366 1. At the end of the day

"It's been a long day."

"Oh, I guess I can do a lot of things."

"Didn't the stuff I had accumulated while I was away flood out all at once?

"I can tell you from the beginning that this will be compassionate."


Looking up, there's a starry sky that's different, but familiar, to Earth.

Sometimes expressed in terms of the number of stars you can see that the air is beautiful and the environment is good, but certainly, the starry sky you can see from here is exceptional.

However, I can't say how it compares to Earth because I haven't lived like a stargazing starry sky from time to time. There must be a good place and a romance for both.

"But I didn't expect a challenger to Exile to visit like a mountain on the day of the martial arts tournament proposal. It must be God's dispensation."

"Actually, we look like gods too."

Yut and Valtrude were leaving the castle fortress in Falve to visit the hot spring facility near Hardenturm.

Two people exchanging words, soaking in an open-air bath.

Yut stirs the water in a breaststroke like motion without meaning, creating ripples on the surface of the water.

Valtrude, sitting in the staircase and only in the water in his lower body, looked at it funny.

Under the starlight, the Holy Virgin of Helenonia sparingly exposes herself to an unbridled appearance. No, you're only exposed to your loved ones. That won't change forever.

The golden thread-like hair tied together without getting wet reflects the starlight and creates a fantastic sight.

From the nod, shoulders. And the chest-to-hips line, which draws some kind of curve, must be difficult to reproduce even the goddess of beauty and art.

Smudgeless, fresh, snowy skin sprinkles with water and shows off only to her husband, who loves a beautiful and demonic luster in hot smoke.

The perfect shape was there.

"Does that mean we should host"

I'm kidding, but I'm totally serious.

To Yut, I know because I'm Yut.

There was a proposal from Regrax for a martial arts tournament, but it also meant that sooner or later, someone would have said that it would be held.

"But I don't have the benefit of taking it this way,"

In front of his wife, arguably the finished form of beauty, Yut, who monopolized it, looked up at the starry sky without looking directly at it.

The reason is extremely simple. If we don't, we can't talk like this.

"I wouldn't be talking about the damage"

"Is that a matter of pride?


"I believe in old men, too."

The Rock Titans (Jarloot) appeared on the realm. The reason they went for the Marquis d 'Istas in large numbers was something extremely simple like them, though I didn't even anticipate it.

From Nemsak, the rock giant race god "Silver Climber," a divine commission was sent down to the chiefs of each tribe.

A rock giant named Exile will raise martial arts comparable to divine killing. He that remembereth in his arms shall not challenge him.

And if he leaves all the challengers, I will admit and bless the Great Sheikh.

If you translate that plainly, there's a strong man called Exile, so fight him. If he loses, it means he's under his command.

Strong guy is great.

Actually, it's easy to understand.

Moreover, from the time they came to the realm, it seemed that they had sent down their divinity at a stage before they fought the Murgush God.

The sooner the better, the better.

And then, I really like Exile.

If Larsia hadn't stopped, the brawl would have started on the spot. Although we managed to accommodate the Knights of the Rock Giants in the garrison, we can't stay put forever.

"That's right. Exile is not a problem. Besides, isn't Nemsak God saying anything about losing?"

"No, I'm telling you."

"... say something strange"

Grabbing her shoulders to the water again, keeping her face closer together, Valtrude tries to ask Yut's sincerity. At the same time that I was used to seeing it, a cheerful beauty that I never tired of seeing approached me and took a lot of hard work to endure hugging me.

He said, "You don't have to get that close. Explain properly."

Neither can her claims be said to be mistakes.

Except for the fact that the interpretation is too honest.

"An old man who has left all challengers will be a great chief"


"If so, if you beat an old man, it's not weird that he's a great chief"

"Well, yeah."

If you say so much, you can also see the painting presented by Yut in Valtrude.

"In case. Almost impossible, but you don't know how the Exile will be treated depending on the winner's intentions"

"Oh. Worst case scenario, I might be pulled away from the Marquis Istas."


The Holy Virgin of Helenonia, who simmered the air into her mouth with dissatisfaction, swells her cheeks full and sinks into the hot spring to half her face.

Yut continued, poking at his adorable wife's cheek like that.

"Well, there's the problem of distance, and I guess not everyone got together. In the meantime, I'll let you take your time. I'm gonna have to ask you to stay out of this for a while."

"So, can't you be dissatisfied?

"We'll just have to convince him around there about a grace period to decide how to play a fair game, or to get his old man's gear new before he takes it"

Of course, in the meantime, Exile will have him identified. I don't mind being too cautious or being called cowardly.

Maybe we'll break up with Exile. If you want to avoid it, do whatever it takes.

"Oh, yeah. I'm guessing we'll make Exile armor and shields, right?

'Cause they broke it.'

"What kind of ability do you make it?

Yut opens his mouth with a bitter smile at Valtrude, who shines his eyes.

"The shield, as always. However, it was decided to change the material to adamantine for added endurance"

"That's a reasonable place."

Yeah nodding, Valtrude may recall the sight of an autonomously running shield being tragically cut off by the Murgush God's Battle Axe (Battleax).

At a distance you reach, if they do that while uplifting your cheeks, Yut will also have difficulty keeping calm.

But I feel like I lost interrupting the conversation here. Driven by the mysterious will, he summoned reason.

"The armor is going to demonize the owner's flesh for each piece of equipment when he speaks the word"

"I thought we were talking about armor?

"I'm talking about armor."


Exile that even divine liberation (purge) will become immense. Completely, the direction had been set.

The attack is taken with the flesh and punched through.

Can it be called a battle at all?

Aren't you just beating and breaking it?

Correct. That allegation is correct, not above all.

It's just that it's also the highest peak of humanity. No, unless you elevate it to the realm of God. Extreme power is no tactics, no schemes, no ploys. And it will be a force to crush the same violence.

"You think I'm jealous, don't you?

"I don't... I do"

It's completely incredible from the outside, but Valtrude's muscle strength and endurance are no worse than Exile's. Excellent judgment in combat, however, with agility over rock giants.

And the love from the Hellenonian God led me to have a different style of combat. To an excellent sword technique and a style specializing in defeating to beings with evil phases.

More importantly, given the balance, I can't help but do the same.

Even if I'm so convinced, I envy that powerful and simple style.

Yut knew that.

Exile also remembers feelings similar to his longing for the way Valtrude fought.

The relationship is something you can't have in Yut.

"I'd rather be jealous"

"... what do you mean?

"If you can guess, I'll reward you. Of course, there will be martial arts tournaments."

"No, no, that should be done for granted. We should do it. We'll have to do it."

"The operation has a lot of work to do."

"Are we turning our talented people to new jobs instead of less effort?"

Bring up the Ludiger Hausa thing and tell Valtrude to screw around.

It's more like a dog taking a walk than a woman giving away a gem, but that worked better for Yut.

My body is too warm and my head is getting confused.

Perhaps it fits.


It's been a busy day.

As a conclusion to that, why are we leaving the castle fortress of Falve to get here?

The reason is the potency of the hot springs that the Hellenonian God gave it.

For that, I came all the way here. It's the same as declaring what you're trying to do. Honestly, I wonder.

"Me too, Yut, that, what. It's about time..."


But that's it now, too.

Simply love each other.

Trying to do more than that. At least you're here with that intent, but now you can fix it.

Let's go to your room.

Take an unspoilt hand like fresh snow, and Yut invites Valtrude.

She nodded as if she were a maiden.