63 4. The Return of the Rock Titans (Previous)

The settlement of the Rock Giant (Jarloot) is dotted everywhere.

They had never come together in the unit of a country, only on a large scale that could be called a tribe.

And Exile's homeland is no exception to that. No, you'd be the smaller of them.

Valtrude with that sentiment when he sees a settlement that only looks a little bigger from above.

The three Valtrudes, Exile and Jonah, who left to the end of the king's capital by Jonah's Teleport, finally reached their destination after several more hours of empty journeys by the power of Flight.

There, the western edge of the Rotosilt kingdom.

Once disputed with Yut - precisely, it was turned back - there is a birthplace of Exile within the Baldur peripheral uncle territory.

Most of all, he was not recognized as a citizen and was allowed an autonomy in the name of abandonment.

That would be natural, too. Who likes to reach further behind the border? Too much work, too little in return.

I'll take care of the negotiations.

The road that connects the settlement to the outside.

The three of them went down there somewhat more than the rock. You just need to walk a little because you can't even appear in the middle of a settlement all of a sudden.


Exile nodded slightly to Valtrude's confirmation.

Both of you, fully armed today.

Valtroude wears a magical silver (Mithral) armor and has the Divine Subjugator sword on her hips.

The same glowing beauty. And a battle outfit suits her best. Just about ten days ago, a prestigious and prestigious establishment that I don't think has just ended a fierce battle with the sub-gods.

If that Valtrude were to be the beauty of heaven, Exile was a forged, but boneless weapon wielded on earth.

Dragon Scale (Dragon Skyle) armor is a living witness to the fierce battle against Ig Nus-Zad. The repair is over. There are no practical problems, but the scratches and stains are still there.

Spike flails, like the anchor you carried, will also notice, if you look closely, that the part is missing.

But I don't see a blade spill in its owner, Exile.

The Yuts know.

That Exile is pursuing strength in its natural flesh every day with a grinding wheel called workout. There is no compromise there, even the word stoic is slightly warm.

Exactly, a weapon, forged to beat the enemy and destroy the barrier.

Valtrude is noble and beautiful just because it exists there.

But Exile is different.

At first glance, it's just a boneless tool. But the tools show true value by being wielded. If there is beauty there, there is nothing more than functional beauty.

The two people who would contend for the strongest seats in this Brewers are in contrast to each other.

That's why they were two worthy to negotiate with rock giants who believed in power.

"Hey. Didn't you do something?

Jonah walks ahead, looks back at them and asks.

"Oh. It's La G., isn't it?

"La Gu?"

Tell Jonah to stop walking backwards because it's dangerous, and Valtrude will listen back just like him.

"Right. You don't do humans."

Exile abandoned the explanation lightly, saying it would be quicker to see than to explain.

But that sport - perhaps - taking place in the corner of the settlement was utterly unclear, even as it gradually came close and clearly visible.

If Yut or Akane had seen it, he would have had the impression that it was similar to baseball.

In the middle of the field, a pitcher and a rock giant swung a round stone instead of a ball and threw it like a shell.

Another rock giant who supposedly played the role of a batter launched it at will with as many sticks as Jonah.

The other rock giants scattered on the field take the ball - keep it - away from us. Unlike baseball, neither the offensive nor the defensive seem to have anything to do with it.

And the other players who couldn't be directly involved in the ball were... beating each other up.

Apparently, the rule is to lose if anything but a foot touches the ground, and the player who falls on the ground and breaks his knee is turning to the look without getting involved in the game.

"Fair enough."

Exile makes criticisms like saying things from above, but Valtrude and Yona, of course, don't know the difference.

Eventually, one rock giant who secures the ball kicks his enemies, and his allies protect that rock giant while covering him, where the pitchers and batters were, home base he says in baseball. Aim to walk like a big horse.

The pitcher and the batter were also beating each other and the pitcher was winning. Is the cause of defeat that the bat could not be used?

The last fort and its pitcher stands in front of the player holding the ball - but gets a shoulder tackle and gets blown away.

Run straight through the field and ball where the batter was standing. No, put the rock down and explode the joy.

Apparently, it was like scoring on the offensive side.

A circle of joy, like when you score a goal in football, can center on the scorer. For such a rough blessing, there seemed to be only losers on the spot.

This is the game landscape of La Gu, a sport traditionally played by the Rock Giants.

Even if it weren't for Yut, you'd say:



However, there was not a single human being with a decent sensibility on this occasion.

"That's awesome."

Even though I said I was impressed, Valtrude nods loudly over and over again.

"But if I were you, don't strike back at your people directly."

Besides, it was full of motivation.

Badly between, good sense and common sense humans stopping it are out of stock.

Jonah also asks questions about the rules as if they were motivating.

"What happens if I empty this?

"One loser."

"Why don't you throw it where you can't beat it back?

"If it lasts three, you win."

"Why don't you smash that stone with a stick?


Are you willing or unwilling to give an explanation? It's not hard to understand, but for now, it seems to win or lose the offensive side perspective.

"What if that stone you've thrown hits your body?

"Lose. But it's against the rule to target your body in a row. As a coward, he is pursued with stones"

"No. Conversely, the aim is to crush the stick..."

It was Valtrude starting to work out La Gu tactics, but unfortunately for her, she didn't seem to get a chance to participate.

Three approaching strangers.

No, look at Exile, the rock giants who were interested in La Gu make a fuss. Neither welcome nor rejection. He wants to explore it in a far-winded fashion.

One of these days, as I recall, some of them run towards the settlement.

"You don't seem very welcome."

Speaking of which, why did Exile leave this settlement and never try to go home before? The Valtrudes didn't know why.

I'm not shallow enough to leak discontent if I'm not trusted because you won't talk to me, but I don't think this rock giant who's oligarchy will speak for himself. Reflect on whether you should have listened properly.

But it's also for a moment.

"Well, it won't change what you do"

"Right. Oh, someone's coming running."

Ahead of where Jonah pointed, there was a relatively small rock giant.

I can see it rocking the earth so hard that I could hear it slowly and so desperately rushing over. Compared to Exile, his chest is sticking out and he has a small face, and the making of his face is somewhat delicate.

It's the first time I've seen it, but I guess it's a rock giant woman.

The girlfriend jumped into Exile's chest with the momentum to hit her.


"Don't say it with pleasure, Yona"

It was the usual bar reading, but they passed on the excitement. Valtrude slaps Albino girl in the head with a knack.

But the situation was beyond their imagination.

"Brother-in-law! Where have you been so far!


Jonah seems strange.

When I don't understand the meaning of the word, I tilt my neck cutely.

And that's the same for Valtrude. They're two people who don't look alike at all, but react very similarly like their sisters.

"You know that too, Sualum"

"But if he was alive,"

"It's up to me to do what I want to do after I've served my purpose..."

On the other hand, they really are brothers and sisters these two. But Exile shook off his obsessive sister.

"Then why did you come back?"

"It's for a friend."

Exile's sister-in-law, known as Sualum, can't say anything to that exact word.

"My brother-in-law is cowardly..."

"I'm here for you. Do you have a chief?

"Chieftain - if you're my father-in-law, you're at home..."


One nod, and just saying he lost interest in it, Exile moves on without hesitation to the center of the settlement.

To Valtrude, Jonah. And Sualum also followed that rock giant.

Because you know you're following me?

Without even turning around, Exile said.

"You've grown, Sualum. Still no kids?

"Marriage, too, not yet..."

"Right. The men in there don't have eyes to see."


Sualum waves his hand up like he was angry, but it never waves down, dyeing his cheeks and saying something in his toes and mouth.

Looks like it's lit. Very difficult to understand though.

"Something, Egg is your brother..."

"What a surprise to say..."

"I mean, this is that one, right?

"Being a bystander is such an easy thing to understand..."

For an unexpected development, two people as big as the cat I've borrowed.

I decide not to think about the other rock giants that are far-winded for now. If I had to, Exile would say something.

"But less people?

"Right... right"

Valtrude answered in the sky above for a reason.

Behind the settlement.

A painting lined with piles of wood.

Habits are somewhat similar, even when one says the race is different. If you think about it, I guess that's a cemetery over there.

That's good.

But this is a really small settlement. If he returns to Exile to a stranger, it's going to be a total settlement outburst, but he doesn't seem to have a hundred people looking around.

By contrast, there were too many piles standing in the cemetery.

"You're no different."

With the voice of Exile, Valtrude's consciousness is drawn back to reality.

In front of him, who stopped, there was a building like a digging cabin, albeit of the same size as a rock giant.

Again, if you haven't done so yet compared to other residences.

They live by hunting and mountain grace, as Yut said. To what extent does the means of obtaining cash go to sell meat and fur of prey?

Not the door, but the goodwill cloth, and Exile enters the house, hastily followed.

"What are you doing here?"

From over my head, my voice came down.

That is not an illusion.

The rocky man sitting in front of him, even in that position, Jonah is barely higher in head than Valtrude.

The kind of rock giant that made the Exile bigger and more severe around.

Exactly, a boulder.

"My father-in-law, to my brother-in-law..."

Shut up your righteous daughter at a glance without saying anything.

"Ask just one more time. What do you want?"

I'm not saying I'm back often.

He sounds like a father and son, he has no words.

Also, that was the same for Exile.

"I'll be the chief. For that, I'm back."

Father. No, he sat somewhere in front of the chief, saying it was the established fact that that was the decision.

Exile made a grand declaration.