Chapter 971 The Cause of the Fall (4)

Name:Legacy of the Dark Sage Author:
Chapter 971 The Cause of the Fall (4)

Alastor's expression darkened after he heard someone speak while not seeing the automaton before him open its mouth.

While automatons could talk without moving their lips depending on the design of their outer frame, the intricate design of the one before him suggested that it could speak through its mouth with no difficulty. He also sensed the voice did not come from the automaton but from someone else.

Alastor would not have thought too much about who spoke just now if not for something he said.

Void Halfling.

The first word alone would have piqued anyone's interest in an instant. Add that to the word halfling, and knowing what it meant, it was no wonder why Alastor's expression turned dark. Moreover, he and his colleagues were aware of the existence of a human possessing the Void core, which happened to be the same one Ruin was very interested in. There was also the matter of Flos's and Destruction's deaths, which they already assumed to be that person's doing.

What were the odds that the human possessing the Void core be in the same plane as the one who possessed the Draconic core?

Alastor initially did not think much of it because the former had been seen going around different planes before through the Tower of Tribulations. It would not be strange for him to have been assigned to Somuli for training.

Was it possible that the Void Halfling mentioned by the one who spoke just then was different from the human the Coven were keeping an eye out for?


A human, or any being at that, could use Void magic only if he or she possessed the Void core.

Considering this point, then the person who spoke and referred to someone as Void Halfling could only be referring to the same person.

Now, this was not really a problem. But the thing was, they were talking about the human with the Draconic core and the Heart of the Cosmos. Why was the human with the Void core suddenly brought up?

Honestly, even if this question swirled in Alastor's head, he more or less knew the answer already. It was just that he was having a hard time accepting the truth, especially because Ames's remark that the current situation was not that simple would hold true.

Ames sensed Alastor's apprehension and sighed inwardly. She could almost read what was running through the latter's mind. To prevent him from coming up with strange ideas, she decided to explain Kyran's situation.

"You probably realized why I said the situation is not that simple," she started.

Alastor snapped out of his reverie and looked at Ames. Judging from his grim expression, he more or less realized the whole truth.

"The Emperor wanting to capture the human because of the Heart of the Cosmos and the Draconic core can still be managed," Alastor supplied, confirming Ames's thoughts. "However, if the human also possessed the Void core... it is in our best interest to ensure The Emperor doesn't find out."

Ames nodded her head, "Yes. Among the Four Ancient Magic Cores, the Void core is the sole core that could not be implanted into another being."

He looked at Ames with a slight nod, "You don't have to worry about leaking confidential information."

Ames frowned, "Why would you, The Cove, do such a thing? Aren't you afraid that by allowing the inhabitants of the Lower Realm to learn of that lost history, the balance between the two realms would start to shift?"

"We are afraid, naturally," Alastor admitted. "However, we believe that the next War of the Sovereigns could be diverted only by doing this."

"That is reckless," Ames growled in anger. Still, since it had already happened, she could do nothing to undo it.

"Wait," Nachum could no longer remain silent and spoke up. "You mean the War of the Sovereigns could be diverted?"

"Kyran mentioned something about it. He said..." Cyneah's voice trailed off as she contemplated what she could and could not say. After a short pause, she continued, "...that person told him a way to stop the War. But he would have to help with that person's request."

The few of Kyran's Servants attending the discussion knew at once who their mistress was referring to— Layla.

Frankly, they had almost forgotten that that woman requested their master's help. They did not know what the request was about but did not doubt their mistress's words. If there were one person their master would not hesitate to confide delicate topics with, it would be their mistress.

Ames and Alastor obviously noticed how Cyneah avoided leaking information about that person. She did not even use any gender-specific words to call that person.

However, the two did not pursue the matter, believing they would eventually know who that person was.

"But that is a matter for later," Cyneah continued. "Right now, we have to discuss how to assist Kyran, am I right?"

This was the real reason she replied to Nachum's question. It was not to feed their discussion with new information but to redirect them to their initial topic.

True Void's comment about Ames's implanted remark truly piqued their interest, and they wanted to understand what they meant, but at the end of the day, they could talk about that another time. Kyran's situation, on the other hand, was still happening, and the more they dwelled on Ames's remark, the longer they could come up with a way to assist him.

"Yes, of course," Alastor agreed. Glad to find someone sensible among the people in the hall. If the topic of the lost history of the Lower Realm continued, he did not know what the Fates would have done.

"Now that I am aware of the human's identity and why the situation could not be taken lightly, we need to find them fast," he continued and looked at Ames.

"About the current situation of the Dragon Clan in the Higher Realm, it is only my guess. But if we can confirm it and know if they can or cannot provide reinforcements...?"

Ames shook her head at once, "I don't think it is wise to contact them at this moment. Instead, I'll call on them."

Even if Ames did not mention who she was referring to, Neo, Kyran's Servants, and True Void seemed to have guessed who were.

"Y-You don't mean... them, right?"