Chapter 940

Name:Legend of Valoran Author:Mo Yi Zu
His body fell uncontrollably into the abyss, and Ye Feng could not move under the magic suppression of a number of mages, and he did not even have the opportunity to operate his strength to resist.

The whistling cold wind is like the cry of a fierce ghost, whistling in Ye Feng's ear. His falling body quickly passes a group of frost guards who stay on the rock wall with ropes.

Passing by the mage who had been unable to see his face clearly before, Ye Feng finally saw the face of the mage.

In the moment of seeing clearly, Ye Feng mumbled to himself the name of the Mage: "Cathy?"

Shocked in the heart, Ye Feng did not expect that he and Cathy meet again in this way.

Hearing Ye Feng calling out her name, Cathy's heart thumped. She took off her hood and saw Ye Feng before she disappeared from her sight.

Ye Feng? The name of Ye Feng flashed through her mind, and Cathy's pupil was slightly lax. She watched her fall into the clouds formed by cold air.

At this time, one of the mages in the team asked, "mage, how should we go next?"

Smell speech, Cathy shook her head, no longer want to be shot down by them down the abyss of Ye Feng. Although they feel a little wrong with Ye Feng, they also shot down Ye Feng in order to protect the secret of the tribe.

"Come with me, every step will be very dangerous. You should be prepared to sacrifice for the tribe at any time."

At the same time, Ye Feng, who fell deeper into the sea, was in a terrible situation, but in his panic, he was surprised to find that the suppression of the frost guard mage on him had disappeared.

Without suppression, Ye Feng, who majored in wind sword, slowed down his fall speed in mid air with the help of wind sword Qi.

The falling speed slows down, and Ye Feng looks around, trying to find a place to settle down.

But now he has fallen into the depths of the cold and misty surrounding him, which has seriously affected his vision.

After an anxious search, Ye Feng finally found a step standing out of the cliff in sight.

As soon as his eyes were fixed, Ye Feng no longer forced the sword Qi of the wind to slow down the falling speed, but with the help of his falling inertia, he dived to the gravel steps within sight.


Landing safely, Ye Feng breathed a long breath of relief. Just as he was about to explore his surroundings, the cold air penetrated through his wind shield and penetrated into his body.

He was so excited by the cold that Ye Feng looked at the wind shield without any cracks on his face. He was puzzled how the cold air penetrated into his body without destroying the wind shield.

With the sound of continuous collision between lips and teeth, Ye Feng can only transform the magic power of stars and the magic of the moon into pure healing power, relieving the cold air that can freeze him into ice.

His sight was blocked by the cold air and mist. Except for the cave with the steps against the stone wall, Ye Feng could not find an effective way to leave the abyss for a time.

"It's deeper than where I fell last time..."

He murmured to himself, and Ye Feng's expression was very embarrassed. If he had not stepped on the gravel to attract the attention of those mages, he would not have fallen into the abyss.

Helpless, Ye Feng had to walk into the cave, looking for a way out of here.

Stepping into the cave, Ye Feng obviously felt that the cold air that could penetrate the wind shield deepened, and the murmur of the watcher came from the deeper part of the cave.

Fortunately, the tears of the goddess protected his mind, otherwise Ye Feng would not only face the invasion of cold, but also face the influence of the watcher's whispering on his mind.

The deeper we go into the caves, the colder the wind is.

"Ha Ha Chou... "

He shivered uncontrollably, and Ye Feng nervously looked around, for fear that the entrance of the cave would be filled with terror because of his movements.

As time goes on, Ye Feng's body is gradually covered with a thin layer of ice. If it goes on like this, sooner or later he will be frozen into ice sculpture.

His poor healing magic had little effect, trying to find a way to resist the cold, Ye Feng's anxiety was all written on his face.

Gradually forget how long has passed, the nerve of leaf wind becomes a bit confused under the invasion of cold.

Before he was frozen into an ice sculpture, he was about to faint. A blazing temperature came from the front not far away.

Although the hot temperature to his side has been very weak, but the wind is still weak in the weak warm current.

With the stimulation of the warm current, Ye Feng found a body in an ice blue robe in front of the entrance of the cave, and many objects were scattered beside the body.

Approaching the corpse, Ye Feng found a crystal ball emitting faint yellow light in those scattered objects.

Lower the body to pick up the crystal ball, Ye Feng's cold air gushes all over the body with the warm current in the palm of his hand, and dissipates.

Put away this crystal ball that can help him resist the cold, and Ye Feng immediately looks at the corpse. He reached out his hand and touched the corpse. There was still some residual temperature on the body. It was obvious that he had not died long ago.Looking at his ice blue robe, Ye Feng can basically confirm that this corpse is one of the mages who went down to the abyss.

It's just one thing that makes Ye Feng wonder, that is, he fell deeper than the mage who guarded the tribe. Why did the mage who still had Yu Wen on his body arrived here before him.

When Ye Feng pondered over why, the deeper part of the cave echoed a series of tragic wails.

Hearing this series of screams, Ye Feng's nerves entered a state of high alert. In a flash, he disappeared in the same place. When Ye Feng reappeared, he was already in a relatively open underground grotto area.

As soon as he came in, Ye Feng's eyes were stimulated by the shining magic crystal.

"Pour all your ice power into the crystal, even if you are dead, you will press him back!"

Familiar voice into the ear, although Ye Feng can't open his eyes, but he still recognized that this is Cathy's voice.

The shrill screams and magic explosions are heard all the time. The rumbling stones fly and the ground collapses and vibrates. Ye Feng runs his sword with all his strength to resist the terrible magic of this space.

A little adapted to the strong light here, Ye Feng half open an eye, want to see what happened here.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw an extremely tragic and frightening picture.

A large number of frost guard clan mages fell in a pool of blood, leaving only a few physically broken mages and chief mage Cathy standing in front of each other's magic crystal.

In the center of the magic crystal, a blue tentacle that emits this cold breath frantically beats the barrier boundary formed by the magic crystal.

At the next moment, the blue tentacle pierced the boundary, freezing all mages except Cathy into ice crystals.

With a sudden wave, the blue tentacles split the bodies of the mages frozen into ice.

Seeing Cathy dying, she closed her eyes in despair and could not bear to look directly at the tentacle who had sentenced her to death.

At that time, in the shock back to the God of the Ye Feng moved. Before the tentacle wrapped around Cathy, Ye Feng first took Cathy's right hand and took it into her arms and ran away in the distance.

After Ye Feng fled with Cathy, the tentacles in the rear did not choose to pursue. Instead, they dragged the bodies one by one into the ground to absorb the residual frost power from them.

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