possession that was coveted by a lot of powerful individuals. There was also an entry that talked about this item. However, because the tablets are copies, there were entries that did not make sense."

"I told you so," Ames snorted at Kyran's lack of trust in his own great-grandmother. "Ancient runes are also magic runes. They are alive. Which is why, only when you can read them within the tablets can you fully understand their meanings."

Kyran did not refute Ames. Instead, he said, "I want to see the tablets and continue researching on this matter." But then he paused and heaved a sigh, "However, I can't do that now. There are things I have to do first."

Ames did not say anything. She more or less guessed what Kyran was referring to.

At the moment, the situation in Somuli might appear to have quieted down. But in truth, they were only granted a short respite. There were still the consequences of Kyran's action, particularly in killing Flos and Obstruction, that hung around them like an invisible blade.

Fortunately, Axil and her fellow faction members were on top of things, confirming the situation in all the planes under Flos and Destruction.

Ames suddenly thought of something as she said, "I kind of understand that you are worried about the inhabitants of those planes if other Sovereigns did come and wage war on each other just to win over the ownership of those planes. But don't you think this is also a good thing?"

Kyran's expression turned cold as he looked at Ames. He did not say anything, but his expression suggested that he understood what she meant and that he did not like where she was coming from. Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

Ames returned his cold look as she continued, "Don't give me that look. There is an ancient saying that says: You can't win them all.

"In this case, you wanted to stop the War of the Sovereigns, but in the current state of the Lower Realm, it would be impossible to do so. But if you let those Sovereigns wage war on one another, and those planes were caught in the middle of the fight, the number of planes in the Lower Realm would go down. When that happened—."

"Stop while I'm still asking nicely," Kyran cut her midsentence. His tone was actually quite respectful, albeit a little curt. But the coldness emitted by his eyes was still present and seemed to have intensified by the second.

Ames's eyes flashed dangerously as she looked at him. If he had been any other cheeky brat, she would have already killed him already. But because he still sounded respectful, even when his spoken words implied anything but respectful, she chose to stay her hand.

"Don't overthink it," Kyran interrupted Ames once more. He then said, "I did not say I would fight them myself because I can't."

Though it annoyed him, the fact that he could not create an essence to send to different locations at the same time hindered him from fighting Sovereigns that could pose a threat to his own life.

At least, if he could send an essence, he would not be worried about dying if his essence was killed off. Although he would suffer a repercussion when his essences were killed off, it was better than dying.

In any case, Kyran had other options to deal with the Sovereigns. But at the moment, he could not make full use of them. Not to mention, Ames was jumping too far ahead by overthinking what he would do. After all, they had yet to confirm if Flos's and Obstruction's planes were truly in a dire situation after losing their Sovereign.

"Right now, I am still considering my next steps. Besides," Kyran's expression turned solemn as he remembered Deus. "Your realm already knows about me. Or at least about the existence of the Shaiha. I have to prepare for that as well."

Ames fell silent. When her father allowed her to leave, she promised not to do anything in the Lower Realm. However, she had done things that could pose a threat to the Dragon Clan, especially when she decided to kill someone from the Higher Realm who was searching for Kyran.

As if sensing what Ames was thinking, Kyran added, "We also have to make sure the Dragon Clan is not implicated with my situation."

"The Emperor already suspects our involvement."

"There is no proof."

"The fact that you can turn yourself into a human-shaped dragon is a big giveaway."

"Not when I reveal I'm an Ancient magic user."

Ames's eyes widened as she stared at him, "You! Don't you dare reveal anything about that!"

"It is fine."

"No, it is not."

"At most, they will know that the Ancient magic user has appeared once again in the Lower Realm. But before they can do anything to me, I'll divert their attention by showing up in another location as the Void Master."

Ames frowned, "You intend to let them think there is a new Dragon Lord and a Void Master?"