Chapter 243

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

Chapter 243: Powdered Bean (3)

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It was literally a rain of steel bullets shooting down.

However, the martial prowess of Joseon’s Strongest Sword was not ordinary, and he swiftly dodged the steel fragments aiming for his head.

“Uh-oh? Uncle, this is a bit much.”

As Yeongwoo frowned at the steel fragment deeply embedded in the ground, a rough burst of noise echoed from the sky, almost as if responding to his reaction.


And then.


This time, a broader range of steel rain poured down towards Yeongwoo’s head.

“No, you bastard.”

As his nephew kept evading the attacks, the steel rain’s range was increased to make it harder to dodge.

Of course, it was an absurd attack to snipe an unrivaled demon.


Yeongwoo leisurely evaded the attack again and looked up at the sky.

He was annoyed that his uncle had launched a sudden attack, but it didn’t seem like he was an entirely unreasonable opponent.



As evident from the rain pouring down again, his uncle... Song Taeho, wasn’t using his full strength.

‘Making sure the rain hits me is actually simple.’

That would be to make it rain over the entire area where Yeongwoo was staying.

However, Song Taeho only poured down a shower with a diameter of about three meters, so Yeongwoo could avoid the rain without a scratch.


‘Why? Could it be that he really doesn’t want to damage the city?’

Yeongwoo had some grounds for this speculation.

—Why are there so many rats in my city? The stench is overwhelming.

When his uncle started the steel rain, he had uttered such a line.

My city.

This indicated that Song Taeho still had some sense of this world despite becoming a mutant.


A burst of noise echoed from the sky again.

It meant that Song Taeho was preparing for another shot.


In response, Yeongwoo hurriedly looked up to the sky and shouted.

“Uncle! Wait! Just a moment!”

And the rain really stopped.

It was as if he was being told to finish his words.

So, after confirming that there was still a mutant mark in Gwangjin-gu, Yeongwoo addressed his uncle in the sky.

“You don’t want the buildings here to get damaged, do you? Neither do I.”

Yeongwoo spread his arms as if he had no intention of fighting now, and finally, Song Taeho spoke from beyond the clouds.


Song Taeho.

The eldest son of Jinhyeon Group, the second-ranked conglomerate in the country, and a high-risk mutant in Seoul on the sixth day of the reset.

A dragon manipulating steel and the eldest uncle of Joseon’s Strongest Sword, Jeong Yeongwoo.

He was definitely different from the mutants Yeongwoo had seen before.

Despite gaining the powerful status of a dragon, he wasn’t massacring people indiscriminately but was only trying to kill monsters and his weird nephew.

“You can’t kill me with the rain you’re sending now. So you’ll have to come down yourself... and I bet you’re enormous, right?”


Song Taeho didn’t give a clear answer to Yeongwoo’s words.

However, the withheld steel rain didn’t pour down again, so Yeongwoo continued.

“But if you come down to the middle of Gangnam, the buildings will get destroyed while we fight... and I don’t want that either.”

Finally, Song Taeho spoke again.

—So what’s your point? Get to the point.


A burst of noise echoed from the sky again.

In response, Yeongwoo pointed to Gwangjin-gu across the river.

“If you don’t mind, let’s fight somewhere quiet.”

—What? Fight?

“Let’s settle this by fighting. The winner gets Gangnam. Though it is technically already my city.”

As Yeongwoo said this and scratched his chin with the tip of his Bastard, Song Taeho’s furious voice pierced through.

—You bastard with no name in the family registry, what did you say?

His uncle was flying over there.

‘He’s close.’

After confirming his uncle’s position, Yeongwoo immediately grabbed the White Fire with both hands.


Then, as he gripped the bow tightly, red scratches appeared on his arm, and blood began to flow.

The steel rain that the Golden Trail had been blocking now started to hit Yeongwoo.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Even though Yeongwoo was wrapped in various defense equipment effects, including the ‘attack ability reduction’ of the Golden Oath, it was never easy to fully endure the pouring steel rain.

The speed at which his flesh was torn off by the steel rain was faster than his body’s recovery speed, turning Yeongwoo into a moving piece of meat in an instant.

If it weren’t for the berserker talisman blocking the pain, he would have gone mad long ago.

“Ugh, is this right?”

A display of human anatomy.

Yeongwoo, with his skin almost completely peeled off, aimed the bow at his uncle.

Though his muscles were beginning to be damaged, he still had enough strength to draw the bowstring fully.


“Uncle! Your nephew formally greets you!”

Yeongwoo greeted his uncle, who was attacking him cowardly by only sending down rain, and then immediately released the bowstring.


A highly dense energy gathered in front of the bow, then shot out an arrow with enough power to down even a god.


The special arrow from Dogo flew across the sky, concealed from detection.

Since there was no chance this arrow would miss, Yeongwoo sprinted towards his uncle’s expected crash site.

Splat, splat!

Blood oozed from the peeled skin of his feet, making his footsteps sound sticky.



A powerful explosion echoed from beyond the clouds, and a large shadow flickered.

The arrow had hit Song Taeho.


Although his uncle didn’t groan, Yeongwoo, boasting a 100% mutant kill rate, was certain.

He was sure he would soon see his uncle’s grand physique.

And indeed.


A colossal presence emerged, sending shivers down his spine as Song Taeho appeared, occupying a whole section of the sky.



At the sight of Song Taeho breaking through the clouds, Yeongwoo couldn’t help but gape in awe.

It looked less like a dragon and more like an aircraft carrier falling from the sky.

Song Taeho was much bigger than the Poison Dragon Im Kwangho who had appeared yesterday.

Song Taeho, whose entire body was made of steel, measured roughly 40 meters in length.

This meant that if such a monster had fallen in Gangnam, much of the precious residential area would have been lost.

In a way, Song Taeho, cherishing the city while claiming to be its ruler, had preserved Seoul’s assets.

‘I want him...!’

How wonderful it would be to summon this giant from an alien planet and let him rampage freely.

Yeongwoo’s eyes sparkled as he looked at his uncle’s body, too massive to be contained in Gangnam-gu.

And then.


Song Taeho crashed in the middle of Gwangjin-gu.


His first groan finally came out.

The impact of the crash was significant, causing the steel rain to momentarily stop, and the sky cleared up.

Yeongwoo, with his blood-red feet, ran towards his uncle, shouting.

“Uncle, uncle! Are you okay? You’re still alive, right?”

Song Taeho slowly lifted his head from where it was buried in the ground.

—You crazy bastard, what are you suddenly saying now?

However, Yeongwoo’s concern wasn’t precisely about Song Taeho’s survival.

“Oh! It’s not that, this is a major battle!”


Feeling an inexplicable sense of fear from his nephew’s out-of-place remark, Song Taeho was stunned.

Soon, from the other side, Yeongwoo, leaving red footprints, spoke even more terrifying words.

“This battle is brought to you with the support...!”

[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]