Chapter 1197

Name:Legend of Valoran Author:Mo Yi Zu
Knowing that Ye Feng will soon go to the main mainland, although Sarah is reluctant, but still expressed support.

Like sylvier, Sara also inquired about Ye Feng's experience during this period. After learning about his experience, Sara went to buy a lot of ingredients in order to make him a big bill Gewert dish before he left.

Full of motivation, she cooked more than a dozen Bill's dishes, and she invited Ye Feng to the table.

After a full meal, Sarah cleared up her plate and said with a smile, "stay with me today. Wood, you're in one room, and we're in three rooms."

Hearing Sara say that they live in one room, Ye Feng frowns and says, "is it too crowded for you three to live in one room?"

"Why You want to sleep with one of us? " Sara seems to be gentle smile hidden a trace of cunning, see Ye Feng some do not know how to answer.

Seeing that he didn't reply, Sarah said vaguely, "don't worry, wood, we three girls can sleep well, and we can talk about whispering among girls at night. Of course, if you want, I can't think of a room with you, a room for shivell and Fiona."

One side of Fiona smell speech, do not wait for Ye Feng to reply, she one step denied the proposal: "Ye Feng, you sleep alone, we three girls sleep in a room, it's OK!"

Sylvier is also a will get together to Ye Feng body of Sara to drag back: "yes, I also want to exchange with Sarah tonight the little secret between girls."

Just now Sara had the opportunity to make love with Ye Feng in front of them. Now, sylvier doesn't want this to happen again.

At the same time, Fiona also turned cold, deliberately warning Ye Feng with her eyes.

By Fiona such a stare, Ye Feng how dare to continue to stay here, he hastened to hum: "mm-hmm That's settled. Oh I'm a little tired. I'll go to another room to have a rest first! "

Looking at Ye Feng's fleeing figure, Sarah shook her head with a smile: "it's a pity."

Looking at Sara, who was cleaning up the table again, shivell murmured, "Sarah, you are a little too close to Ye Feng in front of us!"

"Hum!" Fiona also snorted, expressing her dissatisfaction with Sarah.

Sarah didn't care, but also deliberately stimulated their nerves: "cluck, cluck You dare not, blame me again

When she was so hostile, the two girls turned red. In this respect, they really didn't let Sarah go.

Just as they wanted to get back, Sarah had packed the table and went downstairs. When Sara comes back again, they are not interested in continuing.

However, he remembered Ruiwen's instructions to her and said, "Sarah, Ye Feng's sister Ruiwen said that she would like to see you. Would you like to go to presidian with us tomorrow to see Ye Feng's sister Ruiwen?"

As soon as this is said, Fiona also looks at Sarah.

"I'm afraid not these days. I have to urge the shipbuilders at the port to build according to my standards. When the ship is finished, I'll take the time to see Ruiwen."

Casually perfunctory, Sarah does not want to see Ruiwen this murderer.

Sylvier stares at Sara suspiciously, feeling that Sara is hiding something from her. But after thinking for a long time, there was no conclusion. She had to seriously say, "well, you must come to see Ruiwen in a few days. I promise she will take you there."



The next day, Ye Feng is ready to return to sorakana and go to the main continent as soon as possible to take avina to the dragon people for treatment.

He and Fiona, who had planned to go back with Ye Feng, temporarily cancelled their plan to return to presidian and wanted to stay with Sara for a few more days.

Ye Feng naturally has no opinion. When he goes on the road alone, he also directly uses the wind Kendo of demigod level to promote the speed to the extreme.

Before long, Ye Feng returned to the depth of the College of mind.

Noticing his return, Soraka, sitting in the middle of the array, said with a smile, "has your private affairs been dealt with so quickly?"

Ye Feng nodded slightly: "well, Lord Soraka, I want to go to the main continent early to save sister ivena!"

Seeing what he said, Soraka blinked her starlit eyes and ordered Aoxing to take him to the one-way teleportation array guarded by verus.

By teleporting the array back to the mountain where Leona and panson are stationed, Ye Feng meets Bobbi again.

Under the leadership of Bobbi, Ye Feng finds the camp where Diana lives according to his memory. He happens to Meet Diana standing outside the camp and trading things with Nell, the high priest and pharmacist.

"Diana, Nell!"

He went up and said hello to the two girls. When they heard the sound of his coming back, they were stunned and then showed a color of joy.

"Ye Feng!"


After chatting with the second daughter, Ye Feng also told them that he would take avina to the dragon clan.

When the second daughter heard the speech, they were all worried that he was in a coma and that there was some danger in him.Nell sighed: "if the goddess can go with you, it will be safer, but the goddess has to stay in the law-abiding array of mogalon mountain path town."

Diana's mood is also very low: "Ye Feng, I'm really sorry, I have the ability to accompany you, but I can't help you these times."

"It doesn't matter. I can do it alone!"

Ye Feng comforted Diana and told her not to think too much. He could protect himself and avina by himself.

Diana still felt that it was not right. She thought it over carefully: "or Let Wayne go with you again? She is also a demigod. This time, Ali will not go. I have heard about the dragon people. It is said that their people's lowest achievement in adulthood is also a demigod. It's too dangerous for Ali, who is not a semi God. "

Diana's proposal brightened Ye Feng's eyes. Now mogelon mountain trail can go with him to the Dragon habitat, and only Wayne, who is also a demigod and does not need to be a law-abiding array, can help him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded and agreed with Diana's proposal. Naier saw this, but also immediately to inform Wayne, Ye Feng to go to the Dragon news told her.

Wei en a listen to Ye Feng need her help, she is also follow Naier to come to Ye Feng's front.

Looking at the Wayne who came, Ye Feng touched his nose: "Wayne, I'm really sorry. This time I want to trouble you to act with me."

"It doesn't matter, Ye Feng. It's very dangerous to go to the dragon clan this time. It's safer for us to take care of the comatose avina together."

On the surface, she pretends to be serious, but in fact, she is also looking forward to working with Ye Feng.

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