The Queen's voice came out of the room, and then she came out supported by two servant girls.

As soon as the empress appears, who can object?

Dantai Wuyue was even more depressed, and just when he wanted to say something, situ enchanting had come to those braziers. If it were to test others, situ enchanting might find it difficult. But these braziers were too simple for her.

In order to practice lightness skills, she didn't know how many wooden stakes she had broken. Those who were old and immortal even put a lot of sharp knives under them in order to make her faster.

Not to mention eight braziers, even eighty, she could walk over to her without changing her face.

When learning lightness skills, the first thing is not to get hurt. Then, we should pay attention to posture. If you look funny when using lightness skills, you might as well not use it.

This is the first point that those old people said to her. And she really paid attention to her posture.

At that time, I felt very boring and didn't know what use it was, but now I think it was really useful.

Situ's enchanting footsteps fell firmly and her posture was very elegant. She carried her skirt to prevent it from touching a trace of fire. Just for a moment, he walked through the eight braziers and came to Mu lingwan.

Situ enchanting came so easily that mu lingwan didn't expect. Don't talk about her. Even the queen is a little surprised. You know, the placement of these eight braziers is quite difficult. She met situ enchanting. Situ enchanting is basically a person with no rules. Can such a person easily cross over?

The queen just doesn't think it's scientific.

And just when everyone was surprised that situ enchanting came so easily, situ enchanting stretched out her hand towards mu lingwan. A look of waiting for help.

Mu lingwan's face changed. It's obvious that the servant girl should do this job.

But situ enchanting had put her hand in front of her. If she didn't take it, she would be said to be impolite. Now, the empress is still there. After thinking and thinking, mu lingwan had to help situ enchanting.

Dantai Wuyue looked at this scene, and a smile crossed his eyes, but it just flashed away.

Situ was enchanting and was supported by mu lingwan and walked into the gate of the prince's house. When I really stepped into the door, I just felt like a dream.

After entering the lobby, the emperor and Queen appeared. General situ stood aside.

Dan Tai Yunyi is the one who marries her to Dan Tai Wuyue.

The man's voice was shallow and slow: "worship heaven and earth."

Situ was enchanting and bowed to the outside by dantai Wuyue.

"After the second emperor worship."

Situ enchanting, let Dan Tai Wuyue play with her, took her to the enemy's rear, and then greeted her. This worship made situ's enchanting heart feel more panic.

"Husband and wife worship each other."

They face each other and bow down again.

"Courtesy!" the simple voice of Dan Tai Yunyi fell, and people's congratulations came in an endless stream.

The empress smiled and said, "it's a great honor to marry into the emperor's house. Situ is enchanting. You should share your worries for the prince in the future. Don't let him be tired of things in the backyard. You should learn not to be arrogant, jealous, proud of favors, and seduce your husband. Being virtuous and virtuous is for the princess."

"Situ enchanting, please follow my mother's instructions." situ enchanting bowed her head.

"Well, this is the wedding gift from the emperor and the palace. Take it away." the queen said and brought a pair of green Ruyi. Sending Ruyi is the most common way.

The person who chooses the gift is naturally the queen. It can be seen that the queen didn't like situ's enchanting marriage.

"Thank you, emperor and empress." situ enchanting took the gift.

"Come on, send the princess down to rest." the queen ordered, and situ enchanting was helped down. After being brought into the new house, situ enchanting just opened his cover. What comes into view is a green color.

Dan Tai has no moon for her. She is really very careful.

In this room, jade is the wall and gold paint is the column.

Everything in the house is also fine.

At the end of the wedding ceremony, Tantai Wuyue will probably be filled with wine until the evening. At this time, situ was enchanting and had a lot of time to rest. At this time, she lost her previous tension.

And just as she was about to fall asleep, she just felt cold on her face. Surprised, she opened her eyes. However, what comes into view is a pair of crimson eyes.

Wind purple Qi!

Looking at these red eyes, situ was enchanting and thought of the name. Looking carefully, it was really him.

And what just fell on her face was his tears.

"Why are you here?" situ got up and looked at the man warily.

Feng Ziqi thought about many kinds of scenes to meet again, but she didn't think it would be the moment of her marriage.

And I never thought that the first thing she asked was why he was here? Why? Oh! If it's said, he doesn't know. Obviously, it is an important moment for him to ascend the throne. Why did he leave everything and come here? Just to see her marry someone else in her wedding dress?

Why, he clearly loves this woman, but her eyes will be vigilant?

Feng Ziqi also has many questions about why she wants to ask.

The silence of Feng Ziqi made situ enchanting and nervous.

"How are you... Recently?" situ enchanting asked after a topic.

"Yes." the man whispered.

"Should I call you Cang, or?"

"I've never been anyone else, but I've always been Cang." the man's voice was good, but situ was even more afraid.

"Congratulations, great wedding." the man's tone was very light, and situ was enchanting and slightly surprised. Seeing her surprise, Feng Ziqi couldn't help laughing: "I never thought that you really like dantai Wuyue, even to the extent of marrying him."

"I didn't expect it myself. Feelings are really wonderful." situ bowed his head and didn't dare to say anything more. Feng Ziqi was not angry, but said, "maybe, have you ever thought about it. Your poison is doomed to be unable to be with him in this life?" Feng Ziqi asked.

"What do you mean?" situ was enchanting and cold.

Feng Ziqi was not angry at all, and seemed to say casually: "At first, after knowing that you were poisoned by Yuehua, I left in a hurry. I couldn't even leave you a letter. The reason... Is that I don't want to leave any evidence to others. But I don't want to look back, but you don't love me anymore. However, even so, I didn't give up investigating Yuehua's poison. Later, I also got results. Yuehua's poison has no solution in the world."

The word "no solution" was like a hammer, which hit situ's enchanting heart.

The miracle doctor said it could be solved.

"The poison of Yuehua is a kind of extremely poisonous poison. After entering the body, it will parasitize in the body until you die. Maybe there is a way to alleviate it, but it is doomed to no solution. Because you are connected with the poison. When the poison is removed, you will die. Naturally, only a few people know this. And in order to verify this fact, I even know it I found the person who had been poisoned. The fact proved that it was true. I asked someone to remove the poison of Yuehua in the human body. Then the person quickly grew old and died in front of me. "Feng Ziqi's tone was still so casual.

However, situ was surprised by his enchanting heart.

If we can't solve it, we can only restrain it. If we restrain it, won't it be at most three years?

Situ's enchanting complexion became ugly. What can be left in three years?

In the end, she can only leave endless pain to dantai Wuyue, can't she?

At the thought of this, situ enchanting was not good for the whole person.

"I'll tell you this. I just hope you don't be silly." seeing situ's enchanting face, Feng Ziqi smiled. The smile became more gentle and flirtatious.

As long as he watched her hesitate, his preparations these days were not in vain.

Dan Tai Wu Yue, Dan Tai Wu Yue, how can you love her? In the end, she can only choose me. After all, I am the only one in the world who can let her live.

"Enchanting... If you want to live, I have a way. But if you want the help of the royal family of the moon Kingdom, you can only be my crown princess." Feng Ziqi's voice is more and more pleasant. Situ enchanting is cold: "I refuse."