Chapter 107

Chapter 107

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 107: On a Pitch-Black Night (1)

Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do.

A memorable place where Yechan and Yeongwoo had their first battle against monsters, as well as where they received the ‘existing fate record’.

Of course, Yechan didn’t revisit this place out of nostalgia.

He came here purely for one reason.

‘Two of them. It’s a windfall.’

By now, he judged that there would be a pile of mutants or descendants of monsters in the Gyeongsangbuk-do area.

As expected, there were two mutant markers in Gumi.

‘On the 2nd and 3rd day, those guys are probably together, right?’

If that’s the case, caution was necessary.

Because by the 3rd day of the reset, the gap in combat power between mutants had become significant.

Just today, he managed to catch about four mutants of the 3rd day, but one of them was unusually strong.

‘There isn’t a single monster.’

Yechan quickly crossed Gumi City and confirmed that there were no blue pillars of light visible around.


There are mainly two reasons why there are no monsters in a neglected city like this.

First, it could be because monster hunters who roam neglected cities like this have swept through.

However, since hunters who search on a city-wide scale generally have a large number of members, it was almost impossible not to encounter mutants.

And secondly, it could be because the mutants themselves drove out the monsters.

‘Probably this one.’

Now Yechan was quite the expert in this world.

After parting ways with Yeongwoo, Gumi’s Strongest Sword, he explored numerous cities and towns.

On the 2nd day of the reset, Yechan, who had parted ways with Yeongwoo, headed not to Seoul but rather to Jeonbuk.

It wasn’t a clear plan; it was the result of vaguely stepping on the pedal with the thought of standing alone from now on.

Also, due to the fact that people are more frightening than monsters, there was also the instinctual desire to head to areas where human presence seemed scarce.

And before long, he realized.

Jeonbuk, Chungnam, Gyeongbuk...

The regions corresponding to the central layer of this country’s terrain became ruins one by one starting from the 2nd day of the reset.

There could be various reasons, but it was mostly because the Strongest Swords of those regions moved elsewhere or died.

For some reason, most Strongest Swords started to move to metropolitan areas like Seoul or Busan after experiencing the first day of the reset.

And this was true not only for the Strongest Swords but also for the residents of those regions.

Is it a human instinct?

Wanting to stay in places with many people if possible.


For Yechan, who had the opposite tendency, it was hard to understand.

Anyway, because the majority left for big cities, the areas Yechan visited were all filled with monsters and mutants.

Thanks to that, sometimes he witnessed the astonishing sight of mutants and monsters waging war.

Of course, on the other hand, there were also cases where monsters negotiated with mutants to obtain territorial rights.

‘It’s definitely an area to avoid stepping foot in.’

So, Yechan targeted areas where only monsters remained because mutants had left for other regions first.

By catching just a few monsters separated from the group, he could significantly increase his abilities.

And when he grew to the point where it was difficult to die against monster opponents, he challenged mutants for the first time.

A snake-shaped mutant perched on the roof of the Muju County Office.

[Muju County Governor – Song Iktae]

Despite his terrifying appearance, his actual power wasn’t that impressive.

Strictly speaking, Yechan, who had caught about a hundred monsters for this challenge, was in an overpowered state.

Easily dispatching the first mutant than expected, Yechan chose 3 million karma without hesitation, and from then on, it was smooth sailing.

Everything encountered in the ruined city was all about money.

20,000 karma for each monster, 3 million for a mutant.

From the 3rd day onward, he began meeting traders who had come from various places, buying equipment and martial arts skills, and as a result, he reached his current state.

And indeed, that seemed to be the case.

「Who do you think you are, trying to stop us?”

Im Taehong’s voice was much more ruthless than before.

At that moment, the surroundings were already filled with pitch-blackness beyond Yechan’s feet, probably a preparation unique to shadow humans.

In response, Yechan shouted as he struck the darkened ground with the spear he had laid out.

“I’ll call myself Gyeongbuk’s Strongest Spear...!”

* * *


A large autonomous district encompassing affluent neighborhoods such as Yeoksam, Cheongdam, and Nonhyeon, collectively known as ‘Gangnam.’

Before the reset, its population was 530,000, making it the third most populous among Seoul’s 25 districts, a ranking that probably hadn’t changed much even now.

Because Gangnam was the neighborhood where all the people of Seoul who were still alive wanted to live.

Of course, this was only true during the tenure of former Strongest Sword Jeong Hyunsik.

Nowadays, rumors about Jeong Hyunsik’s downfall had spread far and wide throughout Gangnam.

And Yeongwoo could clearly feel it.

“Is that him?”

“Is that the Gangnam’s Strongest Sword...?”

“If he’s from Gyeongbuk, is he someone who rose from the provinces?”

“He’s riding on monsters.”

As Yeongwoo followed the guide from the Taewon Group’s Intelligence Team from Cheongdam Bridge to COEX in Samseong-dong, residents who came out to wait on the streets didn’t stop murmuring.

‘If I had known it would be like this, I would have just said I would take a car.’

Yeongwoo squinted his eyes as he saw even more people gathering on the other side.

When he was about to exit Cheongdam Bridge, the Taewon Group staff clearly suggested taking the car they had brought along since there would be a lot of people on the way.

However, at that time, he refused because he felt it would be more uncomfortable to leave Negwig behind and follow alone.

‘But it was a big mistake.’

When Yeongwoo looked back, he could see that the residents who had been following him closely on the road were taken aback.

Anyway, they were curious about the person who would follow in Jeong Hyunsik’s footsteps to protect this area.

Then, the mobile police officers on bikes who were following near Yeongwoo formed a kind of barrier, separating the residents from Yeongwoo, allowing him some distance.

And in the meantime, COEX in Samseong-dong, which was used as the headquarters of the Taewon Group, came into view.

It was a strategically important area with the Han River to the north and Tancheon to the east, with an overwhelming land area and buildings.

It was especially a masterpiece of artificial construction where you could secure even the most valuable resource in this world, ‘residence,’ as it was adjacent to the InterContinental Hotel and the Parnas Hotel.

‘So, Taewon is Gangnam.’

Yeongwoo widened his eyes as he saw another long procession of Taewon’s intelligence in front of COEX.

Surely, not all of these people were actual Taewon employees...

Most likely, after the reset, Taewon absorbed numerous personnel in the process of taking control of Gangnam.

Anyway, Yeongwoo passed through the bureaucratic hospitality procession and reached the entrance of COEX.

There, a middle-aged man with security guards stood waiting and slowly approached Yeongwoo.

“Oh... Mr. Jeong Yeongwoo!”

This well-built man in his 50s was named Baek Dohwan, 47 years old.

He was a former Taewon Life CEO and the current CEO of the Taewon Group, making him a significant figure in Gangnam’s administration.

“I’ve heard a lot about you. You must have been through a lot. I’m Baek Dohwan from Taewon.”

Baek Dohwan glanced at Yeongwoo, slightly bowing his waist.

He was assessing what kind of person he was dealing with.

But Yeongwoo didn’t care about such things.

Suddenly, as the Serpent of Greed raised its head, he looked beyond COEX.


Startled by the sound, Baek Dohwan took a step back, and then Yeongwoo asked.

“What’s up there?”

Yeongwoo pointed vaguely with his hand, but Baek Dohwan immediately understood what he was looking for.

“Most likely... You’re referring to the former Strongest Sword’s office.”

Because, coincidentally, there was the office of Jeong Hyunsik where Yeongwoo pointed.

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]