116 go to jail

Shen Qingru sat there thinking for a long time and felt a sense of depression in his heart.

In the next few days, everyone in the house met Shen Qingru and came up with a smile to congratulate her. Shen Huajing and others who used to have a bad relationship with her also rushed to get close to her. Shen Qingru was very annoyed.

However, after Huo Qijun left that day, he never appeared again.

As the days passed, Shen Qingru's uneasiness gradually deepened. He always felt that something would happen. Huo Qijun has promised to tell her his whereabouts anyway, but after so many days, he has no news again. Shen Qingru always feels flustered and thinks about what the "incident" in his mouth will be.

After half a month of panic, a news came from the palace.

Marquis Yunyang was tyrannical, arrogant and domineering. He contradicted his majesty several times. The censors of the censor's desk have written hundreds of copies of him. The copy pointed out that he offended the saint and was against the law.

This has not happened before. Lord Huo is arrogant and arrogant. It's strange that people who have offended have a heavy load of cars and are not ginseng. But this time it was different from the past. The emperor collected all the folds of Duke Yunyang and put them into writing. When it was read out, it directly determined the guilt of Duke Yunyang.

The famous Marquis Yunyang was deprived of the title of marquis and imprisoned in the prison for 50 years. Ten days later, he was demoted to the border and could not return to Korea forever.

As soon as the news spread, the whole capital was shocked. As everyone knows, marquis Yunyang has a heavy army and great power. He has always been the most trusted minister around the emperor. A few months ago, he was granted the crown prince's Junior Division and almost called by the emperor as a son-in-law. Who knows, in just a few days, Yunyang Hou was demoted to the border and fell directly from the clouds into the mud!

The contrast before and after this is too great. It's really impossible to prevent. You naturally feel like a tiger with a king.

This news also caused an uproar in the prime minister's house.

Shen Xinzhi was disappointed at the news. He is still very satisfied with Yunyang Hou's son-in-law. He has a high position and power, is young and promising, and will be able to take care of himself in officialdom in the future. Who knows, before the son-in-law's care, the son-in-law was demoted for three thousand miles and directly demoted to the ghost place where birds don't shit at the border.

He really wanted to repent, but the matter of betrothal had been spread. At this time, the prime minister's face was too ugly.

The old lady and others were very gloating. They took the opportunity to sneer at Shen Qingru. Shen Qingru didn't care, and even felt his originally tight nerves relax. Huo Qijun had no news for so many days. She guessed what might happen every day and worried very much day and night. Now things really happened. It seemed that the knife on her head fell to the ground, which made her feel relieved.

Fortunately, she was just robbed of the title and demoted to the border for a briefing. She was still alive, which was a little better than what she was worried about.

Shen Qingru even came to Yunyang Hou's house leisurely accompanied by aster. Sange, the bodyguard leader of Yunyang Marquis's house, received her with a sad face.

Sanger is really embarrassed. The whole capital knows about his marquis. Naturally, the future Marquis must also know his situation. But now she's wandering around Yunyang Hou's house. The whole person looks more energetic than before. She doesn't worry about the appearance of his Marquis at all.

"Miss Shen, Lord hou... He's fine." Sanger looked at Shen Qingru, who strolled leisurely around the Hou house, and opened his mouth carefully.

"I know." Shen Qingru replied solemnly.

Sanger's head is big. Isn't this lady coming to Hou's house just to inquire about his Marquis? Now I've got the news. Why are you still here.

"Take me to the prison." Sanger's face was black with a light sentence.

Aunt ah, that's the prison of the Ministry of punishment. Is it a place where the guards of the Marquis can go in and out at will? What Miss Shen said is too light.

"Miss Shen, I'm afraid my subordinates... Don't have this ability..." Sanger's face was embarrassed.

"All right." Shen Qingru sighed leisurely and walked outside the Marquis house without looking back: "then I have to ask his Highness the king of Wu. His Highness the king of Wu is always kind. I believe he will not refuse my request."

King Wu? Sanger hesitated slightly. What would his Marquis's reaction be if he knew that Miss Shen had gone to King Wu?

With the jealous eyes of his Marquis, he might blame the poor bodyguard for Miss Shen's appointment with King Wu

Seeing that Shen Qingru's feet were about to step out of the gate of Yunyang Hou's house, Sanger clenched his teeth: "Miss Shen, stay!"

Shen Qingru turned back expressionless. Sanger looked at her and sighed: "my subordinates waited outside the prison of the Ministry of punishment for a long time the day before yesterday. They know the shift order of the people of the Ministry of punishment. Every shift is when their guard is weakest. We can take that opportunity to enter the prison, and then Miss Shen can see the marquis."

Shen Qingru nodded. Sanger looked at her and said anxiously, "the Marquis has just been punished today. Maybe he looks ugly... Please control Miss Shen's mood and don't cry and disturb the guard."

Shen Qingru nodded very skillfully. As long as sangken took her in to see Huo Qijun, she had no opinion whatever he said.

It was night. Sanger kept his promise and flew into the prison with Shen Qingru, all the way to the depths of the prison. In the deepest cell, several guards were sitting together drinking. Sanger pointed up and down and neatly knocked down the guards one by one.

Huo Qijun was deep in his cell. At this time, he had just finished his execution. He leaned against the wall of the room and closed his eyes to rest.

Hearing the movement, Xingmou slightly opened, and his sharp eyes swept outside the cell. At the moment of seeing Shen Qingru, his eyes obviously showed surprise. Looking behind her again, Sanger, wearing night clothes, embarrassed to salute his marquis. Behind him are a group of prison guards who have been ordered acupoints.

"Well, I'll go out to watch the wind first. Hou ye, you and Miss Shen talk slowly." Sanger wisely moved to the outside of the cell.

Shen Qingru walked over step by step, squatted in front of him, looked at the handsome face full of blood, and couldn't help but sour his eyes. Endure and endure, two lines of tears still flow down the snow-white cheeks.

"Don't cry, I'm fine." Huo Qijun's heart seemed to be burned by these two lines of tears, and his bony fingers tried to wipe the tears off her face.

Shen Qingru lets him brush away the tears on his face. However, the tears are endless. They wipe more and more. Shen Qingru bites his lower lip and turns his back to calm his mood slowly.

Half a ring, she turned around, took out a clean handkerchief from her sleeve, and wanted to wipe the blood marks on Huo Qijun's face. Huo Qijun turned his head slightly: "don't wipe, this injury will be left to the people of the Ministry of punishment tomorrow."

The soft Yi holding the handkerchief was slightly sluggish, and Shen Qingru sighed gently. Huo Qijun saw her sad face, so he had to comfort her gently: "this injury is really nothing. When I was in war, the injury was 100 times more serious than this. What is this small injury? If I didn't want to show it to the emperor, this small wound would have scabbed..."

Shen Qingru understood that he was comforting himself, hummed softly, and was busy to check Huo Qijun's other wounds. But listen to the other party suddenly open his mouth, with guilt in his tone: "things come too fast, I don't have a chance to tell you, let you worry about me, I'm really sorry."

Shen Qingru blew the wound for him and said with a sneer, "since you knew something was going to happen, why didn't you tell me earlier? I eat well and sleep well, but there's nothing to worry about."

"By the way, how did you offend the emperor?" Shen Qingru asked curiously.

Huo Qijun was silent and said slowly, "I have the military power in my hand, which was suspected by the emperor. Now, it's just that he took back the military power in my hand by thinking through his hair."

In response to him, Shen Qingru gave a faint "Oh". Huo Qijun looked at the small head blowing wounds for him, and a faint smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: "what about you?"

Shen Qingru looked at him in surprise, but saw each other's beautiful thin lips and suddenly asked a sentence: "do you want to go to the border with me?"

"I've been at the border for five years. It's very comfortable there. There are not so many rules and human relations in the capital. There, no one can bind you, and you will live very freely."

"I think the capital is very good. At least it is rich and lively." Shen Qingru replied impolitely.

Huo Qijun smiled faintly. Just about to open his mouth, he heard the girl around him say in an almost inaudible voice: "I'm willing to go with you, not because I don't like the capital, nor for any freedom, but because I'm willing to go with you."

Huo Qijun looked down at the little woman who bandaged his wound. Although the night was dark, he clearly saw two red clouds on her white face. In the dark, Shen Qingru felt each other's hot eyes and suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "is the border very cold? Is it difficult to eat? Do men and women there wear animal skins?"

Huo Qijun seriously answered her question. The climate at the border is similar to that in the capital, but the wind and sand are slightly larger. The food they eat is mainly beef, mutton and dairy products, but they will certainly bring several cooks to the border to facilitate their eating taste. As for animal skins, the border is remote, and silk, cotton and linen fabrics are expensive. On the contrary, leather is cheap and can keep warm. Therefore, people living in the border often sew robes with leather, rather than wearing animal skins directly.

Shen Qingru listened carefully. The border in Huo Qijun's mouth made her yearn and wanted to have a look. But

She stared at each other with round eyes: "I heard that the men at the border are polygamous. I vilified them and said that in front, I don't want to share a husband with other women. I won't do anything about three obediences and four virtues, female virtues and female precepts. Are you clear?"